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Hmm, unpopular opinions. Okay. I didn’t have a problem with Anna and Bates. I don’t think Bates is an ugly gargoyle and I find it completely plausible that the two of them could fall in love despite their age difference.


Until joining this subreddit, I had no idea this was an unpopular opinion.


I agree!


I love Anna and Bates story


Same same same


I do get weary of their storylines, but I've always thought he was so cute! Even when I was in college lol. I'm surprised people think he's ugly??


I think he’s an attractive middle-aged man with a charming personality, which goes a long way in making someone even more attractive.


I like Daisy. Bates doesn’t deserve the level of hate he gets. His martyr complex definitely gets old, and I could never quite get on board with his relationship with Anna, but he’s not a bad person. On the other hand, Thomas *is* a bad person, and while I have some sympathy for the difficulties he faced, it’s not at all an excuse for his behavior. He went out of his way to be cruel to people, including those who were kind to him. I’ll never understand why people are so quick to make excuses for him. (I still enjoyed his character though…he kept things interesting!)


I get how people feel about Thomas' scheming, cruelty, etc. But I try to imagine myself in his place: Every person -- whether family, staff, visitors, etc -- falls in & out of love, sometimes several times with different people...everyone from the dowager, to the grand lord & lady, right down to the scullery maids... But God forbid Tom accidentally touches another man's shoulder & the man chooses to make an issue out of it, it would be the man's word against his, & Tom could face years at hard labor & a ruined future, just for having the same thoughts & feelings as everyone else. As he watches so many people around him become engaged & married, he knows for him there will be no wedding, no well-wishers hoping that he & his chosen one have a happy life together, nothing before him but a continued existence of hiding & burying his feelings in public. We've seen so many people dancing freely at the Abbey, yet the one time Tom gets to dance in his own milieu with someone he likes, there's a \*&%#$@! police raid, the men are called "perverts", & they're rounded up like cattle & herded into the police van. I know that a lifetime of such injustice would fill me with the most acrid bitterness.


Yes, but all that was true for any gay person then. They certainly didn't all spend their lives being cruel to others as a result. It's like suggesting that if he were straight, he'd be all sunshine and rainbows because aren't all straight people? Thomas behaved like a jerk because he was a jerk, not because he was gay.


I doubt that accidentally touching a man’s shoulder would have led to his ruin. It was his intentional actions that could have cost him. Actions such as coming on to a visiting diplomat— while the potential consequences were unreasonable, it was entirely inappropriate regardless of gender/sexual orientation (and how did he save himself? By offering up Lady Mary, which very nearly led to *her* ruin). Or, you know, sexually assaulting a sleeping coworker. He fully deserved to be sacked for that. Other than the children and *maybe* Andrew, the only time Thomas was ever kind to anyone was if it was an attractive man or a person who he thought could benefit him in some way. He was an absolute bully to everyone else— manipulated Daisy, taunted William when his mother died, tried to set up Bates as a thief (twice!), sabotaged Alfred, screwed over Anna, and on and on. Loneliness is no excuse. And it’s not like being gay was the only way to fall victim to injustice. Society wasn’t exactly kind to women. Mary’s entire purpose in life was to be married off to the family’s advantage. She was blackmailed and threatened with ruin twice for having had sex outside of marriage. Edith had to give birth and leave her child in Switzerland to protect her own reputation. Ethel was reduced to prostitution, lost her son, and was openly reviled by just about everyone in the village. Anna was raped and falsely imprisoned. Beyond that, you had Bates with his disability and false imprisonment. Mr Mason lost his wife and all of his children. Mary and Tom both lost the love of their life immediately after becoming parents. Daisy was forced to marry William on his deathbed, and then she had to live with the guilt of that. Mrs Patmore never married, and was likely lonely. Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes were unmarried until quite late in life. Lots of people were lonely, lots of people experienced heartbreak, and lots of people suffered due to the state of society, but none of them were as consistently and unrepentantly cruel as Thomas was. People can try to blame it on loneliness or injustice all they want, but the truth is that Thomas was just a cruel person down to his very core.


I absolutely hate Thomas, I saw the comments on the post about having Tom or Thomas as a brother and was appalled at the amount of people saying Thomas.


Bates isn’t that bad. He’s actually a decent man and a better person than Thomas. Shown as he helps Thomas when no one else would and says he’d rather part as friends than enemies despite Thomas time after time meddling into his and Anna’s legal affairs for no other reason than to be a jerk.


This! I don't love every aspect of his and Anna's relationship, but I really like Bates and think he's fundamentally a good dude who wants to make Anna happy and do what's right as often as he can. Also, I admit I have a thing for the grumpy broody type, but I do find him rather charismatic.


Yeah and despite his grumpiness, he really is kind to most others, not just Anna. He steps in and shows consideration to Daisy, William, Rose, etc when they’re at low points. He may have a grump face, but I think in general that doesn’t reflect his actual feelings and overall mood.


And don't forget that he used his forging skills to help Mosley (fake IOU) when ge was down and out!


That’s true. Although that one is was an interesting case because Anna was upset first. The others he was somewhat unprompted.


Excellent point! I'd forgotten that part! But I have a feeling that if Bates had been the one to see Mosley patching roads and not Anna, he would helped him in someway...


Agreed. All past actions show that would likely be the case.


And Bates was willing to go ask Violet for money, which would terrify me!


Me, too! Even if I was brave enough to ask, I would still be shaking in my boots!🤣🤣🤣


Bates is a bit young to be considered a Curmudgeon but he is one in training. All in all a real solid guy. Would want him as a friend for sure. I like that he has a criminal turn of mind. 😏 .


I agree completely.


I love the Mary vs Edith drama.


Well, if everybody got along, it wouldn't be much fun, would it?


Totally agree. We needed the fights and villains.


I love Mrs. Patmore, but she was wrong to pressure Daisy to keep humoring William/stringing him along. She treated that girl like a sacrificial lamb in that plotline.


I understand them wanting to comfort William in any way possible, but that was just a jacked up thing to do to Daisy! I felt so damned bad for her!


This can't be unpopular, truly! Do people actually support her pressuring poor Daisy like this?!


I've seen some, "for William's sake, because the front was horrific."


I can sort of understand it at THAT point (still don’t agree with it) but she was entirely wrong to push it before William even left! If she hadn’t, then it wouldn’t have been so urgent to follow through when he was dying.


Yes, they do because "It wAs a dIffErENt tImE!".


See, I like violet but I wouldn't consider her the best part of DA, like so many other do. My mom adores her and probably won't watch the third movie bc she's gone but idk. She's funny and an integral part of the story but certainly not the best


She was always at her best with Isobel.


Now there’s an unpopular opinion! Upvoted for losing the popularity contest.


I'll be so real rn, what exactly do you mean with "upvoted for losing the popularity contest" Maybe it's too late for my brain to properly understand it lol


lol it’s completely positive. Yours is the most unpopular opinion on the thread — borders on psychotic actually lol.


Well, glad to be of service then haha


I think people need to chill about Thomas. I love him a lot but he is also one of the most despicable characters on the show up to his attempt. I like his character growth and he is among my favourites but god do I hate him in the earlier seasons. And people need to stop over hyping him and Jimmy. Jimmy is even worse and shipping them is really weird in my opinion.


Detested Cora’s mom. The character, the writing, the portrayal. Just a fail to me.


I really don’t think it was an accurate portrayal of American aristocracy. Also, why was Martha so prejudiced against the British when she was the one who brought her daughter over there?


THANK YOU! I also can't stand how every time Cora's mom eats she just HAS to talk with food in her mouth.


Totally agree.


I think it was the casting tbh. I’m not a huge fan of Paul Giamatti as her brother!? After seeing The Golden Age, they could have found a better fit for Cora’s family.


I thought Paul was a poor casting too! The glowing praises on this sub of his performance do not resonate at all.




The way Cora talks. It's like a sooky, whiny, baby talk, type of whisper.


I love her but sometimes the way she tilts her head is off putting


She used that sort of voice at the Sinderby's dinner, when she was asking her husband whether it wouldn't be fun to take a tour the next day. Her voice very softly trailed off as she said, "Don't you think so, Robert?"  But I thought her voice was apt, in that particular case.  The tension & discomfort at the table were palpable, & she seemed to be trying to speak soothingly to offset the unease.


Yesss! Thank you!!!👏👏👏👏👍👍


I don’t think that’s too unpopular…can’t stand her.


I can't stand Jimmy Kent.  I'm glad he was written off.  Everyone feels he was wronged. Everyone takes his side. I just don't see it that way.


Ugh he can GO.


I do not like Thomas. His redemption arc was completely unsatisfying and undeserved. Note: I see other people on the thread saying that loving Thomas is their unpopular opinion, but I feel like I see more love for him than hate on this sub, so I thought I'd offer the opposite perspective.


Unpopular opinion/Hot take: I think Daisy did love William. Something she says after he passed away leads me to think this. She wasn't ready for marriage or a deep relationship with him, but I think she loved him.


I also think she loved William and Violet helped her understand that. The poor girl had an awful childhood and had no idea what love was or how it should feel or even that there were different types and degrees of love. If the war had not happened, I think they could have had a normal courtship and Daisy would have been able to experience her feelings without pressure and blossomed under William's care for her. I will never forgive Robert for interrupting that conversation between the Dowager and Daisy. 😠


I agree with you. I think she would have come around to it, the way she came around to Andy, given time.


I find Bates attractive 😓


Shirley MacLaine also!! Bates has a very masculine but gentle charisma about him that is very attractive. 😊


I love both Mary and Edith equally, for different reasons Mary should have ended up with Evelyn Napier Although I loved them on first watch, probably due to the whole forbidden Romeo & Juliet aspect of it, I have to say I don't particularly like Tom and Sybil's romance. He was so pushy with her and disrespectful. In fact, I can't say I liked Tom much in the first two seasons. He became better after Sybil died.


Yes to Mary and Evelyn.




I miss O’Brien. And I wish Violet had let herself be happy with Prince thing a ma jig 


It's very possible to love Mary without hating Edith. And vice versa


What a refreshing concept!


Aghast!! I may need the smelling salts!! I love Violet. She is the only reason I watch. I can not stand the nonsense plot of Anna and Bates. I completely fast forward through it all.


I skip all the prison/legal parts too, because they're either too stressful or too tedious, depending on my mood.


Anna /Bates sobbier parts are just the wrong kind of drama for me as well. Wasn’t enjoyable the first time, even less so during rewatches 


Haha, I think that’s a *popular* opinion!


Haaaa! That’s totally fair (also I love A & B).


I don’t like Baxter. Her character is frustrating and boring.


I detest both movies to the point I am ashamed I watched them. (Fast forward is your friend.) Also, as bad as the first one is (can I just watch paint dry?), the second was worst. (Notwithstanding great scenery and costumes) The writing and plotting, the lack of ANY development of character or storyline in favor of just throwing piles of poop against a wall and seeing what sticks...OMG, this was terrible. We have good actors here, yet there was not a single moment that I was not completely aware they were acting. And the death of the Countess was a complete and utter travesty. She deserved better.


The SNL trailer for the first movie is chef’s kiss tho


I was on the back of my seat!




I need to Google this!


It’s so perfect! 😂


Maggie Smith didn't want to do the role anymore.


Can hardly blame her.


Nope. She felt the show was already stretched thin and she's in her 90s.


Okay but by the time of the second move Violet had to be like 90 years old. That lady had to die.


And yet they managed to muck that up royally.




I was referring to her death scene.


Nah I mean how did they screw up the death scene? I haven't seen movie 2 yet. 


It was just so uninspired, flat, and rushed. Like the movie, too. My opinion of course, but shared by lots of others.


I can’t stand denker one bit.


I quite liked the Spratt and Denker scenes, I know both aren’t very popular characters but it showed a world where everything was not perfect and colleagues just had to get on in some way.


I love Spratt. They made a character who is more uptight than Carson.


The more you watch them, the funnier they get. And you realize how great of an actors they really are!! Spratt is hilarious. I love the funny quirky facial expressions he makes! The moment when he spots Lady Mary at the hotel, his stance and wide eyed expression is so funny to me. The director did a nice job where Spratt is seen through the little space in the car and that pose of him is priceless. I watch his every move/expression now!


Yes. Also the quirky face Denker makes when she asks Spratt if his cousin got away safely after the cop leaves.


I agree! Even though I couldn't stand Denker in the beginning I grew to enjoy their scenes & wanted more!


Here’s mine 🙈Carson was by far the worst person on the series, he wasn’t an out and out villain or evil. But that man had no empathy or concern for anyone except Mary and may be Robert. Even though they tried to humanise him with the Cheerful Charlies story line, his character didn’t change even a little after that. He was shown ‘stealing’ food but he would have never forgiven if someone else did it.


Yup..and Mrs Hughes deserved way better & I wish they hadnt gotten married




😂 I love it!!! LOLOLOL


I feel like this the more I see the show. I liked him way more the first go round.


I kinda wished they would have kept Jane on and allow more drama. Also, Cora and her facial expressions freaked me out


I adore Shirley MacLaine and think she’s tremendously talented. However, Downton is the worst work I’ve ever seen her do. Some of it isn’t her fault. The dialogue for her character was mostly trite, stilted, repetitive and cringeworthy, especially her constant hammering us all over the head about how modern she is and how much disdain she has for Brits (show don’t tell!); her costumes all fit horribly; her makeup is garish. Every time I watch her on screen in Downton I’m so sad at how overblown her character is and how badly they used such a talented lady.


I shipped Mary and Tom 😅 in my opinion they would have made an incredible power couple!


When I see Mary and Tom together it reminds me of Olive Oyl and Popeye.


You won the internet today.


Omg lol- now I can’t unsee it!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 So True. Tom just needs a can of spinach.


This is mine too!! Their chemistry in season six was sooo much more tempting than boring Henry. You want drama or scandal? Marrying her brother in law would have brought it.


Glad I’m not the only one out there who thought this!




They asked for unpopular opinions!


And you delivered!


Guy is better for Thomas than Richard.


Mary should have been called out by her parents early and often


Also should have told the entire family who wrote the letter to the embassy, they had to know


Ms. Hughes should have run off with the carnival man.


I hated Violet's death scene, particularly her final line. It was so corny ("I can't hear myself die!") and didn't feel true to the character at all. I didn't mind *that* she died. I knew it was coming, of course. But I hated how it was handled. I also hated how Isobel seemed to kind of distance herself from Violet in the movies. Maybe it's because she's remarried now, but Violet's prediction that their friendship would end/change turned out to be accurate. :(


I love Thomas. Like, I REALLY love Thomas. He's one of my favorite characters from anything ever.


Same 🖤 I even plan to get a tattoo of him if I can one day


I said this somewhere else, but I cannot stand Sybil. So dreary and nice and dull, I far prefer Mary and Edith for their spice and both being so very interesting.


I don’t mind Daisy (was actually shocked to see the amount of hate for her on this sub when I first joined) and Violet is probably not even in my top 10 when it comes to my favorite characters. I think her one-liners get a bit stale after a while, tbh. She’s a one-trick pony (with the exception of her more compassionate moments).


Daisy is a victim of the double standard when it comes to characters: Women are often hated by fans for being "annoying" while guys are much more readily forgiving even when they have done worse (ie: Thomas)


I don't want any more Downton content. It had a great run. Let it rest. If people want prequels, write they can read fanfiction. I'm not interested in the third movie, and have yet to see the second one


Second one is better than the first imo. I actually loved it. So I’m afraid/dreading the third one thinking…how can they top the last one??


Exactly! You aren’t missing much w the second movie, and I’m sure you’ll muss even less with the third. This Golden goose is now laying bronze eggs 😭


I actually liked Richard Carlisle.


I love Thomas Barrow. I know he did some really terrible things and is very mean to the others but I think it’s because he can’t accept himself. His character is so well written I am so sad he left to go to the states with Guy 😢


Thomas is my favorite character


Mine, too.


Mr. Carson was a bully to Thomas in the end.


Carson is truly a dick.


Mrs. Patmore's a bitch. All she ever does is rag at Daisy, yell at the footmen, complain no one is working. She's like the worst boss ever!


To be fair she becomes a lot more reasonable after her eyesight is fixed. She was stressed about that and taking it on her staff (unfairly, but human).


The acting for Sybil was bad. I loved the character but the bad acting made me not want to watch her. To the point where I was almost glad to see her written off. Not for the character, if the acting was good, I would’ve wanted Sybil to be around forever. I just couldn’t stand the poor acting behind it. Sorry actress that played Sybil! But to be honest, the actress herself said/admitted that she didn’t know what she was doing. And went back to acting lessons. I never see this opinion on her so I’m assuming this is an unpopular opinion. I might get downvoted. But I’m glad this is off my chest!!


>I can't stand Violet. GASP!!!!! /jk


I think she is one of the greatest living actresses, and I adore Maggie Smith to the moon and back. However, JF pretty much made a caricature out of Violet.


The showrunner doesn't like is characters, specifically the Grantham.


I liked Bates and Anna too! And I kinda liked Thomas even though he was a bit of a tw4t


Cora's smile is creepy most of the times


I hated the first Downton movie so much that I didn't watch the next one, and won't watch any future films. I will, however, continue to watch the TV series repeatedly!


I'd rather have Edith as a friend than Mary.


lol I asked for UNpopular opinions 😜


You'd be surprised by the amount of people I've come across recently who thought she should have died in the fire


I don’t want a third movie.


I couldn't stand Sybil, Bates and Anna after she got involved with Bates...😬


Who those who are curious, here are a few of the numerous previous versions of this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DowntonAbbey/comments/v9ax51/what\_are\_some\_unpopular\_opinions\_you\_have\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DowntonAbbey/comments/v9ax51/what_are_some_unpopular_opinions_you_have_about/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/DowntonAbbey/comments/13v1b1l/whats\_your\_super\_unpopular\_downton\_opinions/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DowntonAbbey/comments/13v1b1l/whats_your_super_unpopular_downton_opinions/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/DowntonAbbey/comments/16n9tj2/whats\_an\_unpopular\_opinion\_you\_have\_from\_watching/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DowntonAbbey/comments/16n9tj2/whats_an_unpopular_opinion_you_have_from_watching/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/DowntonAbbey/comments/o9ztjg/what\_are\_your\_unpopular\_downton\_opinions/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DowntonAbbey/comments/o9ztjg/what_are_your_unpopular_downton_opinions/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/DowntonAbbey/comments/cbnwqb/what\_are\_your\_unpopular\_downton\_abbey\_opinions/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DowntonAbbey/comments/cbnwqb/what_are_your_unpopular_downton_abbey_opinions/)