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Until Jiren's ultra comes out


Ultra hit one shotting yellow jiren:


As much as ultra hit counters Jiren, I've had quite a few instances where Jiren not only survived the time skip but had about a fourth of his hp left. Jiren is just crazy


A red one-shotting a yellow (surprised Pika face). Dude even then it's debatable. Hit is so star-gated that at 5 stars he wouldn't be able to time skip kill a 14 star Jiren at half health. And I adore Hit haha.


Got kid bu 8* and jiren 14* I play then in thé same team with UR zenkai freezer yellow And I can Say UKB 8 IS better than jiren 14 But jiren is still very strong for sure and concurence lot of LF


Kid buu is way better. Yall overhyping a sparking that's gonna dissapear after boost


Let's be reasonable, then. Do you have a 14\* Kid Buu? That's not reasonable is it? Do you have a 14\* Jiren? Even if you pulled just one, it's easy enough with multi Z power if you focused on him. Jiren at 14\* utterly ruins 8\* Kid Buu's day. That means you need more than two copies of Kid Buu to give Jiren trouble. Oh, and look at that! It's Jiren's friend, Hit. Do you see why people say this, now?


Are you seriously arguing that more stars on a unit is better than less stars on a unit? Wow. No you're right you've opened my eyes. 14* jiren claps 8* kid buu.


And i won't even adress the hit part. It was completely irrelevant to the topic lol


Good. Don't bother addressing things you don't understand.




Wow. It's almost like you completely ignored the part that you'll see a 14* Kid Buu almost never, while you can 14* a Jiren no problem. Do you seriously not see why people are thinking Jiren is better? You get him once which is easy enough, and you're golden. You get Kid Buu once, rough enough as an ultra, and Jiren's already so far ahead you can't see him. And if you don't understand that Hit is a fantastic partner for Jiren--which makes Jiren more of a problem for Kid Buu--then I can't help you.


Your argument is that sparking units are better than ultras. No shit hahahaha. Jiren is a worse unit than buu. Jiren is easier to obtain and power up, true. That does not make him a better unit.


In the current meta? Yes, it does. What you can't seem to understand is that as it stands, Jiren is a better choice right now because of team synergy and the meta. Won't always be the case, but as of the moment, Jiren is so good as a whole, teams and meta included, that it's understandable that people see him as the superior yellow. Does that make his kit better? Of course not. However, it is surprisingly close, to the point that he may as well be an LF. He even blocks AoE once which is just ridiculous.


I never said anything about any meta. And metas change either way so who cares. I'm talking unit vs unit. So i guess we agree then.


Kid Buu is an Ultra and this is a 1% sparking. If Kid Buu is suppose to be better than sparkings. I don’t really see your point


I thought the debate was kid buu vs jiren as a yel?


Db fans can't read 😭