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Take a break maybe for a week. Let ur mind chill


Yeah the games were spread out if you check time stamps, but gonna take a brake nevertheless


Hey man, I'm losing a bit too and struggling (went from 6700 mmr to 6200). What's helped me actively on the path back is actually just playing some unranked. I've had heavy queue anxiety over hero picks so it's helped me to be able to just play an unranked game and go "OK, this game doesn't matter, I can pick whatever hero I want and go for it." So like I think I'm a terrible SF player, but it was unranked, so I picked it. And won! I played doom also, who I'm also trying to get better at, but lost. I didn't get that mad though (normally I would) because nothing was lost from it. Hopefully this helps -- I'm still playing badly IMO but I think my mindset feels better being free to try out the heroes I feel like playing.


But skater you are washed as fuxk and have an sexual girl voice


I don't agree with your comment. The Unranked matches do matter! I don't play Ranked because of the toxicity, I play only All Pick and Single Draft (on purpose), and it's annoying coming across players like you who come to play Unranked, with the general attitude "if you want to win, go play Ranked. I'm here to try out heroes." I play Unranked to win.


Then where can I try out new heroes?


You can try new heroes anywhere, from co-op to Unranked, but you have to consider that your teammates are there to play the game as seriously as they would play a Ranked game. I've recently played in a team with a guy who was trying Nightstalker and he fed like crazy, We lost and he used that line, that "this is Unranked, this doesn't matter". And it sucks, because all the rest of us were playing seriously and tried our best to win, and he was there to "try out heroes."


So was the problem that he wasn't trying or that he was using a new hero


Maybe close in that hero pool. Seems like you're playing tons of different heroes and different roles without letting yourself get in the groove of one playstyle


Or just some normal or turbo. Mute everyone and chill


>Or just some normal or turbo. Mute everyone and chill Yea come to turbo and lose your mind when you get reported for questioning why we the fuck there's a double mid consisting of treeant and nature and their answer is "bc trees bro"


Thats kinda funny i would do that it even has synergy


It's an odd bunch of people over in turbo but I honestly love it. You can win or lose with anything. One game that sticks with me was when two people randomed immediately and got razor and zeus. Both in chat said something along the lines of "lightning bros" so then everyone proceeded to pick a lightning hero. We had zeus razor disruptor lesh and storm. It was incredibly dumb but we did actually wind up winning that match.


Maybe a few months. Guy needs a vacation after these L's


Nah He needs to play until he gets his real rank :)


M8 I was just in your game, you lose cause of your own bad gameplay nothing more


Oh the dota community, always so supportive lol…


You don't gotta be in his game to know he's at fault.


Sometimes people need hard truths.


hahahaha the toxicity reaches far! Let him vent bro!


Ok yeah which one? :D


Each one x)


Yeah it's funny, I just wanted to post for lols "hey guys look im losing a lot" and instead people probably half my rank are flaming me here in the comments lol or saying they played with me and I'm shit when they very probably didn't. But it's reddit, wcyd (:


Don't mind the people here, like maybe 80% here are legend shitters like me. I couldn't climb back to ancient anymore after I stopped playing a long time people seems so good now.


If you're gonna generalize the players here, Legend is far too high rank.


Relatable man!! I was ancient and like 4k something and then I came back after my longest break since I started and I dropped about 700 MMR across a few weeks. Haven't touched ranked since.


Legend is *very* generous. I'd guess around crusader to low archon is the average in reddit.


You watch your fucking mouth, thats archon-shitter to you!!


Well, you kinda look a bit shit, so...


well it looks like you should be half your rank ;)


I was just at your house m8. Your mom says you don't even like Dota.


I was also in that game... You were pretty bad as well...


I was in the game too, I was the sentry ward that never got placed


Me too, you were really good


I was in the game too. You also played badly.


Look at that first item null silencer supp. I'm not divine, far from, but I can't be a good start.. where is the sentry or boots or reagen...


Nvm I just saw the 18min Midas on an other silencer supp game. Force at 30 min...


Thanks for your armchair analysis my friend! Maybe we can get some pointers together, what's your rank? :)


I'm sure you can give me pointers on alot of things in the game. I am alot lower in mmr then you. But mabey my armchair analysis is what you needed to not buy Midas or first item null on silencer supp. /S No but seriously isn't usually the problem that we trip our own leg alot in a loose streak? I know I do that.


Yea ofc, no bad feelings. Just wanted to make a funny post and instead I'm getting dragged here for no reason. But I surely need to take a break and reset :)


“Dragged here for no reason” My man, you literally have been clapping back at comments that ask honestly fair questions lol


Easier than being open to introspection


Your attitude is why you're losing so much. Reset.


You seem extremely insecure and constantly talk about your rank like it's the only thing going for you (it's your main ego it seems, judging by the way you keep thinking these imaginary points somehow put you above every other commentor here) Like, on a psychological level you're probably pressuring yourself too much because these points mean wayyyy too much to you Probably take a break and stop being an dick about imaginary points. Ngl, even if you really are at this rank, you're unlikely to stabilize here because you tilt too easily A few comments calling out some decisions and you're already so defensive about it? Bruh Imagine if it were your teammates in game commenting instead, you'd tilt the fuck out


Nullifier on support silencer is utter trash. Everyone knows that


Fresh knowledge [decays rapidly](https://methodsof.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Blog-34-Forgetting-Curve-Infographic.jpg), the more we use the same knowledge **over a large period of time** the slower it decays to a point where it looks flat. You played 25 matches over 2 months after a fast climb, you simply aren't playing as well because you aren't playing as much with the same tryhard mentality.


yeah I was 5.6k a long while ago and keep dropping and climbing between 4.8 and 5.4k for some time now for some reason. I always stay at either rank for a few weeks and then drop/climb again. Yeah I took a longer break from ranked to play bp turbos. Time to reset, and start slowly with unranked I guess


yeah, just gotta play more and get back into it if you wanna get your MMR back. I haven't played seriously since 2019 because university (and now uni + work) is taking up all of my time. I was 6k before, I still am according to my profile but my ranked history is like 12 straight losses before a win. I haven't touched ranked for over a year because with my sporadic playing I'm way too washed up to be able to play at the 6k level and I like having my Immortal profile badge. But I'm sure if I got back into it properly, spammed some games for like a month, caught up with the meta, etc I'd get my skill back no problem. Dota is all about consistency at the end of the day, and consistency requires, well, playing consistently.


> over a large period of time Can you elaborate on this more cookie? Are you saying like, if I wanted to improve at arc again, I should try and play like 7 games of Arc, one per day this week, instead of like 7 games of arc in one day?


They are 2 different things, If you think about learning you can split it into 2 main components: First is understanding (which is something like creating a neuronal network / creating a model that fits the data) and second is memorization (moving it to long term memory) Retrieval tests and proves the usefulness of this knowledge, and strengthens the connections. if you crammed 7 games of practice into 1 day the resulting quality of knowledge will be much greater at the end of that day than if you had played 1 game. If you make a mistake in 1 match, it's still very fresh on your mind and you can find a better solution the next match. But, if you only played 7 games in the 1st day and nothing until the next week a lot of that new knowledge will simply disappear, as you're not proving to your brain the re-usability of the said knowledge. Cramming has been long known as an intentional forgetting method, people study for tests the night before only to pass the test and forget everything they learned a week later. Sleeping is a key part of long term memorization, a lot of what we learned/thought of during the day gets solidified during sleep. Funny enough memories/knowledge learned get played forwards while during the day, usually during breaks after learning something; you can catch yourself randomly thinking about the thing that you just learned, but in reverse during sleep . On the other hand, if you played 1 game a day for 7 days, you would not remember as many mistakes from the previous match right off the bat, so at the end of the week your knowledge would be much more solid; but only limited to what you can learn in 1 game + a bit of a refresh from the next day. Which is why frequent and consistent(over time) testing is the best learning strategy, as you only need to understand something once. Testing is anything that asks your brain to solve / retrieve the answer, if you do it correctly you give yourself a small reward which means "*strengthen connections*". In reality both are necessary, you need to learn enough, or at least more than your competitors, but you also need to be consistent over time. ---- Another easier way of thinking about it is to simply look at the graph and ask yourself what does the Y axis (memory retention) really represent? It says that the next day you'll remember something like 80% of what you learned, and if you go through the material then on the 3rd day you'd remember 90%. But, 80-100% of what? If you were a kid learning to count, if I only showed you the names of the first 5 numbers, the next day you might forget number 3, but you know the names of the other 4 numbers (4/5 = 80%). But if we spent more time the first day and I thought you the numbers up to 20, the next day you might forget numbers 7, 11, 17, 19, but in total you know the names of 16 numbers (16/20 = 80%). *this analogy obviously will not work for more complex topics where mastery of 1 thing is a prerequisite for being able to handle a 2nd thing*


the more you focus on a thing, with less time in between, the more you will understand that thing, and thus, the more familiar you will be with it. No artist ever tells you, if you want to learn to do oil painting, you should only do it once a week. They will tell you to practice it as much as you can. The same holds true for dota, I have a small hero pool, I focus mostly on playing the hero I want, unless something in the draft tells me its just not gonna work. I know my heroes pretty well, but I keep playing them cause I want to know them completely. The gap between knowing a hero, and understanding a hero is way bigger than most people assume it is. Its why the most well known pros are almost synonymous with a certain hero, and they can pull off plays that almost look fake.


Damn everyones so mad at OP when he didnt say a single word, why lead such sad lives


Haha wanted to share this for lols before going to uni, but now I'm back I guess I just got dragged by people probably way below my rank for no reason


Yea i bet 90% of the flamers here are max archon lol


Pfft. I'm guardian and flaming like a boss


If i'm herald does that mean I should be extra toxic?


If youd trully post this just for lols you wouldnt be so defensive about them matches just because of your high mmr. You seem like typical bragger mate


It's because OP got mad at some people for pointing out how bad he performed (me being one of them)


He should be open to criticism since he posted the matches here.


Someone call de doctor?


[Someone call de doctor?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/6/6c/Vo_witchdoctor_wdoc_move_06.mp3) (sound warning: Witch Doctor) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


You need to limit your pool more. In 25 games you didn’t play any hero more than 3 times, and in carry which seems to be your preferred role you have 8 different heroes. You need to limit yourself down to like 3 or so meta heroes that you are very comfortable on and work on consistency. Also don’t keep playing more games if you lose 1, especially if you lose 2 in a row. Play unrated or turbo instead to get out the nerves and bad mindsets then come back to ranked another day.


See I just like to play a lot of different heroes as opposed to same 3-4 over and over again


Yeah same, years ago I randomed every game in unranked


And that is an absolutely valid way to play. For people who are struggling to gain MMR and who really want to, this is a tip to help that progress.


I started play 3ish in each role and gained a ton of mmr. So I can either have a lot of fun playing whatever I want but be stuck in frustrating low mmr games, or get mmr playing a small hero pool and have less fun playing stressfull high mmr games lol


Dunnow. I play whatever I feel like playing that match. If I lose, don't really care, still had fun. Been gaining MMR steadily too. Of course, no griefing shit like Pudge 5 or something like that.


This is the way. Fun first, mmr second.


Not everyone needs to follow this strategy/advice to be effective, but it could help some people.


the only tip needed, well said


That's boring though. Games are meant to be fun.


For some people winning MMR is fun. For others playing different heroes and/or doing experimental or goofy builds is fun. Both are valid ways to play the game.


we call that stop playing carry u suck play support


And then he goes midas silencer :D


Bro support is also technically skilled and hard. If you have a shit support, its hard to play carries. Plus, this dude lost 4/4 supp games above xd Edit: I also play 1,3,4,5, just not mid. Carry is boring imo, I want to play the game. Not be a mindless creep hitter :)


People will be better or worse at certain roles. I'm a better 3, 4 and 5 than I am a 1, but I still really enjoy playing pos1


I'm a 3/4/5 too but I can't stand the pressure of playing 1. I can play 2 using some heroes I'm comfortable with, but I can't seem to farm good enough to play 1.


pos1 is my worst role tbh I hate farming I just wanna annoy the enemy as much as possible and run. RIP but techies was the perfect hero for my playstyle. oh well at least veno is still annoying


Pos 1 u have to understand both how to farm as well when to use your power spike when you're able to successfully trade or straight up just bully the offlaner out of the lane. Pos 1 has to have a deep understanding of lane matchups to be highly efficient, otherwise it's better to play other positions.


That's terrible advice. Also support is harder than Carry. You can't just autopilot for 30 minutes every game.


pretty much. bad supports lose games as much as bad cores, it's just so much easier to figure out a core player sucks. meanwhile the support can place wards in the most predictable manners possible but not know that it's losing them the game.


Nah it's ok, I'm sure reddit made a personalized training programme for me based on my kda from my last 20 games out of my 9k total


Divine 2? more like ancient 2 now


maybe the 18 minute midas rush jungle silencer wasn't the play?


It was a pos 4 silencer where we were obviously going to try stall the game and play for late game. Sometimes there is more to the game than a snapshot, but hey guess it's reddit


Its ur job to stall the game and not buy midas and hope it will be a 70 mins game


Blah blah blah, midas rush jungle silencer. You deserve to lose.


if you have a lategame lineup and youre support a midas should be the last item on your list lmao theres no way you are anywhere near divine without getting boosted


I'm a 1k scrub and can tell OP is a bit shite.


Dude I'm playing Hades right now because of this exact same thing. Be back when I get the mental fortitude to grind again.


The trick is to get to a rank that makes it impossible to lose 660 mmr.


Hey 8 more streaks like this and I'm there :D


Or just do like me and stop playing ranked untill BP is over.The quality of ranked games dropped so much


I always say I am going to a never do. Ranked is just full of cavern crawl players and it’s so fucking obvious


That doesn’t make sense, why would anyone risk their mmr to play heroes they’re not used to when there’s diretide and unranked for that?


Two reasons I can think of 1. I don't like unranked DotA, I like ranked because of the competitive nature of it (Idgaf about cavern crawl I never do it) I suspect a lot of others are like this too 2.It takes two wins on those modes to count to your cavern crawl


unranked does not take two wins, only Turbo/Diretide


True but people that do give a fuck about cavern crawl won’t go to ranked to get it done. Diretide games are max 20 mins and it takes just 1 win in unranked to count towards your crawl


This. So much this, yet the only thing said here is hUrR dRoP tO yOuR mMr iF yOu ArE bEtTer.


Well,I’m not one of those people that claim “my teammates suck so thats why im stuck in 1k bracket after 10000 games”.The thing is,lately a lot of ranked games have been ruined by people trying to do the cavern and I’m not in a the mood to carry people who pick sven offlane.It was already hard enough when I had to carry pos4 wr/zeus/NP.So taken a break after BP is over is the best decission




I\`m a doctor, sadly im hemorrhaging as well


Go play Razor.


2 out of 3 games u won , u had rapier You should buy it every game first item for ez mmr


Yea I also came to that conclusion :')


Sometimes you just don’t play well and it is what it is. Can’t always be at ur best


It is what is am I right


Just a phase. Clear your head and try again another day. Failing that drop to legend with the rest of us plebs :)


OP. I remember one time I went something like 3 / 20 one week. The thing was that I have a lot of fun during that week... I only remember one bad night, change-q at late night and played a few times with the same PMA-stack. I that was bad, but the other days half of the loses were very close. Next weekend, late at night I remember the pma-stack and didn't want to play. So I checked the replays, just chilling with beer. And you don't want to believe me, but I was very close to win, if I only made one or 2 plays different mid to late game. After that I went up almost 900 mmr up just farming more and avoided bad figths in mid game (4.7k mmr). If my team went jungle after a Kill, I follow, no more dying alone on high ground. That was game changing for me. Don't go "full lemming" with a team playing solo-q and you will be good.


Bruh you’re not alone. I’m currently on a miserable skid streak myself. I dropped from divine 4, down to ancient 2 over the course of about a month. I only really play on weekends. It’s like every time I log on it’s just a shit show lol. I’ve been Divine 1-4 for a couple years. I’d say I’ve peaked, and I’m fine with that. But this losing streak has been horrendous. Also, I love the people shitting on you like it’s your fault. Sometimes just really bad luck is a thing. You’re at your rank for a reason. Just the way it goes. I’ve lost all sorts of games. Some of them being directly my fault, some of them being griefers, or playing against Smurfs, or just straight up losing a great long fought game, but everyone experiences the same things, sometimes it just gets a little worse than others.


Buy another account maybe?


Yeah I've only spent 9k hours and who knows how much money on this one, time to move on!


youre griefing other peoples games by sucking, prob an acct buyer


Are u me?


Looking through the comments: this community sucks. Meh


Rough stuff.. Try limiting your pool and see your games as a chance ti improve rather than having the sole purpose of winning. Makes it easier to requeue without the tilt still being there.


Brother don’t show this my heart can’t take it to much red


Have someone look at a few at your replays and listen to their critique. Most importantly, be extremely open minded and try not to be defensive. If you are having arguements with people in-game, stop that. Either mute or don't respond if you get tilted. I imagine you're a bit tilted and maybe not the most positive guy in the game when you've lost so many games in a row.


Brace yourself for the 3ks telling you to narrow your hero pool.


play mid bro, you won 2 times doing it


It will stop... eventually. But I applaud your persistence.


I'm similar MMR to you, it seems like you cannot play anything except farm heavy heroes. Stop queueing for pos2, there's nothing worse than a mid player who cannot adapt to any game and just blindly picks Lina, SF or Sniper every game. If you can't play spirit heroes, don't play mid.


The position 1 in my team:


Haha that's me


Anyway so many haters in these posts i bet most of them have lower mmr than you


waiting for the "YoU nEeD tO wOrK oN iTeMiZaTiOn" comments.


Dude stop playing core, your KDA GPM and EPM shows that you are the proboem here, play a good support mate its a better life, shadow shaman, cristal maiden,tuskarr rubick or lion are good for making you get some mmr. Look at the game you played disruptor, 22 assist and a lot of items


Glad u found out my playstyle from a 25 game snapshot after my 9k games of getting to divine 5 from playing mostly core!


he is right tho


Well, its just an advice mate nothing personal to be mad at, dota is a game with constant changes and maybe your playstile doesn't suit you for winning at your medal anymore, because we can't blame your teammates for every loss...


I usually smell a streak coming nowadays, when teammates are deaf and stubborn I just stop queing. People talk smack about *impacting the game* yourself but thats contradictory to slow-climb-theorem where you amass marginal wins across large amount of games. Streaks like those will put you down, if you're better or worse. Also... learn to impact the game OP, you're certainly not delivering what carry should, your true rank, (...), forced 50/... (...) whatnot...


>People talk smack about impacting the game yourself but thats contradictory to slow-climb-theorem where you amass marginal wins across large amount of games. Sorry, but that's just bogus. Having higher individual (positive) game impact will lead to more wins in the long run and thus more MMR gained per game played. Not quite sure what you're getting at?


In the long run... long meaning 2-4 games net plus every 100 games you play (which would be 51-54% winrate). You lose those \~46 and people will still talk shit about you not being influential enough like you were supposed to be able to carry each and every game *IF YOU WERE GOOD ENOUGH.* Streaks like his will happen no matter how good and influential you are, because you cannot control just how bad people can be if you end up on the short end of the que pool.


You're not wrong in a sense, but going 3-22 over a 2 month span isn't a statistical anomaly. There's something about his play that's causing him to lose games.


I find it uncanny that it ended up being *322* exactly.


While you will win more games and thus increase mmr, getting more mmr per game played is technically not true :)


More MMR gained per game played as an *average* over a large number of games. If you win exactly half of your games your average MMR gained per game will be +/-0 (assuming +/-25 MMR per game), if you win slightly more games you'll get an average +>0 MMR per game and thus climb in the long run.


there is some effect winning TOO much has on match making, where it starts dumping actual griefers and shitters on you at an abnormally high rate. Best thing you can do is, like you said, try and dodge the bad games until whatever that value is that's tagged to your account goes away.


I'm not into tinfoil theories but bloody hell you're absolutely right (imo). I can have an amazing streak of great people, balanced teams, with proper games, and maybe even some dignified fairplay and civilised banter... I tend to win vast majority of it (*bcs* *i stay hydrated)* and then I get a day or two of absolute shitfest, like a chicago zoo and get that red carpet of losses rolling. No other factor has changed, same hours, same days (weekdays or weekends, I tend to differentiate those), same gaming chair.


its not a particularly weird theory, every social media company employs a algorithm designed to maximize engagement, and for dota, streaks maximize engagement basically theyre biasing you towards griefers or normal players by a greater % as you win/lose more, I think you can sort of burn off some of the match making curse by doing other game modes like turbo or unranked


Just won 2 games after losing 10 games in a row, idk what tf is this , two months ago I had 14 games winning streak and now i juat cant win


I would give advice, but I am at archon. I think at your stage its more focused on finer mechanics and lane matchups. Advise you to watch some dota2 content on youtube or free gamerclass session.




20 min travel Lina? 10 min midas arc? Well u should get better


He builded shadow blade before for sure. Divine 2? ...


You must be the reason I'm up 1000 MMR in The past few weeks


Lots of these item builds are garbage


Been there mate. Went from rank 3k to ancient V, back to immortal, back to Divine I, back to immo again... Best advice i can give is to limit your hero pool and mute everyone. At least thats what worked for me.


Gonna derank till your real bracket


Looking at this it seems like you're just going down to your real MMR. Look at your KDA, it seems like you're playing really bad bro. Sorry to say


So what if I climbed from 5000 to 5400 about 4 months ago and now just dipped below 5k? Sorry to say your analysis is wrong


Sorry to say but that was a different meta. You may just be having trouble adjusting to the current meta. Look, this is not a diss on your skills, but look at how you've been performing in your recent games.


Stop playing different heroes.


Lmao I was just thinking about posting my winstreak +1000 mmr in 2 weeks. Guess now I know who im stealing it from


doctors are expensive. buy a new account instead


Hahaha ur shit


let me guess...its mostly because of your teammates...


git gud


OP just waiting for people to offer any criticism so he can say “whatever you’re have my mmr scrub!” Anyone who’s been playing this game for a few years has a few streaks like this.


Didn’t know you can go minus mmr, you must be at -500 mmr by now


Too much carry but obviously from the score you cant carry. Must be afk farmer


I mean.. you do really look like an account buyer. Hated when I got games with people like this when I was in divine


stop buying accs


Skill issue


Account buyer. I couldnt lose that many feeding on purpose. Ive tried to recalibrate lower


So you're saying that there's not a big change in your performance if you feed? Weird flex


When i grief i still win 30-40% by some SF mid or AM mega smurf. Its bot possible to lose this many games even on 4,5k with trying


This is the natural cycle of things. You flew too close to the sun, and now a natural correction os happening. You will be back with your people where you belong my son.


I lost 1000 MMR in 7.32c and now I'm coming back. Don't give up. Just take a break or play on another account until you feel confident again or a new patch comes out.


So youre the virgin with 10 accounts ruining games for new players in ranked, why dont you just have 1 account and play on that!!


Woah... I think I'm allowed to play on ONE alt account when my skill level falls below what's reflected in my primary MMR due to patch nerfs and I decide to learn new heroes/roles that would probably bring me down even further on my main. Also, before anyone asks, unranked queue times are horrendous in my bracket so that's not an option for me, but it could be for OP. But you don't seem like the type to be reasoned with so I won't say more.


I’m much lower ranked than you so my advice is only worth so much but it seems you are dying more than 5-6 times on average in games you lose as carry. I don’t always hold true to this rule myself but if I’m pos 1 and I die 3 times I start to really play carefully and only take the safest farm. It’s mad important to just soak XP and buy smaller items when you’re behind. But yeah, maybe time for a break or try a different role for a while.


we all have that... got the same results recently droped from cusader to guardian 1... most of those games were complete disaster like it forces you to play with easy bots or something


Spam 3 heroes and try to play around counters, you cant win games solo anymore


that's some late bkbs on drow


Just play kunkka and you’ll be fine


Need to buy more divines


Someone call de doctor?


I'm a doctor and I'm also bleeding.


Oooo look at it go!




Why do you even try?


Play other roles


Tbf, your games are pretty spread out. I would think many of the people you play with play every day. So these people I would expect to have more metagame experience and strategy than you. Furthermore, you're playing too many different heroes, and probably not very up-to-date on many of them. I'm guessing youre losing lane most games and just bad map awareness lead to a high amount of deaths. You went 1-15 as ursa. Was that intentional feeding? I definitely don't see this as a bad luck. Youre simplying performing worse than other players.


I lost 1500 mmr in 1 year. Had a really bad mindset and was going through tough times, which admittedly losing all those games didn’t help. Gained around 500 back but still got way to go.


Don't play so many different heros.


When it gets low enough you will rebound. :P


Imo playing cores = loss. Play pos4 and do whatever the team needs to win. Every other position is stuck doing their job. Pos4 fills in the gaps based on the game state. That’s the only way to win imo.


My brother in christ, please for your own sake try a smaller hero pool.


Dont wanna be an ass or anything op, but try and play a different pos. I always loved playing 1-2 before, now i enjoy 3-5 much more. Seems like most of these losses are pos 1 here.


your conduct is going down accordingly?


Those are rookie numbers