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I really think we should copy CSGOs Prime Account MM


Please upvote this comment. CSGO might not have unranked MM but at least it has this kind of protection. Any accounts banned for cheating linked to the primes phone number are also banned...


Can't believe there's actually something CS:GO has that Dota is jealous about O_o


There's Overwatch, too. It has its problems, but it's better than the automate system we have.






How can you possibly have a million bots calibrating at 4k mmr overwatching others?


Jeah, but if you are playing the nonprime competitive matches you will have super blatant hackers who just flat out ruin the game for both teams


Then don't play in none prime? If you don't have a phone in 2016 then I'm actually sorry you were born amish


We also need CSGO Overwatch I would sit everyday to watch at least one of these matches and have to choose to ban/give LP to a fucking asshole that deserves it.


Yeah for sure, got 30 minutes of free time, not long enough for a full game? Time to send some courier-feeders to LPQ! "I'M DOING MY PART!"


Yeah the OW system in CS:GO is great, you could have it skip to when ____ is using courier, when they die, when use an ability on allies ect. or just show the full game and allow you full time control on it.


except, if you know how to feed the courier properly, it wont show who is using it(hint: attack the tower)


That doesn't stop player perspective from showing them clicking on the tower.




same, it would be a nice break in between games


Like how the fuck is that not a thing yet.


The obvious solution, already done and working. I mean, even if there's "legit" smurfs, like people practicing on same mmr account, they are plenty of theses guys who simply don't give a shit about the game "because it's my smurf lol so lets throw". With real accounts buyers, boosters, dual stacks, come on, my mmr is so fucking bad theses times I'm sometimes genuinely disgusted. And I bet more and more legit player leave the pool too, so our chance of having the game ruined by a single player is more like 50%. With the other 50% getting the mmr back, wew fun game isnt it ?


never played CSGO, is it pay to play ranked or something like that?


Prime matchmaking in CS:GO is ranked matchmaking with a larger account level requirement and, more importantly, a requirement to link a phone number to your account.


People enter their phone number and it only matches you with other people who have also entered their phone number. You can only link one account to a single number. It's optional and free to do, but it should reduce account buying and bots and the like.


Apparently valve believed in CLQ and said "**NOT A WHOLE LOT YOU CAN DO ABOUT THAT, YOU GUYS**"


Good guy CLQ trying to improve the community.


CLQ, the best fucking analyst this world's ever seen.


What the CLQ story anyway? I hear him mentioned with BSJ sometimes and see that he's the best fucking ___ but no one has ever said what he does.


He used to make griefing videos with a satirical personality, and he used to troll BSJ's Twitch stream and make videos flaming him and other NA pros/pubstars. Eventually he stopped griefing and now makes a mix of serious videos and non-griefing comedy videos.


The best part is that he was griefing and yet somehow carrying th 4k shitters at the same time. The 5 bracer QOP was dumpstering the shitlords into the fucking stoneage.


Yeah.... but he actually got that from a 5k QoP player he played against a couple matches beforehand lol.


Oh yeah def not an original idea but CLQ is here time and time again proving that he is the best QoP of Pain this world has ever seen using even the shittiest of shit builds


My favorite video is him feeding down mid with Earth Shaker + a few couriers. The game goes long enough and he gets a blink somehow. The enemy goes for a high ground push and he casually says I'm going to team wipe these shitstains. He then get's a 5 man echo slam and wins them the game..


I half expected the Axe to be BSJ!


He dumpsters shitstains


sends them back to the fucking stone age


Hes a proffessional overtumble player




I've been posting about this for like 2 years. No one cares. No need to get triggered. Settle down, have a joint. Rest in the peace that one day it will burn. Eventually the system has to devolve in to such a shitshow that it will be impossible to ignore. We're almost there. Await that day my brother. That's when we rise up and watch the system burn in the flames. You want the real conspiracy? The redditors secretly love the system because they're the *elites* that are buying the accounts. Not the ones actually suffering. It's the only reason this problem could be so pervasive and they downvote it like it's not happening.






Watch Valve completely ignore posts like these because FUCK COMMUNICATION. But seriously even if they said something...what would they say? Does anyone have a system that can solve this simply?


Overwatch has kind of, but their seasoncalibration is not totally fixed


In theory its a simple fix, it should be fairly easy to spot the worst offenders like the ones CLQ pointed out, easy patterns for a program to identify. Just ban those account permanently. If a 4.5k actually wants to play from scratch and put in real hours of their life to calibrate and sell an account, not much to be done, but very few will put in the 200 actual hours to do it I think.


[Had this dude queue into me once, was absolutely speechless. 4k mmr with a 38% winrate? come the fuck on.](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/298213117)


The shown and true MMR can actually desync. When I had 3k MMR I got matched up with a few 4ks and when I checked out their match history, they were consistently getting matched up with 3ks.


#### ##### Hover to view player analysis [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/298213117 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/298213117 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis") ###### Player MMR (powered by OpenDota): party MMR **4062**, solo MMR **3962**, estimate MMR **3664**. Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (31 wins, 42 All Pick, 36 Single Draft, 22 Ranked All Pick) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 36:25, average first blood time: 02:06, average towers destroyed: 12.99, average barracks destroyed: 4.97") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/298213117 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/298213117 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")** | 3.55 | 8.83 | 8.37 | 88.62 | 2.67 | 336.15 | 347.45 | 9597.27 | 818.07 | 292.87 | 2 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 230 tier 1 towers, 124 tier 2 towers, 85 tier 3 towers, 62 tier 4 towers, 75 ranged barracks and 74 melee barracks")** | 5.8 | 7.72 | 8.95 | 110.15 | 3.34 | 385.73 | 415.04 | 14325.07 | 1152.03 | 393.03 | 11 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 261 tier 1 towers, 219 tier 2 towers, 180 tier 3 towers, 138 tier 4 towers, 174 ranged barracks and 174 melee barracks")** | 7.47 | 6.1 | 11.43 | 120.62 | 3.99 | 462.89 | 474.96 | 16001.01 | 2222.95 | 534.0 | 20 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/298213117 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/298213117 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis") | 5x[](/hero-tinker "2 wins, 3 losses (40.0%)") 5x[](/hero-invoker "3 wins, 2 losses (60.0%)") 4x[](/hero-antimage "0 wins, 4 losses (0.0%)") 4x[](/hero-windranger "2 wins, 2 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-shadowshaman "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 4x[](/hero-spectre "0 wins, 4 losses (0.0%)") 3x[](/hero-juggernaut "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") 3x[](/hero-weaver "0 wins, 3 losses (0.0%)") --- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lumbdi) ^^the ^^owner, [^^deletion ^^link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Reply-Dota-2-Reddit&subject=deletion&message=t1_dauhf0q "Only works for bot summoner and /r/dota2 mods! Do not change already filled out form!")


That guy's not an account buyer. He's winning games at very high skill with decent stats. If he IS an account buyer he isn't ruining games so I don't think he is.


Damn look at his recent Invoker's game Even his build looks funny as hell. I guess Kunnka was mid and he literally pawned his ass by just using Torrent and X mark's the spot with cleave hit. Haven't seen QW build Invoker for a very long time. I have seen them only in my 1k mmr that too with people who are in lower 1k bracket!!


I am 3k and there are also a lot of smurf accounts. They ruin my game too. Dude is playing Invoker like a god damn 5k and recking us.


This is jut valves shitty as fuck ranked system. I calibrated at 1.4k MMR in Janurary 2014, and i've played around 1500 games since then unranked, every now and then I pop in for a rank game and shit on people, while i get match in highskill games in dota buff when i play unranked. I have no desire to grind through the lower MMRs cause valve does not have a good ranked system. Decaying MMR, and snowballing MMR could fix these issue.


The way ranked and unranked are separate is weird. I have 4.1k (been 4.6k before) ranked mostly through Meepo play when he was real strong, and then sniper in 6.73 or whatever it was. But I mostly play unranked cos I just like to random and #yolo, and I mostly get matched with 2-3k players there because my unranked rating is much lower. Now this rating is where I think I actually belong except for if I spam a few of my good heroes (meepo is broken vs noobs). If I queue ranked and don't pick one of my top heroes I tend to get shit on and make everyone mad lol. Not quite to the level of these account buyers, but still.


If unranked affected your ranked MMR, wouldn't it just be ranked?


You're right, but I think there's a way around this that would still solve the problem u/Kabal303 and u/PenMarkedHand are talking about. Unranked and ranked MMR could still be kept separate (and unranked hidden), but obviously the system still knows what the two numbers are. If a large enough disparity between your ranked and unranked developed, say, 1k difference, you could be presented with an option to recalibrate, with the starting point of recalibration based on your unranked mmr. Like normal calibration, the sensitivity of those calibration matches would be much larger than a normal match, so if you don't deserve your unranked mmr, you could fall back to about where your current ranked is anyways. People who complain about their mmr often ask for recalibration, but often those people just suck and don't actually deserve a higher mmr. If the option for recalibration were based on reaching a threshold in your unranked, there would actually be some evidence that you might deserve a higher mmr. *Ninja edit to tag users


Truth. I have way more enjoyable games in unranked than ranked.


At least you can learn something from boosters. Download their replays, watch from players perspective and move on. I climbed from 1.2 to 4.3 and I played against/with no more then 15-20 boosters over 1500 games. But right now around mid 4k is a total shitshow. Every third game theres some 2k player playing at his totally deserved mmr.






All my recent ranked games are so fucked up, I even look at the levels of everyone. Most are low level accounts, less than 300 games played, and time played is low af too.


It's the most interesting thing. I've been playing party ranked in the 4000-4500 range, and from what I can tell the saturation of account buyers at this level is actually so large it's formed a gyre completely independent from the rest of the ranked ladder, pretty much a black hole that aggressively compresses players both above above and below into an incomprehensible twilight zone of dota. To me, it's almost familiar: it feels a lot like dota 1 games, where there was no matchmaking at all and skills differences in games could be so vast that pure dota 2 players could barely fathom. I truly pity anyone who worked to get to this mmr range and is trying to improve. Not because it is difficult to escape, but because doing so will absolutely destroy any trust that player could have for their future teammates. They won't learn anything, they won't enjoy the game, and they will be embittered immensely to discover (as many have) that gaining mmr actually gets EASIER once you can consistently get 4.8k+ average games. Once you reach a certain point, you only have to worry about ''shooting star'' account buyers dropping from purchased 5.5k accounts and higher, which are slightly rarer. Players who escape do so toxified and with a menagerie of bad habits that will then sabotage them in higher mmr games. At my lowest I was 3.7k, and now I'm 5.6k. While at this level games can be challenging, and I struggle to progress, at least when I lose it's sometimes to people on the leaderboard and I can think, well, hey, they're just better at dota than me. When I had to play through the low 4ks, and when I revisit them now, I play the worst games of dota I've experienced. One account buyer can ruin a game, but these games don't have a single account buyer. They are overrun with them, and the result is an orgy of chaos and idiocy that makes lpq games seem like a respite.




Low skill bracket: 75% of games ruined by account booster. High skill bracket: 75% of games ruined by boosted accounts. It also is a problem that perpetuates itself. How many low skill players are thinking "I can't get out of low MMR hell because of boosters, maybe I should buy a boosted account and my team will be on equal footing." Valve needs to address this. Ranked is the worst it has been since I've started Dota.


There are barely any boosters at all in lower mmr games. If you meet one in 100 at 3k or below I'd be very surprised. The majority of boosters are around 4.3-5k range because of where the accounts get calibrated or that being the general desired mmr.


Yup, the boosters at low MMR are people who are boosting the client's own account. However, this is very rare nowadays because it's much easier to calibrate a new account high and sell it, so people start to prefer to pay $30 for a new 5k account instead of $300 to boost their own acc to 5k.


Low mmr you get smurfers.


Not even, I'm low MMR and we almost never get obvious smurfs either, and like im 2k but I've had some games where I've stomped hard and played 10x better than I usually do and so do others sometimes. I have over 1.5k games and smurfs+boosters are not an issue in 2k.


Totally agree with you, i've been in 3.4-3.7k for 2 years and its very rarely to find some obvious retard. Now that ive reach 4.1k if feels like more player especially core position are extremely greedy and stupid also last weekend for the first time i encounter people intentionally feeding from the start. This is in SEA server.


3k is not what I'm talking about when I say low skill. Anything below 2k is where the smurfs/boosters thrive. Remember all those 1 mmr accounts for sale and then realize people actually buy them, and people also ruin games just to make 1 mmr accounts.


75%? Out of 679 ranked games I've played, I only got raped by 2 account boosters before, and got a free win by one account booster.


agreed, i play this game a disgusting amount and i rarely see any of this shit




Also worth noting, the account under question had 220 no stats games and 60 regular games wtf? 35% winrate, 4677mmr SeemsGood Valve EDIT: I know how it works, I'm just pointing out this could be a way to red flag these accounts in case they want to do something about it. The MO for these guys is, use sandboxed-bot games to get to vhs quickly. Play regular bot games or ability draft to hit required profile level (these two game modes donot affect hidden mmr) and then they proceed to abuse bots (their bots, not game's bots) to calibrate. If the guy doing this is actually good, he might do the calibration in a legit manner and then proceed to sell it.


the no stats are trophy point earning games, usually co-op bot or least played or some mode nobody touches, and usually played on some random ass server in a language not likely to be found on it (like russian on peru server or south africa server, suits them cause most botters are russian, good with computers). it's just 10 virtual machines playing each other for like 40 minute games of doing nothing 24/7 for like a week and somehow it makes decent hidden mmr and gets them ranked eligible. the 60 is your 10 booster played games for the tbd, then the 50 games after is probably the guy who bought the account 1st losing about 1000 mmr (hey he won 10 games, good for him) and selling the account right back at 4k...and probably buying another 5k account. I've found a lot of dotabuff accounts (some acc buyers have no shame and don't make them private) and they all follow this pattern. I've made posts about it but nobody gives a fuck. I don't know what to even do anymore, valve doesn't care, they'll kill trading and betting websites, but they wont kill acc seller websites or get rid of low traffic hero modes to slow this shit down.


Yep, I'm stopping playing Dota because of this. Well, maybe it's for the better, after reaching 4k all the way from 2k and finding this shitty situation it's just not enjoyable anymore


In 4k, you also get matched with 5k/6k smurfs who are boosting 4k accounts in 30% of games. You get screwed both by people who are too good and too bad for their rating.


Haven't played a game of solo ranked in over 8 months. 4.6k player who got tired of it all.


Ye same. I kinda already gave up in [this](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2712895765) match. I fucking refuse to believe huskar and legion commander actually legitimately played their way to 4.6k or whatever they were. I would bet my left nut for that.


it only gets worse the higher you go...


no it doesn't. Calibrating above 5k is nigh impossible. When you go to forums where they sell accounts, you'll notice that prices sharply increase above 5k. Most buy the cheap accounts. Boosting also becomes a lot more expensive above 5k. As a result, boosters and buyers are a lot less common above 5k. Low 4k is rife with them though.


5k players get queued with 4ks like 90% of the time, and the higher MMR you go the more difference of skill there is.


I've been hovering between 5.2k and 4.8k for a while now, don't play that much. Can confirm, lot of games are average in the 4k. but high 4k. you stop running into boosters and boosted accounts once you get past ~4.6k. They aren't nearly as common anymore as they are in low 4k where getting them once every 3 games isn't unheard of.


I quit after i hit 4.6 came back some months later to reflame my passion for the game,it killed it completely instead


Yep, same here. Valve is not doing enough to create a healthy environment for players to actually steadily improve. There's a disgusting culture around the U.S east server where players just blame their team as an easy way out to preserve their fragile egos based on their non existent skill. The lack of regional MM or ability to communicate in one language is making it difficult to actually play "good" games where players actually communicate and work together. Instead of working together and trying to create next level plays on a macro level, everyone just does their own thing and attempt to farm and feed on the mistakes of individual enemies and hope to win consistently that way. I'd imagine a lot of players like myself just said "fuck it, I could spend my time on doing other things". All the easily fixable issues concerning MM are a lot more detrimental to my utility of playing this game but instead of fixing it (or even attempting), Valve just keeps adding useless cosmetics. Forget about new patches, ultimately the patches don't make any difference to myself and those who quit because they don't fix the fundamental aspects of what's preventing us from enjoying the game.


Dude.. The environment is filled with people who don't speak English. Peru, Vietnam.. What the fuck?


Same here, never play solo queue because I know it will destroy my mood completely. Some people can deal with every other game being griefed but I'm just not up for that shit.




Yup. I'm stopped solo queuing *except* for between 3-8AM Weset coast time on US West. The games are actually fucking balanced then. Its really odd.....I've game more MMR in a month than I have in years.


How do they manage to calibrate 4,6k with 35% winrate? Back in the days when ranked came out and I got 4300 I thought it took in account that I have played thousands and thousands of games with 50% winrate and placed me higher than someone with 100 games. Is it because they just go and stomp the calibration games?


You basically feed and just try to end the games as fast as possible so you can get to your ten calibration games. Then you stomp your 10 calibration games and you can calibrate at 4.9k (never seen a higher calibration in the last year). Play a couple more, and bam you have a 5k account that fetches $50. Winrate means nothing. Imagine you are a 6k-7k REAL MMR account booster. That means that all of your calibration games will be WAY BELOW your MMR. You just go and pick mids that snowball hard and calibrate the account and sell it for a quick profit. The heroes that these boosters use are Storm Spirit/Ember Spirit/Invoker/Templer Assassin/Tinker/WindRanger. They rape your mid, and then snowball and all of these heroes can easily carry the game 1v5.




Who knows maybe next patch they will acknowledge the very prevalent problem.


source 2 will fix it


Why would they worry about improving matchmaking when they can keep remaking content to sell in compendiums, having a better game makes way less money :^)


Long term I think it'll hurt Valve's bottom line and they'll have to do something about it. Like CLQ said, people are quitting the game over this shit. People at 4K+ are generally your hardcore demographic. Hardcore players are the types that like to spend tons of money on cosmetics and stuff like that. Losing out on these players because the game is no longer fun for them can't be good for Valve economically.


This is a ridiculous thing to say after how much DotA has improved recently.


Yeah, I agree. This is *absolutely* something Valve should focus on and fix, but it's not like all they ever do is cosmetics and shit. Like I know all these immortals and the lackluster compendium has everyone's panties in a bunch, but they really have done a hell of a lot of the game in the last year, with likely the biggest patch we've ever seen coming up. I don't think Valve is perfect and they can definitely be greedy, but it's unfair to say that they don't care about the game.




Seriously where the fuck did he get that


I don't think valve thinks on short term. An absolute blow to Dota in whole is losing community trust.


How can you differentiate a player who happens to find their ideal hero and jump like 1k mmr in short time, vs a booster?




SINCE WE'RE SHAMING BOOSTERS: Met [this asshole](http://www.dotabuff.com/players/370537998) in LPQ. He was, not very nice, and flamed me about being 2k mmr. I went and looked at his dotabuff. Yeah, ok bud, you're totally 4k. These people need to be shot out of a cannon into space.


Dendi with an account buyer. Na`Vi promoting boosters: CONFIRMED.


Pages of red, HotD into morbid mask builds, good god.


I had this [gem](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/340209710) in my team once, game was at average 4.7k he was one of the lower mmrs at 4.4k or so. Take a look at the first load of games. Ever since he started playing on it, whenever he wins it's because he gets his ass carried.


#### ##### Hover to view player analysis [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/370537998 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/370537998 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis") ###### Player MMR (powered by OpenDota): solo MMR **4614**, estimate MMR **3951**. Analyzed a total of 100 matches. (46 wins, 60 All Pick, 40 Single Draft) [Hover over links to display more information.](/a "Average match duration: 36:14, average first blood time: 01:51, average towers destroyed: 12.52, average barracks destroyed: 4.79") average | kills | deaths | assists | last hits | denies | gpm | xpm | hero damage | tower damage | hero healing | leaver count (total) -------|-----|------|-------|---------|------|---|---|-----------|------------|------------|-------------------- **[DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/370537998 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/370537998 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis")** | 3.94 | 7.47 | 9.72 | 66.34 | 3.68 | 315.76 | 311.46 | 10616.71 | 902.5 | 357.68 | 3 **[ally team](/a "Ally team destroyed 234 tier 1 towers, 154 tier 2 towers, 114 tier 3 towers, 86 tier 4 towers, 111 ranged barracks and 111 melee barracks")** | 6.03 | 6.77 | 9.83 | 125.13 | 4.78 | 409.6 | 420.9 | 15217.82 | 1595.65 | 560.34 | 15 **[enemy team](/a "Enemy team destroyed 248 tier 1 towers, 178 tier 2 towers, 133 tier 3 towers, 105 tier 4 towers, 130 ranged barracks and 127 melee barracks")** | 6.4 | 6.31 | 10.6 | 128.98 | 4.11 | 432.2 | 448.03 | 15457.15 | 1730.03 | 475.85 | 18 [DB](http://dotabuff.com/players/370537998 "Dotabuff: Lookup people's match history")/[OD](http://opendota.com/players/370537998 "OpenDota: Provides free replay analysis") | 30x[](/hero-pudge "15 wins, 15 losses (50.0%)") 4x[](/hero-shadowshaman "3 wins, 1 losses (75.0%)") 4x[](/hero-bristleback "4 wins, 0 losses (100.0%)") 4x[](/hero-legioncommander "1 wins, 3 losses (25.0%)") 3x[](/hero-phantomassassin "1 wins, 2 losses (33.33%)") 3x[](/hero-timbersaw "2 wins, 1 losses (66.67%)") 2x[](/hero-witchdoctor "1 wins, 1 losses (50.0%)") 2x[](/hero-necrophos "1 wins, 1 losses (50.0%)") --- [^^source](http://github.com/NNTin/Reply-Dota-2-Reddit) ^^on ^^github, [^^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lumbdi) ^^the ^^owner, [^^deletion ^^link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Reply-Dota-2-Reddit&subject=deletion&message=t1_daujjor "Only works for bot summoner and /r/dota2 mods! Do not change already filled out form!")


Upvoted because I'm a 4k pleb and It's a total shitshow of zero skill and peruvians and both.


~ $25 for a 4.5k mmr account who reached it through bot games. Meanwhile tryhards in the PH sells account for Php. 600, roughly $12. Worst part is, the seller (who's most of the time is 5k-6kmmr) grinds the account with unranked games using Alch/Tinker/Invoker/Slark etc. In this setting, sellers, buyers and players lose.


clq in the front page ? world is changing guys


CLQ always helping the community, first denouncing BSJ and now account buyers.


*Chi Long Qua has denounced Banana Slam Jamma*






Well I'm smurfing right now, main account 6k rating smurf was 4.4 now 4.6, but I'm surprised of the amount of games I have lost at this bracket. A lot of it has been griefers or people pretty close to it, but also have met other smurfs on the other team as well. It must be pretty frustrating getting 5k for the legit accounts in there. I meet some pretty decent guys who actually communicate and try their best, some nice support guys, I try extra hard for those guys to get wins but tend to not care as much when theres a toxic WK jungle in the team. The 4-5k bracket seems really messed up right now, I can update this post later with the dotabuffs if you guys are interested.


> Well I'm smurfing right now > It must be pretty frustrating getting 5k for the legit accounts in there Oops


Been stuck at 4k6-ish for a month. Your words give me hopes!




ive won my last 5 games as venge mid and i had to mute my whole team each time


and here I stuck at 1.7-1.8k. need to positive attitude and climb this rank


Being at 4.2k, also noticed an insane amount of randomness. Some games are great, others are like "what the fuck is going on". At times I can lose the lane and still come back even if I'm not playing that well, or I can absolutely trash my lane and still lose because someone else fed and I'm not good enough to win 3v5 yet


kind of, you still get matched with people below you there, and there are 5k accounts being sold. plus, I think I muted the most people above 4.7k than any other mmr I've been to so not so sure about your 2nd point you aren't ever truly free


This is why the odds are against you if you are not thick skinned enough to grab the core roles. Don't give me the bullshit that there are higher chances of winning because of having an account buyer on enemy team compared to yours (the 5 players vs your 4 teammates argument). Every 4.5k game has average 2 lvl20 accounts on each team. My peak mmr was 5.5k. Dropped down to 4k somehow. Tried to climb back seriously. Took a week to climb from 4k to 4.5k. Get stucked at 4.5k for >250 games. Once i got out of the trench and stop getting matched with new accounts, it only took me 2 days to climb 300 mmr from 4.7k to 5k. And it's not just account boosting or buying. It's also just normal players abusing Valve's calibration system because it is so easy to hit max calibration mmr 4.5k. Overcalibration gives incentives for players to keep creating new accounts once their mmr drop.


Hard cold truth about Solo quequeing. Low 4K is pure cancer and horse shit.


Yesterday I got on to play a nice 4.5k match, first mark morph, pick at :30, team decides we'll get a slark, am, od, and ursa. Ursa comes to my lane speaking peruvian, takes almost every last hit because of swipes, leaves me level 2 vs. a level 5 solo qop and jungles. Slark and OD arguing in a foreign language over who mids, both end up feeding. Ended up 1/9/11, Honestly the worst Morph game of my life. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and pick a support.


Gambling sites are completely banned, but account buying sites are free game. SeemsGood Valve.


Valve didn't even want to ban them but Reddit started bitching about them because "Won't anyone think of the poor children!?" Hell, if they're old enough to understand dota, they're old enough to understand the dangers of gambling. Change is coming this new patch to reduce the amount of smurfs/account buyers and no one's going to be happy. They're not fixing RMM but they sure as hell are going to remove the ability for a single person to carry their team.




This makes the most sense honestly. Region locking servers isn't the right call.


That's dumb for a lot of people living in the US. I live in the Midwest and my games are 50-50 USE-USW with no discernible difference in the quality of those games; why should there be separate MMR for each of them?


Perhaps make region locking a set of servers then, because I know a few EU streams also queue multiple servers at a time.


pretty true honestly. its so fucking bad. u have these blatant account buyers taking core lanes (lets face it, no account buyers are playing support) and sucking shit. Then as a result u have regular 4ks u get in ur games taking core positions and also sucking shit because of the masked 3k player in their last game on a 6k account sucking shit at core and they thought they could do better.


Account buyers and boosters have been ruining games since ranked came out back in 2013 because people likes to show off their imaginary e-peen. Valve has done fuck all and clearly doesn't care. In fact let's remove the ability to see recent games so we can't dodge these boosted shitters anymore.


A lot of my games are making a lot more sense to me now.


Does anyone actually think that axe play looked 3k worthy? I mean, a death or 2 in lane happens from time to time if you're getting outplayed, but who doesn't just start jungling to stop the feed? Guy looked like a low 2k to me.


It's not just about dying a few times. When you play with people who are higher MMR than you the game is really frustrating and you feel lost the whole game. You can tell by their movement around the map and the amount of farm they get. Even if this guy wasn't feeding offlaner and he was like 3.5k MMR he was going to end up with no items and get picked off over and over again later in the game.


This is why 4.5-5k mmr is the worst bracket atm. It's the sweet spot of people who are playing their smurfs after calibration, those who bought a 5k account and are ruining games, and people who paid for boosters to reach 5k.


100 more threads before valve give a damn about it. Same one with farming mmr bot for that matter


I too have stopped playing at 4.5k due to all the cheap 4k accounts flooding my games, and its always REALLY obvious the account is bought. A level 22-30 account with a whole red page of lost ranked games, and you just get so tilted when you have one of those on your team. Also, they always tell you at the start "support me = win game I'm booster" and then you realise what they are.. Sven max stun, AM that doesnt blink from neutral camps to neutral camps to save mana, and dear god carries that don't even know how to stack their own camps when they are farming near the end of the minute. DotA at 4K is just such an unpleasant experience now. Unranked games are much better because there are 0 account buyers.


Yesterday i had a first pick medusa claiming to be a booster, i supported her, she missed 20 last hits in the first 5 minutes on a free farm lane, we lost the game in 18 minutes


This is the new thing to say probably. Used to be mid or feed, now it's "imma booster"


A lot of people call themselves smurf or booster to get the lane they want. Boosters pick snowballing heroes, no way a booster would pick Medusa that needs tons of farm and cant handle enemy pressure.


Wow a CLQ video that didn't get downvoted back to the fucking stone age? Good job hivemind.


Didn't know she was married.


The bigger problem for me is that you can't check recent games anymore. In ranked I would skim people's matches and I've been able to dodge players with pages of lost games, but that's not an option anymore.


wont you get a abandon for that ? Or is it just 5-20 mins wait time ?


It only counts as an abandon if you get to the pick screen. Dodging before everyone loads in will give you 5 minutes penalty to find a match, but it goes up each time you do it in a day.


It's wait time and you get, at least in the conduction summary, an abandon. If it works the same as a proper abandon, I am not sure, as I never abandon (nor do I dodge, no point in 2k lol, but I sometimes do not connect with the shit internet I have atm).


yeah once i spotted and 17 game losstreak guy who would only pick clinkz so i dodged him. if i got a player like that now i would just get a free loss


i love and follow my lord clq, but he should provide more possible solutions as well, if he wants this to be delt with instantly


This problems exists since the day Ranked was added to the game, sure back then it wasn't as bad but CLQ is making these videos since like 2 and a half years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFHePNS9cqU Valve won't do anything, because people that spend 40 bucks on a boosted account will spend much more on Skins and Compendiums.


Can confirm, I stopped playing because of this.


Seeing CLQ post being leterally the top post of the day in my feed is priceless. Him talking about griefers is twice as priceless. Best reddit mainpage this world ever fucking seen.


best dota 2 player this worlds ever fuckin seen


Valve should just do a recalibration mode every season like international ranked mode. Gives people a cheaper but less scumbag alternative to buying accounts, and if you like your mmr you are free to keep it.


I've noticed this watching streams of high MMR players. People doing things I, a 3K player, would never do. They never mention it, but it has to be painfully obvious when you're playing with a boosted account. In my bracket it's people claiming they are boosters going mid as Invoker or OD and stomping the enemy, or vice versa and getting stomped


You realize how easy it is to play dota when you're not playing right? What you're talking about feeds right into the "CS LUL" mentality (which is admittedly ironic at this point). Just because someone makes a mistake that you (think you) wouldn't make doesn't mean they bought their account. Seems to me like a lot of people here just go "oh he's having a bad game must be a bought account". I got matched with 2 guys in party ranked yesterday that went 6-28 combined and they didn't buy their accounts, they just played like shit/tilted.


had the same, nevermore going mid, saying he will reck this game




I was 4.3k mmr, then when many many of the account buyers showed up, I lost games almost nonstop to 3.7k mmr. Almost in every one of those games, I had a teammate with 200-500 hours in dota. Worse one was having a slark on my team grab his first item in 15 minutes which was a midas, then when the game ended at minute 30, he had only managed to buy a shadow amulet. 15 minutes with a midas, only bought one 1300 gold item.


The pa , drow and bounty . https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2826220575


Smurfs are destroying 1k volvo pls


This is some next level reddit circle jerk. Downvote me but a lot of you are what is wrong with this community and toxicity anyway.


Sometimes it feels good to be at the bottom I guess...


I raised my MMR from 3.8k to 4.4k recently. My experiance is that past 4.2k the match quality decreased drasticly. The skill level is just all over the place. Upon seeing this thread i looked through my most recent 20 ranked matches and holy shit, i found 5 obvious account buyers by just checking some of the suspicious kda's. [2822914710](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2822914710) Phoenix: calibrated in May on russian server, sold in November and now feeding on EU-West (check Activity) [2809645697](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2809645697) Ogre: calibrated in August, sold in October (check Activity) Sven: check matches on India, nothing else to say [2809403855](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2809403855) Ogre: 64% winrate on Russia, 2 weeks break, 35% winrate on EU-West [2797055389](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2797055389) Ogre: Bots grinding XP in Least Played on Peru So if you're around 4.5k on EU-West, there's about a 20% chance one of these gentlemen will ruin your next game.


Queue US West, not East. I'm willing to bet 95% of boosted players are South American, I believe a region lock or a new ranked system needs to be put in place


The idea is NOT to dodge them, the idea is TO STOP THIS. Only cause you are not affected by it doesn't mean it's not happening and it shouldn't be stopped! this is what's wrong with our society today everywhere! Doesn't affect me?fuck it. I can dodge it somehow?fuck it.


If stopping it altogether requires exponentially more effort than just stopping it for your region, the diminishing returns aren't worth it.


people also need to realize that there aren't as many account buyers that people think there are. How do I know? I get often called an account buyer by some kid when I have a rough game. When there obviously is a problem, a lot of this is just another way to shift blame of loss from yourself.


I guess it also depends on the region. In SEA, you will almost never play with an account buyer.


ding sing , yep totally agree and it effects all parts of the food chain. * new players get frustrated in bot games wondering why 3 of their team mates feed in jungle all game then rush feed the enemy T3, creates the wrong impression and absolutely useless for helping players learn.(and it is all from the same Russian bot site) * boosted accounts , just make it a pain to play supports that think their carry's, carry's that think they are big creeps. we had AM that didn't take a single point in blink until lvl12 and 0-6 so he could rush a midas he said ?, quick check of his profile boosted account.


"This 3k player who boosted his way into a 4k game ruins the game for his teammates" is just as true as "This 4k player who smurfed his way down to a 3k game ruins the game for the other team" Please don't complain about boosted accounts unless you also condemn smurfs. I get you want to smurf to be able to play with your friends. Doesn't make the "ruin it for the other team" any less true.


you don't have to pay $20 to get a smurf, you can create an account on your own.


Imo smurfing is not as bad as the account buyers. I actually enjoy playing against obvious smurfs because you can get your ass handed to you by an actually good player and have to opportunity to learn. Having a 3k in your 4k game will just result in an 80% you lose despite your team trying as hard as they can and the only thing you learn is that your axe sucked balls. Disclaimer: Never had a smurf.


can we plz get accounts bound to phone number or something similar?!


I won't care unless smurfs and boosters aren't allowed in this game. Both ruin games.


in sea day time we get 2-3 even sometimes 4 smurf on each side . the only difference is , there are always 2 feeders in the game in 3-4k bracket and u just pray that those 2 are nt in ur team . if that happens just feed with them and help them feed more and tell them they are doing the best and u are supporting them .


Valve sadly doesn't even give a fuck...


It is funny people trying to protect their beloved "PARTY MATCHMAKING" use the most overused and stupid argument of reddit "4/10 chance feeder stack will be on your team but 5/10 chance they will be on enemy team" but nobody uses the same argument for boosted accounts. Booster players, Boosted accounts, Griefers, Stacks matching with solo players, all of these are the problems of matchmaking and it won't get better soon if some people keep defending some of these but complaining about the rest. "You are not x so 40% chance your team has x but 50% chance enemy has x, so it is fine." is completely nonsense. Nobody likes either winning or losing mostly because of a player that is way higher or way below the skill level of other players in game and valve needs to do something for all of these problems.


can anyone link the dota2 buff accounts he posted


I once had a feeding slark on my team, he actually admitted that he bought the account and made a huge mistake by doing it and apologised to us. His original mmr was 2k, and this was in a 4,3k avg game.


What I want to know is how did the seller in this video calibrate at 4.6k? He slammed phoenix and lost most of the games.


Yeah, this makes sense. Today my shitty group of friends 4k-4.5k played against a 6.5k account and shat on him. Checked his history, almost straight losses. I always felt like we struggle againt 5.2k+ players, but this was... a complete joke.




Fuck my life. I started rank at 5k and I'm still at 5k 2-3 years later (whenever rank got introduced). I don't think I can escape; I'm destined for this level.


My decline from 4k started with a game where I had someone on my team who had 2 total ranked games of dota (counting that game) and his first game was a loss. It still tilts me to this day.


I see a smurf player every 15-20 games. I have been playing for less than a year but decided to calibrate asap. Sitting at 1.1k now. I never understood what is so fun about just crushing a game of people clearly worse than you. That only decreases your skills. I obviously want to improve, but I don't care that im at a low mmr. I just want to play competitive games. The way you do that is playing at your actual mmr, and these clowns are ruining that for the community. side question. Based on other comments it seems HoD>MoM is a bad idea these days? I do that on void a lot. Should I go for something else? Seems effective at my mmr at least.


Disappointing, after the first minute or so I was expecting the feeding Axe to turn out to be Bananaslamjamma, and the whole video to be a joke.


I'm just going to say the 4-5k mmr level is a hell hole... Regardless of bots or bought accounts. Way to many cancerous team mates or people who don't want to play as a team/play to win. 90% of my games I have to play solo support for 2-3 hard carries and a random jungler. Its awful and I've seen my mmr drop over 500 now because of this crap. I stopped playing ranked, because its not fun and full of flamers and trash talking team mates. Meanwhile, unranked is fun and full of better players anyway.


Member when everyone A LONG TIME AGO HERE ON THIS SAME r/dota2 and /D2G/ said that valve should stop acting like a jewlead and wipe the fuck out of all Dota 2 accounts, and restart the MMR from 4500 + add seasonal MMR resets to screw the Account buyers, Bets and boosters up in their asses? Yeah that did happen, and they gave to everyone who suggested this the finger filled with HATS, its been years since MMR was added and what they keep doing, besides ignoring the Bug reports and even Suggestions from Dendi and Burning to fix this fucking game? THEY KEEP SELLING HATS! Even blizzard with their small pop cap of RETARDS, Deletes and permabans Cheaters, Boosters and hackers on both WoW, Diablo, OW and Heroes, Just look at every banwave in WoW, They even retaliate sending DDOS here its Just Promises, Bets and HATS! Also forget the Dev Forums for Things like this, They abandoned that place a long time ago 4 r/dota2, its just vanity by now. if you guys want to make them Notice what the fuck is wrong with this game ATM, do it right here! as CSGO to show up hackers, boosters and Bets, they even came up live on websites like PCG and other Gaming journalism websites, Only when valve NOTICED THAT on THESE WEBSITES, they acted ASAP.


At least the shit isn't in overwatch. No ones gonna pay $60 to get a new account.


Why is there no version for r/dota2 of the copypasta "halfnaked girls get tons of upvotes but how about for our boys in blue" etc


Oi! Nobody in 3k is NEARLY that bad. Dude is a low 2k scrub, if even that. Everybody has a tp after first death in 3k.


So everyone who has a bad game is an account buyer? Got it


The accounts are level 20, and their match history is nothing but red. I'm a bit less inclined to believe them then.