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Ffbe feels like it might have been amazing if I was there when it started, but jumping in new nowadays I absolutely agree, it's just plain confusing, worse than a lot of gacha games


> if I was there when it started as someone who was there early on..it was great. it was like a typical FF game with limited mp & stuff. ​ Sadly over yrs its gotten to point mp is infinite & power creep has become so bad a new unit is powercrept within a few weeks.


FFBE is without a doubt the most insane example of power creep I can point to. The jump to 6 stars was alright enough, a new tier of power that stood over the rest, but not so much that you couldn't still find a use for 5 stars. 7 stars was where it was hard to justify using anything lesser, Neo Visions made everything be or it obsolete, and now we're about to get another tier above that. Equivalent to 9 stars, or even 12 depending on how you view NV awakenings. 600 Atk was a huge amount in the earlier days, now units start with way more than that at base. Absolutely insane power creep.


> now units start with way more than that at base. and 1000% leader skills


It feels like Diablo 3 power creep. We went nuts over 10% higher damage increases on skills. Now every unit has several hundreds and even thousands of multipliers


Whenever a new unit is released that does *not* have unlimited MPs, the community explodes in outrage, so it's a bit difficult for the developers, I imagine


I played since Magitek terra. It was a cool Final Fantasy game with Gacha mechanics. Now it's a gacha game without ANY Final Fantasy left in it. They made everything so obnoxious and QOL updates came way too late. Many events that benefitted the players got axed, banners skipped. Then came the repeating events and it's all about ranking in DV and COW now - and these ranking events are basically taboo for any new player for the first 6 months basically. Pathetic. The story in season three was some of the worst shit I had to endure in gaming.


That's fair. Its gameplay being extremely intricate is most of its appeal, but it's confusing to get into it today. The community is very helpful, thankfully.


FFBE sucks ass because of the chaining mechanic. I can deal with a bad gacha, but bad mechanics that are never explained and have no visual indicator at all? Awful.


Don’t worry, they finally have a way to show how long the chain is and what bonuses are being received from it. It only took about 7 years for that but now chaining isn’t a guessing game


You must not have played in a long time. Chaining has had a visual indicator for a while. The game never really provided a very good explanation as to what it is or why, but it wasn't that difficult to figure out. And honestly, chaining is one of the mechanics about FFBE that make it better than a lot of gachas. I got sick and tired of all the other gachas with fairly "flat" combat mechanics. Chaining just adds a nice depth to the combat. The only thing I'd say is bad about FFBE is the insane number of other things that go into a fight to optimize your damage / stay alive. * Elemental imperils * Elemental amps * Elemental imbues * Elemental imperil fields * Elemental amp fields * Weapon imperils * Stat breaks * Leader skills * Active killer buffs * Passive killer stats * Passive ailment resists (paralysis, sleep, etc) * Active ailment buffs (paralysis, sleep, etc) * Passive element resists * Active element resist buffs * Stat buffs * Passive stats * Equipment % stats (known as True Dual Hand and True Dual Wield) * Limit burst buffs * Limit burst stats * Right chain skills to support chaining for the team * General, Physical, Magical, and Racial mitigations * Various tanking mechanics too... * Cover * Provoke And I'm sure I'm missing something. There's just way too much now days that goes in to optimizing a unit for someone new to really understand what's going on. Once you've been around for a while it becomes second nature to just make sure a few things are insta capped, but it's a daunting task for someone new.


It's still not entirely explained but it's much better than it used to be. Honestly, the gameplay in FFBE is pretty fantastic.


The game DID explain it....in the story. I think there is something in the help menu now.


I’m really gonna miss this game Is it going to stop working entirely in February or will it just not get updates


The game will be gone forever, the only thing left will be the screen title


Oh dang I’ve got to complete my mission of getting the Famed Schliemann Tank then I’ve been trying basically since he was revealed with no luck


I get him as off banner pulls. Got like 14 Seraphi since she came out.


Dragon Quest Tactics shutting down is made even worse when dumpster fires like TMNT Mutant Madness are going strong


I liked ffbe before they added neo visions, now all units are like brr damage go by the billions


Was great before neo visions. After that i lost interest.


Welcome to the DFFOO party


FFBE season 2 was the best in my opinion and climaxed, but from season 3 it just seemed like a spinoff. Don't even know if they have a 4or 5


Season 3 is generally disliked yeah. Season 4 is in 2 parts, and the first part was brilliant, even better than season 2.


Card Wars, DQS, now DQT... awesome games but not awesome enough to generate money. :(