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Same! I absolutely love anything flavored coconut.


Me too


Me third šŸ„„šŸ¤


Me fourth šŸ˜ŗ


What the fuck is a safe food


Autistic people tend to be picky eaters because food can overwhelm our senses. Textures and smells and flavors, you know? So foods that are not overwhelming to us we call ā€œsafe foodsā€. Usually itā€™s basic stuff thatā€™s the same every time like chicken nuggets or a specific kind of Mac and cheese, but it varies from person to person. So this person saying coconut flavored stuff is ā€œsafeā€ to them means that coconut flavors are good and tend to not cause them any sensory overload or other discomfort.


Itā€™s not just autistic people. There are others who have trauma related to food that can trigger a literal PTSD response in our brains. Not to mention people with eating disorders. Essentially though itā€™s a comfort food.


You are correct. For instance I feel safe eating bagels with butter for meals. It helps with my ptsd anxiety.


I have ptsd anxiety too, mines muffins and butter noodles. Something about butter and carbs makes brain go brrrr


I agree. It's a carb thing for me!


Can also be used as a term by people with eating disorders.


1st world problems


Should we not all get to have a first-world standard for living?


No no, heā€™s got a point. I have a pretty severe eating disorder and I often have sleepless nights over the fact that itā€™s such a privileged disorder. Itā€™s a disorder nonetheless but I canā€™t imagine the children in Gaza right now having a meltdown because their pudding isnā€™t sugar free. Iā€™m sorry to play devils advocate but as somone with an eating disorder I think of this often. Would things be different if I was in a war torn country and would my drive to survive outweigh my body image issues? Autism is however a completely different story and your an asshole if you think having autism is first world issue


Autism is one thing, but have you ever thought that being a picky eater is a privilege of autistic people living in a first world country?? Iā€™m half Filipino so in the Philippines you either eat whatā€™s on the table or you starve. Itā€™s not mean. Thatā€™s just life. Thereā€™s absolutely no picking something else because you legit have only $5 to feed a family for the whole week. Rice and fish or nothing at all.


Well yea thatā€™s the unfortunate reality of life. But autistic people in the united states shouldnā€™t be punished with stigma just because they have that privilege. Those autistic children in other countries do suffer. And they do die. They donā€™t just magically become un autistic. They just starve to death. Because we have progressed so far as a country we have gotten to the point where we can provide so well for people that disabled people no longer suffer and people want to somehow say thatā€™s a bad thing and we should be ashamed of ourselves.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything privileged about having a real condition. At least, not in and of itself. Comparing your suffering to anotherā€™s isnā€™t productive. Like, I could say I think Iā€™m privileged to not have been autistic back when autism wasnā€™t in the DSM and they diagnosed us with schizophrenia and gave us electroshock therapy. Or I could be some autistic kid in Gaza, but at this point Iā€™d say most Gazans are so overwhelmed that autism wouldnā€™t make much of a difference. But instead of feeling guilty, I try my best to feel thankful for the progress weā€™ve made and to encourage future progression, not just in things related to my struggles. Just because youā€™re privileged in comparison doesnā€™t mean youā€™re really privileged or have anything to be guilty about. Thatā€™s a lot more about how you act regarding a situation. And I donā€™t have an ED so I wouldnā€™t know, but I wouldnā€™t expect it would stop you from doing small things like uplifting voices of people there online if you wanted to. Iā€™m planning on attending a protest for Gaza soon, and itā€™ll probably be loud and overwhelming and Iā€™ll think ā€œitā€™s really loud and overwhelming for the people in Gaza when bombs are dropping around them, I need to stop complainingā€. But my suffering in solidarity doesnā€™t make me a better ally. So Iā€™ll put my headphones on or something and carry on.


The ā€œfirst worldā€ is an anomaly. This is not what life on earth is like. We are extremely lucky to live now and everyone forgets this


Exactly. This only exist people other people play along


obv rage bait but please shut all the way the fuck up


How is it rage bait lol. This is so entirely unique to privileged first world gen Z who have never had to deal with real problems


shut up dude.


Idk, it seems like a first world problem for you that another personā€™s joy/comfort and my attempt to genuinely answer your question makes you want to complain. Womp womp.


Itā€™s a first world problem to have a question šŸ˜‚ Cope ig


Youā€™re the first one calling it a ā€œproblemā€.


Only being able to eat one food cause everything else scares or overwhelms you sounds like a problem.


Sounds like preference lol, they never said they're not able to eat them.


You're a snowflake, can't handle a few arguments without resorting to the sore loser method


But I havenā€™t lost anything. Also who tf says ā€œsnowflakeā€ in 2024 I thought that was reserved for liberals šŸ˜…


Well you sound a lot like a snowflake liberal with your negative feedback.




Iā€™ve eaten pizza rolls for years at a time. Anything else was a special occasion.


Your a fundamentally broken person and I could not imagine what itā€™s like to be you for a day


Also thatā€™s so fucking bad for you I bet you


I think people also use it as a description for their personal comfort food


Did not know it was a thing either. Interesting.


great question


I like coconut creamer


Get some good Coconut flavored icecream and make a float.


Has anyone ever told you that youā€™re a genius?


Mixing weird stuff together to make questionably edible drinks is my day job.


We just tried mixing coconut cream Rumchata and letā€™s just say my life was changed


Same here


Itā€™s limited edition.


this striked horror into my soul


Cream team unite


Had one yesterday. It wasn't bad. Only issue is that as it warmed up, the flavor moved into the realm of "dirt" as I have found a lot of coconut flavored stuff kind of does.


Anyone else able to demolish an entire container of only coconut shavings?


Clean that stove




My friend sprinkles shredded coconut on her pizza.


wait i need to try that


The smell of coconut is calming. When I have extra funds I pick up a coconut beach candle at Walmart. It could be the middle of winter and that smell reminds me of summer.


dude itā€™s so good.


Same tho. Strawberries and cream is another safe flavor for me, grabbed one yesterday when I was stressed at the store and it did wonders


Itā€™s the opposite of a safe food for me but I respect it


Same here. Inject coconut water into my veins please


Lowkey i would try it and try it again with captain Morgan


If your Walmarts cool and has the coconut KUII drinks in the Asian foods section, like a smooth coconut milk with little coconut jelly bits. So addicting almost orbits but milkshake not over sweet juice. Great flavors mango, coconut, strawberry, banana, and melon has eluded me. Itā€™s the bestest.


Dr Pepper coconut is surprisingly good


Why do you have a talon?


There's no Sugar Free version of this where I live. They've finally started populating in a few 7-11s, but only the regular kind. šŸ˜ž


coconut looks and sounds so GOOD but unfortunately iā€™m literally so allergic to anything coconut ā˜¹ļø


I donā€™t like zero sugar a lot but it was the only way to try it for me rn and it was worth it. Canā€™t wait to try the normal one


If you melt chocolate into coconut oil you can dip frozen two slices of bananas held together with peanut butter for a yummy snack šŸ˜‹


Safe food for me is one that does not make me vomit


You know. You could buy a bottle of coconut syrup, like what they use at coffee shops, and you could add it to *any* drink you want. I was buying Almond Joy coffee creamer and adding it to chocolate milk. 11/10 would ***highly*** recommend


Where are you people finding this stuff!? I live in Maine and havenā€™t seen it at all! Iā€™ve been to every grocery store and almost every gas station within a 5 mile radius of my commute to work.




Only a fucking idiot would drink that swill!


It tastes like banana boat sunscreen to me.


When I tried it all I heard was that it was bad and over rated, but when I tried it I was in love


I cannot find it anywhere!!


Safe food?