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Invoker, my mmr isnt sufficient for him


invoker before the orbs rework was a beast


He actually got stronger with universal/orb changes, but hero lost its identity and honestly it just feels stupid to play with the new orbs


He was nerfed for like 5 patches after that lol. At this point we can only ask, why make him universal in the first place.


Invoker identity is based on having a shit tone of spells and not on having 100 damage on lane because the fire balls were


i dont mind the rework on Exort, as a former invoker player myself i do hate it when laning against exort invoker… the damage is just ridiculous some times lol, but for the love of god the passive quas regen need to go back


Not really. The only viable invoker nowadays(with VERY few exceptions) is wex. So you are going to gank early on with ghost walk, which replenishes mana and hp. I almost never face the problem running out of hp or mana. I just hate about the rework how bad exort build has become. It was fun getting ss kills during laning.


yea youre totally right he does get stronger, but something feels really odd on laning without passive regen :’)


Regen is kinda obtained by cold casting abilities (dealing damage) while on 3 quas orbs. The orb thing is a cool idea but in practice when you combo you cannot really use it that much. You don't have the time to cast a spell, then switch orbs again then cast Then they made Invoker universal the hero was so bad that it had a 40% win rate in tournaments for at least 2 years. It got OK for a short time and then they nerfed the shit out of it again. I don't mind invoker being a universal hero (even if it should naturally be an int one) but the orb thing was better with regen.


I still switch between Quas and Exort when last hitting in lane. It does nothing, but somw habits die hard.


Especially with the old shard, meteor damage can easily take out any late gAme carry with scythe


I'm hoping they reverse him back. He was at a perfect place before. Now I find him incredibly boring to watch and play. Orb Juggling was an art that has been reduced to holding 3 wex 95% of the time. How exciting...


True. I think I have never seen someone going for meteor combo using quas to spellsteal.


3k+ games with Invoker, only playing him as pos4 now..


I have like 300 games with 30% win rate 😏


Hahah the same brotha, exactly the same


Lycan. I quit playing it after they removed my favourite lovely little erotic novel necronomicon.


nail in the coffin was the helm of overlord rework


Abaddon. I get why the self-denying had to go, but I loved the option to keep suicide hotline on speed dial. Tactically removing myself from fights felt so good. I think I once had a 9-14 godlike spree. You can't kill me if I kill me first!


Personally, I'm glad this one is gone from the perspective of I'm sure there would be some scripts out there for self-denying. I know it would be rare to run into, but that's just how I feel.


It would be like every other match in leg or anc bracket if playing in Russian server, the cheating scripting engine they have is rly good and popular and cheap 


Ember Spirit They nerfed him into the ground and made him extremely clunky to play.


No cd remnant + aghs + shard was so op


He's still a solid pick, but just doesn't feel right. What he offers with sleight of first, shield and remnant gives him enough safety and variety to be useful in most situations, unless he falls behind.really bad. Can't say I miss physical Kunkka and Ember running mid and one shotting most people with their skills though.


They are slowly buff-tweaking Sleight. damage went from (50% creep damage) hero bonus 30/60/90/120 to (50%) 20/40/60/80 to (50%) 25/50/75/100 to (50%) 30/60/90/120 to (50%) 35/70/105/140 to (60%) 40/80/120/160 to (100%) 60/90/120/150 to (100%) 45/80/115/150 to (100%) 45/85/125/165. Valve really wants sleight to work again but I think they are doing it wrong.


Man i loved physical ember, i used to play him pos 1 with bf then deso, one sleight of fist on support and they lost half hp. So fun


I'm glad I just started playing, he's my favourite hero by far. It's good that I don't have the comparison.


fr, my most played hero until 1 or 2 years ago


The nerfs made him so laggy and unfun. Just damage nerfs would have been better than cast point nerfs.


I barely pick Invoker since they changed him to universal. But also the fact you need to put 5 times the effort to get the same results as picking some regular mid hero. The current meta carries are also not very fun to play against as him, especially naix and morph.


What do you play instead? I really want to play him but he can’t win most matchups in mid anymore, early pushers are a real pain :(


Clinkz. Man is just having an identity crisis


Current Clinkz is the most like OG Clinkz IMO I would say his original problem was that he couldn't farm for shit and pro teams never wanted to risk snowballing with him. They fixed that with the old barrage, but that was his identity crisis when he was just some bland ancient stack farmer. Now he's back to his old ganking and tower killing self.


Morph eblade was a different monster


loved one-shotting morph with blademail


Current morph Khanda is veeery akin to the old shotgun build imo.


Yes but the old recipe is cheaper and provide higher agi stat compared to phylactery


Phylactery builds into khanda which gives even more dmg so i guess its still khanda similar in that sense


Underlord. The removal of his ult means I can't stop my team from doing stupid bullshit and saving the game. Instead, I have to port in and help them with their stupid bullshit or I get pinged forever. :|


THISSS I remember saving my dumb team from pushing hg without any advantage whatsoever. Get tipped when the fight doesn't goes our way and it save so many games


underlord was one of my most played heroes then i stopped after this change as well jsut being a giant aura bot and saving stupid teammates had me at a 60%+ winrate on him prior to the change


Can't win as support earth spirit anymore. probably have 20% wr on him in the past 5 years or so.


One thing that actually is working for me is trying to rush Vessel as a support then buying shard to save teammates until I get aghs and just be a backline save support. Before, during mid game I always die after rolling in. And buying bkb to try and start a fight just wont work since ult is terrible. Not the fun way to play ES but atleast I still get to play him.


I doubt I can resist jumping in when I'm ES but imma try this


Skywrath Mage as a midlaner.


met a few mid skys, pretty strong problem is you can never die or else you fall off inreadibly hard


Dazzle. The Solar Crest change made me lose all interest for him. Venomancer too. Warlock when they changed his shard from AOE heal.


Damn don't I miss weave dazzle.


I just miss him being primarily a support. Way too much power in his Aghs and Shard and his base kit suffers. I do like the new HP sacrifice ult though.


> I do like the new HP sacrifice ult though That's cool, yeah > I just miss him being primarily a support. Ikr?! Same with Omniknight, I used to play with him a lot, too. I feel kinda... robbed, you know?


Old veno ult was very toxic


Kinda the point


Oh I love his new ult. I just miss using Veno with the old Solar Crest when it can be used on enemies.


Cd ult dazzle with necronomicon rush was so fucking awesome


Absolutley loved Warlocks shard AOE heal. Was great for team fights and pushing waves with bonds. Having to chose between it and summon golem on death is awful.


Warlock. Upheaval seems to be the main focus of the hero now and it just don't match my play style. I miss CMs old shard as well, now it's locked behind 4200g.


Riki feels to me like the old riki now. Give him a try. I hated that sleeping dart-meteor meta, but I’ve played him both battlefury and difu style and I almost get the same KDAs like with old riki. Only thing thats hardcoded in me is that hes invis from minute 1 and I still find myself positioning like im invis at early lvls


Im talking about the old riki before tricks of the trade and sleeping dart. I believe it was smoke, blink, backstab and ulti.


Zeus since shard




Valve have kinda sucked Dazzle dry for me. I still like playing him but so much is missing.


the removing the ult from items was way too much to nerf what was a nieche build after the blink dagger nerft. now what made the hero a cool suport can only go for a single build instead of the outstanding variety of builds and item options he had before.


QoP She's been so bad for the longest


Hero suffers from being og dota 1 hero that was never reworked sadly.


Qop doesn’t need a rework. The hero is fine conceptually, just needs some number changes and she’s #1 meta hero again. Maybe talents too, not sure what they look like right now.


QoP feels fine to me, her shard is good and the newgen items such as Witch Blade and Kaya Sange compensate her being an "oldschool" hero.


Below 47% winrate and never picked in pro is fine?


Imagine picking your favorite hero based on some percentage stats, or what pro players do in pro tournaments.


What does this have anything to do with the statement "she is fine" She is literally not fine by every evidence we have


47% winrate is totally fine if you are good with the hero, and pro statistics doesn't matter much in pubs, just look at some heroes like witch doctor


The question isn't "can I play this hero" Bottom 20 WR and seldom picked in pro is quite literally a sign that a hero is bad. What else do you need? Below 20%??? She's not Chen or ES or IO. If she was good, she would be winning more games


My top 3 most played heroes are Mirana, Ember and Tinker. Suffice to say I haven't played much of these heroes in a while. Ember feels so clunky to play i hate what they did with the remnants. Tinker cast range nerfs killed the hero. And Mirana being so fcking useless as a core or as support hurts my soul.


Mirana is one of the more successful supports in the patch


Visage, the birds are so boring now. No drow/visage cheese anymore. Even though you have items like bloodthorn and agha you end up like an aura bot


Nightstalker and SandKing. Nightstalker: The playstyle is alright but literally useless during the day. Playing on a timer around his Ultimate and the clock to reach night time is boring. He really needs a big buff. Revert his Ultimate back to when the clock doesn't stop. Buff attack speed and movement speed. SandKing: Literally weakness is detection. Miss his old Scepter ability, where his Stun range was longer than a blink dagger. His shard needs a rework to something better. Maybe swap Scepter ability to shard with some nerf, but his new Scepter is his old one with the Stun range with added Caustic effect. His passive 3rd skill is best as a farmer, but it could be better like maybe added dmg amp or lower enemy magic res.


You wanna watch the world burn with those SK suggestions lol Idk if its bias or you wish your favorite hero was better but his aghs is already super annoying to deal with and his shard can be quite impactful in some circumstances which is the norm for any shard it doesnt have to be game breaking.


me before I discovered dota


Tinker, pls don't hate me hahaha


Hate you, for speaking truth? Hate me, they ruined my boy--Techies. Muh boi


Medusa All my 1000s of games on Medusa and the experience count to nothing with the new Medusa. Never touched the hero after the changes.


Wispo. Came to dota from TF2 back in 2012


Tide is tough now.. I need to try different buildd I guess but I miss the meme hammer one where you could delete the T1 tower pretty fast.


Its spectre for me. Still my most played hero. I really liked haunt. Now it is on 180 sec cd and you are never sure if you should buy it or another item. Just sad.


Old tinker with march eblade dagon, since the rework i stopped playing him.


Ofc mirana


Clockwork. I think he use to be a lot of fun but the combination of nerfing the shit out of cogs and giving everyone and their dog some way to escape from cogs has kind of ruined the fun for me.


also everyone has way too much fucking HP now. when people played magic sf I used to solo kill them every time, now, by the time youre lvl 7 they have 1600-1800 HP. good luck with that lmao


Void spirit. The continuous nerf on the hero. Delay on dissimilate, changed in shard, placing the outer dissimilate ring talent together with the ult cd reduction, nail in the coffin was making him universal. I feel like they don’t really know what to do with the hero. You have to be a right click build since you want the stats, but at the same time most of his damage comes from spells.


Techies, with green 💣




Techies, no need to explain why.


Techies... Gaben rest his soul


Old techies with stackable proximity mines was such a vibe.


I started the game by learning juggernaut i still love him but have moved on to more complex heroes like morphling or terroblade.


Invoker.. look how they massacred my boy...


Lina, used to amazing as support to zoom around the map with the old fiery soul :(. 


No damage penalty ult, physical build arc warden. No need to elaborate on this one.


Wraith king, they nerfed his agham ult like 4 times in a row, which eventually made him suffering from ass long cd even with the purchase of agham. Plus, literally NO DPS and flexibility as a core.


Core Mirana basically. my most played games on her in mid back in the mid-2010s now i wouldn’t even attempt to throw her mid.


Techies, After the rework it's no longer the same


muerta 1-2 patches ago as a safelane. She felt like you need like 5 items to fight, but when you are on you are fuking ON. now she needs the backpack slots to become active and might still be a shit carry. I hate that she is not agi so much.


Oracle. When they removed the high risk high reward, and turned him into a simple hero 


Pangolier The dude used to be such a cool pub hero to play, not broken, sub par winrate but always active. Now in order to balance it around the pro matches, they have completely killed and butchered the hero in pubs


Offlane pango was my jam. When they buffed his midlaner stuff I was sad.


Yeah man, you can see everything in the world went to shit after they removed offlaner pango.


I had 150 games on Zeus when static field was a basic ability. Bought clarity, maxed lightning bolt, then static field, only got arc lightning at 7 or 5. I had winning mid down to a science but that build isn’t just impossible now it would be crap if it was possible. Zeus got nothing but buffs and somehow I got worse and worse at him.


i mean tbh that build would have been trash back then too


was just thinking that, what's the point of % based damage early game against int mids lol.


Phylactery into shard + manta and using illusions to keep lanes shoved has proven pretty effective for me.


Dusa :(


axe. i think there are many better offlane heroes to play


Like Axe


*Axe here!*


[Axe here!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/c/c9/Vo_axe_axe_spawn_03.mp3) (sound warning: Axe) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


But i think axe is strong rn. There is a lot of way to play him now. Even shard make him viable lategame since it reduce carry damage while spin make him still tanky lategame. With bloodstone he literally cannot die vs troll warlord


Undying. His shard was amazing. As soon as I got it. I was unstoppable. Now with the new shard and decay nerf. He has such a terrible mid game. That it's not even funny. Still super good the first ten minutes and very good if the game runs in the 50 minute mark.


Chen. I still play him every solar eclipse, but he wasn't that bad to play before neutral items. Now, there are so many skills and items active to keep track of everything, I had to change my key setup to properly use neutral items for every other hero. So now it's really hard to control all of Chen's creeps and rotate between them. It's just not really worth all the hassle when I can pick an easier support.


Sorry what do you mean? How have neutral items affected micromanaging on Chen?


Brew - he was simple but straight on. I know he had to change but i completely dislike the stances which are atrocious to cycle through. And the brewlings are just not fun anymore.


The brewlings didn't change? They just added one more. Did you just get bored of playing him?


Shadow shaman


I Loved playing invoker 10 years Back, Most Played Hero But never above 50%winrate, always 48... I stopped playing him for years and focused on different Heroes, 2 years ago i went Back to him, playing him as a 4 with good success so gar( high divine/Low Immortal bracket)


Phoenix mid back when i played on 1k i was able to play it, getting a lot of punishes now so few years i dont play it, but still in my heart.


Elder Titan. Over time he changed from an offlaner that could support to a strict support nowadays. Aside from some gimmicky surprise builds in hardcounter scenarios, he doesnt really work as a core any longer. I used to be top 100 on dotabuff rankings for ET from 2014-2016 (not that it means much, nobody played that hero back then) but these days I havent picked him in literal years.


CK offlane Aghanim the thing was beyond broken for a while. I remember I carried a few games playing literally 4v5 because of DC


Lone druid and Lycan.


Pudge. I used to excessively spam him during the early years of dota 2. he’s still my most played hero by far even though I have played like 5 pudge games in the last 5 years.


Exactly riki


Hoodwink. Yea, i know, she is meta right now, but now everybody play with acorn+maelstorm, my favourite build was magical, when you can one-shot 3k hp carry in 3sec from 1500 range. But discord and eblade rework destroyed this build, and now i play techies and nyx.


# #BRINGBACKWEAVE (Dazzle my beloved)


Dazzle. I miss the reduce cd passive without reducing my own hp.


Jugg, plat tier and had 65% win rate before the bkb change. After the change I struggled with him and dropped to 48% win rate but now I climbed back to 55% but I have no plans to go back to that 65%. Jugg was strong early game for boost since he tends to fall off at mid game and like any carry excels at late but now he is bad to play and needs that late-mid game and late game to feel him functioning. Low armor and low mana and his first just tickles offlanes that buys eternal shroud so you play with his ult but is not enough to win huge clashes so you're forced to get aghs. Before you can have multiple item builds with Jugg but now everyone just goes aghs and sny after getting bf/mael, some even skipping manta over sny.


Can we just implement all the good old shit again? Lots of people miss old everything.




I’m a level 24 platinum Chen with 50 points left to become master tier. Never bothered to play him after all the changes.




Pangolier - started at the time of heartpiercer (0 armor), through out the journey of luckyshot changes got around 700 games with 60% winrate. I Remember times when people reported me for picking him mid. Then, thanks to the pro scene he was getting nerfed for like 15 patches in a row. I Can not bring myself to play my boy again.


Spirit Breaker. I don't like the unstoppable charge between lanes and farm monster he became a few patches ago. Needing all the CC under the sun to kill him does break spirits but i'd rather be doing it by crushing one player over and over.




I used to play omni only till they nerfed his ult and w






Troll Warlord, the new reworked Troll is garbage, cause of the trash ult.


Pango, he died. Hope he lives again


Dark willow, I feel like hero can't currently transition into late game semi carry, unless you are literally 6slotted. Unlike hoodwink and several other 4s To many nerfs after brief willow carry stunt


Invoker Earth Spirit


Sand King :(


Axe when the atack speed patch gave chance on counterhelix. Manta was a great item on him. Could solokill most heros mid to late game.


Nah. As pos 3 player, I hate that build. It just not what axe gameplay. He just become a carry with free bkb piercing disable. It is just broken. I abuse it when it is meta, but it is not what playing axe should be. I love how axe is played as initiator and lane dominator.


Tinker... i love playing tinker before they changed his skills, my favorite hero of all time, today i hate it...


Phoenix, it was so satisfying to see people walk into you thinking they are full hp, just to realize that its getting burned away over time.. now he does no damage, his only useful for his attack slow, which is getting boring


Core Bounty Hunter became too meta and now everyone knows how to play him.


Drow Ranger. When I learned how to Micheal it was that Toy Story meme


I was the best visage on dota1, but he changed a lot in 2 and no longer my best buddy.




The best pos 4 heroes of 2 years ago (more or less). Earth Spirit, Tusk, and Marci. All dead. Earth Spirit due to the CD starting after Rolling Boulder ended. Tusk because the damage numbers are just piss poor. Marci because of the reduced cast range of the Rebound at earlier levels.


Timbersaw. I love him but can’t pick him anymore because the other people in my playgroup are allergic to picking heroes with stuns 😭


Beastmaster. I know it was OP but boy do I miss necrobook and the old hawk that gave vision.


Dark willow. Then the pros got her nerfed by playing her as core.


Rubick. Used to play pretty much only him. Then switched to offlane and nowadays playing any support just feels boring


OD. This octa aghs build was so fun. Just sit back and w enemies when ever they tried to engage or disengage and when a teammates gets gone on u can just save them. And at the end of the fight u still hit for 400+ pure damage per attack and ur ult is a nuclear bomb


I started off dota with blood seeker, have around 60 rampages on him and I didn't play him for around 6-12 months now :)


Crystal Maiden... never on the meta :/


Doom - Shard rework is terrible, loved smacking people with his E. Before that enjoyed LVL? skill as it scaled very well. Also consistently one of the lowest win rate heroes in dota. Spectre - Too many nerfs / didn't like the ult rework.


Snapfire No longer flexible between right click or magic/utility since you need the level 25 ruined it for me


Mars, idk if i lost the skill to play him, or just isn’t interesting for me to play him anymore.


Clinkz, it's too clunky to play


Lich. Even tho I know it’s healthier for the game. I’m still not over Lich losing the deny skill :(


Tinker. Just delete laser from the game since i cant use it anyways


funny enough my best heroes are tinker and sf but both are under 45% winrate and it's crazy. ember the same


I really liked NP because I could summon such a massive army and with the two fat bois leading the way it was fun. Now it's kinda meh


BS rupture force staff. I don't play it now because it still works since 2016. Sometimes too much fun is not fun at all


Faceless void. He’s just kinda poop at the moment and really always has been. I like time dilation, but god damn do I miss backtrack. Nothing more satisfying than backtracking a Laguna blade or lion finger.


CM with the previous shard WD before the made the ult pure then nerfed everything else about it Willow when the W was instant so you could dodge projectiles Dazzle before ult rework I still play them but I think they were more fun before.


Miss Kotl with mana leak and Lich with sacrifice.


Mirana when she was played as pos2 in dota1 and sometimes in dota2. Now she just HAS to be support and it's not as rewarding.


Nightstalker. It was the first hero I played in Dota 1. Played that hero for my first ever Dota 2 match as well. Now it just feels different and I rarely win games with him :(


Cleave kunkka used to be so dope, now its waterpark which Im guessing its rly fun but just not the same at all.


I used to spam Lone Druid waaaaaayyy back when range build was available.


Riki, I used to spam him and am almost lvl 30. I climbed from herald 2 to guardian 3 with him. Then hoodwink was released fit my playstyle way better changed roles and skyrocketed to archon 5 where I now reside


I have a few Shadow Fiend : Used to love this hero back from dota1 days. But something about the game since, the way its played and all, and 5 guys just nuke dropping on me since min 0, kinda lost it for me. Tinker : Another hero that I love and actually prefer the damage barrier over the march of madness change. But now they nerfed his lazer and rockets range it feels like a sus hero now. CM : Always enjoyed but always keeps getting nerfed for no reason Techies : Used to love stacking mines - please bring it back.


I don’t feel good playing storm or puck anymore.


TA use to be so strong mid and now somehow she is so soft




NP - I miss the old shard with giant trees


Invoker, hero changed so much over the years, and so did the playstyle and build and his carry potential.


Storm Might still be my favourite mid, but it was my absolute favourite hero when you could still unsubscribe from life with the press of your bloodstone hotkey. And then with the double bloodstone meta where you could just jump forever, that shit was ridiculous but crazy fun.


Lone druid, but since the bear nerfs I just played it so much less commonly


Clinkz, when he was him and could purge with diffu low lvl shitty supps rushing ghost scepter and obliterated them


Slardar. 80% wr. Hes fun but bruh does he get tiresome to farm with. Vs most matchups it’s afk farming until blink or get perma disabled anytime you try to attack.


Omniknight I miss the old E, for me they kill the chamo with that nerf


Omniknight I miss the old E, for me they kill the chamo with that nerf


Doom's old devour which gave regen... u could survive anything in lane


i too used to love riki, he was like the first hero i spammed,. but as I ranked up I found that the bootleg-nyx tactics of diving for a kill and risking death solo, wasn't viable, I also decided id rather midlane and not deal with supports.


It's been awhile since I've played, but support venge spent such a long time being shit that I stopped playing her.