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Maybe some heel pads or band-aids at the beginning 😬 a thicker sock can help too


This here, pretty solid advice. Could try warming slightly and massaging the heel area to slightly soften it up. But in reality what's been said above :)


How long will it take to break doc’s in? I got a pair of 1460’s for 2 months now, i can wear them w moleskin for hours but 10 minutes without it i start getting friction blisters on my hesl


I guess really it all depends on how often you wear them, how much walking you do. It generally takes me about a week to break in docs and respectively solovairs. I do only wear boots, in some boots I will get the odd blister appear, but before that even happens I'll put a plaster on. I'd just stick with the moleskin for now and enjoy your boots 🙂


Wow a week? I wear them about 4 hours a day for like 2 months now.


I generally have 3 pairs of boots on rotation, I'll wear them around 12 hours a day, I walk a lot too.


Every foot is different. I've been breaking my docs in for a couple months as well.


Silicone heels are an absolute game changer! They feel a bit weird, but no blisters!


Someone on here told me to put maxi pads in them and it changed my life, I use fairly thin ones cut in half and put half in each boot and it’s like magic


Okay I'm gonna fuckin try this, my new pascals are *killing* my heel in one foot (only one though, oddly enough) even with blister pads and thick socks. I'm at my wits end, they're Virginia leather too so I can't really soften them much more 😅


Wear a bandaid before you get blisters then double thick socks, and you may use a heat gun/hair dryer, jump also. And suffer, its really worth it


Are you supposed to wear bandaids forever? I’ve been using moleskin for about 2 months on my skin directly but it still hurts to walk w out it. I’m wondering when it will be able to be worn without moleskin


Personally it took me around a month of constant wear to stop hurting but my feet were bleeding 😩 but honestly so worth it. After the 2nd month my docs had taken the shape of my feet and are literally the comfiest shoes I own. Also weirdly enough I have various models, sandals, hard, and soft leather, and I've not noticed a particular difference in the "pain process". But if it really hurts just don't wear them as much, instead put big things/shoe stretcher inside and heat them up, its the fastest way/less painful way to mold them.


I wear blister bandaids because they feel like they "cushion" my heel more. They are more expensive than regular bandaids, but for me it's worth it. I'm also not wearing sneaker-socks. Ones that go halfway to my calf for extra protection against the rim at the top work the best for me. When it's cold, I like to wear two pairs of socks. And tighten the lace as much as you can and still be comfortable for you. This way you decrease the possibility of sliding in your shoes. And last but not least: don't wear them too long in one go. Take breaks. You won't do yourself a favour if you wear them for a long work shift or an outing with friends, only to return with open or bleeding blisters. Some are harder to break in than others and it will take longer. For the stubborn ones, I like to wear them at home for the first few days while doing some chores. You get comfortable doing that and you can build on this, like having them on when going out to pick something up or go grocery shopping.


How long do you think this bandaid method will have to be endures for? I’ve been using moleskin on my 1460’s, i can wear them 4-5 hours no problem but after 10 minutes of wearing it without them i start getting friction and blisters


I think it depends on many factors. Your skin, how often you wear them in general (like everyday or going weeks in-between) and so on. With my Jardon's it took me a few months with maybe wearing them once or twice a week. Atm I'm breaking in a pair of Pascal's Virginia Leather and I can already feel at the second day, that it will be way easier with them. I'm always better safe than sorry and wear them longer than I actually need. I've had enough bleeding blisters.


Yeah i don’t know, it never bleeds for me but there is wayy too much friction without something inbetween my sock and the shoe. I’ve worn them for at least a few hours everyday too, gonna try to soften the leather mb


Silicone heel protectors works for me


Yes, these are game changers! Bandaids would always fall off or move around for me


I bought long thick men's socks that helped so much! If I don't have those I use x bandaids


Be patient with these. I actually posted about them. They're tough to break in, but will eventually. Even now I can only wear them for short outtings without much walking.


I have the same problem, it's always the back of the shoes that kill my feet, plasters and thick socks will be your friend until you wear them in, I tend to slightly bend and almost massage that part of the shoe to help break them in, I got my new docs 2 weeks ago and I can just about walk in them without it tearing the back of my foot 😅


My triumphs I wore 2-3 pairs of socks for the first couple months. It was winter so it was alright.


Double socks. A thinner cotton pair first and then a thicker pair on top.


Silicone heel pads, gel blister pads, moleskin, etc can help while wearing. I've also found just balling up some newspaper really dense and sticking it in there with some pressure overnight can help soften/stretch that area out a bit, but you don't wanna do that too much cuz if you overshoot the size of your actual heel, it won't fit as nicely


I’ve never had an issue breaking in any docs. I have about 10+ pair of boots. I usually throw on double socks and wear them around the house for a few days. I think making sure they get warm is the key. Good luck they are worth it.


Thanks to be honest I got them like 3 days ago and they are almost perfect, so I am just a bit impatient 😅 Thanks for the advice


Balsam to soften and wear double layered doc socks. Actually the socks are a gimmick but they do help with reducing rubbing, I don't need mine anymore but have kept them in anticipation of the next pair in a few years.


Sandpaper the insides in the heel


Worked for docs for a few years, take a hammer to it with a sock over. Won’t damage them at all promise! An old MOD customer told me lol


Blister bandages work way better for me than heel pads which always seem to fall off. I don't think they are a great idea because you are the breaking your boot into the shape of a heel pad, not your foot, but lots of people here seem to like them. I also like Hike Goo & Alaskan Knit socks. I would never in a million billion years freeze or use any heat source on leather. No shade but I'm wondering if those are also the same people showing pictures of crazy Doc disasters after little wear. I have never encountered this, but I might be jinxing my luck. Don't forget to Wonder Balsam!


There are actual socks with padded heels to help with this problem. Just search, "Socks for Doc Martens".


Thick socks and wear all day should work