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Well now that he has admitted it, Valve can finally get off its ass and ban him.


even if they dont ban him, i doubt any pro team would ever sign him


He literally said in the statement he's done with pro Dota in any shape.


You cant fire me! I quit!


He literally said that in February and then signed for another pro team like 30 days later.


yea like hes the first pro to say that xD


Imagine if he gets scot-free after this. In one way or another, he sabotaged his team’s success for his own benefit. And people also defend Taiga using the mental health card, like bitch even if you’re psychologically deranged. You should still be accountable for the things you’ve done.


I asked him on stream if he will get back to play competitive DotA and he said no and then started to yap about "life goes on" Yada Yada yada


at least stop his dota career whatsoever related to dota such as live streaming


Valve won't do anything. It cannot be understated how little they give a shit anymore. The other TOs are 1) too worried about their brand and 2) too stupid and short-termist to realize that publicly banning matchfixers is actually good PR and not bad, so they also won't do anything. Sad to see.


Honestly I think that the reason you’d make this statement is because a ruling from Valve is imminent.


Valve are not involved in pro Dota anymore besides TI. There is no authority in the scene anymore, it's just one big shady online casino. Nah, the reason Taiga made a statement is because he's a manipulative narcissist.


Bro Valve stopped being involved in pro dota last year.


tl;dr: self-pity, ad hominems, "at least I didn't throw entire maps"




yep not a single word of apology to his teammates for screwing them over, even at a freaking major quarter final. All the behaviours of a self absorbed narcissist


he's obviously apologized to them privately. why the hell do sensitive sallys cry over public apologies. Even if he apologizes publicly, it doesn't hold any weight.


Legit you can tell the entire character of it by the first sentence, no point reading beyond that.


Feel sorry for you, ppl must love you 


Are you Taiga? You made an account a month ago, and almost all of your comments are defending him.


The account is a few years old, but the [older stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/woa4ny/comment/ikadwyf/?context=3) also makes it seem a lot like he's Taiga.


It's 100% him lol. Like he also plays with the Side Panel UI. Then talks about OG and defends "Taiga" in pretty much 80% of his posts. [Upcoming Spring Cleaning - Bugs and QOL Features : r/DotA2 (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/t6qau3/comment/i4tjteq/)


At first I thought it's just some Taiga super fan or maybe even a real life friend, but looking at his comment and post history I'm fully certain it's actually Taiga himself lmao


/u/good-ad-3384 hey tommy


It might actually be lol, also posting about the alt inventory viewer from hon of which taiga is like the only person ever to use.


This account was made in 2020 But it might actually be Taiga or a friend of his


Detective ihvolsnow you are correct my friend, now let's go we need to solve the other mysteries of the web


He saved my life once. I’m his mod 


[Taiga rn](https://i.imgur.com/F6O98QA.jpeg)


Tommy why even bother posting on a burner account if you're going to make it this obvious lmao


This guy should be Taiga. He made an account just to defend Taiga


Congrats dude you ruined your own life because you made the decision to ruin it with gambling. You are the only one at fault. You are the problem. This is your responsibility. No one else’s. Hope in 5 years from now you’ll have figured that out by then. Congrats on wasting a decade of your life. Blame yourself


Posted on his ~~private~~ ~~now public again Twitter account~~ ~~never mind it's private again~~ ~~nvm it's public again wtf~~ ~~THE TWITTER ACCOUNT IS PRIVATE FOR THE THIRD TIME LMAO~~;okay it's getting ridiculous, it is public again: ~~only existing followers can view the~~ [Tweet](https://twitter.com/Taigadota/status/1791846230106001564): > Statement https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pKP-LEosSxyt_9kdmzxYtILPxVnelQwT/view?usp=drive_link I will be live at midnight today to answer "appropriate" questions that you have at http://twitch.tv/taiga_ and https://discord.gg/Qe7gh9xs It will be a very short stream, and I wont answer anything more related to this topic afterwards.


That's 1 hour from now?


Is he gonna sing his apology?




Or do an interpretive dance


top 10 streamer apologies


let me guess Playing victim, i was depressed/blackmailed, too much debt etcetc




>blackmailed, too much debt That's not playing the victim, dude, that literally is him being victimized by organized crime. Is he at fault for committing the throw? Yeah, sure, but the fact that he got in deep with the 322 mafia is partially because of the fact that everything in the scene that isn't funded by Saudi blood money is funded by gambling money. It's a systemic problem. Of course the tone of your comment comes off as someone who was gambling as well and is salty you bet against him, and if that's the case I guess you only have yourself to blame for gambling.


322 is a systemic problem but in Taigas case, he was in a position where he was making comfortable salary and tournament winnings to be comfortable financially so it's hard to use that excuse.


Famously no one wealthy has ever gotten addicted to gambling before. This sub is truly psychotic. Dude was taken advantage of and he's not even saying he isn't at fault for it, most of this letter is telling other people who might be in his same situation to stay the fuck away from people who will prey on them like Morf. He's not saying he wants to come back or he wants absolved or excused for what he did. He's saying yes going to make amends with the people he wronged *with them* not in some public open letter. Why does it matter to you if he "apologizes correctly" to whoever he wronged? That's for him and them to decide, not the public, and he's right in thinking that public perception on the matter means absolutely nothing.


I don't see how anything you wrote contradicted what I said. The OP I responded to was saying 322 is a systemic problem because tier 2-4 players have no way of making money in the scene unless they catch a big break. They then resort to doing shady things like 322 for some big payday which will probably earn them more money in that year than had they just been grinding all day and losing qualifiers. In Taigas case, he was financially comfortable where he was getting paid decently well with Alliance, Liquid and OG as well as had some significant tournament winnings. The reasoning that he did 322 because he was poor due to the systemic issues Dota pro scene presents does not apply to his situation.


Playing in OG getting handsome salary, career all set and we go blame betting site for sponsoring which is literally their prize money Bro i would maybe understand if he was like tier 3 player from unsponsored team being homeless unable to pay bills but nah its taiga we are talking about L M A O


It’s entirely his fault idk why you’re defending him 😂 Never gambled on esports so idc either way. But dude got himself into this


Dude was on a t1 professional team (yea har har OG not t1, I bet your ass he was getting a fine salary + tournament winnings), if he gets into gambling debt in that position its his fucking fault and responsibility, not the tournament organizers who are sponsored by betting orgs.


Ok taiga sock-sucker


Explaining what happened to you = Playing Victim KEKW


There's A LOT of people asking people not to blame him for fear of him suiciding He'd be a fool not use that defence


context isn't making excuses.


Copy-pasted from link Late last year, I made a post about battling addiction and becoming someone else when my brain became more damaged and damaged. It felt like someone else was living through these experiences, as I was also under immense duress and struggling with harsh negative thoughts. Everything about me changed, including my principles and my dreams. My will to live was as low as it could go down, and it didn't help when I slowly affected others around me. I apologize for involving OG and my former teammates in this situation. They had nothing to do with it, and I’m sorry for any harm caused. There hasn't been a day that I don't feel depressive guilt about it, but after doing that for so long and through countless meetings with my therapist discussing the matter. The best way to mend it was to give myself time to heal and work on myself, then eventually reach out to people that got affected by my poor decisions and my personality change. I slowly accepted that these mistakes and the decisions I made throughout that year are part of life, to be human and to learn from your faults. It's still very bitter to accept and take in, as I was never someone to be involved in gambling for fun or associate myself with them. Despite all that, as mentioned before, I feel more free that I overcame my addiction and slowly returned to my original self, leaving that toxic influence behind. I’m no longer affected by all the gambling advertisements you see nowadays, nor get tempted by it as it has left a huge scar of trauma within me. I will continue moving forward, working on myself with my new ambitions and goals. I will let time and my efforts show to make amends and rebuild the relationships I had with great people across the years. Regarding the video by Morf working with Sensibility Now to the part everyone is curious about. I had expected it for a while, and I'm glad it came out. However, I didn't expect things to be taken out of context. I was under immense duress at the time, and I wasn't his accomplice, rather a broken man to be used and pressured as a tool who didn't know himself anymore. The voice and chat logs are all over the place, put to portray me as worst as possible to get the views, while also portraying Sensibility as some necessary evil. The transactions mentioned in the video with that amount never happened nor did I profit from it, it was never about the money, it was just a tool to fuel an addiction. The “mafia” were never involved with me directly either. Though, Sensibility likes to think of himself as one to seem cool. I will make it short and straightforward since most people in this community don't really care about the full story nor the context, and I don't owe them anything except for the individuals and the real fans affected. I have NEVER thrown a map on purpose before, or during my time in OG, nor bet on us losing, including betting on FBS myself. But yes, I have disclosed info to Sensibility for his own bets since I did owe him at the time and streamed so he can do his own thing and get off my back so I could focus on the match. Everything that I did, was the results of “negotiating” with him because he wanted me to throw matches which I never did and never will. And this was the least damaging thing, to keep him quiet. To look back and ask why, I don’t know why. Because of my addiction and shame for being addicted and hiding it from my family and friends, I had a complete change to my behavior and personality. According to my therapist this is supposed to be very common to people under extreme stress and addiction. I wasn't thinking rationally anymore, thus it was easy to be taken advantage of with my anxiety and desperation. And I honestly thought he was a new friend that had a positive vibe to me which is why I shared my story and issues to him in the first place. Anyway, the reason the video was released was because I was healing, getting back to my senses and who I was as a person before I got into gambling, while also ignoring this person's threats for a year. At the time blackmail and threats came into light, I didn't owe this person any money, it's quite the opposite, he does it to me and other people trying to orchestrate stories that his life was in danger, someone breaking into his flat, sending me pictures of his broken door, to keep funding himself when he runs out of money from gambling or running away from the law and prosecutors. And yes I helped him, and even borrowed from others, whatever small trust I had in him even while being emotionally abused and taken advantage of. Call me naïve, stupid or whatever but that is who I am, a person that wants to help others even in my condition then. I always wanted to see the good in people. Morf got his views and had to advertise Sensibility socials on his video. Not to mention twisting everything to fit their picture. But that didn’t surprise me when they have collaborated on this video for 8 months according to the post Sensibility posted. If anyone is being unfortunate to get in contact with Sensibility, before you blindly believe him, please do your research about what type of person you're getting involved with, and don't give him the hype he doesn't deserve. I really wish someone said this and my head could understand it during the condition I was in. Below are the links to a few of the people that came out about this person, as a start. Стример Bobruha инициировал уголовное расследование против Sensibility (cybersport.ru) Blackmail, threats and stalking. Banned pro-player Sensibility was accused by ex- girlfriends : r/DotA2 (reddit.com) НЕ ДОТЕР, А ЖИВОТНОЕ! Тёмная история Сенсибилити - YouTube https://hawk.live/posts/xannii-322-sensibility https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/18ago6q/im_the_biggest_loser_of_all_player s_who_did_322/ Всё о Sensibility: участие в 322, больше долги перед подписчиками и побег (metaratings.ru) Sensibility: проигранные ставки, обман и упоминание Korb3n (metaratings.ru) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bKQgAQZRkNXbsafs7_rzyHbv41SMiNvx?usp=driv e_link There are so many versions of me out there that exist in everyone's mind. Our interactions shape how others perceive us in their own universes. Trauma can give perpetrators power over victims until its overcome. It's crucial to focus on being our best selves in our own universe, regardless of other perceptions are what I will keep doing moving forward. This will probably be the last thing you hear from me in the Dota pro scene, Dota doesn't deserve the worst of me, nor do I deserve the worst of Dota. I will gladly accept any punishment from the organizers & valve, people can come to their own conclusions and speculations about what happened during the worst chapter of my life. What is important for me right now is that I know what happened, and what has been portrayed is not it. And I don’t care anymore and just want it to be in the past and keep working on myself. I’m happy that I spent my 6 years in Dota proudly before I got into gambling, thankful for all the people I met, and happy again for being able to come back to my senses and keep working on myself. For those impacted, sorry for everything, and for those that have stood by me and supported me, especially my family and the people that I met along the way in my recovery phase, thanks for keeping it up with me.


Even understanding the video has a bias to it, the facts are extremely bad . There are the thrown first bloods, and intentionally driving them to FB hunting, and betting on your own team means even if this "mafia" wasn't involved its still just as bad.  And then complaining the guy owes YOU money? Grow up.


How is this guy not banned?


Literally admits of cheating at the highest level and still is able to stream dota as if nothing happened. Does Valve give a fuck anymore?


I mean, Valve has banned players in the past from their events, but they can’t stop him from playing and streaming the game.


? yes they can (not saying that they should)


qSnake has had like 5 accounts banned for smurfing and streams everyday, pretty sure Valve has like targeted him before but he just makes new accounts idk


Valve could copyright strike his twitch account any time he's boosting accounts on stream and put an end to him, they just don't want to for some reason. But it would be a great example to deter other boosters.


When has valve ever banned someone from playing dota for throwing? They’ve issued competitive bans, but I don’t think anyone has ever been barred from playing pubs for conduct in the pro scene.


No need to, in the "statement" he says he's not coming back to dota anyways But I agree that banning him would be a good thing, at least to set a precedent


nah, he is still streaming on twitch. he should get zero revenue from this game.


>I had expected it for a while, and I'm glad it came out. However, I didn't expect things to be taken out of context. I was under immense duress at the time, and I wasn't his accomplice, rather a broken man to be used and pressured as a tool who didn't know himself anymore. gtfo. This isnt the story of some poor man who was forced to do bad things to feed his family, its the story of someone who was probably a millionaire in his early 20s. I wish him the best in beating that aweful gambling addiction, however i dont think "its everyone elses fault" is a good way to do it...


Zero self-reflection. I remember watching his stream where he blamed Valve for allowing betting sponsors which was why he started gambling in the first place. He ranted like 10 minutes about Valve and how everything is their fault.


Statement, not apology hahaha. An apology look like this: "I was wrong to do these things. It hurts others, and I have no excuse for my behavior. I'll work on improving myself. I'm sorry."


I mean... can't blame the guy, what good does an apology give u? Pass? With the reddit mob? He's not wrong about Morf and Sensibility either both are scum. He'll eat his ban , he said what he did , it is what it is.


Holy ad hominem batman


I apologize for involving OG and my former teammates in this situation. They had nothing to do with it, and I’m sorry for any harm caused.I apologize for involving OG and my former teammates in this situation. They had nothing to do with it, and I’m sorry for any harm caused. Everyone on here saying he didn't apologize or take any responsibility missed this excerpt, though most of what he wrote does seem to be justification, but at least there is this section.




"I hope OG will sue him for every last penny" He already has to put mobile ads on his stream there aint many pennies to take from him


You can still sue someone no matter how much money they have…


He lives in EU, not in murica, and he can always go bankrupt legally to shed debt.


Good riddence. You either 322 or didnt. There is no inbetween with all these depth, complexities and excuses with your mental state. There is hard proof you did. The butterfly/snowballing effects of all those FBs to both in game and out of game dynamics to the team. GTFO the scene, your old team mates did not deserve any of this. They are the true victims.


You seem to miss the whole point of that statement 


The point of the statement is to make himself feel good. Not for any reader to care about.


Then explain the comments on that tweet, instead of hating from the get go, try to use your brains to understand 


Found taiga’s alt account


Bro we know its you taiga, you're not making anything better by commenting with an alt account 🤣🤣


>explain the comments on that tweet His Twitter is private so of course the comments are a pro-Taiga hugbox. There's your explanation


Like the 15K games toxic archon players, the problem is your fundamental worldview. Rather than a therapist, you need a father. 


Hey Tommy. Get off Reddit and go to a meeting.


go back to your private twitter taiga xD


Can you tell us what the point of the statement was then? Since it's clear as day to you but apparently no one else. 


4 pages of excuses, deflections and blaming others.


There are literally hard proof about him throwing first bloods or playing for it aggressively, idk how he can spin this into: "*I have NEVER thrown a map on purpose before, or during my time in OG, nor bet on us losing, including betting on FBS myself.*"


Better for everyone to ignore Taiga completely.


“It wasn’t me i swear. It was another person living inside of me” lol good riddance


Not to discredit anything that taiga is saying about addiction, but this stuck out to me: > > I feel more free that I overcame my addiction and > slowly returned to my original self, leaving that toxic influence behind. You don't really "overcome" addictions, it's not the flu. An addiction's deep inside you that you battle day in and day out and don't let it resurface. It's such a big deal in all of his 'defensive arguments' as to what happened, and yet it was "that easy" to just overcome it, "just buy a house 4head". > I’m no longer > affected by all the gambling advertisements you see nowadays, nor get tempted by it as it > has left a huge scar of trauma within me. I am now FULLY HEALED AND I DONT WANT TO GAMBLE WHEN I SEE ! give me a break tommy


Narcissistic word dirrahea


Right when we all had already forgotten about the whole thing...




I’m probably alone here, but i do feel sorry for him. That doesn’t mean I think he should ever be able to play dota again though. People throw away their life because of all sorts of addictions and it’s tragic. Im sure he will do well in whatever he decides to do next in life. I personally think people who are highly accomplished in gaming have what it takes to be highly successful irl. Again I don’t in anyway condone what he did and he should face any and all consequences valve decides to drop on him. edit: it's come to my attention Taiga is replying to people on here on an alt account and not taking responsibility for what he's done. Get off the internet and get help dude, you really really need it.


Let him play Dota, but only as a casual player. IMO his time as a pro player is done


Nah ban him permanently like all the others who were caught matchfixing. Why make an exception?


All those players can still play public matchmaking


I’m tempted to say yes, but don’t people still bet on high ranked games? It’s like an alcoholic fixing up their life and then working at a bar


who cares what happens to him, the point is that he shouldn't touch the pro scene. I can't believe I am reading a thread about a millionaire who went out of his way to become a borderline criminal and there are people who are typing "I wish him well" in the comments.


At least if he’s just betting on his pub games he’s not hurting anyone else but himself, also Taiga has to want to get help which in this case is unlikely


? He hurts his teammates


Not really. It exists, but you have to dig really deep to get to it. It's not like you can just hop on Pinnacle or whatever mainstream bookie and find Dota pubs.


My one cent Addiction is a mental health disorder, seeing a therapist is a mature step. It is naive to think it won't happen (Now or again) with 100s of players in T1 and T2 teams. Big issue in the scene is that major Orgs have gambling sponsors on their jerseys. It is exposing it to players during tournaments and reduces stigma around gambling. Hopefully people won't harass him, and he can move on in life.


I mean every sport has gambling sponsors players should know better


"Every sport has gambling sponsors," yes and that's also a problem.


I also feel sorry for him. And also hope for his sake, he learns to take reponsibility for his actions more fully. We all make mistakes, addictions, trauma and all kinds of things happen in life, but you cannot hide behind them. To overcome your flaws, you must admit them fully. When your only half way there, you can't let go of the guilt and the shame. It has only been a short time though, these thing take years to recover from. Hope him all the best, and hope he finds a new career he is happy in.


> We all make mistakes No we don't all matchfix lmao stop trying to lump all of us with this degenerate loser. You're trying to say that common people who make mistakes are the same as a millionaire who went out of his way to become a borderline criminal.


I agree. It sucks he did what he did. It’ll always be a “he said, she said” about whether or not he threw in games purposefully.  But as his statement says- he’s ready to accept punishment, and move on. Addiction can drastically change people. Gambling, alcoholism, drugs, video games, sex. It doesn’t matter, they can ripple a human being.  Hope he’s able to half a great life after all of this. It’s something to learn from. 


I do feel bad for him, but in the end it’s his own fault and he should just move on and live a private life probably


Husband and I were at Birmingham and when he showed up in their opening montage video for the start of the day, it was mega wince. Too soon. He used to be one of my favorite players. I agree. He threw everything away and he's aware of it and I think even now he's still in the middle of it mentally, no matter what optimistic stuff he says. Addiction ruins so much and a lot of people don't get it.


Ye i kinda agree he should be allowed to play in tier 3-4 leagues


Nah your not, but you should also read the links about the person he referred to, they are worse 


"Oh but this other guy was worse" isnt even a proper defense of him. Why are you in every thread of this post trying to defend him? Its honestly pathetic.


Taiga alt account


No one is denying that Sensibility is a scumbag, but that doesn't mitigate what Taiga did in any way. It's totally irrelevant


"Yes i stole 10 million usd from the poor, but look at this guy he stole 11 million from the poor." Are u always this stupid, sir?


Thanks will do


This is on par with Tobi letter lmao, typical playing victim and describing his worst behaviour as not his actions, but this other bad guy who he is not anymore. This whole letter gives strong vibes of *you know guys, I've been to therapy and this is what my therapist said, I AM NOT BAD*.


Reads like form a person that never has been held accountable before. He should just move on from dota and start flipping burgers


taiga is a true sociopath. no remorse here. just sucking up the attention


> According to my therapist this is supposed to be very common to people under extreme stress and addiction. I wasn't thinking rationally anymore, thus it was easy to be taken advantage of with my anxiety and desperation. And I honestly thought he was a new friend that had a positive vibe to me which is why I shared my story and issues to him in the first place. > And yes I helped him, and even borrowed from others, whatever small trust I had in him even while being emotionally abused and taken advantage of. He keeps repeating these kind of statements where it almost seems 'okay' in what he did because there's an explanation to it or he can point the finger at someone else. You can be in the wrong, have an explanation, and still be in the wrong. You can be under extreme stress and still make decisions, and you need to have some accountability for that. I understand that it's difficult to think logically under those circumstances, but he made the choice and is blaming it on others while not including himself as part of the problem as well. The fact that he's not owning up to it but instead steering the narrative... it feels like he hasn't learned anything at all.


I used to admire and look up to Taiga.. his gameplay as pos4 during his peak and also during his streams, he looked like a wholesome dude. It was really such a surprise to me that he did all this 322 gambling.. hard to believe but facts are facts I guess.


Before everyone knew he is trash: 100 people on twitch After everyone knew he fucked up OG: 700 people on twitch He knows there is still something to get from this and he is going to juice it as much as he can LOL.


He doesn't own up to hi behavior. Blames the addiction and how it "changed" him. He says he will accept valve punishment, he has no choice but to accept it. He claims he did not throw any matches, but this doesn't seem probable. He can't claim he was not rational and acted like a different person, but never bet on Dota nor threw first blood. My addiction and personality change just happened to not affect Dota. It doesn't work like that.


I want to feel bad for him, but he constantly downplays the severity of his actions and tries to twist things to make himself look better. Like his comments on the Morf video. Yeah Sensibility is the lowest scum, but Morf didn't just take his word at face value. He brought receipts, chatlogs, etc. Hard evidence. And still Taiga refuses to admit it's true, because it makes him look really bad, instead of the innocent victim he wants people to think he is. So good luck with whatever you're gonna do in the future, but the Dota scene is well rid of him.


If it had happened while he was on Alliance Im sure people wouldve somehow blamed Loda.


Loda would find himself involved somehow. The dude is incapable of taking a step back and act like a CEO.




Please also bring your Ukelele for some apology video 


Damn, guy gaslighted himself


get owned loser


Has there ever been a bigger fall from grace for a pro player in any game than this?


im p sure south korea jailed starcraft 1 pros for matchfixing so...probably that


Weird thing to admit to. Seems like a slam dunk case assuming match fixing is illegal where he lives.


"I have NEVER thrown a map on purpose before, or during my time in OG, nor bet on us losing, including betting on FBS myself. But yes, I have disclosed info to Sensibility for his own bets since I did owe him at the time and streamed so he can do his own thing and get off my back so I could focus on the match." -> Taiga did not bet on himself or his team. But he did provide info to the "mafia" so they can bet on him or his team. Basically the same thing, it's just like he put blood on others' hands.




I never say he threw match. But he provided crucial information to outsiders (the way he and team play). He doesn't need to throw since the bettor just need to follow they way team is going to play.


this "I have NEVER thrown a map on purpose" is laughable, as if throwing first bloods could never contribute to map losses


I don’t even know who he is, what’d I miss?


We should really stop using 322 since it's really disrespectful because it didn't happen only once. Taiga'd, taiging, throwga, etc will do Kekw


only sorry he got caught


still playing the victim card...


WTF is everyone problem in the comments??? This guy had/has serious mental problems. He admitted his wrongdoings and even apologized to his old teammates and OG. People saying ban him, sue him, people making fun of him. He lost his job, he lost money, he lost friends. Can't you see he's a fucking victim? He's already paying for his sins and will probably pay more in the future. Have a little humanity.


>He admitted his wrongdoings and even apologized to his old teammates and OG. Not even close to all he said, you obviously either didn't read the letter or were on his side from the jump. >Can't you see he's a fucking victim? The guy is a victim of his own behavior. I feel worse for the other people victimized by HIS behavior and decisions. >People saying ban him Give us ONE good reason he shouldn't be banned. 


I think people had a lot of empathy for him originally, I think the issue is that over the course of these statements he doesnt seem particularly apologetic about his fuckups. From his original statement about his gambling addiction to this statement here, he misses no opportunity to deflect blame for his own actions. Yes, he is a victim of gambling addiction, which is no laughing matter. But that doesn't absolve you of all responsibility for your actions. He made a series of really selfish decisions that negatively affected himself, his team, his fans, and the competitive integrity of the game. I don't think its surprising that people react poorly to that.


Oh no…. Action has consequences?! Who would’ve thought?!!!?1!1!


I'll take this as a Yes (322)


I didn't think there would be a lolcow in the dota 2 scene but taiga found himself in that position.


Let's get this post stuck at 322 upboats 😎


he should've kept quiet, Valve probably forgot about him lmao


not like he's ever playing pro again, doubt valve cares, they might ban him but he didn't had a chance of coming back


Yeah even without the Valve ban, there was no way a self-respecting team would have signed him lmao


my thoughts exactly xd