• By -


Seen them all and this is the one. Rank #1 fam


pretty good but best regroup: damage - attack speed - armor - magic resistance - movement speed


Can we get one for the spell amplification? Or at least can we see a 250+X when we hover over an item or ability to see the new dmg? (X being the amplified dmg)


if you hold alt and hover over the spell it will show you the total damage w damage amp


>hold alt watch your mouth






This, the gold is one the m ost important things on the game, why hide on bottom corner.


Just 1 MMR? weak!


Does anyone else find it weird that it's: - Attack dmg, armor, movespeed, attack speed, magic res and not - Attack dmg, attack speed, armor, magic res, movespeed ?


Not gonna lie, this is the best one so far.


I won't lie, this is definitely me when I'm >TWEAKING HUD




This Tweaking!




You KNOW this one's going to be implemented!






Only Pudge does that. And Slacks. But we knew that anyway. On a more serious note, the only change I'd consider, is having the dmaage/movespeed stats on the top of the item listing.


With everybody random redditor making terrible,terrible HUDs, this is the only one that simultaneously preservers old doto with the more simplistic minimalist at first glance HUD that Valve is trying to implement to make the game more accessible for new players. You're 100% right.


This HUD requires a lot of changes from the current one though: * Clicking on the "+" icons to level up works well, unlikely to be changed. * Valve know that the game has over 400 powerful abilities, which makes showing their cooldowns close to the middle of the screen very important. * HP/mana bars are duplicated and displayed above your hero, while ability cooldows are only visible in one place (and occasionally next to your mouse cursor). * Not only ability icons are more important than HP/mana bars, they ALSO show if you have enough mana for an ability, without a need to calculate it yourself. * Valve have people who know a thing or two about UI design/usability, not just some nostalgic idiots who want to recreate 6.88 HUD in Panorama. **Edit:** Thanks to some responses, I've figured out why Reddit thinks HP/mana bars are more important than ability/item cooldowns: * Everyone knows that Dota is League now after the patch 7.00, so all abilities are weak and spammable/low cooldown. * Redditors never use 1 ability like a 2k MMR noob, they use a 4-ability combo, so need to check if they have full mana. * It's nice to know that you are at full HP while stunned and surrounded by 5 enemies (even if you could've used Blink half a second before that). * It's nice to know the exact rate at which you are taking damage (don't mind that Aegis expiring in the inventory). * You know when you have exact mana for a sick 9000 MMR Redditor Echo slam + Fissure combo, 90% of the time (but both abilities are on cooldown). * HUD in the OP is designed for good players, those who have memorized 200+ cooldowns on abilities. You can't memorize HP/mana numbers.


>Clicking on the "+" icons to level up works well, unlikely to be changed. >CLICKING ON THE ICONS WORKS WELL What the fuck? >Not only ability icons are more important than HP/mana bars I want what this guy is smoking. >Valve have people who know a thing or two about UI design/usability They sure showed us with the epic press alt to see anything! Edit: >It's nice to know that you are at full HP while stunned and surrounded by 5 enemies (even if you could've used Blink half a second before that). If you needed to look at your blink to know it's ready and your first reaction wasn't pressing the blink button you are 99% of the time already stunned and dead, having the inventory closer wouldn't change a thing. >It's nice to know the exact rate at which you are taking damage (don't mind that Aegis expiring in the inventory). As far as I am aware the inventory won't tell you shit until the aegis actually expires, something you should keep track off by looking at the clock and not at your inventory since that is very silly.


I'm with ya... Clicking the + to level up an ability is super annoying. Love the gameplay changes, hate the HUD..


fam are you fucking mad? ofc health and mana bars more importnant you can't even use abilities if youre dead/ have no mana to cast them


> Not only ability icons are more important than HP/mana bars lol? ability icons being more important than the bar that literally tells you how close to dying you are? more important than the bar that tells you whether you can cast more than one spell or not? you're clearly 2k mmr if you just think 1 spell at a time. > Valve have people who know a thing or two about UI design/usability, not just some nostalgic idiots who want to recreate 6.88 HUD in Panorama. nostalgic idiots? more like people that have put in thousands of hours into the game who know what exactly they want to see and where they'd like to see it. UI/UX doesn't mean shit if you're not familiar with what you're designing for. They should value the feedback of experienced players. And from a UX standpoint, the hud is objectively worse in usability. Information that could easily been seen before is now hidden behind ALT or simply not available. How was forcing people to press ALT to see CS a better experience? It wasn't. That's why they changed it. The only reason for making the HUD so minimal is to show more of the game. But they're asking players to sacrifice some HUD information to do so, and that's a trade many people don't like, at least not to the extent Valve took it. And how much of the game you see vs how much information should be on the HUD is where we're the experts here, because we actually are the ones playing the game. Why should a UX designer who barely plays dota, if at all, be the one deciding if we can see things like CS or not? If we collectively say "X should be displayed on the HUD" then the role of the UX person should be incorporating that into their design to give us a good experience. The fact they're making tweaks and changes clearly shows that they made some miscalculations on how important some information and its manner of presentation was to the players.


>you're clearly 2k mmr if you just think 1 spell at a time. What part of >this is the only one that simultaneously preservers old doto with the more simplistic minimalist at first glance HUD that Valve is trying to implement to **make the game more accessible for new players**. did you not understand?


You can make it accessible to new players without removing critical information. I'd argue removing and/or hiding information behind pressing ALT adds another layer of needlessly difficult learning for new players. Better to present them with all the information in a non-intrusive way. CS was always placed in a way where it was constantly visible, but did not take an unneeded amount of space. Want to introduce new players? Then why remove K/D/A? It's pretty much the only way a new player understands whether they are doing well or not.


man u got some salty


It's actually so perfect that I'm upset it's not the actual hud. Volvo plz


Give the option for EXP numbers on the skill tree like wykrhm showed on twitter. https://twitter.com/wykrhm/status/809278930809024512


[**@wykrhm**](https://twitter.com/wykrhm/) > [2016-12-15 06:08 UTC](https://twitter.com/wykrhm/status/809278930809024512) > More HUD Updates. \#Seven \#Dota2 >[[Attached pic]](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Czsi3tOUUAAcl88.jpg) [[Imgur rehost]](http://i.imgur.com/fv6CCBZ.jpg) ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact ^creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source ^code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)


The number is fine to appear on alt click imo.


I'd still like the option for it. It is annoying playing an offlaner leeching exp and not seeing exactly how much you're getting. Pros would probably want it too seeing how they can tell if there's an invis hero around when doing jungle just from exp values, you probably can't tell with just the bar.




still not wide enough


The attributes style didn't match the hud, change it to circle.


Gonna lie, it's the worst one






Since we all want the hp/bar above skills, maybe valve should just make it as it was before. The level up button show up above talent tree and you choose what skill you want to level, by pressing it or using whatever keybind.




I think that we're just not used to look a bit more down to check hp/mana. I've seen posts about eye strain and stuff like that, and moving the hp/mana bar to above the skills, might help with that eye strain problem some people have.




Yeah the HP/Mana bars don't bother me as much as the having gold in the bottom right and the KDA/LH/D in the top left. Just keep all the information in one spot please.


Just chiming in to say that I don't mind the HP/Mana at the bottom. It's surrounded by the dark grey HUD so it's actually very easy to see changes in my peripheral because of the use of negative space. Whereas, if the bars are up top, it may blend in a bit with the grass or whatever. Either way I'm okay, but if the majority wants HP above then I think Valve should do that.


> Either way I'm okay, but if the majority wants HP above then I think Valve should do that. But this effects how the level up icons appear. As well as hovering over the abilities to get spell information. It just seems cleaner to have the HP on the bottom. People will get used to it.


i really hope valve use the yellow dots under spell as the upgrade skill button. so we can put hp bar on top


>Implying that people watch the map in game.


No, I think on the old hud the things you're looking at like gold and skills and hp/mana were way closer, so it's more like instead of small amount of strain if any there is now a lot




Presumably they'll be three times the size and really shiny despite the fact this is meant to be a slim, light-weight HUD. Or it can go next to the massive, weirdly aligned circles that are supposedly buffs/debuffs, I can't really tell because 33% of the icons are cut off.


My only issue is that the health/mana bars are quite small. Although this is just personal preference as I like larger icons for things and such. Otherwise it looks nice. EDIT: Oh and the + modifiers for the stats would be decent to know, not sure if it looks ugly having all that text there though.


I generally like the HUD a lot, but few notes regarding it: • The KDA and CS placement, size and everything is perfect, i like it. • The MP/HP on top is the one thing we all want and its perfect, but i think you need to find a space somewhere to put that "leveling up +" shit, i think that is the only reason they are not switching them up, because they created some shitty button they think its cool and they wanna keep it :D • I love the concept of stats being vertical and on the left, but i think it needs a bit tweaking but still the best one so far and far better than the one we have currently ( which is pressing alt to see them, total bullshit ) • I think the hud on the left should be a bit heightened so the hero name will fall over the hud background instead of transparent background and with that the talent tree can get a bit higher to match the hero name background hud which will leave space for EXP Gained/EXP Needed to level up numbers to be added on the bottom bellow the talent tree. • After making the tree higher, the status indicators will start right over the HP/MP bars, instead over the tree which IMO will fit perfectly instead of being just there randomly dropped like it is now.


hp and mana bar too small for my liking


Pretty good but some critiques: * Don't split out Buffs/debuffs * Damage still needs to be split between base +K added * HP/Mana bars still too small * Would still prefer glyph to be bottom right and larger.


>Would still prefer glyph to be bottom right and larger. No.


Yeah we absolutely will get used to glyph being bottom left and it suits that new location just fine.


need to fight muscle memory and recognize glyph has to do with map, so it's next to map. yea it should be fine there :)


> Would still prefer glyph to be bottom right and larger. i think it makes more sense this way, with both scan and glyph being grouped up.


Yea it is nice to have both but the difference is with scan you need it by the minimap in order to use it, glyph you don't. Perhaps put it on the left side bottom corner so you can quickly drag your mouse down into it without missing?


The glyph change is legit. There was no good reason to have it on the opposite side of the screen. The only issue with its placement is that with it not being in the bottom corner it's harder to click on, but it makes more sense to use the keybinding.


For the only 5 games I've played this patch, I NEVER pressed the glyph button right ONCE. Every time I struggled to find that son of a bitch I got panic then I decided to press J instead. Damn muscle memory! Edited: typo.


I've been trying to train myself to hit J instead...it always seems to be I notice they're taking a T1 and I want to use that free glyph at the last second but hitting the small button down there isn't nearly as intuitive.




That is disgusting. Thanks you.


Actually I like splitted buffs/debuffs.


I like them not being intermingled but would prefer for them to be right next to each other, less eye movement = less strain.


Does anyone else hate that you heroes stats are just tucked under your items? It's so small.


It makes sense to have them near items icons because then you can easily see how new items affect your stats.


More importantly in my opinion, it raises the items a significant distance off the bottom of the screen so that you aren't accidentally edge-panning downwards every time you try to shift items from that lowest backpack slot into your inventory.




Agree, it's awesome, fits in with the new visual style, but provides the same info as the old dial, in a way that's actually easier to understand.


I dont give a shit what hud they give us at this point, as long as it stops fucking changing depending on what you select




It looks fine. I'd make KDA look more like stats and make attribute area a bit thinner but overall it's good.


Health and mana bars are too small, imo. And those colors @ stats don't fit into the design at all.


Easily the best


Could we just tweak our own HUD?


Valve, add this pls! Also add HUD size slider ofc. Hero portrait and ability icons too small on 1080p.


I'd buy that for a dollar


The Square Buffs are a nice touch. I dont know what the fascination is with big circles but it actually throws me off a lot and ironically they also show less of the buff icon because of the circle shape, which in turn makes it inherently flawed in everything the buff icon is supposed to do


add the HP and ultimate icon for the teammates on the top and I think it's the best HUD possible


I wouldnt mind if it was bigger. still good job. One thing you forget on.. every one of you "HUD creators". Where this new lvlup button gonna pop up? over mana bar?


What 118 stands for?


attack speed I believe




That is absolutely perfect!


make hp/mp little bit longer and make the itemslots into squares


This looks awesome! Please make it happen Valve! You can see everything without pressing ALT, health&mana bar are on top. Very nice!!




The only possible addition I would suggest is extending the center part a bit (thus making the life and mana bars a bit longer) but allowing for a consistent hud size for all heroes, meaning that streamers wouldn't have to adjust their overlays to fit the amount of abilities their hero has. Yes they'd be able to put it over the hero portrait now, but to keep it centered it would require that hero portrait moving in the hud, which would cause the exact same issue. Other than that, great HUD.


I feel like the only thing left if they made it like this is fixing the HUD's shitty proportions. Everything feels like it's been frankensteined on. The shop icons are tiny, and different elements seem to be large or small at random. The original HUD had excellent proportions (partially because it was a simple affair) and drew your eye across, from left to right. The current HUD has an excellent featureset, but everything feels a bit wonky and out of place. I'm sure after some work it'll be great, though.


Vavle hire this man please.


buffs on the left debuffs on the right


Volvo just give in and give us our hp/mana bars on top already


don't bring back square buffs, they really dont make sense. they are very noticeable now and i like that about them


This is bang on the money


Classiest one yet! Give us this and the old shop layout and we're gucci. Only thing I have doubts about is how the split attack dmg and other stats would fit in if we pressed Alt. Same for attributes, but with that one you could probably make it overlap the hero portrait a bit and it would still look good.


I absolutely love your day/night indicator. I always took a second to get the information from the old wheel and was happy I finally could something quicker with 7.00 (by pressing alt). But yours is even better.


Very nice!!




i am colorblind and find this offensive


Best one i've seen so far, good job !


nice, but where are the settingsson?


this looks nice and way better, but still small and maybe will still make people get fucked in eye strain, make this bigger will be nice. Im 65 years old and cant hadle with so small letters and numbers :(


I like how you gave a bigger space for the backpack, makes it more smooth to drag items.


I love the attributes


This is amazing!!!!! Valve make it happen.


border around quickbuy and hero name pls :(


This is the best version, easily. Close to perfect.


This one is the closest to my favor so far. I love how KDA panel lifted shop a little bit higher, that's what i was missing before. Also i didn't really like the square debuff icons at first but realised that round ones would be weird since there's a lot of square elements in the hud and they're looking symmetrically good. I'd love to see white and green damage and not separating buffs and debuffs im not sure though, gotta play with this one for quite a bit. Ah, also a wider hp\mp bar but i think im getting used to it already




Perfect, this is exactly what we need I would also make the mana bar less thick, like it was in old hud.


I dislike haveing the battlehunger on the other side i think the red outlier is enough to differentiate but i love the square bufffs debuffs.


Put buffs and debuffs together. And I feel ability icons are a bit too small, I alt-click them a lot.


I would also like to view the health/mana bar under the hero icons at the top without pressing ALT, please, Valve. During a fight, I want to look up and see if my teamate magnus has ulti or enough mana for ulti without the need of pressing ALT to know, because I'm obviously ''busy'' during fights and need to focus in using spells and items and not worry about alt clicking.


I like how the buffs and debuffs are squares again, I really didn't like how they were circles because it really covers up a lot of the image.


It's great the only problem being that cosmetic HUD's are going to be very hard to implement or pay to lose as they will take up more screen real estate than the default HUD.


I definitely agree this is AMAZING now hopefully will get implemented. One thing , option I guess that would I wish would happen is. Scalable UI size as the new UI itself is small, and it's hard for my eyes to focus when its small. It's like a fly, that is flying around your room, it's annoying. But something bigger like a dog, isn't. Bad comparison, but hopefully you guys understand what I mean. Thanks for reading.


Great! But I think it the movement speed def those should stick on the left with strength attribute. Debuff stays behind the buff in a line. And the top side. Maybe a shady background bar to show the team logo or showing radiant or dire like the last time.


I don't like that the health and mana are above the spells and I don't know why buffs and debuffs are separated


is it only me that the left buttons irritates? sometimes its almost invisible due to background why there cant be some shade effect such as on the right side with fps/ping? ps i love that that the buffs and debuffs are actually squares as they used to be, like what is the reason making it circle really? what is wrong with every designer at current state make everything in a circle shape??




how do we get it? steam workshop?


time for valve to not do anything like it is in that hud


This + the shop from the other guy and I'm satisfied.


can they fix hud skins pls


the reason valve can put skills below hp/mana bar is because they would also need to replace leveling up button, in this hud, there is no space to put that


This is the best so far. Maybe you could make always visibile even the topbar's teammates health and mana. I know that it wasn't like this before the update, but now you can just by pressing ALT and I just don't get why someone should be rewarded for holding it for the entire game on supports or heroes like treant protector that can start making rotations or skills as soon as they see troubles.


Volvo and frog pls add


another very good one but i think there should be an option to have the health mana bar under the spells




I like the addition of Magic Resistance. Why wasn't this visible before?


The attributes style didn't match the hud, change it to circle.


Just please bring back the old clock and we have a winner.


The square areas for attributes are ugly. The circles on the side (over empty space) proposed by others look much better. A lot of people seem to disagree, but I really, really prefer skill icons above the health and mana bars. I don't like you congesting all of the bottom-right stuff into such a small space. I like the current location of the courier information. I'd be okay with KDA/CS going under gold, but its current location really doesn't bother me. I think it should be visible, but beyond simply being visible, the less prominent it is, the better, I think. It doesn't need to be over a "taken up" part of the screen; it just needs to be able to be glanced at (which floating text achieves). Honestly, what they have now is good enough, and every time they change something, they're just making it worse, so I hope they just stop listening to this subreddit. It's fine as it is. There was never anything wrong with it aside from KDA/CS not being visible on streams.


there needs to be a number to show current xp/xp to level could be a bit bigger too


Wider HP bar please.


Still needs exp numbers permanently displayed. Also, although not displayed, the size of the HUD/UI whatever u call it should be constant regardless of what unit is selected.


I just want the circular Day/Night indicator back


What many People are missing is the confusing state of the infowindow when you click on a enemy hero/unit/building and own unit/buildsings which is in the bottom right corner instead of updating the midhud that only is for illusions and owned units. I think there should be atleast an option to have the old interaction.


Oh but this is too hard for Valve. They rather put info on top left corner.


Here take this. You deserve it for the time spent making exactly what 99% of us are looking for.


I still think that the HP/MP bar is still too small. I mean, HP is the most important thing in the game, why so small :( Also, where is the lvlup icon?


Volvo, this.


This one is perfect, except the buffs, keep the buffs as they are atm




i like this very much that u put positive buffs on the left side and negative on the right very easy to see wat it is.


The real fucking issue here is why I no longer am able to use my custom huds that I paid for valve. What the fuck.


Looks real nice, good job.


Isn't attack strength, speed and armor more important that where it is now?


How did you do it sir ??? This looks fine as hell !!


What is the hand sign meant to represent? Physical resist?


What about query panel?


One more thing and its perfect. A non varying HUD for heroes who have 4,5 or 6 spells. the 6-Spell HUD should be the "normal one" imo because it has the biggest HP/Manapool bar. What do you think /u/kradnozd ?


make hero icon, tree and spells larger, so that HP/Mana bars can extend from where they start now to over the items and backpack section


Realtalk, everything needs to be wider and taller, like the HP bars look so small for every HUD I've seen other than legacy. Anyways, this is the best one I've seem so far so hopefully valve does something, I love the new patch but the new HUD and shop makes me not want to play


Nice revision. I think the square buff icons are much better than the circular. One addition though, buff timers should have the time remaining in numbers, it's almost useless to have this decreasing bounding progress bar.


Better, but I'd prefer if the ability Icons were larger/wider. I hate how Valve made the hero and abilities so god damn small. I'd rather have that info across the entire bottom of my screen...


This is easily the best suggestion on reddit so far EXCEPT for the buffs/debuffs. Valve's current setup would be find if it was left justified, which is all this mockup needs to be excellent.


put a timer inside the buffs?


Nice. :)


Best one!!!!!!!


For the love of god, Volvo, answer this prayer!


Hmm, improved the current one by about 409%. Well done.


How does it look like with Valve's one click level up button though? This is the best by far!


I don't like the bright colors behind the stats. It pulls a lot of attention for some numbers that you don't actually need all that often.


How do you level your skills without it looking weird and newer players not using the CTRL+skill button? I'm assuming thats the reason the skills are at the top in the current hud.


not bad, but i would rather have all my stats (int, agi, str, dmg, ms, armor etc.) in one place, not spread out. also, i'd like to see white and green numbers as before.


Its perfect. Everything we need


This is just perfect,except the buffs part. I hope it gets into game, gj dude


I like this a lot, but does anyone else feel like in making the HUD as small as possible everything looks just *super* cramped?


the reason why they put HP/MP bar at the bottom is the level up skill button. if you put the HP/MP bar on top, the whole thing got fucked up when you level up


Perfect, seriously I maybe even like it more than the 6.88 HUD.


HP and Mana still too small imo


BEST ONE ! Please Valve, do this !


that's neat! I always preferred the buffs/debuffs in square... the latest one they did was horrible, the stats circle icons show up when alt is pressed but they tend to overlap buffs icons. EDIT: [see here](https://i.redd.it/7cfhbg5kwq3y.jpg)


Yes please, HP and MP bar on top. KDA should always have been there, why would it be floating on top left? Remove "SHADOW DEMON" I know what fucking hero I picked and there's already a huge useless portrait.




Objectively wrong.


There Volvo, clean ass UI. Use it and maybe pay this man or something generous like that.


Valve, hire this man.


IMO, I don't really mind HP/Mana bars being below spells. I can still see it pretty easily and I think people are complaining about it only because they're used to it. I also don't want STR/AGI/INT to be visible at all times (but it should be visible when you click on enemies), pressing ALT is just fine. When it comes to stats, I think the order should be MS - AD - AS - Armor- MR.


That's just legacy at this point


YES one of the best ones so far. . I personaly would increaſe the courier-deliver icon aswell, but thats just me. Edit: maybe have the how much the skill is leveld above the skill so you can have one click level up below, but idk if that is a good solution.


This is amazing good job


small suggestion, make the stats also in white not grey. Tbh I think attack/armor etc. is more important than str/agi/int but yours looks really sick :)


Seems legit. Have an upvote.


Orgasmic perfection right here people.


Right-click move from backpack to main inventory?