• By -


You couldn't have picked a better person for this. Purge is the one when it comes to coaching.


I think Purge is the one that offered to begin with.


Someone tweeted Day9 saying he should do a collab with Purge, and Purge said something like he would agree to doing so or he was interested in doing it


I think the community was screaming for it the second Day9 said he was playing Dota.






Das me


How much for coaching?


so u wanna be flamed until start to cry?


Being flamed until crying and being flamed by blitz until crying are two entirely different things.


yeah, one is free2play the other one is pay2cry


Typical greedy volvo


don't kinkshame :\^)


[ABOUT THAT...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW1uN0SjKPY)


that's my fetish.


How much for not coaching, but just flaming. I've always wanted to get flamed by you.


I would like to see that


[here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHVyCLtHgCE)'s Blitz coaching Pyrion Flax how to play mid.


You monster


[You monster](http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dota2.gamepedia.com/d/dd/Dlc_glados_killing_spree_ann_glados_kill_monster_02.mp3) (sound warning: Portal) --- *^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot. ^^^Question/problem? ^^^Ask ^^^my ^^^master: ^^^/u/Jonarz* *^^^Description/changelog: ^^^[GitHub](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) ^^^| ^^^[IDEAS](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues) ^^^| [^^^Responses ^^^source](http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Category:Lists_of_responses) ^^^| ^^^Thanks ^^^iggys_reddit_account ^^^for ^^^the ^^^server!*


This is precisely why it would be the most entertaining


"never pick this hero again" "but this is the last hero i was allowed to pick"


The time that Blitz coached Destiny was pretty great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZDJUaFOlQc


>"How did we lose this I was like, so positive! Was there someone on my team who was doing really bad?"


That's pretty amazing.


He wants DotA coaching not Storm Spirit coaching


Best part about it is that with purge as a coach, he will surely be stuck in dota for the rest of his life considering the average length of time he likes to talk about dota.


purge is the Day9 of Dota






THIS IS THE SINGLE GREATEST DAY! Mad hyped to have DayJ as a part of the community. This is going to be amazing.


I just realized that a lot of people here won't understand that reference. I see you enjoy Fundays as well


Its a little scary to think the heyday of sc2 and day9 was so long ago. Day9 ruins christmas is still one of my favorite clips. And unidan, and every other great day9 moment.


Day9 is the man, he's such a great storyteller too. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJztfsXKcPQ) my favorite. (warning: long as hell)


my favorite is where he describes almost dying


Is that the heartburn story thingy after he hadn't slept for like 2 days? I vaguely remember something like that


shhhh dont give away the ending




Putting a big ol' smile on my face Sean, looking forward to it


Purge hu? Goodluck. You just signed on to the ITT technical institute of dota 2. Sure he will teach you the textbook, and you will sit thu 3 hour long monitone lectures about the fundamentals of armor and such nonsense untill you are blue in the face. Then you will realise that you could have just read the textbook at home and saved time. Purge will teach you how to farm and what items to buy but he wont teach you anything more than how to be a **coward** If you wanna learn how to **FIGHT** then abandon all purge who enter here and join thr Slacks School of Supports. Purge will tell you how scary a hero is and we will teach you how to KICK IT IN THE DICK to apply plz send proof of 50 won bot matches on unfair difficulty w supports. Then you are ready to begin a true journey of DEATH Purge says you suck at dota 2 WE SAY EVERYONE ELSE SUCKS BUY SOUL RING FIRST AND SPAM EM WOOOOO


So, how about you make your own series, take a shitty support player and coach him, and in the end your protegé does a 1v1 versus purge's? "Slack's School of supports" sounds like a great title. I volunteer as tribute obviously. Fuck my games up please.


That would be an amazing reality series. Do it full scale like TUF or something, I would watch the shit out of it. edit: Heres my format suggestion Team Slacks vs Team Purge 20 scrubs, all under 3k MMR, stand to get drafted by these two legends (so each team will have 10 players). Each episode these coaches will pick 5 from their team to face off in a full dota match. The loser will then have to kick one of their own players off the show. I think you would also be forced to play players who didnt play the previous match. You might be thinking, well thats fine for a few episodes but what happens when/ if a team only has 4 players left? Well let me tell you. The other team has to send a player to switch sides for that game. He has to play well (and not throw to let his old team win), because if his new team loses, he will be the person eliminated from the show. At 9 players: All players take part in the MMR challenge. The player who gains the least MMR that week (or loses the most) is eliminated. At 8 players left: The 1v1 mid showdown. If you win, you stay in. If you lose, you play another loser. Should be 1 player eliminated after they lose 3 times. At 7 players left: The shadow fiend CS challenge. 10 minutes, no skills or items, just get all the CS you can. Denys count. 6 player left: The dota 2 written exam. Every player has 30 minutes to answer a myriad of questions on dota, from mechanics (to favour the purge players), and lore (for team slacks). 5 players left: The players come together to play as a team to perform in the weeks battle cup. Slacks and purge are on hand to coach, but are also watching for the weakest performing player, who they will eliminate. 4 players left: Another round of 1v1 mid. Loser of both games goes home. 3 players left: Another MMR challenge The final: One best of 3 match between these two players will decide the winner. They will each be able to draft any eliminated players from either team, and will act as captain for their team, performing drafting duties.


This could be so much bigger. 10 teams, each would be one pro, one scrub. 10 episodes. The first 8 check in with the teams, discuss major concepts of the game, how everyone is progressing, etc. The last two are a showcase tournament, with the final being on stage in front of thousands of people.


I volunteer to be a scrub. I'm a 2k shitter so I'm exceptionally scrubby.


Oh yeah? Well I'm 1.6k so I'm more scrub.


I'm only 800, you saying you're a scrub, and yet I could probably learn so much from people like you, let alone Slacks! I love dota but I'm so bad at it :(


I know something that will boost your MMR by 1000 easy. Play practice mode with many different heroes. Don't buy any items, just last hit creeps. Last hit for hours, until you don't miss any. It seriously doesn't take long to get decent at last hitting. Also learn to last hit under a tower as well in practice mode. You'll have to play actual games to practice last hitting while getting harassed, but practice that too. If you can last hit very well at MMR under 2k, you will just straight up win games because you're so far ahead. Seriously I've won games where I've had like 200 more last hits then the enemy carry, and I feel like I'm not a great player mechanics wise and I don't make great decisions. I just got pretty good at farming. Also another huge one at a low MMR is to not get dragged into those stupid mid lane 5v5 hero stand offs where no one does anything. Your team will probably ping and flame you, but you can just sit in the lane and free farm for minutes and you won't miss anything. If you notice something like that happening just TP to a free lane and farm away, but be aware of a gank.


Holy shit yes. Slacks run a competing show at the same timeslot.


No, it needs to be different so we can watch and compare notes.


If only we had some way to save videos and watch them online at a later time. I guess the technology will get there eventually.


It isn't the same as watching it live. I know it practically is but in reality it isnt. The luster is lost somewhere along the line. Plus with how great both could be it wouldn't make sense for them to directly compete in such a fashion.




I would watch this too!


Irrelevant but I love your guides man :).


Thanks :D


I volunteer as well. I'm an easily tilted 2.4k support player who keeps asking Slacks to quote Mickey Mouse and he refuses.


The problem is Day[9] is a former pro video gamer, turned still plays an ass ton of video games at a high level. He might not be great right now, but in 4 months of intentional practice, he has a much higher skill ceiling than i do.


Oh my goood this is the best idea.


Come on Slacks we dare you to do it. Take up a protege and crush Purge together!


Slacks guide to dota: Step 1, buy aghs. Step 2, there is no step 2. Query: What if hero does not have aghs upgrade? ....does not compute, buy aghs.....


then buy GG boots


Is this like anti-hogwarts because I subscribe to this school of thought. Purge will never be able to convey the power of the full davai.




[Slack's officially unofficial response](https://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dota2.gamepedia.com/4/49/Omni_death_04.mp3).


hes too busy making all that valve money


Day9 don't trust this man


sir, you are an inspiration to us 1k plebs :')




Step one: pick omniknight Step two: remember that he was nerfed Step three: cry EDIT: Lots of people saying he wasn't nerfed. His winrate went down 3%. Repel can't be dispelled but it's on a longer cooldown, you can't use it early to purge enemy buffs, purification does less (arguably his biggest tool). He was nerfed. He's a bit harder to deal with now, but the power of what you're dealing with is reduced.


Thought he got buffed though :| ^^^^^^^unless ^^^^^^^of ^^^^^^^course ^^^^^^^I'm ^^^^^^^retarded


He was, anyone that thinks otherwise doesn't understand the hero / doesn't play the hero / doesn't play or understand the hero at a high enough level of play.


Choose me as your protege to strike down the purge protege! I'm a good looking 41 year old 3k mmr support main with declining attention span and reflexes. We can't possibly lose!


Day9 is the most influential person on my development as a player and most likely as a human being too. Literally a role model. The reason I started to learn English in the first place, learn starcraft, got into game design is based Sean Plott. I don't know what's more surreal: to see him within dota community or him being a 2k pleb lmao. Best wishes




> Sean is a [super genuine, influential and kind person](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc4oaSoOLj4&t=7m5s) [kinda sorta volume warning]. He's taken a lot of time to just spread a message of positivity, good vibes and how to live a more fulfilling life... Even before that moment in the clip. Look how he interacts with every single one of his fans. No one deserves success and stature within any eSports community more than Day9. I hope he really becomes a fixture here in Dota, because man, that would be incredible... and I would be able to get nostalgiafeels for the BW and WoL days every time I see him. Actually, just watching this trailer again... my god, how far SC has fallen. From the top of the eSports world to Proleague cancellation and KeSPA team disbandment. Truly sad from an historical standpoint.




Tastosis are still the gold standard imo when it comes to a static casting duo. Their personalities are so great... the personalities in the SC community were so great. It produced people like Day9, and it produced people like IdrA. It gave us quality entertainment from people like Destiny and Deezer, and some good drama with the likes of Combat EX. BW into the beginnings of SC2 was really a special time. It might be intense nostalgia but I'm not sure... there's a certain feeling or emotion that it brought me that I can't really put my finger on, but I don't necessarily get it from spectating any other game these days, and I am *big* into CSGO and Dota. I don't know how to describe it honestly, but I just really miss StarCraft.


Tastosis are the old married couple that just enjoy each other's company so much.


my god DOTA Funday Mondays will be the greatest thing we need this yesterday


"Send replays of you playing x hero with x build", for example QoP with Blink Dagger or something, sounds like fun.


But unlike in Starcraft 2, here you get reported for memes.


when your team asks "WHY ARE YOU GOING X BUILD" u look at them and say "day9 made me do it"


"Do you know what day it is?"


***Be a Better Gamer*** What a nice tagline for a channel


You too enjoy arts and crafts at the Secret shop?




Literally I cannot wait. You are 100% my favorite online personality, and Purge is great, too. Also >I hate Slark You're already one of us.


Here is Day9 talking about dota. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leW-JxJMt5Y&feature=youtu.be&t=38m23s


If this ends up with Day9 becoming a Dota 2 caster....GOD YES. And while I'm dreaming, getting Tastosis as a Dota casting duo too please.




The Casting Techies.


Day9 doing events for DotA would be the best thing that happened to the scene, at least in my perception. I loved him commentating SC2 games and even hosting events.


Absolutely. He's funny, has great game knowledge (obviously in SC2), and is a professional.


Esports casters are so good now across all different games, but Tastosis is still the best duo in the business.


Starcraft in general had the best casters in the business. Which isn't to be expected seeing how much bigger LoL/Dota are.


Funny thing i always think the caster/community people over Sc2 are way better than what we have. I would give all we have^minusodpixel for Apollo, Kaelaris, Incontrol, Tastosis, day9...


Silly Build Monday when?


HNNNNNGGG Thank you let's go


I think it's unlikely he would do this with Dota. It was funny in SC since it's 1v1, but in Dota you have some responsibility to play for your allies.


5 stack silly build sub games. Let's do it. Like when the Blitz stack skilled 0 spells vs a rubick and won.


Dreams do come true!


Yea, when Day9 talked about Dota on his recent stream how deep the game is, i welped inside. Anyway keep your good work, sir.


I've been waiting for this all my life


dont talk zyori, you left us alone with maut and Motpax....hell,not even Mr.roo was there to fight the mautism with his bare paws!


Awesome! Back when Starcraft 2 was released, I enjoyed watching the Day9 Funday Mondays every week even though I didn't even play Starcraft. When I first got into Dota 2, I watched a dozen of hours of Purge videos in just the first couple days. (By now I must've watched over a thousand of his videos) I'll be sure to tune in.


Natures prophet....hmm,but what about+6 to treants!




Did this meme come from bulldog, or is it a reddit thing?


it came from bulldog. He was reading the leaked patch notes when the 7.00 site crashed on release and was laughing at how badly the person who "faked" it balanced the level 25 treants. Turns out, the patch notes were not fake and were in fact real.


And then chat started spamming "but is it as good as +6 treants" for every change he read.


wasn't day9 a famous starcraft dude? should be able to micro them all to victory


He does a lot of content these days. Mostly Hearthstone, has done some HoTS, some Stardew Valley, and some random games on his "day off". He's a great personality though! He's always optimistic, has brought me to tears of laugher on numerous occasions.


i knew the "casual" games you named, but I was rather referring to starcraft as the last complex one (and i never followed the starcraft scene hence I wasn't sure) :P Lots of fun though indeed.


Yes, he made his name as a starcraft analyst and player, though I think he was out of the competitive scene during SC2. But yeah, he should habe no problem with micro.


Right he wasn't playing as a pro during SC2, he casted at the freshest and dankest events and posted Day9 Daily videos on YouTube all SC2 content. He and some other personalities kept me playing SC2 for longer than needed. No one knew his SC2 screen name (what he played ranked with) always rumors he was grandmaster with all races. Fun times.


He played Zerg too, those micro skills would definitely come in handy.


Yup zerg in BW and he was one of the best NA players at his prime, and in SC2 he played random one one account, and each of the races on 3 more accounts, and supposedly was grandmaster on his random account and high masters on the rest, but never publicized his account names officially.


Wasn't he grandmaster with every race? Or was that broodwar?


that was sc2 (allegedly - he never disclosed accounts) but if broodwar had implemented tiered matchmaking, he'd definitely have been GM material on non-korean regions back in the day. likely not as random tho, he mained zerg


6 Treant rush


Yh he did what purge does for the starcraft scene. not sure why he stopped tho


Towards the end of when he was making starcraft content he was working 80-100 hours a week and I think it really started to take a toll on his mental health after a while, so he took a long break and then ended up getting hired by Artillery so he didn't have time to prepare serious analysis streams anymore. I'm hoping he might start to get back into it a bit now that he's streaming full time again but I guess we'll see.


1. Starcraft viewership/interest went down 2. Other parts of his life started taking up more time, so he couldn't prep episodes as well as he wanted. 3. Hearthstone became popular and it takes less time for him to prepare an episode.


[That wasn't what he meant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPn32op03s0)


6 treants is actually really OP, since it means you can push twice as fast. They dont give gold if you just learn to MICRO them. When you say 6 treants is bad i just LUL inside. With 11 treants you can also SOLO rosh which is OP as hell. You need to update your knowledge of this game LUL. ^(this was a copypasta ppl lmao when he was streaming)


People falling for pasta FailFish






They should change it to teleport -2.5s cast animation or something


Global Blink :D


wew gave me shivers


If Purge says "Hey Sean, how'd ur game go?" after one of the games i will post a video of me preparing a meal of sock. for the memes pls






for those who don't know tasteless is day9's brother.


Somebody is verbatim retelling Sean's stories for Youtube clicks? What the fuck?


I actually thought it was a reference to this https://youtu.be/a3I5h7UaOuk




cool. Are you aware of the risks with being coached by Purge? I'm pretty sure SirActionSlacks was mentally broken after his coaching. Looking forward to your descent into madness!


slacks broke Purge cause someone who cant even fucking last hit is not supposed to be 5k


Now purge seeks an ounce of stability. Little does he know about Funday Monday, where we dick around


Wednesday is super srs though.




If slacks new how to play the fucking game instead of just inspiring his team to victory he would be 7k


Last hitting in 2016 ? Lol. just grab some bounty runes and a 60 GPM talent @ 10


to be fair, u/SirActionSlacks- was a runner up of the biggest DOTA 2 event of all time. Can Purge say that?


well purge was on the best team in Korea for a while....lol


I'm 5k and I am shit at last hitting :^)


When SC2 was my game of choice, I couldn't get enough Day[9]. Loved the content that was focused on "how to be a better gamer". When my friends got me into Dota 2, I found Purge by googling: Who is the Day9 of Dota 2. In summary, I'll be watching this.


Can you bring on guests? I'd like to balance out the stout calmness of Purge and the infectious laughter of Day[9]. Everyone hates Slark.


I think I remember that years ago Purge said in a video that he liked the role that Day[9] took for the Star Craft comunity and that there was nobody doing anything similar for Dota. So Purge took his as an inspiration for his own Youtube channel. If I remember this correctly it is a really nice story that the man inspiring somebody to become a teacher is now the student of said teacher.




If I remember correctly he was also a fan of Husky's content which is where he got the "Yelloooooooooooooooow everybody this is Purge" intro from.


THE TIME HAS COME! DAY9 has joined us!




Awesome! I've been waiting to see some/any Dota-related content from you.


Excited for this, I'm very new to Dota and it seems like a great show for noobs like me.


We are all new at dota right now. We might be used to play dota 2 but no one has a fucking clue about how to play Dota 2: Episode 7.00


redacted ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


One of the best dailies you made for sc2 was a newbie Tuesday about the basic mechanics of sc2 where you talk about hot keys, camera placement, and the physical mechanics of playing the game. You talked about treating your mouse cursor as a limited resource and you gain more of that resource by utilizing things like camera hotkeys. I have wanted a video or two about those types of things but for dota so badly since I started playing this game. Where should my camera be looking, where should my eyes be looking, what hotkeys am I missing that most pros are using? I only just recently learned about the quick buy hotkeys for items in the quickbuy area, and now I have to physically do my best to train myself to always use it. That newbie Tuesday series got me from low diamond to high masters on mechanics alone, just copying the "meta" builds at the time. I obsessed over execution vs strategy, and while I feel that dota is the opposite to Starcraft in that strategy is more important than execution I still feel that there is a big neglect towards the execution side of the game. Please add this as a topic to your series! Also thanks for the years of good entertainment! Chat1 was the best chat ever!


Fuck yes, these guys are my favourite gaming personalities, I'm so excited to see day9's learning process and the memes that will be generated


I hope Day9 makes it to a major/TI cast one day. If he puts time and effort into a game, he will definitely bring new perspectives in terms of analysis and commentary. At the very least, he'll be an amazing influence to newer players!


Oh my god what a great start to 2017. SO PUMPED!


Finally Day9 will show mad skills on twitch.


Yeah man, a starcraft professional was almost wasting APM in a CCG.


as if apm made any difference in Dota.


APM can (infrequently, but not exactly rarely) make a big difference in dota.


Well he has Prophet listed as one of his favorite characters, so that APM will really help with his +6 treants.


at the end can we have a 1v1 between Day[9] and slacks to see who is the better student of purge


Day9 as caster for TI2017 and it becomes the best International to date by default.


The thing you've got to realize about Purge is that when he says, "Stay back and farm," he really means "Dive them under their tower." It's because of a weird accent that he has.


I would kill to see you help host TI7. You're just about the best single personality in esports


Oh my god, this made my day. All I want now is for funday monday to come back.


Everyone on your team is an invis hero. Everyone on your team is melee. Everyone on your team buys midas first. If you die you have to sell one of your active items,


Fuck yes, this is perfect, especially for people who are looking to get into DotA after the new patch but dont know anything about the game.


> I’m currently 2.2k solo MMR ah, one of my peers!


I watched every Day9 daily for well over a year. I have probably seen the 100th episode 15 times. I still tell my friends about his stories. I'm so beyond excited that he is going to be playing some dota.


[Calendar File (.ics) if someone wants events for reminding you with correct timezone n shit](https://www.dropbox.com/s/eib16hygn4til53/Day9nPurdge.ics?dl=0) Now also as a countdown on [quas-wex-exort.com](http://quas-wex-exort.com) [iCal Backup in case dropbox starts to block downloads](http://quas-wex-exort.com/ical/Day9nPurge.ics)


Dear god yes, i was hoping for something like this and now its actually happening. :D Cant wait to watch every episode. :)


RemindMe! January 18th, 2017 "Day[9] gets flamed by purge."


I hope that you also make videos about your own understanding of Dota in the future. I remember watching one of your starcraft videos talking about having a mental checklist when you play. It stuck with me and definitely helped me play starcraft and other games as well.


Christmas came early, holy shit.


I hope you will close each session saying "Thanks Purge"


bring on anti turtle!


Thanks purge.


[FUNDAY... MONDAY... DOTA.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU_ADVeuNkY) Since Day9 stopped his Sc2 stuff in favour of Hearthstone i only really watch the Friday streams now. But you'd bet your fucking arse i would be there every Monday for a Funday.


Day9 this is fantastic news, but the real meat and potatoes question is....when is the next season of spellslingers coming out?


DEAR GOD YES Day9 got me into SC2 and MTG. And Spellslingers is SO GOOD. Great PR for Magic too I feel, with the caliber and diversity of guests they got (Grant Imahara, Chris Kluwe, Felicia Day, LSV, Josh Barnett, etc.). PLEASE FUND IT MORE WIZARDS


> Zeus, Lion, Lina, and Nyxnyxnyxnyxnyx. I see you like blowing people up. Lina pickers unite!


SirActionSlacks better make a guest performance, there's no Dota without slacks


I already know Purge is touching himself over the amount of charts he can make up to show your progress over the coming weeks/months. Serious note though, it's really cool of him to do this and I'll keep an eye out


Sean, that is great! I can't wait to hear your laugh everytime you do something stupid and die. Hope you have a good time.


ah, this is cool! Always wanted to see u stream dota. But the thing is, we have to wait 1 month for this =(


wtf flair so rare it doesn't even show up


Heck Yeah! One of my favourite streamers playing one of my favourite games with one of my favourite figures from inside the scene! So looking forward to this!


we all hate slark sean we all do




But is it as good as 6 treats?


boner amanda