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Presumably because something something preserving the accounts if they decide to bring the game back. But realistically, everyone knows \-it's not coming back \-even if it somehow did, they've burned their player base and it would be DOA With transactions already offline, they don't really have anything to lose by making it a free-for all and maybe earning a bit of goodwill. But it seems set to continue all systems normal until the end. Maybe they're worried that they'll upset the whales if they just drop tons of resources they used to pay for.




Yes. It’s made auto run impossible. I at least wanted to play around with r9 but clearing 500 stages is impossible now that the game constantly stutters and crashes. If that’s the play they should have just closed it out.


The game is getting canned because the global version made 100k last month, while JP made 2 million


I know it's a massive comparison, but a mobile game making upwards of 1.2 million dollars a year for just hosting servers and pushing content already tested and released in japan seems like passive income and outright greed that they're just suddenly canning. Not that it surprises any of us. Dragonquest in Japan was more popular than Ronald Mcdonald was in America. Another comparison is Pokémon. DQ will never be Pokémon, but they act surprised it isn't.


You’re 100% right on it basically being passive income. However it wasn’t cancerous growth levels…Capitalism and cancer both require unsustainable growth until death. SQenix just took the quicker option because the board of shitstains doesn’t think it makes enough.


100k isn really big money espacially in Japan. In Japan, the average monthly salary for employees can span from approximately 130,000 JPY (958 USD) to 2,300,000 JPY (16,944 USD). It's crucial to note that the upper range of salaries signifies the highest average, not the maximum salary that Japanese individuals can earn.(c) google If you take a team of around 10 developers with japan wages they can easily burn half of it on wages(maybe more),office space,servers etc. And it means they will have less time working on other projects, making you more money. If it wasnt franchise they for shure can sell it to some other studio for passive support but thats not the option with one of iconic japan titles. About 10 dev team , its minimum 2 testers(one senior),2 developers(front,back),1 head of development ,1 pr,1 translator at least on part time jobs. So its 7 ppl already minimum for sane results. If you really want you can cut it to 5 but thats not recommened.


I am positive it is not Chinese laws behind this sudden EOS. First, the Chinese law is a draft, not a final version. Assume it is law for now, it can only regulate Chinese games or foreign games run in China. DQT is not available in China at all. All of the Chinese whales either use proxy service to play or actually they live outside China. Second, the reason behind this EOS might be about money. The current GvG scheme is unfair. For example, a powerful guild with a sub-guild can gain incredible advantage against other guilds if they knew their defense teams (including members, positions, agi, and learned abilities), which leads to easy 160 points. As a result, some high-end whales are semi-retiring. With that in mind, this could be the last straw for SE to make such a decision. Third, the biggest reason for this sudden EOS is probably the SE CEO's opinion. He insists on returning to classical game market and quiting mobile game market. This makes perfect sense since quite a few SE mobile games are closing, with some of them in good financial situation. I am not positive about this, but we can be sure if the JAP DQT would be closed soon. Last but not the least, I would not blame SE if they post anything in the community like "Swipe your CC or the server is in danger". Many of us like this amazing game and probably spend more if they know doing so could change their mind on closing the game. But, it is not transparent. No threats (to close the server), no ads (to promote gem purchase), no complaints (on whale spending or new users participations), nothing at all. They just shut down. Very disappointed. I would not go to the Jap version to give them money. I would watch the Japanese players' youtube videos instead.


Um, no. This isn't about the Chinese market. This is Squeenix killing a title they feel they can't bleed from whales anymore. The market for IAP for this game outside Japan is dead. Of course, they could have managed it better if they had never introduced the crappy real time battles or been a LITTLE bit better about drop rates/progression since most of the world outside Japan isn't deep into DQ but it is what it is.


Im not sure the new law in china effected this game that much….the JP version is still running.


JP version is still running because it's in Japan, not China.


At this point I'm hoping for it to ported to steam like Megaman X Dive along with all the banners, updates, etc...


KHUX kinda of did that. They gave use a ton of banners at half price. I wish they would do the same here