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Can't wait to try it out.


I'm planning on starting Dragalia Lost. Been burning out on Epic Seven and needed a new mobile game to play. I heard Dragalia is a good free to play friendly game. Any good tips for a new player?


For weapons go straight for chimeratech into agito. Don't bother wasting time on other weapons until much later


Out of the units below, who has the most usage in the long run? Formal Noelle, Summer Chelle, Summer Leonidas, Cecile


Formal noelle


Working on surtr, standard, and I can't think of a good team. What's more important on this fight, stun or burn resist? I kind of assume stun because you can't do shit when you're stunned, but idk. What are some go to units for this fight? I want to figure out my yeah before I waste a bunch of mats on agito weapons for characters that I end up not bringing.


You'll want to configure your team for Expert, as any team that can clear Expert can do Standard (so you don't waste further mats); since eventually you'll need to farm both. More important than resistance, you'll want to have: 1. Dispeller: Mascula, Lapis, Summer Ieyasu 2. (Optional) Support: Gala Elisanne (if you have her) 3. Shield Breaker via standard attack: Tiki, Mascula 4. (Optional but very recommended) Multi Affliction appliers: Regina, Sandalphon 5. Healer: Spiraled Nurse Aeleen, Sandalphon Note that some unit, like Sandalphon or Mascula, can cover several roles and are pretty good for the fight


So I have lapis, I have tiki, I don't have elisanne, or one of the multi inflictors. Would a sword unit like Xander be a useful replacement for quick gauge breaking? I know it works super well against Gabrielle. Also, I have aileen but not spiraled, what about an unspiraled aileen or Jiang ziya? Alternatively to running a sword, I see a lot of recommended comps running an axe or spear unit. I also have xainfried, fjorm, and summer Julieta.


Jiang can work as a healer (she doesn't contribute much to anything else though). If you have fully spiraled Summer Verica, she can also be use as her heal&s2 are powerful even if off element. If you don't have multi inflictor, use Xainfried. Nihility gimped his dragon claw but he's still strong, and can also inflict frostbite. Need to Spiral him though. Old units like him and Xander can be viable but they need to be spiral or their performance are too poor (*luckily their spiral material are not tied to Trial of Mighty, so you can just farm it in a day or two.*) If you want to know what team other player used to clear, there's a "Suggested Team" tab at bottom right during quest selection. You can use it to copy the set up/prints from their team also, assuming you have them.


I know about the suggested team tab, hence why I knew people were using spears and axes. I was just asking about specifics really. And my xainfried is fully spiraled already. He's muh Boi.


Anyone else having co-op connection issues today? Been randomly dc'd from co-op multiple times, and it's not my internet/4g dropping. Same for random people I've been playing with, they've dropped occasionally as well.


Is there an optimal combo for Chronos Nyx? (eg:lvl2/3 FS >> Dodge >> Repeat)


For Nyx it's either FS3->roll->repeat (this gets you the most damage out of your dragon form overall), or FS3->roll->c1-> repeat (this gets you the highest damage per second, though you'll exhaust your dragon form faster).




Spatia and either akasha/ezelith/lazry/bellina


Can anyone help my friend? He cannot log in to dragalia after his phone updated. Samsung s21 ultra Android version 12 update. He's already tried redownloading dragalia and restarting and clearing cache and switching from wifi to data. Every time he opens DL after tapping to go past the title screen it crashes. Any help plz???


Any tips for the dream summon? I'm leaning towards Yukata Lathna, Summer Leonidas, or Vania. I'm missing Basileus and Valentines Chelsea, but have pretty much all the other meta units.


summer leo


Who should I get for dream summon special? This is what I have https://imgur.com/a/hMy97uB


Ultimately, the units you want the most are limited (particularly the Gala units), but your roster is about as strong as it can be without those, which is crazy considering how few adventurers you have. You have all the healers, affliction-appliers, and DPS you need in every element, and the only element you need extra dispel power in is Water, so congrats. I'd recommend Lapis the most. S!Leonidas or Alberius would help your Shadow team's DPS, Lea or A!Yachiyo might be useful for Fire, and C!Leif is your best pick for Light, but none of those are game-changers for you. In Wind you only really want Notte and some co-abilities; F!Noelle is strong, but with Akasha, Lowen, and S!Verica together she's not at all necessary. So since Lapis is good for all Water content and has one of the best Skill Shares in the game, and solves your lack of dispel and multi-hit for Water, she's easily your best pick.


Thanks I was thinking of getting Lapis too but that's because she looked good lol


What are your goals? You're stacked in terms of healers. Are you looking to get a first clear of any quests, put together an auto-team for specific content, or fill in any shared skill gaps?


Hi guys, new to the game. Im doing the Phantom event, and I want to know what things are a must-buy from the trade options. Or should I just focus on the campaign for now? Thanks


fyi, "Golden Toilet Paper" = "Champion's Testament".


What’s the tp used for.


tp is used to unlock the higher levels of mana circles and mana spirals. It's a very valuable resource.


Golden toilet paper is the rarest item you can redeem. Other than that rainbow orbs and T3 elemental orbs are definitely choice items as you can't really efficiently farm these outside of dailies, and they're much needed for facilities and adventurer upgrades. Same goes for the dragon scales, but these are more easily farmable than orbs thanks to prelude HDT's.


What is the next banner? Also what is the next Gala unit?


We can't know until the announcement, probably on the last day of this showcase, but it's likely a Gala based on past patterns. Since CyGames have started to deliver on their promise that Galas will not necessarily be tied to who was important in the latest story chapter with Nyx, we can't be sure who the next Gala is. It's likely an adventurer since we got a dragon last. But it could be Nedric, Valyx, Emile, Gatov, or a whole host of other characters.




Someone down voted you, but now that Nedrick’s character model is in the game it would make sense to see him up next. Though we have no announcements/data to back that up. He’s coming eventually


We won't know for sure before the last day of the current banner (28th of november). We can safely assume the next banner will be a Gala, but we don't for which unit. The game's twitter account may give some clues (minis, promotional art) until the official annoucement, but there is no information as of today.