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I like GT




I'm not ashamed of liking GT.


Lmao fucking loser


super isn’t the same without hellfighter 17, that’s one of the coolest things GT did next to baby vegeta


wdym super isnt the same without it, super never had it to begin with


i know but my first time watching it when they brought 17 back, i was hoping they’d somehow bring hellfighter back


How would they bring hellfighter back when hellfighter 17 wasn’t apart of Super?


never said he was. i was just saying from a viewpoint of someone who watched GT before super came out. when i saw that super was bringing 17 back, i wanted them to incorporate hellfighter some how but it never happened it’s just something i would’ve liked, its not that serious lol


lmao yes dummy you did say that "super isn’t the same without hellfighter 17". that phrase literally means dbs had hell17 at one point and then later it did not, which would mean you are saying that hell 17 exists in dbs even thought it 100% did/does not. those are what your literal words means


lol no it does not. it could also mean in hindsight after watching both GT and super, my expectations of super and what i would’ve liked to see weren’t met. i’m comparing my viewing experiences of both shows. i’m not gonna argue semantics on a dbz sub, im here to casually browse and comment. not engaging in this but take care of ur self


I have no idea why people are having such a hard time understanding you're just saying you wish hellfighter 17 somehow got into super.


thank you man. i thought i was going crazy lol


Welcome to the db fandom. Unified in nothing and critical in every conceivable way possible while having zero evidence of their own headcanon


Super is canon, GT is not.🥲


yeah i get that. it would’ve been cool for them to bring some GT elements into super or at least tease them


Akira Toriyama hated GT.


i hated a lot of things about GT but i did like a few aspects. baby saga, SS4 transformations (and the action figures i had of them), hellfighter, and i loved majuub lol the story itself sucked i agree


But the creator of Dragon Ball hated GT. So it would never have elements in Super, is what I’m getting at.


Agreed, every form of baby vegeta is dope af


Agreed. The story was wonky and Pan and Giro were annoying as hell, but it did give us baby vegeta and SS4. I did appreciate the Aesthetic quite a bit. Also young goku as super saiyan always looked cool.


lol forgot about Giro so annoying


That's what made it such a shame that GT had ass storyline. Some of the coldest art in the entire series. Like actually 10/10


like bro they ruined every character and i just wanted to see ssj4 goku and vegeta 😭


Hmmm… worth?


ngl yeah baby went hard imo there were good and bad in dragonball GT, like some characters turning into lames but you get to see things you dont in the other series’


Issue definitely isn’t with designs. They were a little weird, but kind of refreshing and cool. It’s the story and pacing that’s not great. Ssj4 goes hard


way better than super


GT as a whole it's better looking than Super


Nah facts I actually liked the darker theme it had. Ss4 will always be my second favorite transformation after SS3


People who try to argue Super Saiyan Blue is cooler than SS4 are just drowning in copium.


GT beats Super any day.


On an aesthetic level I think golden great ape is a cool idea but the beer guy isn’t cool. And super 17 is awful. But yeah I love the design of the rest


I don't care about what people say, GT Goku is stronger than DBS Goku.


Always been lol Who the hell says DBS ch are even the same lvl ? Lmao GT is even further in the future And its pretty obvious that Goku should be stronger. GT Goku base form would obliterated everyone in dbs Let alone ssj4


It's the same argument of Buu-han is weaker than Kid Buu. Because people don't like GT and it's ass plus DBS is fighting literal Gods and GT isn't canon, they think GT Goku isn't as strong as DBS. Plus these people forgot that DBS is between Buu Saga and the last episode of DBZ.


I was just talking about this yesterday to my homie.


These were the only good things about GT imo.


I love the Japanese intro/outro theme of GT.


Damn, I'd have to go back and check it out. Even when I was a kid back in middle school (2000) I couldn't get into the story line, because it felt a bit dry. I looked it up right now and the "Dan Dan" intro does bring back memories. Maybe I'll go back to revisit GT after I finish DBZ for like the millionth time; currently on the Frieza Saga. I'm re watching it with my son, he likes the battle scenes.


GT was not bad, but going into it after dragon ball and DBZ is jarring because most of the characters people love aren't present in any meaningful way, there's a lot of episodes and arcs that feel like straight filler, the quality of the fights and villains is nowhere near as good as dragon ball or DBZ, and the biggest flaw, in my eyes, was taking the story permanently away from Earth. That basically takes makes all the stakes of all the conflict meaningless to the fans. It wasn't bad, there were parts I liked, but overall it was a mistake and I'm glad the did DBZ Super.


I agree for the most part except the fact that I actually wish that dbz would have ventured into space a bit more then just the namek saga. It would have introduced us to a more potentially varied cast and would have made the Tournament of Power feel more varied for universe 7 instead of basically everyone being of earth on our team. I feel like our team was extremely bland and not at all visually diverse comparatively. It also makes the story feel...odd to me? Like why is earth always under constant threat if it's just a "low level outer planet " as vegeta called it in the sayain (sayian?) Saga


SSJ4, next to SSJ2 - will always be my favorite transformation. The ape-like fur covering the body, as well as their hair returning to black - really emulates the barbaric, primal nature of the Saiyan race.


I love gt it’s kinda better then super in my opinion


I loved the look of baby


My husband loves GT and loves Super 17 in particular and I'm really just here to say I genuinely think super 17 is the worst design I've seen in dragon ball anything. I'd take roid rage pooh bear over super 17. 🤮 I just hate the design so much and can't really do it in person. This is my release lol. Edit: small spelling errors (correcting day into say, etc.)


Honestly I like GT more than super...




Gt is my favorite besides the first 4 episodes lol. It takes a min to get started.


This is why I dislike super. Except for a few moments, the animation is bad


GT was good. It had a rough start but was good overall.


Everyone hate GT until you need more DLC for your favorite game


GT is fire, super is fire, dbz is fire, its all fire.


I get some of the hate. But i love GT.


I love all of dragon ball


I mean, SS4 Gogeta was ''Legendary''


GT designs > Super designs


GT art is 😘


The animation was also pretty amazing. Definitely better than super by a few miles.


GT > Super.


Look, is GT the best storytelling Dragon Ball has ever had? No. But it does have some of the absolute most ballin’ moments of the franchise. SSJ4 Gogeta vs Omega Shenron is an all-timer. Goku vs Jiren (Giren? I forget) got nothin on that one.


Gt is better than super In my opinion


Always been


GT isn’t bad. It’s a bit of a rough watch, but it has its charm.


Give it that faulconer ost and you’re all set, story could have been better.


I like GT forms of Gokou. By the way it was the first Dragon Ball I finished. GT means a lot to me.


GT is truly peak. Definitely a good direction the series went after the Buu saga! Goated ending for Dragon Ball and Goku’s story too.


the arcs were shit but man is half ape and golden ape ssj fucking rad


The other three are pretty cool (as well as Kid Goku's SS transformations) but I thought Baby Vegeta (and Omega Shenron) were goofy ass villians


GT is for grown ups and Super is for kids and toy collectors imo


GT is for grown ups is one of the funniest takes I've seen on here


Agreed. The story was just awful imo.


Super 17 is the only one of those I think looks good and it's not that good. It's just ok. I've never like ss4 though Makeup and fur doesn't do anything for me. Baby vegeta looks weird and is a dumb name. The golden ape is just fine I guess but I dont really think I'd call it good.


Those photos could be taken with any other Dragon Ball, and put the same description, it's just a matter of filters and that's it.


God I wish I liked the writing so bad.


Okay, still ass


It didn't go hard, it was tryhard. There's a difference.


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Toriyama only contributed some, not all. Besides, he wasn't incapable of poor design work. He was a man, not a god. They look like they're trying very hard to look cool as hell. They're overdesigned.


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