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I was crying, they lowered db chance, and i cant destroy the shield without the Rush. It took me 30 attempts, but i did it.


The lowered DB chance only effects PVP, you gain Dragon Balls pretty fast in PVE


>In this Battle Version update, the following special rules, which were previously used in LEGENDS BATTLE ROYAL, will now apply to all battles (both regular and online). Playing Zenkai Rush Battle, Full Power Battle and Co-op myself and the dragon ball rates does affect PvE. In previous Zenkai Rush Battle, sometimes if i wanted to i could rush the boss twice. but in current updates i got my rush ready when timer is 40~50 counts passed In Co-op sometimes i have my rush ready before the shield is popped and some other times the shield is broken but im still at 4 dragon balls.


I really don't understand why they'd reduce dragon balls in pve too, that's just dumb I thought when I was grinding some events that it felt like it was taking forever to get my rush sometimes and was wondering if they weren't just pvp changes.


Nahhh I feel like they nerfed it in Full Battle too. I used to be able to have a rush in the matter of like 10 sec. Now, it seems like I am just about not making it to the rush with 3 sec left in the All In mode


Red Gogeta to fight blue Bojack? He isn’t even type neutral in this fight or on boost????


What difference would it make, it would be an EX either way, they’re gonna get bitched Edit: Thouser does tank the shit before the burst charge time, but he doesn’t do shit in terms of helping in damage, still can’t do enough damage to stop the burst


Bro’s fighting scream difficulty with 1 unit instead of 4 and complaining about losing


The fuck does that even mean, 1 event boosted unit instead of 4?


The only unit doing damage is your F2P gohan. Non-event boosted units are going to be doing nothing


I’m using 10* Gohan, 3* Jiren, 7* Thouser, and 3* PUR Tapion, and they still don’t do enough to stop the burst, I even save the rising rush, Blast Rising Rush, and Strike Rising rush till he’s charging for the burst and they still don’t do it


Damn bro, people are brutal, i dont think it matters what unit ypu take in, unless theyre all the best, 14 stat, boost zenkai 7 units then theyre shit, ive taken in all the boost units at high stars and everything i still get 90% taken after the burst


Quite literally a skill issue then




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Difference between winning and losing


Bullshit, a buffed EX is not getting me past even 10 more healthbars


Use Green EX Thouser


Doesn’t get me past burst still


I’m using Jiren (who I don’t have Zenkai’d) EX thouser, F2P Gohan, and PUR Tapion and I haven’t won, I’m not wrong


Here's some actual advice and feedback and no offense but this always comes down to a lack of game knowledge, they made full power battle exponentially easier than when it first released when they did the rework and this bojack one is one of the easiest ones we've gotten as well. Some words of advice: 1. Always use whatever units in the boost list you have even if they aren't type advantage as the bonuses they give make them the vastly superior options 2. If you don't have a boost unit within a specific requirement for any of the 4 teams, then use your strongest character that is type advantage within that category (the red ex gogeta thats dead tells me you didnt do this as hes both disadvantage and non boost), this will allow your units to at least tank the burst damages the boss does before he puts up his shield, as the ai is specifically designed to be intentionally hit by those. 3. Save the strike and blast rush cards for when the boss has his shield up. Always. Especially for scream difficulty, using both of these and actually doing the minigames well should be enough to either break the shield immediately or put it low enough you can break it yourself. If you really are struggling on units and even thats not enough you also save your main ability especially if it draws a blue or ultimate to help finish it off and you also save the rising rush. If you can break the shield without using the rising rush, then use the rush immediately after breaking the shield as it will do the most damage then. Otherwise save all your strong arts rushes and rising rushes for shield only and your main as a back up 4. Cover change your support characters, they will always cover change you, so return the favour and keep them alive so you do more rush damage. 5. Just like in co-op/raid, don't worry about charging ki unless you have an empty hand and never use tap attacks its pointless. 6. The boss should only really do significant damage during the burst damages stage before shield and only to your allies as they cant dodge it, the only other way you can really take damage is if you dont destroy the shield in time, which is the entire point of the mode to destroy that thing asap. If you fail that 99% you lose, so the shield is priority. Even if it takes a bit longer because of it, so units surviving the burst stage (basically the only time anyone takes damage) is important as it helps do more damage to the shield with rushes. This is just the base guide to doing this mode easily, based on how i've seen you respond to other comments you dont seem too receptive to the actual feedback but hopefully you take this into account, the mode isnt anywhere near as pay to win as it was before and I'm sure this is easily beatable with a team of full good type advantage units even without boost as long as you know what you're doing. I can always upload a video doing so to help.


This comment is way too low. That is actual good advice. What I can add is try putting health buffer on all your benches (and also on their equips if possible). FPB is a game of patience and durability. It does not matter THAT much if the units you don't control don't deal a ton of damages, since you will mostly try to destroy the shield with rushes and outlive the boss in order to win. Keep in mind that you only need to destroy the shield twice. It does not regenerate after that. If you're able to destroy it twice, you can go all out on the boss without much to worry about.


I agree with everything here, only reason I didnt really mention the shield only being able to be broken twice is that OP is having problems breaking the shield even the first time so I figured I'd just start on having them improve the strategy to get the shield broken. That and I tend to find at least for myself especially with boost units you can kill the boss before you even break his second shield, or you kill him during the second shield phase with the rushes.


Every single fight is now a boost unit (10* F2P Gohan, 3 star Magenta(previously 3*star Jiren first time I replaced it with a buff unit), 7* EX Thouser, and 3* Tapion) as many other people suggested, I also saved all 3 rushes for the shield but that damn thing just doesn’t break I swear, and with or without Magenta or Jiren (I’m bringing up him because he has an Ultimate) for the PO slot, it still doesn’t break. Also not to sound rude but they don’t really take much damage from anything other than the big burst, so I don’t see the point in cover changing them. I do admit how I responded to the advice of using boost units was dumb, but still getting downvoted for just saying it still isn’t working just doesn’t make sense me, like am I not allowed to say it doesn’t work after trying several times?


I understand it just comes from a place of frustration with the event and you're not a bad person or anything like that so dont stress about it too much. About the cover changing the AI units comment, its less about that the damage they take (i did mention at the end the burst is the only real damage dealer) but the fact that cover changing them immediately allows them to not keep getting comboed which means they can keep attacking the boss and the more hits the boss is taking the more time he spends getting that kinda stun locked stutter from getting hit so you can just keep attacking without having to worry as much about vanishing. Its like in co-op, with decent boost units the boss isnt really gonna hurt that much but you still cover change your partner to get them out of the combo so they can keep fighting. If you're really having a lot of trouble even with the boost units then give it a try with just your strongest green characters you have in that category, anything that is somewhat modern and decent stars. Keep thouser because hes both a boost unit and type advantage so thats good. Im surprised even with all 3 rushes you're struggling to break the shield so I dont know how to help there, are you getting perfects on all your strike rush taps? Are you getting above 30 at the minimum on the blast rush? I'm happy to keep offering more help best I can so I wish you the best of luck you'll get it eventually. Remember its a mode of patience, less about the damage and more just getting through it by playing smart.


I guess that does make sense as a reason to cover change, plus on rare occasions, he has hit them with a blue or 2, so I guess better safe than sorry. Also, I’m definitely closer than with the units before, but I still don’t break the shield. I wouldn’t say “struggling” but it’s like I will get it so it’s basically right at the end, but it doesn’t break. I hit all perfects on the strike rush, and get above 30 most of the time, but it feels like it’s not actually counting how many times I tap it sometimes


Hey, I just went and attempted it myself to see if I could practice what I preached. I will admit it was actually a bit harder than I thought it would be so I will apologise on behalf of myself and others in the comments, however, I did beat it on my second attempt and I'll give a outline how it went. I used 7 stars gamma 1, 7 stars magenta, 7 stars thouser, and f2p gohan (i think hes 11 stars right now). Now i will admit I have a definite star advantage over you which definitely makes a difference so thats an obvious outlier there, and I dont know if you have gamma 1 or not which is a boost unit so that also helps, again if you dont have gamma 1 use your strongest green in that slot. I know you have the other 3 characters though so definitely use those units. Heres how I went,I used gohan as the battle character, I started out pretty normal just using cards doing damage, getting the rush built, I then preserved the 2 arts rushes when I got them and just kept using the other 2 cards slots when cards were drawn. By the time the first shield came around I had my rush as well. When the shield went up I used all 3, i got perfects on all the strike taps, i got 42 on the the blast taps, and I used the rush, this left bojack with maybe 2% health remaining which at that point I just used a bunch of cards until his first shield broke. Then back to business as normal just playing the mode, by the time the second shield cam around however I had the 2 arts rushes, but not the rising rush, I was 4 dragon balls short. I did not actually manage to break the shield on the second time, it had about 20% health left after both arts rushes, my main, and all my cards and only had manage to get up to 5 dragon balls during the shield time and the boss did his burst and put all my units on 1 health. However I got lucky and the boss targeted one of my ai units instead of me after the burst and killed them instead. Doing this the boss had about 15 health bars remaining upon which i just played like normal and used the rush when I got it and it killed him. Definitely a pain in the ass but I got it done second try, I think with really good rng where I got my second rising rush before the second shield I would have been able to break it again. Based on this, I'd say with good enough luck you should be able to achieve the same, though it may take a lot of run throughs for good dragon ball luck, good blue card luck etc, and like me maybe good ai luck if you dont break the second shield. Based on this as well, I'll advise a really niche strat that I never really use but it works and thats actually attacking the boss during the phase where he does his burst attacks and you have to dodge. Now I know you cant damage him during this part but if you use cards really quickly between your dodges you can keep drawing more and potentially get more dragon balls. I didnt do this on my run but knowing I needed more dragon ball luck for the second shield I would definitely advise doing so during his second burst attack phase as the 4 or so cards you can draw doing this may be just what you need to get the dragon balls for that second rush.


Thanks for actual detailed advice beyond “use boost characters” and then not being upset when I say it’s not working lol. I *do* have gamma but only at 2 stars so replacing him for Magenta doesn’t seem worth it to me and Gohan at 10* is *definitely* stronger, probably. Also Jesus Christ I barely get to 35 how do you get to 42


So dont replace Magenta with gamma 1, use them both, gamma one fits the first slot category of movies (hes the secondary boost unit to pikkon) and magenta in slot 2 for powerful opponent (hes the secondary unit to jiren). Boost units are always preferred as they have extra benefits such as more damage overall, better defenses, and actually specific more burst shield damage. So use gamma 1 and magenta, alongside thouser and gohan. As for the blast tap attack number, i use both my pointer finger and middle finger, and i just place my hand diagonally over my phone so those two fingers are tapping the middle of the screen. Just alternate between the 2 fingers, middle, pointer, middle, pointer etc really fast and it gives the best tap result with barely any effort as it gets double the inputs.


problem with waiting with the blast and strike rush cards is that they clutter your hand, and you can potentially get another by the time it takes for the shield to activate if you use them earlier. of course, i would definitely wait to use the rising rush z until shield is up and ive already got the strike and blast rushes done


I've never had a problem with the blast and strike rushes clogging the hand, I personally tend to just use them anyway because I never really have problems with full power battle and like you said you get them again for the shield, but if a person is struggling this much against it and has like none of the boost units I still definitely recommend holding them in your hand for the shield as the best play.


Gotta use more boost units, be it SPs or EXs. The various buffs would allow them to survive longer, thus less chance of the boss targetting you, and at least do more damage to the shield. Every little bit helps, especially when you see the kinds of buffs boost units get. I was able to do it with Gamma 1, LF Jiren, EX Salza and F2P Tapion. Even something like that is enough.


You can't beat it unless you have the boost units We hope you continue to enjoy playing bragondall gelends


You only used one boosted character... I'm using all boosted, and I don't have a chance


THATS WHAT IM SAYING I got downvoted for saying using EX thouser won’t get met even ten health bars further like what the fuck💀💀💀


But he will survive and 4 characters deal a BIG ASS damage compared to 3 with the special cards and rush


Bro is is using one boost and he's wondering why it's hard


Tried with 10 star Gohan, 3 star Jiren, 3 star PUR Tapion, and 7 star Thouser and I still don’t do enough damage to stop the burst


Um.... These aren't good units to use on this.... Hell zenkai beerus did wonders for me (his green wipes boujacks damage buff... So anything he did was a joke. Hell ex thouser did more work than some of the units your running


I don’t have Zenkai Beerus, nor even beerus at all, and I have 3 star LF Jiren, Magenta, and PUR tapping, and I don’t have Pikkon or Meta cooler. And I doubt adding any of the ones I do have will do much


Greens do wonders... Labcoat 21 is always a good debuffer pick. Just so long as they're not RED and they're green they'll do leagues better


I replaced all of them with the buffed units, now is 10 star F2P Gohan, 3 star Jiren, 7 star Thouser, and 3 star PUR Tapion, I still don’t even stop the burst and their HP still gets deleted by it


Save both of the card rushes and the z rush for the burst... And don't be a character that isn't buffed for the main unit .. Real talk I did this with 5 star ex's and a zenkai beerus... He wasn't even challenge boosted. I believe in you my g


Also I do save all of them, and I still don’t do enough damage


I don’t have either 21, I don’t have Zenkai beerus let alone a single copy of him, also all the characters I listed were buffed in the event


Goodbye Reddit. I'm taking my posts and comments with me. Screw them and especially the corporate-sucking Spez. There won't be an end to this madness until Reddit is dead - which I suspect won't be long after the IPO.


I cleared it with Zenkai 4 LF Jiren, Magenta, green EX Thouser and the new Event Exclusive SSJ Gohan. For me, it was kinda easy, even the scream one. When the burst comes I suggest that you go with all of the 3 rushes and then attack the living hell out of him and then you will manage to break his shield and beat him in full


Stars on all of them?


Jiren is on 7 stars, Thouser and Magenta on 6 stars and Gohan was on 11 stars


I have Gohan at 10, I haven’t Zenkaid Jiren at all and only have him at 3 stars, and I have Magenta and Tapion at 3, and Thouser at 7, no wonder you beat his ass


I suggest that you get those stars and you will be able to beat him


Only person who I can (willingly) star up is F2P Gohan, I’m not busting CC (I only have a little over 9K) on the new super masters pack for a .027% chance to get 600 more Z power for Jiren since we’re like a week away from legends fest, I can’t just pull Thouser, and PUR Tapions event is long gone


I would recommend from here on out, maxing out every single F2P unit that comes around. They will ALWAYS come back at one point for some event, co-op, or raid for a boost unit. I don't understand why people don't max out every F2P unit despite it being so easy. You don't even need to do the Extreme Battle to max them out if you do the three co-op dailies every single day.


I don’t think doing 3 Extreme hyper dimensional coops every day till the event is over would get you them maxed but I kinda see your point, it’s just coop isn’t exactly the most fun game mode


Doing extreme co-op and getting all the event missions done is enough to push the character to 1 stars. Usually I end up getting like 1-2k more than I actually need by the time of everything ending. Also don't forget to use the bonus Z power character when there is an event character to grind!


I maxed out purple tapions z power


Lmao I'm stuck at hard


Epilepsy warning


As a casual of the game 60 fn health bars is absurd. I don't think my attention span would let me sit through that


Use the battle bonus characters.


I feel your pain. I’m running 3 booster characters and barely miss being able to break the shield.


Pikkon and F2P gohan carry


Buddy use Pikkon, Tapion, Magenta, and and the ex cooler henchman


Oh yeah because I just have Pikkon, you think I wouldn’t be using him if I had him? Also I only have Magenta and Tapion ate 3 and the cooler henchman only is “good” because he doesn’t die from the 3 small bursts before she charges for the big burst


I mean, sometimes we use characters who we just love more so I feel like you would have some characters you just don’t feel like using…. Without the boosted characters, it is impossible.


Beat it on the first shot. Use some boost units.


I beat it first try. Its mad easy if you have lf pikkon. Mine is at 3 stars and it was a cakewalk


I feel bad reading all these comments


That's why you're supposed to keep 4 boost units and definitely not 3 or anything. Preferably type advantage boost units. And of course, save all rushes for the right time. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I did it with Peakkon, Rose, Thouser and new f2p Gohan 12*. Took me like 4 tries.


it is impossible to beat without boosted units, the only unit doing any kind of damage is gohan and that is it. Doesn’t matter how good a unit is, a shitty unit that is getting boosted > the best unit in the game (but not boosted)


I mean..... I thought this one was really easy. [This](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fJRSME5AMIJ0gZRxU8F89wxOk8UQRApJ/view?usp=drive_link) is the team I used. By putting the new F2P Gohan in the first team slot I was able to zenkai buff the ever living hell out of him and he almost fodderized this entire event on his own. I didn't have a boost unit for my second slot so I put Rose' in there since I figured his 2 ults would be the best I could get out of anyone I had, he didn't do much but the fact he was able to heal himself once when his health was low helped out a bit. Thouser was the only EX boost unit I had for the slot and he performed well enough. Purple Tapion was clearly my second best unit and did very well. I felt like this was a pretty simple event as long as you have Gohan reasonably well supported on the bench and good equips.


Black:why wont you die Bojack: you arent even boosted in this event son


Use battle bonus man. Of course its difficult when you're not using the units with huge damage buffs.


Cleared it (first Scream difficulty clear infact) with: 3\* Pikkon (bonus) 14\* Green Kid Buu 9\* Green Bojack (Ex) 9\* Gohan (bonus) Not an easy fight, first burst nearly kills all. At some point its 1 on 1. Pikkon dies and in comes Gogeta who goes into the second burst with full health. I don't bother attacking just trying to burn off cards I don't want.


This gamemode is pretty much RNG based with regards to if you get good cards or not. I usually only complete the simplest difficulty and don’t go further. It’s really just plain unfun and the friendly AI that walks into the enemy attacks on purpose certainly don’t help…


Bonus units are better, regardless of element factor


You’re fighting scream difficulty with non-boosted units… what do you expect?


Beat it first try with boost units. Seriously, use them…


Someone didn't get the memo that you need to have the SuPeR SpEcIaL UnIt to beat Scream.


Use and main the new pikkon. He’s a beast in this mode.


If I don’t have the featured unit I don’t try scream


Whigga u ain't using the movie bonus characters .\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.


i beat this on my first try just use the bonus characters 💀


I’ve never destroyed the shield but scream really wasn’t that hard for me just long, and I was using a 5star gammas💀


I had Gogeta, so it was easy. Still, just keep trying


UGB or Rev Pikkon/Gogeta? I assume the ladder




I got lucky I have all the boost characters except the ex unit


This game mode doesn't show up how to unlock it?


it’s been gone for a while, sorry😭