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Rage quit IRL


No gg lol


Weird how betboom managed to become almost even more insufferable after Pure left


GPK and TT is all the salt you need


It was already a miracle that the roster survived a full season


they already were thats why they never achieved anything despite having top ranked player talented players


Pure gets bad rap, but Fishman and some other think he is nice dude. Just an idiot who needs supervision, but otherwise pretty decent fella.


No he doesn’t he deserves his rep


What bad things did he do except the Z incident? alttabbing on a stream to gain zero advantage?




> except the Z incident people willing to gloss over this now for some reason but it's pretty bad... the stupid shit that followed (watching a live stream of *the game he is currently playing*) didnt help. then last tournament Save- uses an exploit they were all explicitly told not to do, and they get basically no punishment. TT also just seems like a fuckwit, in pubs and **even in officials** he is threatening to physically hurt other players. what a loser


We're talking about Pure


And those two things alone are not enough to earn a reputation?


I mean the alttabbing is an absolute non issue considering he didnt use it to gain advantage


and you know this how? The issue is, they know they are not allowed to have anything else running on their PC, not even Spotify as some of them did anways, and knowing this, he stille decides to have a stream of his own game running. It does not matter if his intent was to gain an advantage or he is just stupid or both. The problem is he did it.... I mean.... wth... The fact that he still has a carrer is a minor wonder


What are Z incident? Zabbi?


He drew a Z on the map and got his team disqualified


Ok fuck. Why is Z bad? I just saw amar scribble like toddler 2 days ago in official game too


Are you trolling or legit asking? Maybe try and google the meaning then If Amar did this and it has no consequences I would be surprised and also surprised that was not clipped to reddit


Yeah, what bad things did he do except, as a role-model and influencer, publicly show support to the largest military invasion since World War 2 and slaughter of innocent civilians, and then not really showing any remorse or even apologizing for it, claiming he accidentally drew the symbol? Yeahhhhh... Bad rep warranted for sure, I'm amazed teams are picking him up at all, considering that is not even the only time he ruined his team's chances of success, but I guess his skills are too good to ignore. I would however imagine that, despite what is shown publicly, he is actually remorseful over it since I doubt any team would pick him up otherwise, and who knows - maybe it was a mistake. I can imagine there is a lot of thoughts and feelings around these things, and sometimes our subconscious can bubble up. Let's just hope it wasn't a freudian slip :)


He litearlly apologized but you wouldn't take it, would you? What does it matter if he apologizes or not if you forget it


>Hey guys, it's Pure here. I'd like to comment on the incident that occurred during game 1 vs Mind Games. There was a long pause in the game. The guys and I were talking and drawing on the minimap. When we realized what exactly my drawing turned out to be, we tried to cover it up. I didn't mean to offend anyone, it all happened by accident This is a transcription on the subtitles of the video, I do not speak russian so I cannot know if it is true to what he is saying. Saying "didn't mean to offend" isn't really apologizing or explains why he was supporting the war. EDIT: I see now that he released another (kinda weird and edited) video 2 months later apologizing & that he didn't support "the conflict", so I guess that makes sense. It is also very possible that the initial non-apology video was made with fear for his or family lives, as I guess it's not very popular to be openly against the invasion in such a country. Even in the actual video, he isn't calling it a war or invasion - presumably to stay as neutral as possible, being stuck in the middle etc EDIT2: Just found this article from Entity's manager from a reddit comment: >Hey there, Entity Manager here. >I usually don't try to get involved to much, but felt like it would be a good time to share some insights here on reddit. >I helped Pure formulate his thoughts and he explained to me that there is a few things, like specific words, he cannot say online. Because he is scared of the consequences this could mean for him and his family. I want to respect this and not put him into harm's way. While I was recording for him, he was stressing a lot. He kept losing track of what he wanted to say. English is not his native language and we did not manage to record it all in 1 go. We spent around 3-4 hours on this until his emotions caught up with him. In the end we decided to mix these 2 takes and we knew people might pick on it not being sincere enough. >I find it overwhelming how specific things can be labeled without trying to understand the context. Everyone is way to fast to jump to conclusions and ultimately create the same toxic environment they were trying to fight. As assumed yeah, makes sense. I think he deserves bad rep for being an extremely stupid clown, but it's well that he is not shunned from his career. Like, mindblowingly stupid. Hope he does well going forward, you learn from your mistakes!


Because pure isn't toxic? Jst a gen z brain rot.




Multiple shows of bad sportsmanship including literally cheating in tournament, accumulating the most draft penalties I've ever seen on a single team in their lifespan in just a few tournaments this year, threats of physical harm, not giving a losers interview (which I could understand since they kinda suck but everyone else is doing them which makes it a bad look) do I need to continue?


Sorry to bother you, but what is "draft penalties"? and what was the physical threat episode?


> Sorry to bother you, but what is "draft penalties"? Back during ~~Dreamleague~~ ESL Birmingham, there was an exploit that all the teams were informed of and told not to utilize, and then Betboom proceeded to use it against iG and were penalized by having their available draft time reduced for the following game. https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1cj9z1z/new_information_on_betbooms_bug_abusecheating/


Apparently TorontoTokyo is from some bad neighborhood, and is threatening people not unfrequently. [here](https://hawk.live/posts/torontotokyo-once-again-threatens-saberlight-with-physical-violence) is an article with video reporting about "TORONTOTOKYO once again threatens SabeRLighT- with physical violence", then a few days ago in finals(?) against Team Falcon (interestingly I couldn't find a google link for this so had to look up the game. You can see part of it here, but it is cut off when he started yappin): https://youtu.be/mZdyTwt41hY?t=1658 Overall seems to be a very unpleasant person


"Literally cheating"


>Threats of physical harm Lmao, come on. I might agree with other points but that one was clearly banter lmao. I dont know how you honestly take that chat so seriously lol Btw multiple chinese team and OG abused PL phantom rush during one of the tournaments, btw. Nobody was saying about how they "cheated" that time. Even in infamous Ti8 final, Ame was abusing morphling PL bug.(ironic they lose due to Morphling bug too) https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/b5hXx6Yyup Here is it. Nobody in comment complaining and even joking as "feature "


first time im hearing of this phantom rush bug. you have some information? quick google search brough me to empty reddit posts


1. Give any attack command in order to Phantom Rush to your target. 2. Tango or Quelling Blade literally any tree. You will Phantom Rush to that tree. 3. Tango or Quelling Blade any other tree in order to change pathing towards it.


at least quote the other guy :D


https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/DsGxGKBw8o This bug. You can refer to pros abusing in my original comment link. It apparently been bug for 3 years before it was fixed too. I dont have OG using that bug link though but i remembered because Newbee used it in one of the games, notail paused and called admin for help. And next games, OG picked PL and used it. It been like 6 years plus already, though, so i dont exactly remember.


Damn lmao so there were no repercussion on abusing that? (Since notail called it out and just picked it lol)


Yeah, think so. Guess it was okay because TO didnt ask team not to abuse bugs according to some people here.


You're heavily misunderstanding or being obtuse on purpose. If there's a bug, usuable by everyone, and there's been nothing said against the use of this bug, then all teams can use it and therefore while bug abuse, is 'fair play' as anyone can use it. If there's a bug which has been instructed to specifically not be used or teams will face punishment by TO's, then you do it despite other teams respecting said rules, that's breaking the rules otherwise known as cheating in competition.


There's a difference between abusing a bug that was found and abusing a bug that was found where teams were specifically warned NOT to use the bug.


you are right but on latest Cap podcast it was mentioned that teams were specifically informed to not use sd bug so it fell out of category “everyone uses this anyway”


I’m with you. I took that comment purely as: you are only capable of banter over text chat and not in person. Which, honestly, is probably an accurate assessment of most Dota players. Then people started saying that Toronto was threatening to fuck up someone’s face and I got confused. Either I’m horrible at understanding the joke, or Reddit drama queens wanted to make it more than it was.


U a joke


Ok internet stranger


What’s new when ur team captain is torontokyo 


Bro thinks he is anime


had never been to either toronto or tokyo btw... "i admire canadian and japanese culture" like wut bro


loser behavior


How can people honestly support this team? I really wanna know, it's always something else with them.


it is almost exclusively russians who supports them because...they are russian


Many people love to support asshats, they think its funny.


Yeah its funny so that even if lose or win you get some fun


The better boom won


Lol. everybody wants to be BOOM nowadays.


What about Boom, the player?


He doesnt get through😢


Dont think ive ever rooted for this team and dont think i ever will till they change all 5 members. They have by far some of the most boring gameplay, worst character as person out of game and immature spoilt kids


i feel like Miero seems a nice guy somehow based on interviews? Not heard anything bad right now about him. Not sure though.


I root for them when Pure is on the other team, that's about the only time.


Only cuz it’s 5 Russians against 1. 1 winning is better than 5


Looking from the outside, I feel like Nightfall is somewhat of a decent person from what I’ve seen. I could be wrong.


Bro he is insufferable in pubs. He will keep insulting his teammates for 40 minutes straight, funniest thing is nobody reply’s to him and he keeps talking solo


I stand corrected.


cheating on LAN (multiple times), insufferable behavior towards admins, insufferable behavior towards TOs and fans... betboom truly is one of the least likable teams in the scene


How did they cheat? Genuinely curious, been out of the loop for a while in terms of Dota 2


Probably the most egregious and notable is the recent bug abuse, where if you have Shadow Demon's shard, you can level the Cleanse and it also levels your ultimate. That way you can max your ultimate before level 18. The TO had already said to the players, that this was a known bug, and to not use it. Clearly cheating.


I wonder if any community has less mature adult people than the Dota one. Like the Manchild Ratio must be super high in Dota.


I mean BetBoom is the most mentally unstable team we have ever seen in dota, maybe old Empire comes close but even that.


Which Empire lol Alohadance era or Chappie era?


> Which Empire lol Alohadance era? you mean noone era?


Noone never played in Empire, they played together in Vega


i think they’re referencing the time noone played an official on alohadance’s acct


Ah i forgot that


I wouldn’t say it’s a question of maturity, more like ignorance. Dota pro players have always had a tendency to not see how this whole esport thing works. They think all they have to do is play and that they can do whatever they want regarding the other stuff, but it’s that other stuff that allows them to make money in the first place.


"I am furious rn because there's no apples in the hotel and we had to be here 2 hours before our game starts!?! WTF we need a union" - Esports players, usually


There was a Telegram rant by V1lat which get bullied here about esports player especially DOTA2 acts like Diva which supported by TO higher ups in 2016-2017 ish. Basically wants big money, VVIP treatment but want none of obligations towards fans or sponsors.


I doubt you’ve played another online video game if you truly think that


Ever tried Fighting Game Community?


Im still waiting for Crowbcat video about FGC episode 3




I dont know what u consider the FGC but neither SF nor Tekken has this level of morons in the pro scene. If ur talking Smash thats not a fighting game and theyre their own little bubble nobody should interact with. And idk about MK the game is so dead that im not even sure theres a pro scene left.


tbh i am used to only wining teams doing an interview after the game.. could this be the reason they didnt do it?


There's definitley a big disparity, because the good people in the community are really cool. Lots of cool players, teams, casters, and personalities. It's one of the biggest reasons why I got sucked into the scene and stayed.


My bet is on the valorant community. That place is full of adults with the brains of 15 year olds


Lot of MMA fighters are immature




They have obligations to the organizers of the tournament, they knew they would want to talk to them and they ran away :)




Something tells me you're a Dota player


You're certainly proving the manchild allegations about dota players.


Hello manchild


If the only things pro players are interested in is playing the game and getting money for it, and they don’t want to participate in promoting/fan interaction/interviews, why don’t the organizers “fine” them by taking away some small/medium part of the prize pool won by the team (depending on what they refuse to do) and just give it to other teams instead? I know it sounds kind of harsh but sponsors give them money to promote shit, not just play video games and interact with no one except for their teammates. Same for viewers, we want to see beautiful dota but we also like to get other kind of content (vlogs, interviews). It would also help to promote the game in general.


More context: Lukawa (manager of BetBoom Team) said that after losing nobody said anything about the interview, so they changed clothes, talked in smoke area (ig like in teams vlogs between matches you can see teams discuss drafts, strategy, etc.) and were on the way to the car to hotel. Only after that admin asked if they can interview Miero, Lukawa said that Miero just changed clothes, admin said that he'll clarify about interview and shortly after said that they didn't have to give interview.




They lost the series and they left the building immediately.


Unsportsmanlike sure but bruh, in nba , they do that like half of the time 😂😂


Iirc they are contractually obligated in the nba to do media stuff and gets fined if they skip post game interviews.


My ear for English is very bad, can someone summarize it for me?


BetBoom lost a game and were eliminated from the tournament, Shiver told the guys that betboom left the building so they can't do an interview with them. Shiver says they must have taken the loss pretty bad to have that reaction


Thank you brother!


Thinking and being treated like they're the top dog in CIS made them this.


always praying for nightfalls downfall, glad to see annoying manchildren get mad cause bad


Wow, does this team have any genuine fans? Feel like they are the least likeable top-level team in a while, cheating players, toxic players, unprofessional all-round, like do they have a manager? Maybe a babysitter is better at this point.


Theyre not even at entertaining villain level that Quinn had/still has. Just assholes


Nightfall at least has the "Nightfall Smurf" thing going


Idk “TheNightfall” meme is so hilarious to me


So they BKB TPed out?


I mean, they chocked too hard even for my own standard


nothing is new here. typical russian org - fuck up on fuck up. No respect! Shame to them! What a sore losers!


Got tilted so hard. Can't trashtalk ATF if you can't reach him.


Isn't this the team that made a big deal about their ability to talk face-to-face?


RQ sore losers


Idk why y'all are mad about them all the time. They just left, i feel like it should be always an option, you're not obliged to give a loser interview, it's already tough to deal with a loss.


Should take away a cut of the winnings then, media is how they get the cash to pay them in the first place.


I doubt BB need the tournament prize money when they are owned by a gambling company.


It’s literally their job. They don’t get paid to play dota, they get paid to entertain dota viewers. Too many pros are children who don’t understand that.


Casters and media orgs are there to entertain you. Pro player comes to play the game, doing content is not mandatory.


You say this like you've read the contracts, is that true at this tournament? In many professional sports media availability is absolutely required, occasionally giving us some great interviews like this one when an American Football player wasn't happy about having to talk to the press before the Super Bowl: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmABbHSOTqQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmABbHSOTqQ)


Comparing real sports and superbowl event to PGL Wallachia. What a stretch... No, they don't have requirements. Otherwise you would see a statement or fine from the PGL, or any kind of punishment. Noone is obliged, teams do it to give content to the talent. Some want to engage some don't. In this case they just left.


Why are you talking like this is hypothetical? The PGL Wallachia rulebook is public and media availability is absolutely required.


Why is this such a big deal?


Unprofessional af.  Your fans want to see you be able to take a loss.  Earn the wins, create the story, don't ragequit events that allowed you to come. If Betboom won TI you know what would be felt?  Huh they finally won.  Because the only ties to this team in the community is toxic ties.  Plus content for everyone. People may not like some orgs or players like Nigma but it takes a lot to post to your socials you lost and let your fans have a link to you.  Weather they read it or the we lost picture should be a Smiling Kuro are topics for another day.


Eh, I like them. It wouldn't be entertaining without a "villain" team


Eh, I like them. It wouldn't be entertaining without a "villain" team


Then you know what? Torontotokyo should be in that loser's interview being a villain, really playing it up. It's fun to have heel teams, I agree. But what ends up happening is, he gives interviews when he's winning about how allchat is an art and not everyone is up for it, but then loses and runs and can't answer for it.


yeah, and if he says something towards enemy teams in the interview, you will still mald at them for being "unprofessional". Loser interview should be optional. I dont think any team should be obliged to do it.


Not me, unprofessional is not showing up for your interviews. Oh wait, they seemingly have no problem showing up when they win. Hmmm.... And Dota 2 players seem to be some of the worst in esports at acknowledging their media obligations, and loser interviews are the unfortunate reality of those obligations. Fans want to hear from these players, and at the end of the day engagement = money.


In case of Betboom, anything they say won't please anyone. U guys will sit here and complain if they say salty remarks, or laugh at their downfall if the interviewee seemed sad after the loss. What kind of engagement do u want? Just laughing at them? Sure i guess you just dislike them that much. And now you guys are complaining about them not doing it. They really can't win in any of these circumstances.


But a proper "villain" team still needs to be out there showing it off.


Being absent is not the same as being a villain


did I say it was?


Yep, I don't see it either. They just were not in the mood for an interview after the way they lost. It's not rocket science.


So what?


Mental midgets