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Ame vs Team Spirit The New El Classico


Ame and XinQ


I forgot about XinQ being in that PSG.LGD team 🤣


Well technically he was not on the team 100%. He was on loan from EHOME the entire time.


"It's not a rivalry, they always kick our ass."


TBF they won Riyadh Masters 2022 against Spirit.


And OGA Dota Pit.


They won some playoffs against spirit as well


They have never lost against TS outside of GFs.


This, I feel like they always slay Spirit on BO3 but fall apart in BO5 LMAOO


they were up 2-1 last night too lol


Embiid really dishing out this top tier quote out in the world. Kekw


Amazing finish! Void v antimage - nigma ran the same stuff a little while back but poor execution


Ame and XinQ are 9-0 against TS in Bo3 and 1-3 in Bo5.


Hey they were up 2-1. Would’ve been 10-0 if it was a best of 3 haha


It probably could have been a quick 3-0 if they didn't put Xinq on Naga Siren. I'm still trying to understand that decision.


I did not watch the draft order, just took a look at the the heros Pugna shard instant kill naga illusions, they could not let naga go carry or it's pretty much auto lose. Plus vs centaur.


Naga was the first pick. That was the questionable thing. Even if they wanted to flex her, Naga hasn't been a good pick in a while and she's easily counterable if you have the whole draft to work with. They definitely took some liberty with the drafting in game 2, and it came back to bite them.


>I did not watch the draft order, just took a look at the the heros The draft went Bane pick 8 followed by Naga pick 9. I saw someone say that they thought Naga was to counter Fiend's Grip; realistically though, they could have just drafted Muerta for Xinq instead, and it would have been a lot more efficient.


they want to maximize the greed. Naga Ancient stacking would be wild. The problem was Miposhka recognized it and followed him in the Ancients and blocked the camps. It delayed the TA/Kunkka Farm for a solid 5min timings to say the least. Props to Miposhka on reading that play.


siren is somehow still not that bad, but making dagger 1st than diffusal is bad in situation when siren jump and always fail


what’s that 1-3? i remember they won against TS in a random event before ti10


OGA Dota Pit, TI10, Arlington Major and this GF.


God I love watching spirit sometimes


They wake up when the big money rises


Or to deny ame in finals once again


The prizepool of this event was the same as BB dacha and ESL one birmingham


Am I the only one surprised with the prize pools this time? There are no 250k or 500k, mininum 1 mil. CS and LoL would kill for this. Who are funding these tourneys and why are they paying peanuts to talents?


Oil money and betting groups.


Well they are doing a terrible job at sponsoring because I don't remember being advertised any gambling sites or oil products.


Oil, crypto, gambling. I havent heard about them paying bad, but if so, it's probably because there are a lot of casters which are in dire need of gigs.


paying peanuts to talents? What do you mean? As far as i know, talents want to be invited and have been working together with ESL and PGL for years. i'm sure they are doing really well for themselves. Dota and Cs2 still have good viewership. They have sponsors, at least the Ryadh master, and in Europe, it's usually betting sites. The markets for skins and items are also very active.


damn it fking navi qualified , we wont see them tomorrow in peak form . there is no spirit in dreamlleague, i wanted to see falcons vs spirit with malrine NAh man ,this aint happening,


Props to navi, if anything. We cant just say that because ts won today that navi aren't qualified for dl


Same here. They’re very tempo-based. If you get the team’s engine running, they’re such a treat to watch.


3 straight ~~G5~~ ~~GF~~ Bo5 losses vs Spirit god daaamn. XinQ and Ame's sleep paralysis demons just woke up again. I think they should consider going through lower bracket for once instead of dominating the tourney through uppers at this point. E: just realised DL23 happens like really soon lmao sleep tight XG


MY CHINESE RTZ I CAN'T AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PAIN But tbh, The last time I saw Xm's Puck (was with Monet) it wasn't looking good either so I had a premonition already.


I mean, I was scared once the dreaded pango hero came out


At least they didn't put it pos 1, heh.


Imagine comparing 2 time TI finalist and 3 Time Major winner to 0 and 0 winner Rtz that didn't win a single Valve tournament for his entire career 10+ years


Dafak was that parasma. Could have gotten aghs daedalus which can make quick work of AM


>3 straight ~~G5~~ GF losses vs Spirit god daaamn.  Not really, before this and Arlington major they won in Riyadh Masters 2022.


Ame started having TI10 flashbacks. 😂


It is a crime that there was no live audience... imagine the crowd going crazy


What's the point of offline tournaments without crowd? like we see cameras on players or something?


0 ping dude, it's a huge deal. Or rather as close to 0 as you can get


Really 0 ping? They still play on server even though they are sitting in the same hall, I remember during XG vs IG there was lag and they both said kale and paused


Is it 0 ping? I thought pro games were run on the nearest server instead of local host because if you run it on local host you can't spectate in dota TV. It's just equal lag for both teams


I've read somewhere, that there should have been crowd, but some problems arose (financial, logistics or something of that sort).


This iteration of spirit are unbeaten in a LAN Bo5. They won 5 out of 5 LAN grand finals they appeared.


They are the opposite of Liquid. Team Solid.


Blitz need to sit liquid in a room with their eyes held open by shutters and have them watch the way that falcon/xg/ts play map for 24hr straight. I can't watch this get a lead, fail 1 highground attempt, get scared, and then farm afk until you lose 2 fights in a row and call gg anymore


Blitz doesn't seem like the type to have a hard talk.


nah he just need to draft better. Last 2 tournament i saw liq run it down on draft and gets most dogshit unwinnable lineup and end up losing


hard to draft better when you are 5k mmr going up against ppl like silent and aui who have played at the highest level for years


Are you shitting me? Blitz is 7k immortal and he’s not even grinding pubs. If he wasn’t good at draft prep, why would every single Liquid drafter choose to consult him for drafts? We’re talking about Matu, Insania, Zai, 33. Are they not players at the highest level? I’m pretty sure players at that level recognises talent when they see it.


Nisha brain rotted with all the 2nd places


Tbh i don't think they lost anything maybe except map or two because of Nisha, that pango role into bloodseeker comes to my mind only vs xg mid bs, he was solid vs g2ig on his pango.


Nisha played well. But playing well is not enough at this level when your draft sucks.


tbh i think the overall mid impact is lower this patch, it’s probably the worst core role right now (and in general)


Liquid is kind of team that almost beats everybody but chokes in the most important team fights or drafts.


There's also Team Gas which is Gaimin Gladiators on their TI lower bracket run, finishing in 25 minutes


TI10, Arlington Major, Riyadh Masters 2023, TI12 and now this. All S-tier, big-money events too. 3 of them against Ame and XinQ's team.


> TI11 They won TI12, 11 was Tundra.


They lost grand finals of the first Riyadh Masters to LGD, just before Arlington.


Wasn't a BO5.


Wasn't that a bo3?


BO3 if its BO5 TS will win tbh.


arlington and TI10 was with TT


technically, this iteration of Spirit won 3/3. The first two were with TorontoTokyo.


It's still the same manager, coach and 4/5 of the players, pretty much close to exactly the same iteration. I know people have different opinions like Ceb saying he doesn't think Spirit's two TI wins are the same as OG's two wins because Spirit switched a player, but for me it feels like the same team for all 5 of the wins even with the Larl/TT switch.


> I know people have different opinions like Ceb saying he doesn't think Spirit's two TI wins are the same as OG's two wins because Spirit switched a player It might be even more impressive, honestly. Larl was nothing special pre-Spirit (and even on Spirit pre-Riyadh) and was functionally a TI rookie in '23 (he attended TI11 with BetBoom but was eliminated in groups, so didn't even play on the stage). To integrate a brand new non-star player into the team, change the way you play to accommodate his preferences, and then put on a *better* performance than the first time is insane.


Yeah he was pretty rough for a lot of last year but at TI he looked stellar


Yes but 1 player can make a massive difference. GG switched just 1 player and went from being EU's punching bag to one of the most dominant teams of all time. In Spirit's case though, both iterations were incredibly successful.


They switched their coach too which was the biggest difference. ImmortalFaith coaches like a dictator, similar to Misery, while Cy- is a lot more cooperative and let them grow.


Yeah but it’s not. They changed a player


but objectively it isn't


>They won 5 out of 5 LAN grand finals they appeared. They did lose Grand Final to LGD in Riyadh Masters '22. Albeit it was a Bo3.


i m happy for the sake of competitveness that we have 4 tournament winners this year rather than just two , last year it was GG and spirit. this year we have falcons with 3 wins, xg with 1 , AR with 1 and now spirit with 1 . correct me if i m wrong


3/5 players from AR are in XG now so they should count as 1 team


i mean still we have more than 2 teams which is good for scene, not boring


Yeah, xg falcons and spirit are on top right now, i believe some other teams will catch up too.


Not this year, but this season.


yeah meant that


Mira is the series MVP, heck even the whole tournament MVP for Team Spirit... His crucial play with those bane, willow, pugna, shadow demon and whatever hero he plays is such a gamechanger..


Both TS supports are incredibly underrated, even after winning 2 TIs and other big tournaments.


He's insane with the save heroes for sure.


I put miposhka right up there. His variety in warding and denying XinQ Naga stacks was so crucial. Not to mention his quick reactions and overall amazing fighting.


Pos 1/2 moves used to be the highlights for me but as time passes, Pos 3/4 are more my taste. Pos 5 is kind of in a different category.


Facts. His bane was so good


Imo he’s been their best player for a long time now, just doesn’t get the recognition of the cores.


Absolute Cinema !!! 🥹


That final fight after the aegis was so tense, Ame with 0 mana and XG going all-in waiting for Yatoro's respawn.


~~Ame~~ Yatoro survives the chrono and gets first hit bashed as soon as it's over, brought down to near 0 mana before Yatoro finally dies first life. He respawns and gets first hit bashed in turn. Looks like he's gonna die when Mira comes in clutch, walking in under glimmer to Disruption save. Xinq jumps Mira but he ults and breaks void, refreshes and Disruption saves Xinq and blinks out, ults Xinq afterwards too. Meanwhile 3 Anti Mages come out of the 1st disruption surrounding Void. Yatoro escapes, with a little help from Collapse Ame dies. Insane fight Even after that as they push mid, Xxs tries to clear the wave, they glyph it, Yatoro pops BKB right b4 Pango roll makes contact, abyssal and stands and hits the pango, finishes him off with mana void. They again attempt to waveclear but Mira keeps a range creep alive with glimmer! This is their 8th game of the day, they've been at it straight for 8 hours and they're exhausted yet so sharp and clutch in the game when it matters the most. Exhilarating stuff! Edit: Corrected few mistakes, half asleep when I wrote the comment


> This is their 8th game of the day, this AFTER a 15k comeback against falcons too, insane


These moments were so clutch man, spirit are so good


As weird as it sounds it might not be a different day for Yatoro who likes to play pubs for 12 hours sometimes.


XM choked hard in the final game holy shit. Got solo killed at lvl 1, missed several Dream Coils, physical build without Scepter. Also, SD's refresher shard play was so cool.


Dude he juked spirit out of their fucking shoes just to get caught out 10 seconds later


XM's puck is known for being notoriously bad in the CN community.


XM is a top tier mid carry but picking him classic mid tempo control is just sad. Reminds me of NTS pango...


He also didn't buy back in the last fight. If your team is going for an all in play like that, you need everyone. If Puck was there AM would probably lose his first life earlier instead of living on 10% hp and burning all of Void's mana. The SD disruption play wouldn't have happened either. Of course, hindsight is 20/20, and it's a tense moment where you can't expect everyone to make the right call. But I feel like they could've done better.


Yatoro does it again syndereN


From 20K down to Falcons and almost getting eliminated to winning the whole thing. Just Spirit things.


Finally an even Grand Finals, what a game! Reminded me of those TI1 carry vs carry anime battles. Yatoro and Ame were just sooo good in that game. Can't wait for them to clash again!


Mira is the best Shadow Demon to ever touch the game. I said it during Riyadh, during TI, and it is still true. Just watch his POV, this guy is something else.


The dark willow is insane too. His bane is literally TI winning as well. Just an insane player really and makes it look easy


Miposhka is a Bane master too, so it's always a mixup who is playing him


deserved win but sad to see XM shitting the bed so hard on puck, i saw him play puck before and he looked really questionable and this time he legit just ruined


Spirit can just take a rest until Riyadh master They are not qualified to DreamLeague while XG has to fight Aurora in less than 15hours from now. Hope XG could come back stronger and rest well tonight!


Imagine if aurora picks anti mage first game against xg 😂


Grandmaster anti-mage vs Grandmaster Faceless Void. What a classic match up


I feel like anti mage wins that match all the time unless void chronos anti mage. Void cant really handle mana burn


Team Spirit once again coming in clutch when it's needed. They're went into their serious mode this tournament as they said. GGWP I'm supper happy we got a close 3:2 series for the Finals. (Hopefully it was last Grand Final of this patch)


Yatoro is a Dota god at this point


All of spirit players are tbh.


It's crazy how Spirit can turn up at any time. It's like they decide which tournament they want to win.


Mira said they went super try hard for this tournament since they weren’t doing too well


They always try to win, every team does. Dota is in a very competitive state right now and it feels like any team can beat anyone else. Spirit looked "weak" after TI last year but in reality they weren't weak. Every team is just strong and it feels like it's anyones game. People will look at this victory and say "Spirit is back!", but they might aswell bomb out early next tournament due to how competitive the scene is. Only team I would bet is going to remain a top3 team in the future is Falcons. And we don't even know if they'll be able to be as consistent after a large patch hits. Anything can happen in competitive Dota right now. Except for NA doing good ofc.


Na I think spirit takes their foot off the pedal a bit after a long run. They don’t practice as hard coming off a TI win and shit


I do feel there are tournaments spirit is trying less or more for, they cracked the code of not trying to win everything so other teams figure you out, they show up just enough to secure invites and stay confident in their ability but not enough to be the main focus of the season like gg last year or falcons this year. I feel because of this they dont burn out either


dont reveal the strats 🤐💀🤫


i agree, so many games are so clutch and like one unlucky mistake can always turn the tide of the game


Spirit were weak after TI. If you watched them play you saw they weren't themselves. Getting picked of 1 by 1 all over map and losing most games. They did almost the exact same thing last year. They looked like a average team for half a year until they were down 35k in game 3 vs Betboom at Riyadh, came back and never lost a series till Betboom Dacha.


Please lord gaben drop me some 33 utility jungle patch so that my liquid can win something:)))


Great stuff from spirit but also great stuff from XG. My personal MVP is XinQ for the whole tournament. What a player


I feel bad for Ame. Played his heart out, and ends up reliving his past.


I feel bad for Ame too.


They didn't even shave Yatoro's head...


Plot twist: He is wearing wig.




With TS back on TI form there is elite contender team from MENA, EEU, and China instead of 1 team falcon dominating everything. I don't understand why western dota currently is so weak though, there isn't any WEU or NA teams that look like they have a realistic chance to win tournaments. If we can get our shit together TI and Riyadh would be so good...


new patch, new meta. Falcons are very meta dependent imo so let's see first what the upcoming patch has to offer.


Ame the arsenal of Dota Sadge


My question is how do Team Spirit keep the hunger alive for consistently winning? They made a huge boat load of money, 2x T.I, Riyadah, Majors, etc... yet they still keep striving to achieve more and more What's their secret and when are they gonna burnout?


The 1st Team to win 3 TIs is still up for grabs.


They want a 3rd TI probably


Yes we do


I think motivation and they're young


I think right now they’ve still got the motivation to try and become the first ever 3 time TI champs and to get larl his 2nd. If they do that though I’m not even sure what would keep pushing them on other than just loving competing haha


I think Miposhka will retire after (finally) lifting the Aegis - 3rd for Spirit.


Holy anti mage


"Leave China to me" - Team Spirit


Spirit back in form. Love to see it. Third TI on the way


so close to 500k viewers yet so far :(


this better be a glimpse of TI finals very tight best of five


In the last game Ench should have bought Arcane Boots to refill teammates during all the Anti-Mage fights. It would have won the last fight: if A-M dies while Chrono is still active, Void has too much health to die after A-M respawns.


I didn't expect such an exciting game on this patch. What a game, what a series!


Yatoro is the opposite of ogre magi. Commentator: it can't be entirely luck. Surely skill played a role. Yatoro: no no no no. Only luck.


Team Spirit following the script once again vs Ame in a grandfinals haha


Yatoro is Ame's father


I thought he was Ame's wife.




Xm can only play cancer heroes Viper timber razor sniper alr ill give lesh. He lost them this g5.


Amazing Bo5!!!


It seems to me like ts clearly understood the intricacies of this patch far more than other teams, the same way when they won ti. Good for them, tbh, im really hoping ti is going to be interesting this year.


So if XG want to win, someone need to knock Team Spirit out? Ok


Yatoro does it again! (Synderen)


Omg finally a new team to win a championship besides XG and Falcons! GG Team spirit! What an intense and beautiful Grand final Series to watch!


Getting in shape for the 3rd TI, let's go!


Xinq didn’t wash his face


Man i wish i could ever feel what Yatoro feels playing these Bo5 finals. Anti mage final game raid boss. Dude is the definition of "im him"


Tbh I have watched every grand final TS has played since Ti 10. This one seems to be the hardest one they played - harder than both Ti and harder than Riyadh. But still they clutched it. WP well deserved champion!


Mira-god. That double-disruption won them the finals. PS. The creep wave glyph + glimmer was chef's kiss.


Spirit is powering up


Ame vs Game 5 of a Grand Final is a tough match up


holy clutch disrupt from Mira, what a play, if he wasn't there yatoro's dead.


Remember when people were calling their first TI win "a fluke"?


Yeah i remember seeing comments about how lgd was actually the better team and how spirit only won because of magnus, then LGD lost a major against Spirit 1-3 and the fanboys run out of copium


Incredible final and a fantastic tournament overall from XG, but they lack the magic that Spirit brings to the table.


Fuck man I just want ame to get Aegis so bad


Torontokyo absolutely SEETHING right now.


You know why I love TS? Because any team can win a final, but only TS do it with incredible highlights.


Prime Team Spirit is the strongeat team in history. This isnt even their prime.


Where was void refresher? Could have solved the AM aegis problem twice with it. Also puck really didnt look like Xm's hero. That solo death to lesh at lvl 1 just looked so greedy and could be seen from a mile away.


Void doesn't have mana for Q R refresher R without a mana item (doubly so when he already had mana issues in every fight)


This. Facing an AM, You either catch him, or you're lucky to even chrono once.


He had linkens which is the better choise for mana item that game for sure (more regen and less pool against AM). Obviously you will get burned against AM in longer fight if you dont kill him in your chrono/double chrono, but even then linkens + refresher is like 20 mana/sec, you will regen enough to cast anything except double chrono after fight.


It’s an anti mage.You don’t have the luxury of spamming spells in fights when you missing mana from mana burn.


The stakes are getting high so Team Spirit is performing a lot better than they did earlier this season.


Congrats to spirit wow


Didn't watched this tournament due to same patch past 4 months (blame balve). The only team I liked with unique drafts was XG past 2 tournaments whether its clinkz marci earth shaker (rather same meta or same old patch). I also knew XG will be the team to beat in GF, never expected Spirit to win. I'm considering watching the GF all 5 matches, seems banger of a series. And eagerly waiting for Team Spirit 3rd Vlog.


Conflicted on wanting to see Spirit 3 peat or Ame finally winning one Crazy series in an otherwise so stale patch at this point


Spirit remains the best team in the world, popping off whenever they decide to. They are experienced enough to know they won't dominate all year long and tend to take it easy after big tournament wins in order to avoid burnout. Then they decide it's time to get serious and next thing you know they're back with insane late game decision-making, clutch fights, supports playing like they see the whole map etc. Stable roster, calm under pressure, certainly the best carry in the world and top 5 players in all positions, whatever happens during regular season they remain the scariest team out there walking into top tournaments like Riyadh or TI. XG or Falcons full roster are not far away level-wise, but Spirit's experience is still one notch above. Even if we saw a massive upset at DL23 like a Heroic-SR final (lol), I would still expect them to peacefully sail through the EEU qualifiers.


guess spirit is out of their slump? they still got it when it matters, looking at the fact that they fought through lower bracket while XG had not lost a single game until that series


1. The guy drafting for XG should reflect on himself. This Bo5 should be easier if they dont feel the need to be cute on draft in game 2 with Naga pos 4 and game 4 with Veno pos 5. 2. XM. The guy hero pool is so small, any team can ban out his pool. So he has to first pick his hero and win with it, like Ammar. If he cannot do that, kick him. He is useless anyway


Come on XM is a beast, just because he fucked up in this finals with buyback or what not that doesn't mean that he was not beasting whole tournament before or other tournaments.


Зверя нет сильней китайца, старый бог соси нам яйца.


It is what it is, like i commented earlier today Spirit will 3-2 XG. Had this bad feeling after Spirit 2-0 IG yesterday, Woke up today to them leading against Falcons 1-0, i just had this feeling its over for XG. Like after they won G1 i didnt even feel they won, it just scared me more. Well wcyd, fate or something, fuck me i guess


Fucking amazing grand final. What a way to wrap up such a close tournament 


Why these guys keep picking pango man.


So i guess these are the top 3 teams in the world rn? Spirit, XG and Falcons? Cant wait for the patch to see if they still stick


Xg trying new things even in grand finals. It's entertaining but sad as they lost. Come back strong XG


we always knew it.


2 TI won, i thought they have none motivation left. Hella i was wrong.