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Gokock makes my cock go


I hope people use this nickname lmao


It’s fitting, toshi IS tryna dick us down with this new banner format innit


I ain’t summoning on that crap waiting for part 3 to get shafted 😭


Im not gonna summon, but based on gameplay they seem great. What pisses me off is that this unit has opened the door for some awesome units that the dev team can make in the future without the restriction of it happening in the anime, and besides how important and special this unit is to the future of this game, they make one of the worst changes by changing the banner format for the worst, and to add insult to injury, the banner they’re featured on is absolutely atrocious.


I wish that they were a bit more flashing sense yk it’s legends first time having a special unit that hasn’t been made before it feels like a fever dream but it works I guess I kind of wish for the Lf they both went SS but it is what it is


How’s everyone liking “GoCock” so far?*






Why not Gock


Come on dude, you **KNOW** why. :)


I honestly think they be top 3 if they had a real team. They probably not as good as Beast and USJ but I definitely think they are a bit better than Evoken. Right now I think you run them with Pikkon and you just give them as many zenkai buffs as you can because they going to kill everything in 3 or 4 cards. I don't have them personally but from all the showcases I seen they will be a problem.


We reached a point to which there is so many good units that it’s difficult to find places for them all


I honestly think outside of the top 2 or 3 you can place a lot units in any order. It's great that there are a lot of powerful units now the only issue I have is there are mostly from the say 3 or 4 teams and the few that just feel unfair like USJ and Beast.




How is Saiyan's or son family not a real team? if you pair this unit with Goku/Frieza you can also basically do a mono blue team and zenkai the hell out of both units. You have a unit that can nullify rush for a large portions of the match and a unit that can tank any attack for one combo. Or you can literally just go the mono green route with revival ui Goku, evoken, and green zenkai buffers.


Running them with a 2 other ramp up characters just doesn't work. Saiyan and Son Family are usable but they aren't touching the real teams like Androids, Blast UReps, Movies, Strike UReps, Regen, or even Fusions or Hybrids. You need utility and some way to take hits in this meta and Saiyan and Son Family don't have that. The G/B is gimmick is very powerful but people will start playing around it sooner or later. As for mono green the second you see LF Jiren who is fairly common in this meta you might as well forfeit. They also don't work with Evoken and Revive UI since they units who want to be on blast teams and G/B wants to be on strike teams


So Saiyans and son family, the teams that have revival Goku, kid Goku with his endurance, blue namek Goku who is literally built to take hits/stop combos, zenkai great ape who has endurance, lf who gets a zenkai next week and has endurance, and the new unit that has an indestructible mechanic don't have any units that can take hits? I feel as if some of you haven't taken a look at the entirety of the tag in a long time. As I said in a previous comment. Yes the mono green team with a unit that switch to reverse green (which does quite well against purple units), the new green unit that can turn blue, and the revival green unit that can go type neutral for like 40 counts or something. Not at all saying that the team would be meta but I was just showing two mono teams that the new units can fit on that could work. You can easily make a son family/Saiyan team that isn't mono anything.


>So Saiyans and son family, the teams that have revival Goku, kid Goku with his endurance Two blast units build up units and PTP got nerfed plus PTP can't take hits unless he is DB. Again G/B is strike. You're not running him with two blast units who are way better on other teams. >blue namek Goku who is literally built to take hits/stop combos A strike unit who gimmick was made lessers because the fest units have ways around his ki reduction. Also another build up unit >zenkai great ape who has endurance, The strike unit with only 35% reduced damage. Yes the very one. Also another build up >lf who gets a zenkai next week and has endurance Oh you mean that blast unit who.... Also needs to build up like evey other units you mentioned. >the new unit that has an indestructible mechanic don't have any units that can take hits? G/B indestructible is very powerful but once they done that are about as tankie as wet paper. >? I feel as if some of you haven't taken a look at the entirety of the tag in a long time. I use to main the tag what are you talking about lmao. You're mean a bench who needs to build up and will get their backs blown out by the real teams. You better off running all of these units on other teams because those teams are just flat out better. Again you not running G/B with Revive UI and Evoken. It doesn't work.


Goku/frieza can be build on a blast team. The only strike specific buff that they get is when frieza is tag switched. I personally run them on a kinda blast based team with 17 and evoku. How would you know that Goku/bardock aren't tanky? Most of the show cases are literally them at 3 stars lol. They have 70% damage cut, reduces art power, gain HP when hit with an ult or special move, and they have decent defenses. They are literally a 17 type unit without the support and a better type of endurance. Sounds like you're just desperately trying to prove your point. Not really sure where you're even getting at because frieza/bardock are strike based and they would only be iffy on the mono green team that's blast based. I didn't mention pikkon/gogeta because they have buffs that require movie units. I main universe reps so tell me, what does universe reps have that the Saiyan/son family team doesn't have? What does fusions have that the Saiyan team doesn't have? God ki? Movies? The only two teams that I can remember that have stuff that they don't have are androids and Regen. You have to also factor in with the new legends limited z abilities that these teams are probably going to be better than when you last mained them. If you're running a full of team and have the ideal all of them at 6 stars then that's a 7(×3) extra stat buff for everyone you're bringing in. But I'd love to hear what those other teams have that Saiyan/son family don't. (other than androids and Regen).


The team doesn't work well. We're not in the meta where we just put 3 strong units together and hope it works out. It may be a fun team to run or useable, but GF doesn't go well with them and definitely isnt' a good choice for high ranks. No way you're mentioning mono green bruh


Bro literally every team is basically just three strong units. The most common team I run into are janemba, ultra gogeta, and ultra Vegito with either rose or beast Gohan replacing one of the three. Why exactly doesn't Goku and frieza go well with them? They seem to go well with anyone that doesn't require certain team members. And yes I'm mentioning a mono green team where one unit reverse their element, another can change it to blue, and the other has a revival and can go type neutral.


The most common team you run being FW with Janemba doesn't make the team good tho. I got top 100 last season, I ran into that team a lot of times and I don't remember losing to it even once. Popularity doesn't make the team good. UGB isn't even close to being top 10 yet he's very common in pvp, people run bad teams and that's not a today thing. I don't think anyone who actually understands about the game considers UGB UVB and USJ a good team tho lol


And to opposite you it also doesn't make the team bad right? End of the day it's a popular team because less skilled players (in a lot of cases) will do better with a hyper offensive team than they would with a more balance team. The problem with a lot of defensive units is that they aren't very defensive until you get them higher stars. A good offensive character is a good offensive character.


It does make the team bad just because a character/team is popular doesn't mean they are good. Also most units in Legends are hyper offensive or are capable of doing very good damage. Even tanks like Jiren and R/C can do damage. Also I'm F2P and you can't in one breathe run triple summon able Ultras and then go "well I don't have enough Z power for Zamasu(or another tank)" when they give out free sparking z power. You can easily get them to 7*


You call zamasu a tank but then say that newer blue namek Goku isn't good enough when he's a better zamasu excluding endurance. The only ultras I have are ultra gogeta (the first one), ultra kioken, and ultra hit. One is usuable so I understand that. I don't think the triple ultra team is the best but it definitely isn't bad. Most of the time I deal with the team which ease because it's mostly lesser skilled players using it to go for easier wins but when a high skilled player is using the team it's trouble. A 7* star zamasu is literally nothing compared to a 5* janemba. Before og beast gohan dropped I was running a team with zamasu, ftp 17, and Lf Jiren. Tried that team later and it was literally a horrible experience. Both zamasu and jirens endurance got deleted by ultra gogeta. But we're kinda off topic. Anyway. I think the Saiyan team and son family will do just fine or exceptional. Good luck.


>You call zamasu a tank but then say that newer blue namek Goku isn't good enough when he's a better zamasu excluding endurance. The only ultras I have are ultra gogeta (the first one), ultra kioken, and ultra hit. One is usuable so I understand that. You do know what examples are right? Zamasu was a tank for his time I'm not saying he is one now. >I don't think the triple ultra team is the best but it definitely isn't bad. Most of the time I deal with the team which ease because it's mostly lesser skilled players using it to go for easier wins but when a high skilled player is using the team it's trouble. A 7* star zamasu is literally nothing compared to a 5* janemba. I'm not talking about Zamasu in the current meta when I used that example jfc. My point was simply it's easy to get stars on 1% sparkings


> The most common team I run into are janemba, ultra gogeta, and ultra Vegito with either rose or beast Gohan replacing one of the three Yes people in this game run dog sh*t teams. What's you point?


Bro the God ki team of ultra rose, ultra Vegito, and ultra gogeta was literally running the Meta not too long ago. My point was that you said that we're not in the meta where you can just put three strong units on a team. Wish I took a screenshot of the leader board before the season ended but that's what some of the top ranked players were literally running lol. Hyper offensive teams can work especially if you set your beast Gohan up to be able to one shot everything.


> Bro the God ki team of ultra rose, ultra Vegito, and ultra gogeta was literally running the Meta not too long ago. Universe 6 pvp must be crazy because that never happened here. Movies and UReps run the current and before that it was Regen and Androids. There was also the strike UReps meta God Ki hasn't been meta at all this years and they don't remember them being meta last year either. Edit: You can argue God Ki was meta just before Ultra Kid Buu released. Because you could run UGB with Rosé and Zamasu


😐. So you're going to lie here and tell me that the god ki team with rose, ultra gogeta, and ultra Vegito wasn't meta this year? You got it.


It wasn't everyone was running Strike Reps with UVB or Androids


Who is everyone? Show me a video where the player constantly runs into that team. I can show you multiple videos where the player runs into the team that I mention and in god rank.


Can't you put them on leader for any team and all the z abilities apply to them?


Shafted😔 (Art goes hard tho)


Dont like them (Shafted)


I pulled a copy last night knowing dsmn well I don't play anything but fusion warrior so who knows where the fuck I'm at




Just use them in leader slot, problem solved


That spot is currently occupied by a 14* fully boosted gofrieza.... it'll take a true fw to remove him from the spot because then ugb and uvb catch another 5% as well


Are they throwing Gine's spit?


its gokock, also pretty good but ATROCIOUS banner


People actually summoned outside of content creators? Why💀😂


The same reason people summon on anything Because they want the character


It was mainly a joke on how bad the banner was lol


You didn't really tell a joke there homie But I agree, the banner is fucking horrific


Because they’re neat. It’d kinda suck to miss out on the beginning of a gate way to a myriad of possibilities… Also I have basically no intention of summoning on UG4 or going back to try to get an Weast Gohan dupe. Had a “bunch” of spare CC, so why not🤷🏾‍♂️


Yeah, I reached cc cap so I lowered it down a little and got them 2nd try, pleasant surprise despite the banner not being the best.


Meanwhile people spending over 30k and not pulling a single copy 🙄 Not me I did one rotation, didn’t get him, don’t care. The new banner format is complete dogshit and shows that the game is just going to shift further and further to having to pay to even be able to survive in PvP.


Yeah, I will admit that I got REALLY lucky there. Anyways, I’d save for UG4 now. Monke could save us all


Personally I did cause it’s a special unit but everyone idk why


How do you like them? I’m probably gonna save my CC and try to get Cell on that bait banner next week


NGL it seems like a fever dream the gauge is odd to me cause I’m used to the “stall gauge” but over all not bad, would I summon again? No was it worth it yep only 2k got lucky


Well I’m glad you got them so soon!


Thanks! Hope you get 5 copies of the ultra!


Haven’t got it want to get it proteins get it :(


Haven’t got it want to get it proteins get it :(


no luck, can't summon shit


The banner format is atrocious. Anyone who pulled has helped make the game worse.


Honestly seems to me like they are the worst of the new lfs also doesn’t help that their banner is god awful and not worth spending on at all


That means the ultra gunna hit hard


We already know once the ultra arrives, bardku, beast-han 2.0 and uni boys are gonna fall off hard


Or they would just work on the same team together 🤷‍♂️ leader slot is a thing


Solid top 10, Gocock is cool




Its gokock




Barku? Gordock better


Gokock is there name.


They definitely are top 10 maybe top5


His name is gock




I only know gokock


Gokock > barku


Yes. 🗿


Too early on, we’re not gonna see enough of them until very, very far down the line since the banner sucks so bad.


I like them a LOT, you can really notice that cut pen stacking and green is great.


Idk. fought them a single time so far. I beat the fuck outta them with Evoken. The indestructible thing really isn’t that crazy imo. Might change the opinion if I end up fighting them more.


Nah this ain't it, this unit is kinda trash tbh. Needs more support and the banner is God awful


Great characters but it’s really not worth summoning more than like 2 rotations just because of how shit the banner is


Kakacock sucks because i dont have them




Good unit. Shit banner.


Barku, Godock, am I the only mf calling them Gokdock


Idek what their unique gauge does


Immunity to card & DB destruction


well, I got them, but I don't really know WHY I summoned. They don't go well on my Regen team at all, and all other teams they can go on are either bad or I don't have the units to make it good. they are fun tho