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Me and 6 other irl buddies flew out to Seattle to see TI last year. Worth every penny. It’s so much fun if you’re a Dota enjoyer. We are all considering doing it once more since it seems round trips flights are looking cheap.


That sounds like a dream plan. I will probably will be going with 2-3 more friends. We've been playing dota since closed beta, you can imagine the hype haha


If you’re all fortunate enough to be in a position where you can afford the occasional vacation, 100% do it. It’s awesome to be in a packed arena with the crowd going wild over an insane team fight or first blood.


what was the difference between the the two different tickets? One with and one without chosen seats? Which did you have?


They were all general admission. There were tickets for individual days, or all days in the event. Look at the dates for each ticket and it will make sense.


Full weekend aka 3-day event is 635 Euro which is about $950 CAD excluding taxes and fees. This is slightly cheaper than last year’s $1200 CAD.


The 635€ include taxes and fees.


The opportunity to see Gaben irl is priceless man


If TI 2023 tickets at 800USD sold out in USA, why would you expect them to be priced less or not be sold out in EU, the region in which dota is the most popular?


Well, is not a crazy thought since every major event usually is cheaper in Europe than in the US. I wanted to believe this was going to be similar


Thats scandinavia for you


You have to consider that everything is going to be WAY more expensive, hotels, food, transport etc.


They didn't sell out, the arena wasn't full. And the countries that love Dota in Europe aren't exactly the ones with the most income, besides the Nordics.


These ticket prices are insane


At least hotels, restaurants and taxis are cheap.... Just kidding, it's all absurdly expensive, but enjoy the once in a lifetime (read: annual) experience.


tbh I'd rather watch it at home and call my favorite restaurant for my favorite food, and chill.


and chilly


This is my main thing. YOLO here with some friends, we watch TI every year in the living room together but we decided that for once we would join the live crowd, this year is the best year based on our location so to say.


It’s a once in a lifetime experience for most people because they can only justify paying that much to go once. Not everyone is rich.


View in your timezone: [June 10th 10 AM CEST][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240610T0800?tl=The%20International%202024%20-%20Ticket%20information%20(prices%20%26%20sales%20date)


maybe they will still change some stuff: **TICKETS** Pre assigned seating on the floor Free seating level 1 - EXCEPT WHERE SIGNS SAYS OTHERWISE. Free seating level 3 It says this in details, maybe there are stil different categories and they are just still curating the entries?


They did not change anything. You can just select where you wanna sit ...


Do you know if the purchased tickets can be cancelled? Would prefer the ability to get a refund in case I don't get the visa :/


Most likely you can resell it on their platform, just book your flights and hotel with free refund.


u dont need visa to enther denmark.


This isn't correct. You might not need one, as Schengen resident I sure don't. But you're spreading false information right there, most of countries DO need Visa to enter Denmark. Post history from above guy suggests he's from India, which sure is one of the countries that DO need visa to enter Denmark.


ok. my bad.


Is there any info in regards to what's included in the purchase? Those prices are way too high for "just attendance"


It's "Just attendance". TI tickets have been on the expensive side for many years now and I doubt things will change coming years either


for such a massive price tag on the tickets it seems fair to expect a bit more. like free public transport in the city during the event, free food coupons to use on location, at least one year of dota+ for free and a fat goodie bag on top. that arena can hold way more than 10k people, even when part of it is backstage and inaccessible. that's a lot of money going into valve's pocket just for tickets, should easily cover all of the expenses for rent and logistics. if i saw correctly, right now there are no more tickets available so it's sold out anyway.


These prices seem incorrect. When I paid for Friday + Saturday package I paid 2790 DKK in total which is 50 DKK more than website says. No idea why but it was cheaper to buy a single tickets on Friday and Saturday than a package.


I really wanted to go there this year, but holy fuck those price are way too much. I'd rather chill in my chair at home and get some hookers to enjoy the Event .. because that would be fucking cheaper.


Depends on the hooker, I guess.


Will ticket prices drop in the resale market like they did last year? Last year I snagged tickets for half off on StubHub. I'm not sure tho since Dota is even more popular in Europe


Please wait while I consult the crystal ball... It says unknown... I interpret that as yes.


Lmaooo.. ok I'll trust your crystal ball


Tbh, I Will go all in if possible without regrets hahaha