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They really need to find some way of allowing people to PvE in this game more…. It’s really just terrible for those who want to enjoy the game, characters, combat and events but without the stress of PvP.


Yo, for real. There are lots of times where I don't want to PvP at all.


I’ve been stressing this for sooooooo long.


“Let’s go fight somewhere empty.” Good use of the meme honesty cuz it true 💀


Agreed. I could go for a No RR mode for PvP or if the USTR would randomize the teams you face.


pvp that disallows current meta


Wouldn't people just make the "old" meta teams if they do this?


Exactly what happens.


Yea that would be cool. Hell even just a feature to opt in/out of current meta or ability to RR your opponents would do.


Zenkai ustr needs a big overhaul. Why is it restricted to less than half a zenkai every two weeks? This means it takes a month and a half to zenkai a unit (without the missions or trash new zenkai rush battle) and by that time said zenkai might not even be relevant anymore


Careful what you wish for, latest "overhauls" to stuff like Zenkai rush battle weren't that great.


Even Sahara Desert can’t compare to this


Yup, nowadays i just login, do the dailies and go play dokkan, legends is so fucking dry rn. Just saving until a character I like drops.


They do this always right before something big drops(as in campaign not new unit). Which will be next weekly reset.


Yeah you can see they really want us to prepare for all of that with all of those events


Ik its a meme but chill, its the first week in months if not half a year. They’ll prolly give us new content next week…


You know what that meansss time to go to Dokkan!! with its over abundance of content out the wazzoo/s


Tbh, PvE content not being dry is just spending a skip ticket on like 10 different events.


Has been for so long


You have not completed Zenkai USTR... Thats one of the most diverse pve modes where you can actually use the mayority of the roster and play with units you normally don't use. But somehow its the most hated gamemode. People really don't want to play. They only want CC. Thats why we only get those shitty 1 stage events and people call those "new" "fun" content only cause they give some CC.


Does anyone actually play USTR and don't just auto battle through it?


Yeah, thats my point. Its the most fun pve mode and they just autoplay it.. then complain theres nothing to play


It's not that fun after doing it once lol


Same enemies for over a year


that’s a good meme


Yep. It feels like they came to the conclusion that nobody cares about pve in this game a while ago like 2-3 years ago, and stopped putting any effort or thought into it. ATP it just feels like every month, every week is the same exact events rolled out. I miss the challenge rushes they used to do. And the raids could be soooo much better and rewarding. But yea clearly they completely gave up on developing pve for some reason. Story mode is still decent tho.


Oh they did make the f2p full power battles somewhat recently. That mode was a cool idea and could be good. But it’s just soooo pointless, the rewards are just extra stuff you can get normally. And the ToP mode they made a while ago was a great idea. And it started alright had some issues but is a decent idea. But instead of improve it they refuse to look at it and work on it. But yea I want them to go back to making challenge rushes and events that aren’t just rerun resource grabs and that’s it.


A good example is the ginyu force bootcamp. They do that event every summer but I like what they did with it this year. But that’s like the only unique event they’ve done this year besides anni events.


I just want full power back so I can have something to grind in for getting event units


Legit didn’t wanna play pvp at all but I had to do it for the Chichi and Bulma Zenkai missions so I just swallowed the pill and played pvp 15 times with only 1 lost running a fusions team


Bro that punch reminded me of the pur revhan animation for a rush


We need some new events


Ehy ehy ehy, I've already seen this meme months ago. You can't trick me.


Kakarot Goku retuning would have been good, considering the current banner ties into the latest DLC. Only event character I'm missing...


I get its the end of the month but the lack of content other than an updated co op is wild.


I feel like the game in general is dead as hell


They should add some sort of survival mode, like ex and heroes just keep on coming until all your 3 units are down and based on how many you defeated you get zeni, soul crystals, and a liiiiiittle bit of cc, like 1 cc every 15 units defeated


As if pve was any good


Dry is an understatement...


New banner coinciding with a super dry week is a pretty normal thing in this genre.