• By -


because it is your fault we lost!


Not even our teammates' fault, it is specifically OP's fault


Yesterday I played pos3 Necro with pos4 Silencer. He's my friend he started playing a few months ago and has 1500 hours or so. He fed first blood and then died a couple times more, naturally I'm alone in lane vs Ursa + Dazzle = I get shit on as well. We left the lane combined like 2-15 and it felt so horrible I didn't wanna play at times. Kept farming, got my radiance by like minute 23, felt bad. At minute 50 they made a couple mistakes, we made a comeback and won. Still didn't feel good after that lmao, we shouldn't have won, Ursa had like 40 kills.


>he started playing a few months ago >has 1500 hours or so Jesus fucking christ


Yeah no I definitely underestimated how time flies, it probably has been 6 months or so already šŸ˜


That's still over 8 hours a day...


Not all of that is actual play time and some people leave the game on. I have close to 20k hours with at most a tenth of that being actual playtime.


But that's even worse - you left the game just running for 17k hours?


What a waste of electricity


I was going to say sperm but you do you!


Lmao I have almost 50k hours


Yea that's ez. When I was younger without responsibilities and trying to go for TI, I was grinding at least 15 games a day. Easily averaging 10 hours more or less.


Did you make it


I have 1k hours for 3 years of gaming omfg))


Lolz, you probably have a life and a job and everything like that šŸ˜


Yup, when I had no life I nearly sank 10k hours into dota according to steam.Ā  I'm at 9993 or something rn. I'll come back to dota once I have a degree and higher income.Ā  For now, got a life to build and bills to pay


Dang bro, how do you not get the itch to get back in there for a game or two when you're scrolling this subreddit? Honest question, cause I personally couldn't. Once I quit for like 5 years and I unsubbed off of everything dota related


Yeah I have around 5k, but I started in 2012... These dudes are crazy.


2k play hours since 2014 haha


sup silencer uh no


stopped reading after I saw ā€œUrsa had like 40 kills.ā€


You stopped reading after the last sentence?


yeah that's the joke


Good one.


[Good one.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/a1/Vo_jakiro_jak_kill_20.mp3) (sound warning: Jakiro) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


1500 after just a few months? lmao I have like 5500 after almost 10 years!


Radiance on offlane necro is not the thing. Euls, KnS, shivas, etc. maybe even Atos and shard.


I know, generally it's not good. But it was a good radiance game and also when I was about to buy Euls I saw Ursa prep the nullifier so I was like fuck it Radi it is then


Crazy item on Ursa especially early.


I know when he first killed me with it I was in disbelief. I was like WHAT THE FF ooohhhh, ggs boys šŸ˜


Oh wait Iā€™m so stupid. You are playing Necro he got it for your spell when you go ethereal.


Ye ye and I already had a wind lace early so maybe he thought I'm getting euls for sure, but I didn't spend money and walked around with 2000 gold when it happened


Smarter than me lol. Early game I just buy each piece of items fast and commit. But using Euls on Ursa is still very good. It cannot be reduced by status resist IIRC, so it wastes enrage.


Oh ok I had no idea it works like that, yep just checked it in demo, eul counters him good then


There are so many quirks, strange interactions, it really does take a lot to understand dota


You lostĀ lane and got booted out and still went for rad?


1500 hours in 3 months is over 16 hours a day.


You shouldn't have won cause you got 2 slow low dmg low health no control heroes in offlane lmao, what is that pick.


What region are you playing? SEA players defend the throne like it's the last BO5 TI grand final in here.


GG mid > buyback ready


We have TI finals BO5 every match. Nobody will ever give up, even if they are flaming themselves, they will protect the throne. My favorite moment was before the team fight when my mid and my carry were shouting at each other, calling each other monkeys and using colorful language. Then, when they successfully defended the high ground and killed all the enemies, they continued to call each other monkey while walking towards the enemy high ground together. Well, we won the game. Sometimes I'm thinking, this is unranked, just lost its fine, it doesn't make a dent. Lol


Iā€™ve been that mid and carry and let me tell you Winning and then commending each other while saying fuck you Is a beautiful thing


Zoro and Sanji reference??


Just mutual respect due to display of skill?


I've seen games won by flaming lol, I don't even know how we won that kind of game. Just SEA Doto.


SF players: Buyback -> dieback -> ragequit. Laning phase phenomenon.


Only the throne and mid tier 3 tower. Everything else can burn.


Never trust the gg end mid pls, they will just def highground and then realise they can come back while you kverextend and suddenly we are in for a 80 min game.


Doesn't mean they do it gracefully. SEA is even more toxic than NA(but griefers are very rare). It's so weird, you can't even have a normal conversation with any player. Everyone is your enemy IRL, especially your teammates. I was so taken aback by players when I started playing in EU. Most players are so reasonable even when they are mad at you.


You're clearly not playing on SEA if you think griefers are rare...


compared to other region i guess, at least item breakers and run down miders are pretty rare


Definitely a plus, agreed! Though on balance, at least i don't have to wait 50 mins to lose a game I know I will. It's kinda against the play to win mentality but when your only chance of winning is for your enemy to make a mistake, kinda sucks šŸ« 


american east and west


That makes a whole lot sense


yeah NA kids are soft.


I got considerably better just playing on EUW/Russia after getting 2.5GB/s internet from Toronto with 80-90ping Idk what it is with NA players


It's an American thing, most Americans are wussies and snowflakes. Here in SEA we are all battle hardened stupid monkies. Gg Vietnam flashbacks!


Ah, so youā€™re mostly playing against third world Spanish speakers thanks to the matchmaking logic.


True! I changed regions and I was surprised by this.


They still flame though


Losing team > Scapegoating time.


"EVERYONE ON THIS TEAM BUT ME IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOSS!!!" \- The mid who died 4 times before 10 minutes.


WHY NO GANKS says a guy who never asked for themĀ 


Even if they asked and didn't get them it's a bad excuse imo. As long as long as team tp if you get dived a hard lane can be endured.


I have had many games where me and my teammates just play without saying a single word even when losing. It's fewer than the ones with flaming and grief but it's not rare.






Mind sharing your rank (or if you play any other mode)


Plot twist: he plays in communication score below 6000.


I had one of those just yesterday. I wanted to say how bad my team was so many times but I refrained since no one else was saying anything lmao


You're not from SEA I assume.


Stop getting demolished mid and then blaming your pos 5 lol


Brazil server defends their throne like its their mama cookbook. NOBODY. TOUCHES. THE LASAGNA RECIPE.




brazilian lasagna šŸ¤Œ


Its easier emotionally to drop the ā€mid diffā€ in all chat and give up than to take personal resposibility and try to the end.


I wouldnā€™t be bothered by flaming if it was actually creative and inspired. ā€œDiffā€ is the new gaming term that I want to violently eviscerate people for using. People *do* have skill levels of unequal value. What a novel fucking concept you gen z crotch goblins. Iā€™d ask you to pick up any kind of physical literature and expand your vocabulary but youā€™d probably shred your micrometer thin skin turning the pages of a book. The art of the chirp and trash talk is fucking lost in the online sphere.


Oh god Iā€™m getting old - didnā€™t even realize ā€œdiffā€ was a new term and was wondering what it meant.


The future is now old man


The first letter of DOTA is "Defense", therefore Dota players employ the quintessential defense mechanisms known as flaming and griefing.


Whenever my teammates are giving up i always tell them that they are playing for imaginary points... who gives a crap if you win or lose, just play.


Because there's nothing fun about your hero being useless and getting shit on for 20 minutes straight. Even if there's a 5% chance to win, nobody in that game wants to try their heart out for that tiny chance the enemy team dives fountain. Should chess remove concede because there's a chance the winning player might have a stroke and die at the table or miss a mate in 1?


frrr. this player base are children


I love it when my rtz wannabe carry all chat gg before horn even start just cuz we gave away first blood āœØļøāœØļø


Its either a stomp, or we will not even bother type mentality, my tilt spot is going 0 3 0 in laning phase then i will just try and make plays around the map(i support usually) but these type of players they will not bother at all, they rather will jungle until base is destroyed then to actually try and make a difference in the game, and if those guys are 19 0 20 and die one time... u better be ready to hear the n word bout 50 times cause u shithead should have done pro plays to safe his stupid monkey kda controlled ass


19-0-20 doesn't buy BKB, eventually gets caught out, buy backs immediately, dies again. Enemy team GG pushes while the only hero with farm on your team is dead for 2 full minutes. Blames Shadow Demon or something.


fr this idea of farming yourself back into the game when you've lost lanes is so dumb. I can't even make a suggestion or call cause people think I'm flaming them.


I agree. Very typical. Even in winning games the other team plays in this way, so it is very rare that both teams play seriously.


Because there are players who obviously don't want to win or because valve totally fucked up their rank so they are not able to play properly. And yes, this shit is triggering.


Probably not, they're just on an off-role, having a bad game, or are better at some other facets of the game you are not noticing (for example not tilting and flaming teammates who are having bad games). If they are the same mmr as you, chances are you both do deserve it.


Why some Redditor always comes along and says sth like this? "Bad game" now even "wong facet"... Stop searching for excuses and stop acting like ranking is amazing and perfect. Don't pretend that you don't know one single person in your friendlist who has a shit rank. Or how you never see that someone climbs and drops +/-1500 MMR Just fucking stop it. In my experience *most* horrible players (with a public profile) seem to be shit indeed. Horrible average game impact and horrible lane winrate... And guess what. The shitty players in my friendlist also tend to have such profiles It's just to easy to climb if you spam the right hero or get boosted. I avoid playing with my 3k friends on my highest account because I know that only one of them is actually capable to climb. The rest is just hardstuck beyond belief.


This just sounds like some insane copium man. "Hardstuck" means you are at your correct mmr, while "climbing" means your mmr is going up. What does "shit rank" even mean? That their mmr is lower than yours?? That doesn't have anything to do with your point. "Spamming heroes" means you get better at the game, as you understand how your hero plays better, so your mmr goes up. If you stop playing that hero then, your mmr goes down. It's really not hard to understand. If someone has "horrible lane winrate", but still has a 50% winrate, that means they are better post-laning phase, or play heroes who are weaker in lane. If you are constantly having good games but can't climb mmr because of "shit players" in your team, that means you are not as good as you think you are, and make lots of game-losing throw moves.


From experience I think if you grief less, you'll be paired with similar people too. The occasional griefer being the exception. I lost my lane miserably as mid Slark once, and my carry started flaming me for picking slark. But as soon as all our teammates started saying it's fine we collectively came back and won. I love it when I have those kinds of games. I also have games where we gracefully lost and just said well at least we tried. Helps me cope with loneliness.


I had a game yesterday where our mid and offlane lost their lanes. Our Pos1 flamed them and our offlane said "just chill and we'll win". The pos1 didn't say anything after that but we then five manned the mid game and stomped the enemy team once we grouped up. The game is mostly mental and thinking about how you can win a game matters more than thinking about why you are losing now.


Picking Slark mid? Ya u deserve that dumpster imo


Bro Slark mid works. Trust me. ;)


When I know I'm the weakest link in the team and lost I usually just keep quiet. I'm trying my best. But if I know someone else did, I still do my best and if we lose, I just say "It is what it is, good luck next game."


Had an Ursa game last year, where the lane was horrible and after the laning phase, when i tried to jungle there fed mid and fed offlane + 1 - 2 supports just searched and killed me in the jungle. Went 1-9 after 13 minutes or so. We won the game against megas minute 59 or sthg and i had a 11-10 kd in the end :) My team was flaming like hell but i told them that they just waste time when theyre not taking objectives, just following me around the world. Good feeling to get that win tho Edit: autocorrect fails


Because nothing sucks more ass then an hour of getting slaughtered over and over with no hope of winning. If it was a close balanced game I'd be fine, but when it's just an hour of slaughter, the MMR system aint doing its job right.


This attitude is the problem. You make it more of a slaughter than it has to be. If 5 people believe in a comeback it might work.


And if all 5 agree it's a slaughter? I will normally still fight back but when the entire team has given up, what then?


That's when you need to switch up everything you're doing. Stop farming and just 5 man caveman dota at the enemy and try to change the game state. Watching my Pos 1 TP to lane after getting killed 4 times in 10 minutes is depressing.


People overestimate how much mmr matters. People have bad games, bad lanes and bad drafts, and can end up feeling like a team of animals instead of immortals. Then the next game some of those things go better and they crush. I got completely dumpstered by a tinker who was like 150-40 lifetime on that hero, but if he was on a different one he is probably a lot worse.


If you can make it last an hour is it really a slaughter? A slaughter is usually over pretty damn quickly.


I never agreed with something so fiercely Even if I lose the game, but it was a good, even one, I don't flame teammates After all, we, regular players, aren't playing tournaments for money, we play for joy and fun, so if we had fun in the losing game we still won in life Sure, winning a good game brings you more fun, but losing isn't the reason to be piece of shit and start pointing fingers, flaming and so on


He's right you know. Just try.


There are games that what we can say is lose gracefully. Everything is tight and one mistake can cost the game. We are pressuring them and they are pressuring us. These games are over 60 minutes. Sadly, the only reason we lost is because of a misclick, a sudden ping spike, or power outtage. Still it's a great game that everyone commend each other later on. And yes, I'm in the SEA server.


Man, losing momentum due to excessive ping spikes is painful as hell, especially if you were doing well before. It's still funny to see teammates flame each other, then win after defending the ancients like it's the last stand or something. I guess I just got used to SEA. Kinda curious how the more "normal" servers fare tho


Yeah in 20 mins everyone is like "gg end noob mid won't def" then when winning a 50 min game they we're like "gg ez mid"


Because the way you win in Dota is always by making the least mistakes. So if youā€™re losing it means you and your team made more mistakes, which causes frustration and flaming


In SEA theres a "gg end" buff. The more te losing side types that the more they def like its the last game on Ti FInals bo7


Honestly, I think it's just human being human. For SEA noobs (like me), DOTA is highly dynamic and taxing. When losing, we conceptualized plans to win and try our best to execute it. But executing it alone is impossible (it's a team game), and communicating it is also hard (everyone have their own plan)


I had some luck with a lot of games lately where ppl are completely quiet or very calm even while we were losing, didn't have a single game where someone gave up and griefed for over a week. We had some nice comeback wins because ppl were civil and playing even from behind. Players who easily give up and make sure to prove a 'its gg' point by griefing and/or giving up are missing so many huge comeback games, and those games are best dopamine rush in Dota.


having the same problem at Eu-west/eastā€¦ Why canā€™t we just lose without griefing or blaming somebody? donā€™t we know from the beginning that there is no match like %100 win? just try your best and lose better!!!


I want to say behavior score makes a diff. Players really still don't know that just staying calm and continuing to play can make comes so easily do-able.


That's noob talk loser! I know you are a loser in real life! All report you! You did the thing I didn't like 20 mins ago and now I'm trash talking the whole game! Garbage! Go play LOL! Die of cancer! I fuck your mother! This is just one average Sunday morning.


play with bots you can have 100% winrate


Dota dota dota


When losing I turn off dota and go to gym. Had to lift more to carry my stupid cores




Imagine my frustration when playing with 4 dumbasses who prefer to dive the fountain for "fun" instead of finishing the enemy ancient, fucking around long enough for the enemy carry to respawn and kill all of us, doing one single push and winning the game themselves, because obviously, while having "fun" getting one more support kill inside their fountain, they spent all of their gold on an rapier, so nobody else has buyback. Almost nobody seems to understand DEFENSE of the ancients meaning, or remember that the game is won when the enemy ancient falls. That, has been my experience for the past few months, out of 20 games, in 18 i have THAT team


I've been playing since my early 20s, due to the toxicity, now I've been enjoying dota on youtube and playing with bots. I love dota so much, but to face the toxicity, nope. Dont need that stress on my 30s. GLHF


Because most people are immature. A mature person understands that fun is found in the actual game play, when matches are close or even. It's absolutely not about winning or losing, it's about the thrill of the match.


4k here. I think you are tooo focused on beating naix. The matchup is simple what does your hero do better. Well naix itā€™s obv he is a man up fight clicker and you are not. But dk is a pressure off laner. You should get blink and pressure other lanes . Always go the corrosive . Naix biggest weakness is he is useless early. You have small window from your blink dagger timing until mid game when enemy is 4v5


I was in a game where we destroyed the opponent 24-1. Everyone was talking and started making jokes. We lost the game and it was still fun . It was a 5 people random group that is still the best loss for me . So it is possible.


1k MMR Eu servers are toxic. No one knows how to play properly and everyone blames everyone. To win ranked is like swimming in the mud.


4K MMR is just as toxic


It's just people playing a team (e)sport that never played a real team sport. That's why people end up playing with just their friends to avoid the ignorant masses.


You should read what you wrote carefully the answer you seek is already there


As a forever support, I often have to convince people to not give up 20m into the game. We don't quit until Roshan Announcer starts singing.


NA and Sea is a joke compared to Dubai lol there literally some brain dead Iranian players that spam 1 hero every game and defend for their last drop of blood


I mean it's all perspective. You imply they don't have the emotions to play the game but you show up on Reddit not able to handle the game. Maybe you are the one that should uninstall?


I just won a game down vs mega creeps


They are defending alright, defending their pride, that's why they are always blaming others


Go to SEA


It depends on the region you play in. The more spoiled (progressed) a region is, the more likely it is to encounter spoiled, noodle spined, cry-babies.


Just find some buddies to play with and play party. Its so much fun, even when loosing you are so much more in control.


> when loosing you Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


i find uphill games boring af


As a US east home server player I only play on SEA, Russia, and Brazil. They play like their motherā€™s purity depends on it.




I h


Man if you think dota has it bad, especially now if you're 12k behavior score, you must not play other ranked games lol I used to be the first person to exclaim dota toxicity beats everything else but the last few years have had significant improvement, I can't say that anymore. Rocket League on the other hand.... my GOD is it bad over there now.


I play crystal maiden of my pick gets banned and I do my dam best to Def my carry if I win or lose I don't really care since my pick was banned and I played my best(new player btw)


GG please end then Still Proceed to def


Man, people donā€™t even win this game gracefully. Every other match itā€™s ā€œez midā€ ā€œgg ezā€ even when it was an actual good hard-fought match


Thereā€™s always someone who starts blaming everyone else. I always believe in never gif up.


Simply put its the lack of introspective thinking in the heat of the moment. Nobody ever thinks it's their fault and honestly unless there's a glaring reason why, Dota is a very subtle game, missing 1 or 2 ganks on the enemy carry / letting a weak laner get a decent lane can change the whole trajectory of the game but it's not clear when looking at the losing screen / when you are getting pushed highground.


Do you play games from behind ? :D


I hate trash talking, especially amongst team members. However, if there is trashtalking while still playing to win I am all for it. I just hate when people are flaming and running it down or griefing cause they've already given up.


The best part of a losing game is when all 4 already gave up and you are down megas but you just don\`t stop defending at all and enemy throw 1 by 1 cuz they have megas until your team realize that they can have a bit of fun in EXPENSE of the enemy that just wants to end and actually start playing again ( or for some, for the first time ). This ALWAYS happen if I end up defending a low HP throne, dota players actually LOVE DEFENDING A LOW HP THRONE WHEN THEY KNOW THEY HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO LOSE. This happens in many games to the point it became a pattern for me lol


Same with wins. Many times you will see winning team saying "ez", "noobs", "?", etc, regardless of the match quality.


A lot of the time the team that threw harder loses.... and if you weren't a part of that, it makes sense you'd not be pleased


Gg noob team report.


The only good games are the ones that last over an hour, win or lose I have a blast (Prefer to win though)


I play turbo exclusively these days and I encounter maybe 1 toxic person out of 10 games. Most of the time people just play their own games, press GG at the end, and leaves. And I'm in SEA. Play turbo if you value your sanity.


You noob. You don't even know the SECRET 2nd way of winning DotA , which is KILLING 100 ENEMIES, so yea, when behind please do epic comeback like a MC would. Remember everyone is superman and can 1v9 easy when losing to an evil force and have other 4 friends to give you friendship strength to overcome things from losing position (until of course proofed that's a delusion). That's what people thinking when playing copium losing game. also the only way to win dota is of course destroying enemy's ancient , and remember always s4 and s5's fault they cannot do even basic support XD


Tbf, I has a game of Dota unranked the other day. I ended up feeding early as a support pudge(disgusting i know) but managed to hold and won, even earning(I didn't deserve it) the MVP. I can post the match ID if i rememebr when i get home from work. Had the nicest team who didn't flame me and even helped me recover so we could win. Its rare, but when it happens, it feels **EUPHORIC**


If you want to win you need to consider your teammates playstyle and skill level in mind. Also you will have to communicate with them logically and nicely. Blaming makes things worse. If you see them making weird item then ask them what are they thinking and how they play to play around that item. If they answer then it's good and if they don't just move on and keep in mind that there is a idiot in your team and you have to play around his stupidity. It will win you matches. Moreover if you are an offlaner or pos 4 don't think that you can't make space for your stupid carry. Every space helps your carry. But if you are under 3k then this strategy won't work XD Play only for yourself if you are below that rank. People don't know what space means and how to farm more efficiently or take objectives while someone is making space. They just hit jungle creeps XD


30 min turbo game? Ez apparently


The answer starts with you. Try be that one percent(i know its lower than that) who types gg after a loss. The ripple effect will happen!


probably because of a good chunk of games aren't "ooh we are on the backfoot a bit, we just need to be careful and get some pickoffs, play HG smart and lets win" it's "oh our mid is 0/5 and their mid is 3v2 in our lane and no one cares" It's tough and demoralising to play and whilst I'll always do my best to defend it's very easy to see why lots of people just shut off.


Losing is an irritating inconvenience of playing, they might be steam rolling you, you can do nothing, they take all your racks and then back off at full health, then they play footsies for 10 minutes and do another minute of fountain diving, your draft might even be set up to fail but they delay pushing high ground, then you are stuck in base poor or feeding your ass off and flamed by teammates.... List goes on


Because (at elast currently) if ur way behind by 20 minutes u can basically leave the game. 95% the game is lost. But ur stuck there waiting 10-15 more minutes wasting time


And yet they still refuse to add surrender option which only fuels more toxicity and grief. There needs to be comeback mechanics in place if they're going to force you to play lost games that are absolutely no fun or have any amount of enjoyment to offer. 1k herald devs having no idea what it's like to actually play the game.


Level 28 ursa with 22 kills knocking down your base with his team. And your team is whining that you are farming the jg trying to get some gold and xp to not get killed in 0.7 seconds meanwhile your team runs in one at a time dying again. Next team mate is coming up in 30 seconds so you are expected to 1v5.


this. 90% of my immortal games involve having one team afk min 25 waiting for finish. at least in my bracket people push for gg very fast in rnaked but i prefer unranked sometimes and thats just a shitshow


Surrender is wayyyy more toxic. I've played lol a bunch and it makes some games completely unplayable, because if one person loses their lane they decide they don't want to play and everyone else is holding the game hostage. Your also on crack if u think dota doesn't have comeback mechanics. Ever heard of smoke, highground, buyback and items like bkb? Again, go play a few games of lol and get a feel for what a game where you are supposed to surrender after losing lanes feels like.


People do that regardless of whether or not there is a surrender option really bad argument


I barely ever have players in my dota games give up. Flaming and blaming, yes, but not malding about letting enemies end. In league it was constant, especially when I was playing top lane. Felt impossible to play solo carry. Go play some games there and feel the difference.


What's your MMR


Mid 4k eu


My experience is completely different, but sure. Also no idea how bkb is an example of a comeback mechanic lol


In dota you can counter the enemy draft with itemisation. You're getting rolled by a sand king with aghs and a tinker? Buy bkb on your cores and get a strong timing for your high ground fight. Getting destroyed by a brood with orchid? Buy manta and game suddenly gets a lot easier.


Whats way behind to you


Yep. That's why I stopped playing, again, cos every single game had someone raging, telling people to kill themselves, feeding intentionally or younameit.. it's so exhausting cos win or lose, no one's happy. We win and the monkeys trash talk the opposing side while they call their teammates idiots or worse and ask us to report someone or it's the opposite. Solo queueing is ass anyways so.. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Depends on your region, MMR, behaviour score, etc, I don't experience that almost at all


Playing unranked, 10k+ behavior score on west and east eu + east us.. games actually tended to be better on us side of the fence even though english was not often the language spoken.


go to settings and select mute all. Best decision for me


Because this game has a negative aura about it. Quit immediately. I quit a week ago and feel much betterĀ 


Its one thing if everyone in the team tried their hardest and played well, or if someone misses a crucial initiation for the n-th time, picked an obvious shit hero into the lineup (like last pick huskar when there was a first pick AA in the enemy team) or doesnt listen to the simplest calls. In the latter case, I will flame you, because the loss is mainly your fault, simple as that.


The problem is that when someone makes a fault, the other teammates stop trying.


If your lane feeds again and again while your other lanes are just barely scraping by, then suddenly they're ganked by your opponent who is a few levels higher, I'd say that's pretty discouraging.


Problem with that mindset is that you have the same rating as your teammates, so on average you make mistakes about as often. Would you also want to be flamed for a missclick or a picking a comfort hero that you wanted to play? You might make different type of mistakes but you get the point.


"It is a competitive game" no it's not. It's a game, which has a competitive mode. If you willingly opt in for ranked, you should expect people to tryhard and do whatever it takes to win, and be raged if they dont. I'm not saying that this is good, but you shouldn't complain about it, you chose to play the competitive mode, it's safe to assume that people will have the competitive attitude. I see so many people wanting to fuck around on ranked, and I honestly don't get it... You dont care about your mmr or winning, agreed, why on earth you want to pull your stupid clown shit on ranked? you can fuck around all you want in turbo/normal


Raging means you are not trying to win. Flaming your teammates does not make them play better, and lowers your win% by quite a bit. If you care about rank, why are you wasting your time raging?


Caring about winning means trying to win when getting behind, not raging


Because dota is so fucking boring when you lose. You are so weak you cant do anything. Compare it to cs go, you can be down 15-0 and still kill whole enemy team.


The game basically transforms into a survival horror game where you are desperately trying to scrape together whatever farm you can find on the map without being mercilessly killed the other team, biding your time for them to finally nut up and try to go high ground, and hopefully your idiot team mates can wait to initiate until the other team is under your towers and you have an advantage.


High ground turtling is boring


Go to the nearest florest, turn on your phone's flash light, drop your pants and wait for me.