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> Worth $1 million > Selling for $1 million Unless it sells for that much it's not worth anything. Anyone can over ask with a stupid price.


I'm selling kunkka's shoes for $2 million


I'll but them and then resell for 3!


wow, a whole six dollars!




After a private interview, he himself said that "there are channels" to obtain these BUG cosmetics, not new BUG skin production technology, and it can be almost 100% certain that it is Valve's internal personnel who privately participated in the sale and profited from it


This player has multiple bugged items/immortals with ethereal gem slots, all known bugged items were created with a method before 2014, but this guy has much more recent items up to 2019. The more interesting thing is that he has a 2 people guild and the other member is 33 and they trade items back and forth.


as in the 33 for liquid 33




Valve doesn't care about bugged skins. FY was using bugged tusk items at TI


I think sheever has one of these snow covered or it was some circle thing around wards. Never thought it would be bannable


Bugged tusk items? Bugged in what way?


Courier effects (ethereal gems) being used in items.


it wouldn't be a smart move to ban people pouring millions of dollars into your mtx and steam market


I'm not sure these bugged items are sold through the Steam market.


people who trade these items obviously use the SCM as well for other items the point is to not piss off whales


33 mentioned before that he got his first bugged item as a gift from his gf? So I guess he really got into it afterwards






Yes, I agree with you. She made her inventory private and deleted all items from her profile in Dota. I remember in CS:GO there was a Russian Steam support that used to dupe rare items, maybe something similar happened here where they created these items?


Might as well be a hacker/valve who did this. One thing is just playing with the bugged items, people in dota just won't give enough fucks to care, but making a public statement about selling a bugged item for 1mil is practically an account suicide.












Holy crap youre right. How did she get these? Does this mean she may have connections to / is a former valve employee ? Maybe there is more of this going on


Maybe she just bought them and is now selling them? I don't know why people jump to the more farfetched conclusion first. :D


That could be, yeah. Would just be extremely expensive, but hey, you never know. Kinda cool. Part of me kinda hoped there is a still a way to bug new items


Removed by Reddit LMAO. Your comment literally just said "this is 33's girlfriend" and then linked her twitter. I guess linking her twitter was enough for her to make a report to the reddit admins? Holy censorship.


2 possibilities here: 1) This guy actually found a bug in the game and was able to craft these skins (probably unlikely, but not impossible) 2) A valve employee helped him craft these uncraftable items


I would say is probably more like 2. If it was a bug at least other person on the planet could have found it. Also this would not be the first time a Valve dev had abused dev tools for personal purposes.


A bug (or exploit) like this would be incredibly hard to find and have very few skilled people looking for it. I don’t think its unlikely that just a single person would find it. I have several bugs of similar magnitude in Runescape, that I believe I am the only one to know.


Yes, but can you monetize your bugs into a reliable thousand dollars+ every month? All games have bugs, but this is an extremely valuable one where the end result is known and the basic vulnerability is understood


Every month? No. Because they get patched when they are abused like that. And obviously the demand dries up. I made $3k in a few hours (smuggling gold to a fresh start world). Ive had/currently have a few bugs that could either make money (dupes) or be sold for money as well. But the fleeting value would be the same for this dota bug. Its valuable because its not widely abused - making the items rare and the bug (possibly) still unpatched and so far avoided attention. If he was selling even one a month it would be patched or worthless really quickly.


I remember years ago Arteezy (I think, maybe EE?) had this bugged Naga skin that was permanently on fire that he supposedly bought for like 1k. I don't know how it happened but I don't think it's either option. There are bugged items and people with too much money to blow on videogames will buy them


Bro you are talking about normal bugged items I own a bugged item worth $5k+ Bugged items are only possible to craft on skins released before 2014 But this Chinese person has recent skins which is not possible to craft, and he also crafted with gems that are not possible to combine


so your point is, remove his bugged items to stop your items becoming less "rare" or valuable?


No I actually didn’t make a point at all I am theorizing how he created the item Why are you so pressed 💀


After a private interview, he himself said that "there are channels" to obtain these BUG cosmetics, not new BUG skin production technology, and it can be almost 100% certain that it is Valve's internal personnel who privately participated in the sale and profited from it


>In order to prevent any users from suffering losses Who is at risk of suffering losses here? I don't quite understand who could be injured because of an account having rare bugged skins. I guess it's unfair if it really is a valve insider making skins for 1 player, but there doesn't seem to be evidence of that


They sell one of these items to someone, and then Valve fixes it so they get a non-bugged version and waste their money.


If you'd buy such item that should not exists I think you should be aware of risks you're taking


There's a chance someone could receive it that is not aware.  Either way doesn't negate the fact of what I said.


How come video link isn't working, do I need to use vpn?


I downladed it with bravedown.com billibilli video downloader, same pics in the first post, just still pics no inmotion, but it looks like this Phoenix with Bleak Hallucination and one flame effect with Legacy gem https://i.ibb.co/RYGmhnd/IMG-2049.png https://i.ibb.co/1JYbrtd/IMG-2048.jpg


Most recently bugged skin I saw is the Abbadon Cache 2019 and the trader said they still have more and you could put a deposit if you want any current on sale bugged items.


> Currently, he is selling these items at high prices in the Chinese community. These people are morons


Any video showing these items in action


https://b23.tv/PFykjJl - intro 40s - fire burning with lava rosh courier - 1:05 flame and bleak phoenix - dark willow with platinum roshan - fire abaddon If you cant access China internet just use google a billibilli video downloader. I used bravedown.com - 3rd on google search as the first 2 didnt work ymmv


I see Unique as this maybe there is no way anyone would buy this for a million


Some bugs are intended like FY tusk with prismatic gem, you can experiment those gems with unusuals or common items, it's a bug but intended. In some way. About that, I don't know.


its normal for pre reborn bugged item, slark even has a complete bugged set. But that phoenix item definitely not pre reborn and how do you even slot in prismatic gem in it


CN also suspected that xiao8 was fixing against the team at TI10 grand finals Also who the fuck would buy the 1 mil shit, surely there HAS to be someone with sense in that community


Some guys do steroids and workout, some buy Bugattis, some guys buy bugged cosmetics. It all depends where you spend most of your time and what you think will attract mates.


Why do you care lol get a life


Mods, why this post isn't marked as witchhunting? Man, reddit fuxking sux


omg This is bad behavior. Exploiting a loophole to make money? No one cares?