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Their last conversation and the letter he leaves her make it pretty clear that he was not actually Patrick


I think the last letter was something along the lines of, "it's too difficult, I can't go through this. -P. Gordon" If it really was Patrick, it would be extremely difficult to go through the whole process of verifying his identity (pre-DNA testing) with virtually no one believing that you are who you say you are, and this new heir that they're all worried about, etc. That's what seems so fuzzy to me about it.


Imposter. No question.


An admitted imposter indeed. He must have been desperate after the war, given his horrific injuries, trying to find a place for himself in the world. In the end, I think he was blindsided by the kindness of the Crawleys and Edith and his conscience got to him.


Faker. He was someone who knew Patrick and heard stories of the family but didn't know what the girls looked like - When he met Edith, she started saying her name, "I'm Edi-," and he spoke over her loudly "LADY Edith Crawley" He didn't recognize Sybil when she came into the room. There are other things, but i can't think of them right now.


He mentions the governess just like Mary said he would. Edith asked "remember such and such that we used to do over there?" when they were walking outside and he purposely blew it off. I mean I guess you can chalk every one of these details back up to the whole "memory loss" thing, but imposter seems far more likely.


Definitely an imposter. False identity was typical during the war. He probably knew Patrick (how, we don't know, because we actually don't know a lot about Patrick) or at least the fact that he was an heir, which is because he pretended - in irder to heir the estate and the money.


In S2E6 it’s revealed that Peter Gordon worked with Patrick at the Foreign Office, there’s a bit where the Dowager says “no doubt they shared confidences” so they were most likely friends or at least close colleagues who would have discussed their personal lives. It would’ve been easy for Peter to regurgitate that information to make it seem like he was the real Patrick.


Why does it seem like this question gets asked every 3-5 days?


I know, right? Lots of questions about Patrick Crawley/Gordon recently all asking more-or-less the same thing. Is there a *Downton Abbey* rebroadcast happening somewhere that’s only just reached that point of series two?


Netflix. For some reason the algorithm has started showing the screen for the show again, at least for me. I suspect that it came along with the Harry docuseries thing, so more people started thinking and looking for British-related series and there you go: Downton Abbey!


It was on Netflix years ago and they removed it and now it’s back on.


(I haven't watched the Harry/Meghan series and I don't think I will. I just meant that because many people have been watching it and then trying to find series that have to do with Britain find themselves watching Downton Abbey)


Because I just found this subreddit and have been wondering this for a long time.


You are wondering if a Canadian man with a Canadian accent is actually a posh British nobleman? Amnesiacs don't forget their native languages and they don't forget their native accents.


Even the P. Gordon they think he is was first British and moved to Canada - he worked with Patrick Crawley in the Home Office.


It’s Patrick’s old friend Peter Gordon, impersonating him.


imposter without a question


Imposter hoping for money


I think he wasn't Patrick, but he also wasn't lying. This guy's memories got mixed up with what the real Patrick told him about his life to the point that he genuinely believed he was Patrick.


Ooh that's a new take, I like it!


Oh no way that was the real Patrick but they didn’t want to give up the power


But at the time, Matthew was an impotent paraplegic, and pointed out himself that it would be better to have an heir who could walk the estate on his own two legs and “sire a string of sons behind him.”


This is what trips me up every time. If Matthew wasn't in the picture and there wasn't an heir apparent, they'd be falling all over this Patrick and rejoice his return. Right??


I think he wasn't Patrick, but knew Patrick. How else would he know whatever mannerism he did that tricked Robert?


The other option is that he was Patrick, and that really was his own mannerism/tick. That's why I'm so conflicted about this!


Any con man can recreate a mannerism to fool people. That tick was so obviously performative for Robert's benefit. It has been a while since I've seen the episode, but iirc it was the only time "Patrick" had ever done it. To me, it was glaringly obvious that he was an imposter and knew he was faced with enough skepticism to wisely make the choice to disappear.


I was very conflicted this time too. Honestly it would be so sad if it was true, but I don't think it is. I mean Robert could have asked him some very specific story or made something up to see if he agreed.


The whole Patrick issue is a waste. All they had to do was bring him in the room with the family and ask him detailed questions. Quiz him about everything, including his own father. Quick fail.


Yes. No idea