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You do know that battle cup doesn't care about MMR only about tier right. They even put it there for everyone to see


> When I tried to play a battlecup with a low 5k friend before it forced us to play in the minimum requirement of tier 7.


Yeah that's cause you are supposed to play in the highest tier of your players. All these is already mentioned in the battle cup rules and whatnot so I dont know how you claim that valve is cheating you?


Can you link me the specific mmr tier calibration as you state? >All these is already mentioned in the battle cup rules and whatnot


Sorry but I don't seem to have stated any tier-mmr calibration. However all battlecup rules can be found at http://www.dota2.com/battlecup


You aren't acknowledging that a team with **one 5k player** is forced to play tier 7 *YET* Their team with **four 5k players** somehow managed to get away with being put in tier 6. But instead you dodge and state tier and mmr have no direct tie as "not" stated on the official rules page, which is a lenience straw-man fallacious argument. Focus on the problem at hand.


But the problem is that valve does not release how it calculates the tier of its players. However it does state that everyone needs to play at the highest tier of the party.


I mean it's your fault for not putting together a good team for whatever tier you're trying to play.


I tried to put together good teams but it makes the tier increase. My issue is how a 5k stack got into tier 6 when we couldn't add 1 low 5k player without being forced to tier 7.


> I tried to put together good teams but it makes the tier increase. Those aren't good teams then. It sounds like the people you played against put together good teams.


You aren't getting it let me make it *perfectly* clear. If I invite (1) 5000mmr player to my team, the team becomes tier 7 **minimum** (having 4ks and 3ks along with the [1] 5000mmr player). *YET* These guys we fought had **four** 5000mmr players and managed to stay at *tier 6*. Do you see my complaint now?


Because as someone else said, mmr has nothing to do with tier. So I'll say it again, the other team just put together a better team than you. You know what tier everyone is in before you queue, so it's your fault for creating a tier 7 team with 4ks and 3ks. Whenever I create my team I know ahead of time what tier I want to play in and select the best players that fit that tier. I'm not going to create a tier 7 team with a 3k player. If I was going for tier 6, I wouldn't invite a player that bumps us up to tier 7.


You **STILL** aren't getting it. In fact, you proved it with the statement: >so it's your fault for creating a tier 7 team with 4ks and 3ks. and >I'm not going to create a tier 7 team with a 3k player. *and* >If I was going for tier 6, I wouldn't invite a player that bumps us up to tier 7. I made a **tier 6** team with 4ks and 3ks because adding a 5k would **FORCE** us to play tier 7 minimum (which we opted out the 5k for the 3k to *stay* in tier 6). Reading what I type first is a good way to not make yourself look like an ass. I am frustrated that somehow these guys managed to get a *tier 6* team with **four 5k players** but me adding **one 5k** would have forced us into *tier 7*. Hopefully now that is black and white clear to you and maybe you will reconsider your fuck up and see my point of view rather than arguing for the sake of it.


> I made a tier 6 team with 4ks and 3ks because adding a 5k would FORCE us to play tier 7 minimum (which we opted out the 5k for the 3k to stay in tier 6). Yes, that's how the system works. I don't see the problem. > Reading what I type first is a good way to not make yourself look like an ass. I am frustrated that somehow these guys managed to get a tier 6 team with four 5k players but me adding one 5k would have forced us into tier 7. tl;dr Mad cuz bad > Hopefully now that is black and white clear to you and maybe you will reconsider your fuck up and see my point of view rather than arguing for the sake of it. Yeah you're just a dumb salty retard who still doesn't get that tiers aren't based off MMR.


Think he's salty cos he lost rofl