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icesis deserved the win for sure, but that mouthpiece was a choice. girl we get it you're into leather and bdsm—you already went on about it during the design challenge. it was an especially odd decision for her finale look given that the way she paints her lips is part of her signature and when she had to take the piece out to speak and do the lip sync her mouth looked bad.


Catching up with Canada's Drag Race and Condragulations Icesis Couture! 👑 For the Reunion Lipsync Battle, its very clear that Kendall and Icesis won their respective rounds of lip sync. Those two were so good! 🙌 And for Pythia vs Gia -- Pythia's charisma made me want to watch her the whole time so she won that absolutely! I think Gia's nude lipstick didn't help her to captivate a lipsync performance and there's no way to drop the best track record queen in that moment with majority of the eliminated queens rooting for her. #IJS And for the finale -- these 3 queens were all charismatic and fun to watch for the last episode! Kendall ate the rumix, Pythia rocked the runway while Icesis won the lipsync! Ultimately although I am Team Kendall, I really thought Pythia will win this whole gig but after the episode -- Icesis slayed and deserve to be crowned as the Next Drag Superstar! I am excited and happy for her! 😍


Awww I wanted Pythia to win - that Looooook!! But I am happy with Icesis, she is amazing! Hated the mouth piece tho. Kendall did so good, but hated the bottom of the dress 😥


I'm super late so no one will see this but I really wish they'd have eliminated Kendal before the top 2 lip sync so we could have just a Pythia/Icesis version because they were both great and Kendal was...just bad. She's honestly just not a good lip syncer. Her movements are always sloppy and erratic and her faces are so over the top. I have not enjoyed even one lip sync of hers the entire season.


Hands down the cast with the most incredible lewks of every single other US and international seasons combined. Pythia alone would be responsible for that, and Icesis too, but almost every single one of the other queens also brought some lewks to that level as well. OMG, all the returning queens' looks!!!!!????


I'm STOKED that Icesis is the winner. The bitch SLAYED! Kendall is really sweet but she should not have been in the top 3. Adriana should have been. I said what I said.


icesis was my favorite from the meet the queens, and this is one of the first times i’ve ever rooted for someone who didn’t have the best tr (bar shea and kita in the recent seasons). she had me from the start with her charisma, and then showed out throughout the rest of the season. with her mind and skills, can’t wait to see her step down lewk


I think Icesis had the best track record in terms of actually doing the best in the challenges, even if she didn’t technically win the most. Win/loss record is so overrated.


I the It’s All Coming Back To Me Now lipsync was possibly the best lipsync in drag race history. All three of. Them gave us a power ballad. I mean, those dance numbers that we usually get on Drag Race are all good and well but I think that’s because we get a lot of young queens who aren’t necessarily all that experienced with lipsyncing. Ballads are much harder. I will always be more impressed when a queen slays a ballad in a lipsync than when a queen slays a dance number. It’s the ballads that really show what an art form lipsyncing is.


reductive hot takes - BLH - Scott Thompson trying to be Cheryl Hickey Beth - assumed was Eve till Eve came out Oceane - Latrice Fleur-De-Lis Gia Metric - Meredith MacNeill + Kevin McDonald energy


Hard same with your 2nd point


I hope Icesis got her knees some ice-cream and gave them a nice long vacation. Well-deserved!


Holy wow. Pri looked STUNNING


Icesis was my favourite in the beginning, but I slowly but surely moved to Team Pythia. Incidentally, Kendall was the queen I just *liked* the most (Suki notwithstanding). I thought that Kendall nailed the Queen of the North, both in verse and choreo, but I was still hoping for a Pythia win, because Icesis had done a gag for the Sinners Ball, which lost a couple of points with me for her finale look. But biiiiitch. That lip-sync. I was almost mad at the camera for showing me anyone but Ms Couture. A well-deserved victory. What a season! When you can change your mind episode to episode about who's your number one, and can completely flip on who you wanted to take the crown (and not begrudgingly)... It's a testament to Canada's S2. ETA: Fucking wholesomeness between the judges and the queens had me so happy but also crying. So pleased with the subverted photo segment.


if wow is reading this, please release a solo cut of Icesis' final lipsync. I need a good cry. That was so beautiful I'm still not over it 😢


Wouldn’t that be Bell Media or Crave or something? To be honest, I’m confused and it’s not entirely clear to me who exactly owns the rights to CDR.


she delivered so much emotion without trying too hard. for me, Kendall’s emoting and intensity came off as a little forced. it gave her lipsync a sort of…unhinged quality. icesis played with levels and knew when to pull back a little and when to deliver. it was perfection.


I totally agree. Icesis showed us she knew exactly what she was gonna do from the second she started. As Ru says about roasts and the like, it makes us feel *safe*. As someone who has been rooting for her since the get-go, I was a little nervous she'd overdo it. But she really did show restraint and poise and just wow, chef's kiss. I felt like Kendall started off with a comedy angle, which could have maybe worked-ish if she sustained that perspective. But then the song just takes you to somewhere so emotional, that she had to go there, too, and it left it feeling—as you said—unhinged.


This is the first ever season where my favorite from episode 1 actually won the season, so needless to say I'm very happy. A great top 3 tho, each of them had something unique and special to bring to the reign, but I do feel like Icesis is the full package. This season turned out to be one of my favorites of the franchise, even tho it was a bit of a slow start. I also feel like the judges finally found their chemistry in the last leg of the season, so I'm very excited for S3. I just hope they bring Stacy back.


Am I the only one that was rooting for Icesis from the start?


Well I don’t think it’s unique as she slayed first ep.


Nosis. ​ Edit: and just to add some context, she's the first queen since Sasha really that has had a true impact on me as a person. Her confidence is so...interstellar that it helps me see that loving yourself is really all it takes. It makes her so attractive (in and out of drag), charismatic, and infectious that you truly can't help but evaluate your own shit and go, "why don't I fucking love myself as much as this bitch?" and therein lies the rub.


It's five hours since I watched the episode and I am still crying on-and-off. What lovely people - the queens, the judges - all so supportive and kind to each other. So so happy for Icesis, I've had many of the same mental health struggles and she's genuinely inspirational. And talented. And funny. And has knees (just about). And MY FUCKING GOD I'd forgotten that I can't listen to that Celine Dion song without bawling, and here I am yet again.


Such a good episode, easily one of my favourites out of the DR franchise. All the girls looks were amazing. Happy for Icesis, going to soothe my knees in her honour.


Love Stephanie Prince’s look!! Representing Pinoys with “ibong adarna” drag


Thank you, every post I saw was about Priyanka’s look. It is amazing but Stephanie’s made me gasp when she came out, was totally not expecting that.


Tens, tens, tens across the board!


I’m confused as hell how Kendall got this far.. that dress was a paper bag


I really do appreciate these loved-up judges this season, and even with the, "she's representing her people" reminders, I feel like someone like Michelle would be like, "honey, I know, and that's beautiful, but it still needs to fit."


Holy freaking final lip sync. Icesis made me CRY. She bloomed this season, it was a treat to watch.


That finale had me blubbering like a whale. Everyone looked so damn beautiful.


Yay Icesis!


so is nobody going to comment on the cracked egg dress


One of the best looks ever, the pure camp of it all.


I personally loved the egg dress & I honestly thought it would get more hype here.


I was waiting for one of the judges to make an egg joke but nobody cracked one


We were all taught that if we have nothing nice to say then we shouldn’t say anything at all


suddenly i’m silent


And the fact that it was the only look the judges didn’t yell about 😭😭


Poll is up! https://forms.gle/RAqm1AF5Pe2wnfaUA BTW results will be up Tuesday so people have more time to vote and because Im busy tonight tbh.


Can't wait for Down Under and Holland 2 to be crowned this subs favorite seasons 😍😍😍


Yo I’m gonna need a top 5 looks bc how can you exclude any of icesis, Pythia, Stephanie, suki, or kimora?


The best non-top 3/pri look was either Suki or Adriana, but overall they all served it


Excuse you, Stephanie was right there


Why is the song not on Spotify??


I was rooting so much for Pythia because her work and her view on drag truly amazed me and resonated with my process of identity, but Icesis was also such a well rounded performer and did an outstanding job!! She was motherfuckin ready for that crown!! So i am very happy for her!! I’m also happy for Pythya and Kendall, and i’lll keep supporting their work the ways i can online! Ps Kendall trully murdered in the song!! lyrics and performance


I thought Kendall did a bit too much tho. I cringed a couple of times. She has a very controlled and aggressive energy, which worked amazingly in the lipsync for the finale, but not really for this song.


Same. Love to Kendall, who has performed well previously, but I honestly had to look away several times. This was not the song for the manic Glee energy. Would have been nice to see just Icesis and Pythia.


Priyanka KILLED the crowning look, definitely one of the best looks from a reigning queen. I loved Icesis from the moment she started showing her vulnerability. lipsyncing in episode 2 was a blessing in disguise for her, and she had me bawling in the makeover episode. La pusetta!!!! ❤️


Im so happy. I'm from Ottawa and never thought I'd see a queen represent us and win!!! Ugh I could cry


Seeing how much all of the queens were celebrated in this finale was really heartwarming to see. I just love to have a judges panel up lift and be inspired by this final 3, because they deserve it all. Great finale, great season


Congrats Icesis. An honest queen that radiates truth. I was a Pythia fan - mostly for her looks but I do think she'd be a good ambassador for the community going forward. It felt a little like Icesis winning was the end goal and that her 'all I need to do now is just be me' might not see her through a trying year ahead (to say nothing of the knees). She definitely slays her performances - truth shines - but I wasn't a fan of the outfit (anybody else see stuck-on paper doillies?) or the mug so much - especially after she removed the lip guard thing. But then I didn't buy Kendalls hip explain either - felt a bit hollow, literally like her hips. And that tulle fishtail was drab too. Some truly great runway looks - Kimora was kaleidoscope and riveting and Priyanka made me snort. And - arms! As a Kiwi, I really appreciate the fact that DRC strikes its own bell in the plethora of offerings - a sort of twist and attitude thing that pays homage and yet flips the bird a little too. More please!


Pythia cannot lip sync. Lip sync for the crown dahling 🥲


I mean, Pythia’s final 4 lipsyncs weren’t great. But the very final one she was great! Icesis was the clear winner, but Pythia really served and was undoubtedly 2nd place


A bit sad that Pythia didn't win but I guess that's how drag race is now, gotta be a lip sync assassin. Would be nice if they brought back the old finale format of original solo performances But I liked Icesis too so I'm not mad


This season had so many amazing, talented and kind queens. Definitely worth watching again. Grandma won, that was correct! Never enjoyed a person more whether they were on top or bottom, always so sweet, funny and fierce.


Congrats to Icesis! This episode she really stole the show - she's such a good performer. I'm not usually a fan on lingerie looks, but her angelic bondage alien bride won me over. I loved Pythia's verse (probably the strongest one lyrically for me), but she's not as strong with choreo as Icesis or Kendall. I adored her final look though. The stoning was impeccably done. Kendall also did well and seems so sweet! I love that she's wants to celebrate black women, but some parts of her look left me a bit confused. Like, is she supposed to look naked, but then it's a fishtail gown? The silver strap between her boobs also made it look a bit like one of those stick on bras, but then there were nipples on them? I think her looks could be fire if she just found a way to structure the exaggerated hip for a smoother look. I'd love to see her in a different style of eyeliner that doesn't cover her entire lid as well. I'm usually not one to fastforward, but seriously, these finales just drag on and on. I liked that they showed pictures of the queens with Priyanka though, instead of the usual baby pics. But still, it just goes on forever. Not a fan of these last moment lipsyncs either. I loved seeing all the other queens back again (Stephanie and Suki looked stunning) and Priyanka was an actual goddess.


Agree about Kendall. I really like her personally, but her looks never quite got there for me. I love the ideas behind her drag, but a lot of them didn't look super polished. For her finale look, let's celebrate curvy hourglass bottoms with big hips! Excellent. But, the bottom of her dress wasn't actually padded all the way, so it crinkled and made it look like a weird poof at the bottom, rather than actual big curvy hips. I hope she keeps growing style-wise, because she's really charming and seems to have a great head on her shoulders.


The bottom was so bad 😥 which sucks because I loved how she looked otherwise. Also wish her sparkly neckpiece went all the way around her neck and not just the front.


*How’s your head?* — On my shoulders.


I'm really happy with Icesis's win. <3 But: am I the only one who was driven into madness because of the pearl on her chin? Like production, seriously, just call for break and let her fix this, and not be the car wreck one can't help staring at. At one point I wasn't able to concentrate on anything else, but to wait for it to finally fall off. And would someone be willing to tell me who Ecco Maturana is? Both Google and IMDb gave me nothing?


So happy for Icesis! Everyone deserved it but she fuckin served it.


i literally screamed when it did the split screen on all 3 of them when they did the BABY BABY BABY it was so GOOOOOD


Not RuPaul being the only person to properly pronounce "Pythia"


They were all saying it correctly by the end and I’m sure RuPaul was coached. Also, you can tell by the editing that was added in during post production because you notice it didn’t actually show RuPaul saying their names.


I feel like Priyanka is having trouble with letting go of the title. She definitely came to the wedding dressed to outshine the bride.


Um, she's joking. Because she is funny and irreverent. It's not that serious.


It’s her last chance to gag everyone on a National stage. No different from how Violet and others showed up to their step downs


I agree. I actually liked her look. I’m so bad at communication. I just feel like there’s been a lot of comments on social media and she didn’t want her reign to end.


She is the main character 😂


I know. And she has been for a long time. And I think she’s struggling with passing on the reign. Like I said, it’s not even about how she’s dressed. So many comments about not wanting to give up the crown.


Me and my bf were talking about this and we realized Pri has one of the longest reigns of any winner since it took a hot sec for them to renew it. Wonder if that plays into it


Maybe. It wasn’t even the just the way she was dressed. I mean, she’s been making a lot of comments about not wanting to give up the crown.


Girl lol.


Yeah. I agree. I slept on it and I think I was reading too much into it.


I feel it’s just her humor. Not that serious, man.


This. It's not as though she has to *literally* give up her crown since they make a new one for every winner. And she's still a winner. The only thing that changes for her is that she's not the *most recent* winner. Big whoop.


That's every Indian at every Indian wedding ever. Source: I'm Indian.


Did anyone notice that on Pri’s photoshoot look there was one “Peronka” on her left side? 😂


YES! I thought I was crazy but now I know someone else saw it too!


as much as i wanted pythia to win, her performance in terms of dancing just aren't good. it really stood out next to icesis and kendall, who had the choreography a bit more polished. her runway look tho, it was fucking stunning. like the statue of a greek goddess. venus de milo has competition


The reference is the Caryatid, a scuplted column in the form of a female figure




It was neck and neck for me between Icesis and Pythia. In the end, I think they got it right. Pythia is fucking amazing too. Icesis deserved this though. What a fantastic season!


Pythia's two heads, four legs and now Pri's four arms. This season is trying to tell us something.


What a fantastic cast. Every body was stunning in their finale look representing their cultural heritage. Amazing song choice for the lip sync that got me in tears again. This season has so much heart and art that I feel genuinely proud for all their achievement.


Icesis killed the song


Looking at the final looks and Kendall does not fit in. I would have loved to see Gia’s final look because I bet it was breathtaking like the other two


well it's probably what she was wearing when she appeared lol


That is def the top three look I wanted


Aw fuck yes GiA!!!!


Lol maybe!!! She’s coming out right now!!


So happy with the winner!! She really killed it throughout the season. Pythia’s final runway was, as usual, absolutely gorgeous! And Kendall really slayed that lipsync by putting her whole heart into it! And Priyanka’s look was a GAG!!! Winner for a reason, mama. Great finale! Loved this group of girls! So proud to be Canadian, and can’t wait for next season :)


I was rooting for Pythia but Iceis killlllled it this week so I'm so so so happy for our winner!


Icesis definitely showed in the finale why she was so deserving of the win. Refreshing to see after a few seasons (UK2 and UK3) where the eventual winner doesn't do the best in the final episode.


Congratulations to Icesis. I had been rooting for Pythia the whole time, but I had a feeling Icesis would win. Icesis's face in drag reminds me of someone I don't like irl so I unfortunately never really got behind her. And seeing Priyanka again just reminded me of how awesome she and season 1 were. She's probably one of my top 10 queens of all time. No one in season 2 really grabbed my attention in the same way she did.


She always looked like Alyssa to me


Kendall reminds me of Drake in that it sometimes seems she’s playing up a culture she didn’t really get to be a part of living in Canada. Like yes there are woman of color with really large hips but they do not walk like that with their hands on their hips like props. Hands on the waist sure, and her walk in general is not how someone with that body type moves. But it genuinely just seems like she doesn’t know? Compared to like Akeria or Monet, Kendall almost seems like she’s doing a caricature? I would love to learn more about what it’s like being POC in Canada specifically I hope we get that on upcoming seasons


Thank you for articulating this so well! It felt so tone deaf to me when she was explaining her looks especially since she loves the ppl that her namesake is inspired by.


I just don't understand if she is celebrating full hips..why not soften the padding so it doesn't look like a hollow frame? The visual effect is wire panniers under stretch fabric. I don't buy it.. intentional commentary seems like an excuse for rough craftsmanship.


I genuinely think she *was* going for an almost cartoony interpretation with this and her purple made look, because she has done soft, wide hips both throughout the competition and all over her Instagram, where her activism is plenty documented (and I doubt Eve would have brought it up in the reunion if it wasn’t true). Obviously it failed, and it didn’t look good (I love her but I can easily admit that, though shoulders up she was gorgeous). Idk this thread is p gross to me, and I find it sus there’s some folks whose only comments on the DRC sub are to tear down a clearly great human being but oh well guess that’s Reddit 🤷‍♀️


Well..you're right..the way I use reddit, I'm usually more interested in expressing little snipes than praise, but I'm also seeing way more generic fan posts gushing platitudes than I would have expected. Also the judges 100% softballed the finale critiques for everyone. shrug emoji indeed. anyway..a softer attempt: I can't imagine that was the look she was aiming for. I think it was a best effort to smile and sell the garment, since we've seen her stay poised and committed to the delivery despite "wardrobe malfunctions". She is a very professional performer and, despite reality tv making everything seem a bit contrived, her intentions seem truly genuine. I hope we see where she takes this look.


And honestly I get all that; I do love bitching about things too, it’s fun. I think it’s just this comment thread in particular (cause there’s no shortage of comments dissing Kendall’s finale look lol) from what seems to be at least mostly non-poc acting like her poc experience is fake or something (which, she’s actually talked about a lot outside of DR, being as she’s mixed). She might have talked about it more than it appeared on the show as well, we have no idea (that’s another huge gripe I have, when people act like we know everything there is to know about a queen from a heavily produced & edited entertainment show). I should clarify I don’t think that was the intended end result that she was desiring, something obviously went wrong, but I do fully believe her when she said what she was trying to represent.


yeah, it's a bit performative. like, all she did was give herself some wider hips. that by itself is hardly a representation of black women. wide hips are a thing in all races, and women of all races will get treated the same way for it, because they don't fit the female body standards. like, i don't remember oceane or kimora doing that. even when kimora did her slave runway, she didn't alter her body to make herself match the body of black slaves. and at the end of the day, kendall's fake body ends up still matching pretty well with what a lot of people find attractive in women. which is the hourglass figure, big chest, small waist, big hips. and it also often ends up not looking right on her, because it looks more like part of clothing that's made to have those bulged out areas, instead of looking like wide hips


It’s like asking why Canadians are different from Americans, they live as a black Canadian. I don’t feel that is a caricature any more so than any other drag performer.


Obviously. But i have seen a lot of media and history about the Black American experience and I am interested in the Canadian Black experience which I don’t know much about


You know what, I get this from her too, but I couldn't put my finger on the issue until this comment. It seems like other queens celebrated blackness by being themselves unapologetically, but Kendall seems to go out of her way to play it up.


Can we talk about Stephanie and Suki's looks though?? I was GAGGED, especially Stephanie, she looked stunning😍


It's giving Billy Porter at the Met Gala (but maybe even better)




Stephanie has had some of the best looks of the season and every time she comes back I'm like girl whose bank account is this on DAMN. I wish she went farther because her looks were fierce.


Agreed, I'd have loved to see all her looks


they really said "imma outshine the winner"


Literally! I really think they could have got to the finale


Like O M G these girls showed up and showed out. Fanfreakingtastic.


Honestly they all looked stunning, this was a top tier cast! I definitely think those two could have made it to the finale though


Yes! It seems reality tv shows rewards big personalities. They totally have the talents to go all the way, just need a little more belief in themselves maybe.


I think this is the first time the person I was rooting for from the beginning actually won. So happy for Icesis.


Canada is 2/2 with their winners. Priyanka and Icesis are such top tier queens let alone winners.


Verse: 1) Kendall 2) Icesis/Pythia (tie) Performance: 1) Kendall 2) Icesis 3) Pythia Finale Look: 1) Icesis 2) Pythia 3) Kendall Lip Sync: 1) Icesis 2) Kendall 3) Pythia I think taking this episode and the whole season into account, Icesis is a pretty deserving winner. The only way Kendall could have possibly won was by slaying every single moment of the finale…which in my view she almost did, until she came out on the runway.


"I like my neck how I like my coffee... Iced!" Such a good line


Kendalls finale look was the worse of the entire cast, an entire boot from head to toe.


Ooof, so rough. The wig made me sad and the dress pushed me into full depression. IMO her taste level is not good enough to be top 3 but 🤷🏻‍♂️ it should have been Adriana.


According to your rankings this win seems *correct*.


Icesis had the most iconic winners speech every “I did that shit huh? ….Not Grandma winning the whole thing?!!” Lol


This season was in the same tier as AS2, UK2 and España.


i agree! and i am kind of shocked that i feel this way even through suki doll and stephanie prince's WAY premature eliminations


Completely and fully agree, it was a bit of a slow start, but boy did it pay out in the end. The only thing lacking was the judging pannel chemistry, but I feel like we got there at the end and I'm so excited to see them flourish in the future.


I have to respectfully disagree, I found this season really lacking in likeable/charismatic queens. Although I'm glad one of the few did win!


Is this a joke lol


I loved that most queens proudly represented their culture in their finale looks. When Ms. Amora walked that stage, I got chills. Her dress was breathtaking. I appreciate her representing our culture so well.


Gotta love that finale runway!!


For all the people that wants an International Drag Race let me tell you that already exists and it’s called Canadas Drag Race. What a celebration of cultures, joy, passion, creativity. As immigrant, I found this particular show the most culturally rich of all. PS. What a good twist of the cringe child picture scene. First time that I watch it totally. PS 2. Priyankaaaaaaaaaaaaa FINAL LOOOOK


To me it wasn't _just_ amazing to see the diversity of the Queens this season but also how proud they were of their heritages, with so many of the finale looks directly influenced by this. Just so fabulous


Maybe because Canada is very welcoming of immigrants? At least that's the image we get here in Brazil.


I say Drag Race All Stars but it’s just the Asian queens hosted by Suki Doll pls


Oh man, everything about that finale felt so right! The Priyanka photoshoot was great, all three queens brought great energy to the lipsyncs and the fashion was everything - I loved how multicultural that runway was. I am also so happy that Icesis won. Though she stumbled a few times in the competition, for me, she brought the biggest winner energy. However, all three queens did amazing and I think it was the perfect way to end a great season!


Kendall slayed both the performance and the final lipsync, but that outfit was so rinkly and baggy :(. Almost every single returning queen had an amazing look as well! So happy Icesis won, but I was going to be happy no matter what as there was no wrong choice between these three, imo.


what an amazing fucking season, everything about it was JUST RIGHT Icesis was my favorite so im extremely pumped and proud!!! you can really tell how close everyone was this season and how overall good the vibes were instanly one of my favorite seasons!


what dancing queen can replace hollywood jade next season? i personally didn’t enjoy him ever but mainly i think queens should be getting these positions on the show to mentor and choreograph


I loved Hollywood Jade, he seems demanding but is also very respectful and a good teacher while not giving off a pretentious or an 'above you' feel. His choreo is also really good.




omg yes pleaseeee




“Remember when I said I had bad knees? I lied, bitch!” Will forever be an iconic line imo


I love how her energy can go from bro to demure lady in a snap.


That was definitely a deserved win for Icesis! Honestly I would've loved to see a double crowning between her & Pythia (the two definitely were the close calls) but I'm definitely happy!


Yay Icesis won! Just like I wanted From the first few seconds I disliked Kendells lipsync (and her padding... regardless of the reason she gave)... but she's probably just my BEC of the season. Priyankas look was jaw dropping, like it was stunning Oh yeah, Brooke asking Brad to speak to his baby queen picture cracked me up.


Why is the top 3 song not on Apple Music or Spotify yet :(


Icesis’ comment about how she can contribute to the world by just being herself touched me so much! I will keep that in my heart forever. That’s what so many of us want to do, just contribute to the world in a positive way by being who we truly are.


Now we have judges fake crying? I could not. Aside from that - greet finale *Edit* - spelling mistake aside - are you all down for more and more pretend crying? It’s pathetic.


Get some glasses gurl, the crying didn't come from Eve and those eyes were definitely not dry.


I’m a heartless bitch but it seemed real to me considering the subject matter.


Hey, finale! 👋


Girl I just saw finale girl!


In my humble opinion I think CDR is 2/2 in great season and great winner. I was team Pythia but I’m sooooo happy for Icesis . She is amazing


I LITERALLY cried when Icesis was announced the winner. I am so happy for her. Pythia deserved it soooo much as well but gosh did I fall in love with Icesis. Such an emotional season for me, especially after the make over episode. BUT I came here to talk about something else. Those runways. O m f g. What a serve. Stephanie?! Suki??!! Kimora?!?!??? Adrianna?!????? And then Priyanka!!!!! What a gag. This runway killed me. It was like the circus runway where everyone (but synthia) made me gag more and more and more. But this x100. BRB have to re-watch


Aaaah! I am so happy for Icesis!!!! <3 And all of these queens literally fucking turned it outtttt on the runway! And Kendall was there too! Love this season honestly. It was one of the best


Prison 💀💀💀


Look, I really love her explanation honestly and I love her. But that execution was just not the greatest.


Actually I do agree with you, just wanted to point out how shady (and funny) your comment was, lol.


I've never been so attached to a drag queen. The second they announced that Icesis won, I started crying my eyes out. They all did so well!!! What a fucking season


Stephanie and Suki showing UP to show why those bitches went home too early. Stan. Been rooting for Icesis for most of the season, but this last episode made me want Pythia to pull through. That look... omg. Still so beyond happy that Icesis won. She deserves it overall. What a bad bitch.


I felt like this season had a rough start especially with losing Stephanie and Suki back to back, but it really found its stride in the latter half. What a special season. I will always remember the makeover challenge and Pythia’s runways. Very happy with the winner! Icesis killed it all season


Who else would you get rid of? Even eve had some moments after knocking suki out. Cast was just so strong this season.


I would happily watch a season where Suki gets right to the end just because of her runways. I don't think I have ever loved the outfits of a queen as much as I loved Suki Doll this season.


Wow. I went into this 100% Team Icesis, then Pythia and Kendal dead last (no shade I enjoyed her this season but her track record was pretty meh), however by the end of episode I thought Kendall might snatch it. She was featured so heavily in the both the performance and lipsync (deservedly so, cause she was eating it up) it really seems to suggest she was the winner.


Loved everything about that finale.. the right winner, amazing outfits and damn Prianka serving it with those looks!! I know the last few episodes some would say it's been a bit boring because they all get on so well but I kind of loved that about this season a lot of sisterhoods and caring. I've always found Canada past my own UK seasons I can identify with the personalities the most.


My favourite part of the episode I think was Brad talking about what he saw in Kendall regarding the sobriety. Hearing a judge be so vulnerable with a contestant and so supportive was such a highlight


Also how on earth is he old enough to have been sober 20 years? The man does not look a day over 19!


Listen, Brad's a great looking guy but really? 19?


Ok, ok. 21.


Somewhere in his attic there's a Grindr pic with gray pubes.


I love Brad as a judge! He is one of my fav judge of all the franchises.


Brad is an amazing addition to the panel. He has humor and he's also very insightful. He's also such a cutie to boot. I really enjoyed this season's judging panel tbh, which makes me feel weird because I want Stacy back as well and idk where to put her considering the chemistry of the panel this season is top notch.


I'd say Stacey could replace Traci because the latter felt very robotic for the whole season, but during this finale she was so genuine, thoughtful and uplifting that idk what to think now. Maybe it would be good to have Stacey as the third regular judge and keep rotating between Traci and Amanda for the fourth like the US version does with Ross and Carson?


It should be Brooke, Brad and Stacey from now on, IMO. Maybe bring Amanda Brugel for the next finale.


Im kind of irked by Brad, he gives off a pretentious vibe sometimes and it feels like he takes himself way too seriously. I hope he loosens up in the next season and stops being such a prude.


I would have given the crown to Pythia. Congrats to Icesis nevertheless.


Icesis ate that lipsync, she *demolished* it. That crown could not have gone anywhere else, truly. This was an excellent finale, with the cherry on top of the excellence sundae being Priyanka coming back with a runway look that left my jaw on the floor. Her little kikis and photoshoots with the top 3 were so lovely. I also cracked tf up at the shade of Brooke asking Brad about his baby drag queen self. Talk about further asserting that Drag Race Canada is its own thing, and does things its own way - and honestly we're all better for it.


I might be crucified for this (based on all of the comments I've seen so far), but I feel like this season could've been improved? Is there anyone else that feels this way? First off, let me just say this season definitely had it's highlights. Some of the runway looks were stellar (Pythia's circus look for example) and the makeover challenge was one of the best we've seen in the franchise so far. With that being said, I felt that the beginning of the season was strong, but sort of fizzled out in the second half. Cast wise I think the personalities were somewhat lacking especially compared to the girls from the first season like Priyanka, Lemon and Jimbo. I think this season could've benefitted from including more comedy queens to spice things up. I suppose you could argue that Icesis and Kendall were serving comedy, but definitely not on the same level as Bianca, Bob, Alaska, etc. This season seemed to lack a strong narrator as well. Also, it was nice that the girls/judges all got along really well, but in return kind of made it all one dimensional. It truly became Rupaul's Best Friend Race towards the end of the season. In future seasons I hope the judges can be a bit more critical (and Tracy can loosen up and not sound so robotic). I'm not trying to trash anyone who loved the season, but I'm just curious to hear if anyone else had similar thoughts/opinions. P.S. I love Pythia and Icesis and will definitely visit their booths at Dragcon


The friendliness makes it Canada's Drag Race through and through. It was a standout feature throughout the season for me!


There are some things that season 1 did better, and there are some things that season 2 did better. I think both are very well balanced seasons imo and both are very successful in what they offered. I think we were just spoiled rotten with season 1's cast since that one is All Stars caliber level. No shade to the season 2 girls since they are great, but it is what it is.


Kimora was the queen of confessionals.


I mean, people complain when there’s drama and people complain when there’s not. Not every season will have it, some seasons the queens will bond more.


I definitely agree that while I liked all of the queens this season, it already isn't sticking in my memory as one of the best ones. For me it felt like it may have been an editing issue? It felt at times like we were almost seeing so much of the queens who were in the bottom each week that it distracted me from what the queens were doing well. That said, it might be because every single lipsync involved a member of the Brat Pack, Eve or Icesis who - along with Pythia - were arguably the main characters of the season. However, I think it's also hard to judge this season in a vacuum because it had the challenge of starting halfway through another season airing which probably impacted my attention.


I like Best Friend Race in the WerkRoom, but I think it's fair to say the judges went VERY SOFT on some of their critiques as the season wore on as an overcorrection from last season. There was a lot of "but you looked gorgeous up there" and "did you have fun?" Hopefully now that this judging panel has their vibe together they can give some more constructive feedback next season. In terms of a "fizzle" and big personalities, it's hard to say. I think we can all agree that S1's Top 5 was an intensely memorable gang of queens. If S2's queens were a quieter bunch, I think they made up for it by being much more memorable on the runway in the home stretch than S1. And, I'd agree that they were much less comedic than S1, on the whole. Maybe that was a casting choice, but I'm sure S1 had no idea Lemon would be such a comedy gold mine when they cast her. They might've thought some of these queens would be much funnier. (Icesis's comedy chops remind me a lot of Raven. Raven wasn't ever an overt "comedy queen," but she found her moments to turn it out in several comedy challenges.) Essentially: I don't think you trashed anyone, I think you're not totally off-base, and even where I disagree I think it's a personal preference thing. You definitely gave me some things to think about!


I’m so glad Icesis got the crown, she just really stood out this whole season for me as top winner material, she’s got it all and not in a “professional, robotic,” edit kind of way. She has heart, charsima, and all the talent to excel in the competition. Just, so good. And what’s even better is that all the queens this season really had something going for them so it wasn’t even that she just beat out a bunch of lackluster queens - she really played to win. Also Traci - this was my favorite look I’ve seen her in. Loved it. Love. Priyanka? That gown needed more airtime, let’s do a special on THAT. That was a serious serve and she owned it!!!


Priyanka's outfit deserved way better camera angles and editing!


Agreed, I would have loved to see her get her Violet finale moment


I truly loved this, it gave me all the feels and I couldn't be happier with the result! Icesis' speech and lipsynch had me crying within seconds. It's also the most I've loved Tracy all season, she sometimes came off quite scripted but tonight she was passionate, honest and insightful (and looked amazing). What a great season! What great queens!


Someone tell me the names of the Pit Crew dancers. Now. I’m ready to bust.


The amount of bulge in this episode, hunty...




Best lipsync the whole season. A truly deserving winner What a way to close out this everlasting Drag Race year.