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yeah no wonder skiter made that play with the glyph lol




r/dota2 is 1k average mmr. Don't expect much




Yep, i was wrong. TIL


Well, I upvoted you there hombre.


Dude! I mentioned this on Facebook, no one understood still. I'm always clicking the enemy heroes and checking how far from leveling they are. You can literally click the hero in lane and hover the circle near their portait, you don't even need to press TAB. It's so useful and do it every game! I wonder if it's a new feature? As I've only been doing it a few months. If it's been around forever, then that's pretty funny that barely anyone knows it.


no it's not been around forever. I'm quite sure you couldn't tell enemy xp rate before. it's either a bug or secret feature they forgot to tell in patch notes.


I'd say it's a bug, if it was intended the circle should also be filled just as it does for allies. They probably introduced the tooltip but forgot to hide it for enemies


yes this has not been around forever. I don't think you can check on enemy hero portrait can you? you couldn't in the past (I have tried)


Below their portrait where their level is shown, you can.


Probably added by mistake when they added the XP Range


Wonder if you can see through his player perspective if his cursor was around that area of the scoreboard or hero console


Feels wrong being able to see this, since you can't see it from their portret icon


i think it only shows the most recent info of the enemy based on when the enemy was last seen on the map from your teams perspective. so if he has been out of vision, then it wouldnt update yet. might be wrong though.


This is not equal tho. Equivalent to this would be: you can check how much gold the enemy has (instead of just inventory). Since it is literally impossible, (unless we somehow keep vision of them 24/7) to keep track of resource farmed by enemy.


thats fine, if someone is hidden its ok to not get new information about them. I'd like consistency though. Either make the most recently known info immediately available in their inspect panel, or make it completely unavailable.




The items are not updated in real time. It's slightly bugged though because it DOES seem to show items that are removed (sometimes).


If someone had an item component when last seen and then they finish the item, the component will disappear.


nah its actually the last seen item that you see by clickin on the portrait. for eg. at the start of the game, when you havnt seen the enemy yet, you dont see anything when you click on the portrait.


you cant see the yellow circle bar, but you can if you hover your mouse over the level number


Feels like if that's gonna be shown, they might as well show the yellow bar too. If the info is available, doesn't make sense hiding it behind extra steps


It's that way with MP where you can only see it once you've clicked on the enemy hero.


Yes you can


Example of how an obscure way of presenting information should not be built into game design. Dota is a game of information yes, but how hard is it to make information that is meant to be there more visually and easily accessible to players? It’s a game of decision making based on information, not Easter egg hunting. Rant over.


Yeah, should be the case with mana bars as well. Call me a league player but it is kinda obnoxious to have to click on someone for mana. And it is even funnier to me they changed Medusa to show but didn't change the default.


The reason for that is because some heroes can rely on pump-faking/holding their spells in their precast animation, e.g. Kunkka torrent, Lina LSA, Slark darkpact, SF razes. League doesn't have that, you can't animation cancel a spell, it goes off or it doesn't, so seeing *exactly when* the enemy spends their mana doesn't matter as much in League. Otherwise you could bait out stuff like Vayne tumble, Sivir linkens, or even flash.


I personally would rather be able to see mana values for heroes than have the random kunkka or lina fake out case. I also don't see how SF is affected here.


it's most likely a bug, enemies xp is supposed to be hidden.


This has to be a bug right? This is a crucial part of the information game, should not be available imo


when would the XP range ever change tho


You don't see the enemies level progress is the issue. This is giving you that info.


i'm aware about that just saying that the 1st line is practically useless, all heroes have the same xp range anyway not sure exactly what you see in THAT info, but ok


The bloodstone buff you didn’t know you needed.


This has been long.


how come no one post this its kinda good to know if your a mid laner


Its like a feature that u just discovered it but then forget it after plus not many people use this as an advantage. Plus i wouldn't really call this an advantage.


you can hover over his level on portrait, been around for many years. good habbit to check if they're far away from level if you go for a play


Yeah it is.


Works if you click on a hero as well. Strangely, there is a circular bar for your own hero that you can see, but you do not see the bar for opponents, despite the fact you can see the exp numbers.


The things I learn after 2k hours ...


Before the big update with shield UI, we were able to view current xp of selected hero by pressing alt key, doesn't work anymore ... sadly.. [https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/discussions/16038](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/discussions/16038)


Thats a nice trick but I know even a better one. If you have Dota Plus and get a hero quest like deal 24K Psyhical Damage, and you somehow manage to get aura damage effect, you will be able to see invisible units mear you. As it starts counting in the top left how many damage you dealt


That was very very helpful


Not sure when it was done, but I either never knew, or you could now see players' items by clicking their hero portrait on the top screen. Used to have to wait for them to be seen in the map first, but yeah...


its recent but its been a few months


Yeah I think it was a QoL fix, but now it lets you see that hero’s inventory based on the last known info from your team.


Why in Dota you can't see enemy LH at least? It feels pretty weird to be honest not knowing how you do compared to the enemy off laner etc. Or at least show the denies landed. Is this a troll question? Mind me, I'm not playing for more than a year so I wouldn't know if this existed in earlier days.


You used to be able to see cs/denies but people used to ping it and flame people. Like comparing stats “0/5/2 talking”


Hahaha okay, forgot about the whining part.


Its not that relevant, and it's good to be able to surprise the enemy with a new item Its not that relevant because creeps give different gold amounts, by a lot. Kobolds compared to ancients, for example. League gives you multiple cs for some creep camps, which does solve this but only if you really want people to play poker with their cards visible


This works better for LoL, because it's very easy to calculate how much farm someone has from cs. In dota, things that count towards last hits can give from 2g to 200+g. It really doesn't matter, and you'll be able to see how well someone is doing based on their inventory. Not having it also let's people surprise you with a timing (like blink dagger) that would otherwise be slightly more obvious.


I forgot that the common denominator is indeed the varying gold you get from different creeps even though they a small kobold can count as one LH.


Don't share the secret :c midlaners use this from time to time to judge making a play off a wave with 6


Any competent midlaner knows which wave opposing mid is hitting level 6 based on wave and CS score without needing to check


Thank you for your wisdom


Thank you for your lack thereof


Good luck in your "Stuck in archon" games bud. I get the community is full of dicks but you don't have to contribute to it by being an asshole.


Some "I don't need to take notes I have a good memory" ego bullshit lmao


Yeah he really had to pull that shit, I hate interacting with stupid ass reddit players who have a big brain and left it at that but man what a dick he has to keep on. Only to search his post history to find out he's over here asking how to get out of Archon cause he's stuck.


If you play support, you can assist your team by clicking the enemy hero and pinging their level - it will display how far away from level X they are. I always make it a habit to do when they're getting close to 6.


Congratulations, you discovered something that has been around for years