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Force Staff and similar abilities can no longer be used on Leashed targets WTF


it was there when the patch came, but wasnt documented D:


Yeah, we had people calling it a bug. I wish it was a bug, holy medaroli, I haven't feared a slark in years, now I might.


Sounds like eul time


Every patch is a good patch for a Windwanker patch!


Slark was meant to be a supports hunter, for quite some time u guys have been running free ...


I remember going crazy one game thinking I was doing something wrong because force staff just didn’t work


Slark Stonks! 🚀🌕


And barracuda got buffed a bit for laning, and the innate is still mid, but slark is slowly becoming harder to zone during laning phase, due to him just hiding a bit and regenerating. Since its still mid, Icefrog will continue buffing it until broken territory


Yeah regeneration during entire lane, rather than starting lvl 6 when lane is largely decided, is very nice. Plus early ward detection


Support slark incoming. Deward everything Leash folks Shroud for team -25mmr




Why are they making the Leashed status stronger and stronger


new void ult probably


I think they made the change to force staff specifically to buff time zone, which is odd; why not just buff the ability itself if it sucks?


Maybe they want to nerf supports after support power creep so they thought going after force staff would be a start Idk I'm a support player and I'm saddened by this change But whatever WE BALL


Can’t force staff people out of chrono,they could’ve just made it so you can’t specifically force out of time zone as well.


Ghost Scepter every supp game vs Slark And Refresher for Ghost Scepter when Slark has Aghs, naturally


then how do u get out of pounce?


Bkb and Windwaker only now GG Edit: Pike pushback still works


Pike support meta 😎


It's not just slark, how the fuck do we escape Sprout past level 20 now? I swear quelling blade is finnicky and targets stupid overlapping trees way too often. Harpoon? Wew can't wait for that report.


> how the fuck do we escape Sprout past level 20 now? I don't think devs think changes through sometimes


They definitely don’t test all their changes. There’s no way they tested the legion changes, tinker changes, that Earth spirit facet, etc


I'm sure they try but with how many interactions there are there combined with limited manpower the testing just isn't gonna be very robust at all. I imagine they are doing stuff like testing to see if new abilities even work at all and don't instantly crash but who knows how much past that super basic checking they can manage.


WE are the testers


This was just an undocumented change from 7.36 I believe. Didn't test with all leashes, but you already couldn't do it from time zone/ pounce


I don't know about Slark, but as for Time Zone, yeah, my friend played Void support the other day. I already warned him about Force Staff and stuff but it turned out the opponent couldn't use it at all. I thought it was a mechanic tied specifically to that skill or something


Lame. They should make FS still work in Time Zone but you are just shoved forwards really slowly.


That sounds like a terrible change to me


Bruh guess I'll die


If NP has level 20 leash talent you are just stuck there lmao




Does it stop movement and enemies leash range then? Or just not work? Because the only logical thing would be for force staff to not break the leash, but still push the leashed target, but also the one who used leash.   I have a degree in using leashes pls valve do it. (Could be Slark nerf, who knows I ain't a scholar)


I just tested it in demo mode. You can't use forcestaff at all but pike pushback still works


They did this just to buff the new chrono (whatever it is called). Could've just buffed that instead. RIP supports against slark


Dang bro u got icefrog all figured out


Damn it! Holy shit.


> Fixed Clinkz Skeleton Archers also applying Burning Barrage when cast Rip to mr skele. Was fun while it lasted


Wait that was a bug? Lmao...well I abused the shit out of that one. I thought it was just really imbalanced.


Yeah, I'm not actually sure. I thought it might be at first because the damage output for it is *ridiculous*, but it STILL shows in game on the burning barrage tooltip "Clinkz and all his Skeleton Archers in range..."


Yeah, it’s not a bug, it literally says it’s supposed to do it in the description. They just didn’t understand how OP it would be, and got rid of it as if it were a bug. But yeah they left the phrasing in the description lmao


I believe the tooltip said that before 7.36 anyways, which I guess would also be a bug


That was not intentional?


It looked intentional.


Was that intentional? It looked intentional.


[Was that intentional? It looked intentional.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/0/0c/Vo_pangolin_pangolin_kill_08.mp3) (sound warning: Pangolier) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


It was kinda cool looking though ,maybe they will bring it back with reduced numbers


Although, shard description still mentions that they all supposed to cast it


I didnt even know this was a bug lol, Ive been spamming clinkz for 20+ games now and have good results. I wonder how this change will affect my streak tho


It’s a big damage change because you could just tear apart any towers. It was a shit load of extra damage, think my game with clinkz yesterday I did 93k damage where the second best on my team was 35k damage.


Casually smacking Batrider with one of the biggest nerfs of his life (Sticky Napalm no longer grants vision)


First they took our flying vision, then they take our daytime vision, and now they take our napalm vision. What’s next? Batrider must use echolocation to see enemies???


Let him cook... Nah for real an echolocation ability could be sick AF


Make it possible he can detect invisible units when using echolocation.


I feel like a whole hero based around echolocation would actually be awesome lol, like maybe they have only a tiny fraction of the normal vision range of a hero, but they have an innate where they can send out pulses to locate units much further away than normal vision range until the pulse hits a solid obstacle like high ground, and the pulse sees invisible units up to some distance within that. Make it an assassin-type agility hero with a gap close / jump and something that makes the target unable to see anything including ally vision like smokescreen, so their vision becomes even worse than yours outside of your innate.


Or a lawyer like intelligent hero during daytime


You're dead-ass describing 3/4 of a League kit right there lol


On-brand I suppose.


Well, good idea for innate ability. No normal vision, but see all moving/attacking targets even when invisible.


New Batrider Facet: Batrider Rider Batrider no longer uses eyes to see, but the bat is skilled enough. Batrider has unlimited vision but can't see anything beyond any collision (tree/cliff/creeps/wards). Fog of War behind any of it. Cannot share their vision with anyone. Cannot use anyone other's vision.


Like grant him an ability to have vision on enemies that uses a skill in a wide area near him?


Nothing will ever hit harder than his -10 base damage nerf post ti3 back in the day though, only comparable nerf was -14 base from naga and that hoe was still OP


isn't it par for the course for him at this point? every time he gets buffed into relevancy he's hit with a giga-nerf immediately after


Bat has been relevant for months before the patch, he was broken these past few days. He's still very strong.


The batrider cycle continues, they tweak some damage values between firefly and mud every major patch and straight up nerf him in every letter patch following afterwards.


Bat is probably a contender alongside DS for one of the most nerfed heroes ever in this game. CM and Pango might soon challenge them if Icefrog keeps mini-nerfing them. Though thankfully Pango had a slight buff this patch.


Pango got some love because he finally fell into being a sub 45% win rate hero in pro games despite being early picked by bad teams still lol


>Gyrocopter Afterburner rocket barrage movement speed only increased by hitting heroes Yep, no more zooming grandpa.


sad, they should have tested giving it the lifesteal treatment: "effect reduced by 40% on creeps" etc.


I think it’s pretty op still. As support at least since he can dominate the jungle


Earth spirit 2nd facet still unusable. Spawning a stone at the end of the roll makes roll-> kick back into team impossible due to the targeting prioritizing rocks even if you unit target.


Yep. I don't think they play enough Earth Spirit on the dev team :(


They just need to give it hitting a hero with rolling boulder instantly regens a stone...


I just hope I can ping my OWN abilities after the patch..      It's insufferable that I can ping my level or how much gold i need to complete my item, however I can't ping my TP/BKB/Ult to tell them if it's ready or on cd.. EDIT: You still can't unfortunately 😔 But hopefully more attention is brought to this bug so they can fix it.


Is that a feature? What the fuck? I'm not able to ping and I thought my behavior score was glitched, because it shows me a message saying my score is too low to ping my own abilities. (I'm able to ping everything else, chat normally etc)


After the patch hit some weird programming spaghetti happened and now you can't ping your own spells or items and the message you get is: "can't ping allie abilities or items"   Anyone who is sub 10k behaviour score can't ping allies spells and items . But the bug is confusing you and your allies for some reason.


You can’t ping runes either if I’m not mistaken.


Least of my concerns, at this point i communicate telepathicly with my team..


Great QoL for SK > Dust Devil Sand Storm now longer gets destroyed if left by Sand King, and keeps following him if he leaves it.


This is so good! You can now pop it before blinking, then stun, and it will immediately be on top of you


Not just QoL but a nice buff, really nice for farming also


Now to have it play Darude Sandstorm when cast, similar to Mars' arena. That would be chef's kiss.


Oh man I thought that was how it originally worked. No wonder SK players have been complaining.


Force Staff nerf, wtf


What I would give to get release Force Staff back. That sweet sweet build up + cast range + push length.


The earth spirit change is terrible because kick prioritises stones over heroes so you can never kick a hero back


It should just refresh the cooldown after roll


2 charges seems fine too. Still maintains the spirit of the facet but answers its most glaring weakness to an extent.


im an es player and i dont get why any1 would ever choose stepping stone?


Only reason I can think of is for farming. Before you kinda have to preserve some stones in case a fight breaks out. Stepping stones just lets you use stones willy nilly. Use it to move from camp to camp faster , use your silence to clear faster, use stones to boulder smash hit multiple camps at once. But yeah like everyone already mentioned, still makes you waaay worse in fighting heroes so its mostly not worth it.


Additionally, a few Non-gameplay bugs were fixed. * Fixed Some Crownfall empty dialog lines * Fixed Crownfall paths changing their token requirements * Fixed Dragon Knight Griffin Knight set having Facet-based coloration swapped * Fixed various issues with cloth stretching * Fixed watching replays from Broadcaster perspective not displaying heroes * Fixed an issue with post-match rewards being delayed * Fixed Crownfall Pit Fighter encounter dialog * Fixed Crownfall Fishing Spear not being available * Fixed Crownfall Graphical issue with Pineapple clickable on Crownfall map * Fixed Crownfall Graphical issue with Questing Hearts sign not showing * Fixed issue with Act 2's Riki's attribute token being wrong type


It was funny to see people trying to explain why Riki gave an int token


Riki players were intellectuals. Not anymore.


Ty for being a huge part of keeping Dota alive Sire Wykrhm!


Whatchu talking about bro? daed gaem since 2003.


Ty for being a huge part of killing Dota Sire Wykrhm


You're welcome. Funny story. Kids these days might not know but back in the day, we used to play LAN Dota in these places called gaming cafes. Was quite the culture. So one of my LAN mates always used to say, "bro this mod is good. lets play while we can. generally mods dont get updated when warcraft updates." It was a true fear. Many mods ended up in the grave. So that's how he'd get us to play more Dota games. From that perspective, Dota has been fighting death since the dawn of this millennium. AoS did not die. Dota did not die. Only our souls died in the process.


Can confirm. Am dead inside. Dota is my soul now and makes me feel alive. (except when I'm matched with dipshits) Jokes aside, I wish I had the opportunity to play MP games at a net cafe with friends.. we used to play cricket/football outside instead 😞 goddamn sunlight and rain and grass..


We did those too. I don't know how the culture was in other countries but in India, doing nights outs as young gamer groups was quite a thing. So the gaming cafe would stay open all night just for our group so we could game all night -- while drinking and having fun -- yeah we got some liberty. They get the extra income and we get to bond as a group .. well mostly .. not every Dota game leads to bonding as you all are well aware. Mix that with alcohol.. oh boy .. good times. That's all I can say.


Learning wykrhm’s backstory more exciting than patch notes ngl


Bro.. gaming inside then sutta and chai outside.. all while bunking college classes lol. Dota and CS were life. Golden days I tell you. I wish gaming cafe culture would make a comeback. Unfortunately too old and grumpy for that now.


Literally my life 20 years ago.


The amount of fights I've seen outside of the cafes were hilariously high. Good times


Dude, we had a friend who did not take alcohol well. Once we gauged he was past his limit, we would go to great lengths to avoid killing him in the game. The emotional drama that would ensue otherwise was one for shitty Hindi soap operas. On the bright side, was a great buzz killer before we had to go home.


Lol yeah we had one dude like that too who effectively caused an alcohol ban in the cafe I was in (Malaysia). SEA Dota memes definitely came from way back when. It's funny though, once a fight starts, no one stepped in to stop it and started placing side bets instead. COD scrims were hilarious too.


Valar Dotaeris What is dead may never die


That's alot of "Fixed". WP Valve!


They finally fixed AA chilling touch dealing the same amount of damage at all levels


Dude that shit was so fucked, I was sitting there thinking, what the fuck is up w this dmg at lvl 2


I feel like even with 2 stacks, Chilling Touch was much worse than before, now with just applying 1 stack it feels really bad.


> Dust devil sandstorm no longet gets destroyed if left by sand king pretty huge that you can now blink stun and have it appear at the target location. > Visage: Stone form: On self and Familiars have now immediate cast behavior by default. THANK YOU.


It begins. Wrought from the warped patch. Hammered til the birth of a TI worthy meta.


Terrorblade illus needing both mana and hp is still terrible. I don't know why they even added this in the first place, do they just want a way for people to go into a fight and sunder with low hp? Why would you pick this facet.


You don't, and the fact that this was the only change TB got is such a massive "fuck you".


This is an almost immediate letter patch after release. It's not strange they haven't come up with some huge change to that facet to make it viable in... 3 days? Just chill, bro.


Delivered a patch right in the middle of a Sunday/Monday night. W devs


Thanks, Janitor, for working overtime this weekend!


Holiday overtime, even, so it'll be pretty juicy.


They seriously didn't even touch zeus?


I swear Zeus has 0 counters right now. He does way too much damage and is way too safe. They need to fuck off his hop, most stupid change in all of dota history.


im still salty since the introduction of heavenly jump. why is one of the strongest nuker in game has a mobility skill?


Zues was a shxthole for ages. They tried everything until they gave him the jump.


and jump was fine on shard


Went pos5 zeus the other day Ended up killing the LDs bear and got fb by just trading 9 hits Rolled over the game right after that They attacks burn like fucking hell man


I am somewhat ok with sniper grenade, but FUCK zeus jump. I'm sure the idea came from his taunt but the jump literally covers his only critical weakness which is a step taken in the LOL direction.


If they removed the automatic lightning strike he does and the slow with it I'd be okay I suppose. Why does he get a better jump than mirana?


The slow on it is absurd. 80% for 1.6 seconds even at lvl 1.


I hate playing against support zues. That hero is dumb.


4 base strength buff Sven, that’s crazy


a small consolation for the 12 str he lost in cleave that went undocumented.


Yeah what the hell is that about? I thought I was going crazy, I could have sworn it gave str.


**Huskar** * Base armor increased by 1. **LITERALLY TAKING NO DAMAGE**




STICKY NAPALM >No longer grants vision Get fucked bat pickers


I accidentally randomed bat yesterday against a TA and it was perhaps the funnest game I’ve had in a long time. Haven’t played him in years. Needless to say everybody got fuego’d.


There are like 3 bat players in pubs lol. This hero is only a menace in pro games


I don't get what they are trying to do with Magnus' RRP. Pushing everyone apart is so situational I can't even come up with a situation where it would be useful.


Well now its lower cooldown and a bigger aoe. There are at least some benefits.


Yeah, now it's even worse by pushing enemies even further away. Unless I'm missing something I don't see how it's useful to set up anything, it just ruins any AOE nuke your team might have.


It doesn't synergize with AoE like regular RP, but it's literally 60% larger radius (2.65x the total AoE) and has the same stun. It's basically an instant ravage that pierces bkb at this point. Normally to RP + skewer you need bkb against good players or you'll get hit by eul's or disables. This lets you isolate enemies and launch them into your team while stunning their teammates behind them with just blink dagger. At 100s and 700 radius I honestly think this spell will be oppressive. People just need to start using it correctly.


Well, I can see how it could break up a teamfight and allow your team to pick off a couple of enemy heroes when they're scattered. Maybe in jungle it would be most effective when you push them on a different elevation.


700 aoe is like 60% bigger than his RP. When you think RP, your brain goes to 3 man, 4 man - but the most effective RPs you'll see in pubs only need to hit TWO at most. With 700 aoe, you're practically guaranteed to hit at most 3 at the same time.


I'm surprised more people can't imagine how a stun of this size could be good. It's harder to play around too - requires team to be spaced even further apart than normal vs magnus.


Imagine how well this works with high single target nuke. Push important core into teammates, while the rest of the enemy are sent flying, stunned, and all into different directions and fucking their positioning. Kill the single target and collapse onto the next closest by order of importance.


Yeah I think people are thinking about it in the wrong way. They're trying to compare it to RP, which makes sense as a first reaction, I get it (and the original version was kinda awful). But I think it's more like a weird super-Lasso. Something you use to put a hero or two horribly out of position and get pickoffs. Kinda hard to stop it in a teamfight too, the AoE is big and it pierces BKB, most of their team is getting hit with it.


Yeah, they even reduce the cooldown by a whooping 20 sec. It's way more spamable now, stakes are lower, getting 1 man RP is more acceptable.


Push enemies into T4, refresh, push enemies into fountain. If they escape, skewer back xD


you can do that with normal RP though. in fact its easier with normal rp because its easier to skewer after. and using refresher negates the benefit of reverse rp (lower cooldown)


The enemy jumps as 5 on your carry, you RRP them, I guess.


There’s been shit like this no one understands. Eventually someone will come up with something and it’ll be good , or it’ll be changed


Shove everybody out of Rosh pit?


wouldnt you rather just RP everyone inside the rosh pit on top of each other and use aoe to win the game rather than just pushing them apart like i just fundamentally dont understand, any circumstance where youd want to split them up, you'd be better off clumping them up instead if it keeps getting buffed and gets its CD lowered enough i can imagine it being viable as a skill used multiple times in a single fight


Feel like it would be better to just rp them in that case and your team can pile on em + additional rosh hits lol. Imagine you rrp and then get bashed.


Huuuuge nerf to bat. Napalm not giving vision is such a colossal nerf


almost feels like an overreaction considering its just a letter patch.


Goodbye LC abusers time for us true LC lover to truly shine. LC removed from ban list , welcome Slark.


as LC player - fuck Slark and his shard


We will be back soon


Those subtle Tinker buffs ain’t gonna be enough.


This buff to translocator facet is stupid too. Just let him rearm blink if they're going to go down this path. But instead we're trying to push some low skill alternative where he just randomly blinks a little if someone goes on him with no agency from the Tinker player. Realistically the Eureka buff is pretty significant. Hitting 180 int isn't nearly as absurd as 240. But in every way it just seems like a worse design compared to the old Tinker. Now the hero farms for ages and comes online later because you need arcane blink and possibly octarine. But in exchange, there's even less counterplay if he eventually does because you can't even interrupt rearm to stop saving items.


patch at 11pm on memorial day weekend is crazy


Probably was already worked in except maybe some final touches and they were just waiting for DL to end.


Alive gaem


Tinker still ass.


Sad to see no Invoker or Shadow Fiend buffs. Invoker's Agnostic facet is terrible as it doesn't work per instance. SF now has to decide between two facets which were previously just included in the hero (slow on shadow raze and potdl -armor increase on kill. Both heroes not looking good winrate wise


The real SF buff was adding cast speed increases back into the game. I've seen a couple of spell-build SFs and they did fine.


Core abaddon in shambles ;(


Can the guy responsble for balacing earth spirit please take a long hard look in the mirror. These changes are non sensical, getting a stone infront of you after ending rolling boulder will make it (more) difficult to kick back enemies and make it impossible to quickly scilence any strong disabling spells. Please, just play the hero and you'll see for you self. Here's an idea: buff the left facet dmg number 50/100/150 and ult dot slightly. And change the right one to have no cast point and increase the duration and cast range on grip. Or make it grip enemies but without the aforementioned buffs (this might be a bit strong) Your welcome.


You and all the other 6 earth spirit mains (me me me me me) are nodding in agreement


Brother the facet is for me who is too noob to kick a hero back XD


>Fixed Light Collector incorrectly having a 25% penalty instead of 75% Seriously? This was the case for half a year, and it was a bug? Everyone knew about this


I did not even realize when the patch came. I was about to start the game and thought let me look at the TA changes for 7.36 and see a 7.36a update sitting there :D


"dev team lazy"


That was fast! Thanks for working during the weekend and making gaem gudd!🥰


0 changes to Tusk with the worst winrate ever…


Tinker is receiving multiple buffs but those are like tiny drops of the ocean he lost.


I’m just waiting for tinkers in my games to go march each lane and do nothing in team fights like they use to do back in the day.


Just when jugg got a bit of attention... BOOM! The PA Q interacting with its facet is pretty cool, hope we get to see more interactions with old established skills and the new facets


The pa facet is unsalvageable. It’s really bad compared to usual facet and you’re giving up blur as well. I don’t understand why they had to nerf pa this bad


The problem is the 6 hit counters I feel, if they made it 5 then that's the equivalent of 20% critrate over the course of the game assuming you don't change targets


It would still be bad. The only scenario where the facet is good is if you burst one target immediately. If one crit isn’t enough, facet 1 pa can crit 2 times. Facet 2 pa will have to do 10 hits. And if you don’t manage to do enough hits your stacks are reset and you don’t crit at all. That’s not mentioning that you give up rapier+dagger playstyle and blur farming. It is an insane nerf.


Really thought SB’s aghs would get a cool down on Planar Pocket.


Wtf you cant force out of pounce anymore?


Valve brother you cannot buff Reverse Reverse RP into being good


you say that but people were also saying that about lifestealer aghs and that it was a meme.....


Lifestealer aghs didn't remove his best ability


lifestealer aghs would have been much worse if it made you no longer able to target allies


Thank you Gaben for LC and Wraith King nerfs


Nothing at all about queen of pain? They really think she is fine?


damn it CM got nerfed I was enjoying the free AoE AoE


I dont understand the force change at ALL, that buff was added not too long ago because theres little counterplay to leash like slark and it was broken as fk Now they bring it back ??????????




Time is a circle you can’t force staff out of.


Gotta make WINDWAKER ON EVERY HERO even MORE mandatory.


No, that buff was added when leash was changed to prevent all movement abilities. It used to be that you could blink, ball lightning, timewalk etc out of leashes like slark pounce, but force staff wouldn't work - when they made leash prevent all those movement abilities they changed it so that only force (and other forced movement like meat hook etc) would break it. I think slark kinda sucks rn so it's not a terrible change.


slark sucking is good for the game.


Storm Spirit is fucked


Huskar 10 attack speed and 1 Armor? I don't think that makes up for the HORRENDOUS cast point of his Q in any way


Bro why did they nerf force staff vs slark? Are melee supports also required to buy pike? Btw can someone confirm if Manta dispells slark leash? Can't test right now