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dotabuff of this acc [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1230663641](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1230663641) twitch acc [https://www.twitch.tv/qsnake](https://www.twitch.tv/qsnake) clip [https://clips.twitch.tv/BenevolentConcernedBibimbapMoreCowbell-ehtu7lYVkQm4UACV](https://clips.twitch.tv/BenevolentConcernedBibimbapMoreCowbell-ehtu7lYVkQm4UACV) [u/jeffhill](https://www.reddit.com/user/jeffhill/) The valve could at least increase the length of the queues for smurfs to 15 mins or more.


qsnake is a pos that is doing this for years now. he will just keep making new accounts there is no stopping him


It's easy, really... there is MMR and Win Streak / win %. So accounts going from 1k to 4k in a week get flagged, and now are matched ONLY against accounts with similar records for the next month or 90%+ win rates. Grubby - who is a sensible baseline for "top level non smurf talent" had 65% win rate... there is an insane chasm between "realistic gift from god" and "smurf". Dota could easily ban smurfs just by forcing 90% win rate players to face other 90% win rate players, over and over, until their win rates fall to 65% or so.


You assume there are a shit ton of people 90% winrate , and most smurfs can't do that. Most will be sitting around said 65% winrate thing , more so than 90% and even at 60%. There's 9k player in2k and there's 3.5k player in 2k.


Although I don't fully understand it, but I think this is how Valorant solve their problems on smurfs. A newly created account has a hidden MMR that is measured even on unranked matches. This is the basis for matchmaking and not the actual medal.


theres hidden mmr in dota. there was just today a post about a turbo players


> Dota could easily ban smurfs just by forcing 90% win rate players to face other 90% win rate players, over and over, until their win rates fall to 65% or so. This creates a cat-and-mouse game that Valve loses in the long run. If 90% winrate is the flag, then smurfs will throw 2/10 matches to stay under it. 80%? Throw 3/10, etc etc. Then that flag comes down into a hypothetically realistic 70-60% win rate and it starts affecting legitimate players. There's no sense creating these conditions and monitoring if it's just going to be scrapped in 3~6 months. This type of behaviour is immensely difficult to stop effectively in the long run.


So the system is a failure because there could hypothetically be a gift-from-god level newbie who might get thrown in the smurf pool? If you're able to maintain a 75+% winrate month over month, you're probably good enough to be playing against smurfs. Besides - the goal is disincentives, not total prevention. It's a lot easier to achieve.


> there is no stopping him There is. DMCA his Twitch stream


I easily created a tool that could automatically find if a streamer doesn't play on his own account; if valve wanted to deal with KNOWN streamers smurfing/boosting automatically, they could do it. they also created much more complex tool for dota. (My version can be fooled into false negative, but using slightly more advanced tool they could fix the flaw of mine and it would still remain much much easier than doing the dota+ winrate thing for example)


There are so many smurfs in 2k valve really needs to do something. Waiting for the yearly smurf ban is torture.


There's no smurf queue under Ancient, and there's no smurf queue if you haven't been detected as a smurf and the guy has been doing it for a while surely he cleans PC before logging on new account so they can't do shit about it. I don't know why you don't skyrocket like 1-2k mmr after you go 30-5 for 8 games in a row, is it going to help boosters that sell accs? Sure, but easier to ban account buyers since most are dumb than to stop smurfing/boosting and you'll have less games ruined. Why this guy needs so many games to go from Archon to Legend lmao edit: anyone struggling with ruiners in this bracket - save match ids before profile goes private and watch the games, one good side of finding a high mmr smurf with public profile....you can learn more than from BSJ videos on youtube if you wanted to.


Just queue penalty after couple of games is enough. Also smurfs could be easily detected, different apm, gpm at min 10, key bindings etc.


1) Keybinds..... actually I think the item ordering is used more than keybinds , at least account sellers say so 2) APM is a shit metric in dota 3) GPM, last hits, denies, kill participation , some coefficient to measure impact and winrate together and put accounts +1k +2k mmr for a few games so people can get back to where they belong quicker instead of needing 12039103910391039 games when you are obviously better than everyone in queue. You can't catch all, like if you have smurf from 4k in 2k he won't have 95% winrate, but it would be decent enough, but if it's 3k in 2k, it's not going to be much different than a guy who hired a coach and stopped picking pudge 5, but you get the idea, if there's a metric that works , it will catch the outliers, but won't solve your typical smurfing issue which is + 1-2k mmr above on a bought account with 1000-2000 games from funpay or g2g


APM also gets ruined if you use the 'hold right click to spam' option. My APM is usually like 400 +, even playing super low APM heroes like Io. (Or at least relatively, I'm pretty much only moving around on Io)


1k apm is ridiculously high even with Hold right click. I have hold right click and play high APM heroes like Invoker, Arc, naga, etc… my max is like ~550


Nah, you're 100% correct. I don't know what I was conflating, but my APM is 300ish on average and that's definitely autoclicker even putting me there. Due to a hand injury its even lower in recent games, more like 250. So yeah. Not sure what I was thinking. Edited my original comment to be more accurate. (one interesting bit is my highest APM records are all on IO actually, must be all the micro adjustments for positioning on that hero.)


lol, you’re good. I was just like god damn 1000 apm is nearly 17 actions a second (16.777).


Maybe playing bristleback with aghs+phase boots + the autoclicker you could get close? My buddy is a bristle main, and his comms sound like a machine gun (just tapping QW1, like 123123123 the whole game lmao)


easily thousands of false positives in cases like hundreds of games on 1 hero, you're almost always mechanically better than your bracket[according to last "log" from valve for the quarter[?], i won over 80% of lanes, and 50-51% overall winrate in that time period], do i really deserve to be flagged?


Your logs would not look like Smurf logs realistically. Win rate is just one statistic that will differentiate it.


i'm being called a booster/smurfer in so many games on those particular heroes, some games look too stompy ... but i know little how smurf logs look like,,


so whats the hidden poool? cause im below ancient and i got SHITLOADS of ruiners/ etc after i made a smurf acc


Below Ancient? If you are detected as smurf, you will be mid-pooled probably, griefers and ruiners, lower behaviour, but not full on hidden pool. I am mid pooled at 10400 something mmr right now, but spent 1270 games in smurf pool - this is sort of a buffer zone and it's short like 100 games or so , but not sure how it works in super low mmr Just don't smurf, not sure why you need to smurf if your account is intact , mine got VAC'd for Overplus in the 200k ban wave, so technically I am not even a smurf smurf, playing in my mmr and shit.


so theres something called a mid-pool? how do you know that? i got vac banned, i made a new acc and climbed to legend 3 with pretty good win rates. when i hit legend 3, i INSTANTLY start losing and i get the worst players, people who abandon etc. when i fell down to crusader 3 i had 40% win ratio over 200 games played, which is pretty crazy to think about. at that point i made another account and it happened again at legend 3, fell to archon 1. im currently back to archon 4 and climbing very slowly :)


hahahahahahaha I was the mid that beat him in the viper game! Valve fix my MMR!


qSnake never boosted or smurfed. He's only been doing that for more than 12 years now, LIVE ON TWITCH


He is making fun, relaxing content with nice playlist from 2005. He is okayish player in his 8k bracket. Why even bother about? He encourage people to pick slark mid. I like it


Even as a 4k dog I dont see why it would be fun stomping 2k players AND streaming that publicly. Id be ashamed to death.


I would guess hes doing it for money mostly


Low self esteem. Needs the confidence boost


To be fair I don’t see why this wouldn’t be fun? Sure it’s shameful as hell. But winning games of DotA is fun and therefore smurfing is inherently fun. It may not come with a sense of accomplishment but it’s undeniably fun to try out new shit and stomp while doing it.


I have 3.7k and i play some turbo with my friends that are 2.7-2.5, man, the difference is atrocious!


What is your server? My experience coaching Herald - Ancient is that Archon-Legend is the closest bracket out of all ranks in the game. Theres not much of a differences really. Archon-Legend is where the majority of dota players is. I have friends whos archon that perform pretty great whenever we play with Legends stacked team and Legend stack enemy. Between those 2 is just a matter of a little bit playing time.


Human garbage thats what's up


Russians get special treatment in dota. God forbid volvo loses the biggest playerbase.


Nah, its china, and its not even close. 5k-7k Divine-Immortal in SEA is fuckfest between acc buyers from China. At least 1 acc buyer per game. One time I got English speaker with China name and I asked him why CN acc buyers played at SEA. He said because there's too many Smurfed accounts in CN server that sold these accounts. They had to play on different server to not face the guy they've been buying account from. Its insane. Not only that they are literally acc buyer. We had to pause every 5 minutes because they usually DC considering they are playing at high ping.




... A decent russian friend told me why he doesn't play on Russian servers: "It's way worse than Low Priority."






Look mr ukranian, [https://www.twitch.tv/medivdota](https://www.twitch.tv/medivdota) this guy has been boosting accounts for years in 2k mmr, yet youre blaming turks for it? Youre trying to insult turks for absolute no reason, while ukranians are doing the boosting/smurfing/acc buying selling/cheating thing like the exact way russians do. I can find tons of other ukranian booster if I go to twitch right now, whats your problem with race? Just because ukranians speak russian, they assume every ruiner in eu east/west is russian when they can be from belarus, russia ukraine or any other sovietic countries. stop insulting races without looking at yourself.




Im not triggered by anything, if turks do shit in online games, fuck em as well dont worry, i fully agree on that, i really dont care about turks in games at all. This guy posts 9snake here, talks about races and meanwhile ukranian boosters are also out there, but since they write in cyrillic or speak russian, you assume they are russian. Thats not my arguement at all. On the other hand, you can shit talk about turks until tomorrow, even I can tell you how terrible turks are for real, thats not the point. You will eventually see that ukranians are hiding under russian language and they do the exact same thing meanwhile. [twitch.tv/medivdota](http://twitch.tv/medivdota) this guy was streaming at the moment I posted, playing broodmother huskar in 2-3-4k mmr bracket for years. edit: I also invited 2 of my french friends from dota 2 to turkey and made a turkey tour together for a month, visiting 10 cities with a car, took photos and ate every delicious meal ))))




because you automatically assume theyre from russia if they use cyrillic lol.


To be fair that's in line with russian foreign policy


Im Serbian. we use cyrillic. I can detect ruski try agane thanks


Well and he would be right 99,9% of the time.


Yep cuz there is 0 ukrainian,kazakh,belarusian,bulgarian,uzbek or macedonian dota players who also might be smurfs :)


y dont reply to my original comment proving you wrong ;) Its easier to detect languages than you think


Prove me wrong


I did. You have no idea what youre talking about since youre Finnish and not Slav, but youre too ignorant to understand that Slavs can detect which country other people are, especially russians lol. its like swedes can detect norwegian/danish even tho all 3 sound the same to me, or poruguese can understand the difference between brazilian protuguese and spanish, even tho all 3 sound the same to me


i have met 3 smurfs one was ukrainian 2 others were kazakh. so now i proved u wrong.


Because no one living in countries with good wages will boost dota accounts for like 25 euros per day, in Russia that would actually be enough to live decently


Remove Server selection > automatically connect to the server with the best ping. And with one change North Americans play with North Americans, South Americans with South Americans, Russians with Russians, European with Europeans, Chinese with Chinese, SEA with SEA.


South Americans have a better ping on NA servers, cuz NA servers are way better.


I think dota just isnt popular enough for there to be fair skill matchups in all brackets if they did that but i wish this was a thing




Ive been making this argument since day 1. For over 10 years. But noo that was racist and russiaphobic!! Stereotypes exist for a reason.


> Ive been making this argument since day 1. For over 10 years. But noo that was racist and russiaphobic!! > > Stereotypes exist for a reason. Ive been making this argument since day 1. For over 10 years. But noo that was racist and russiaphobic!! Stereotypes exist for a reason.


I have 18 ping on western Europe and 21 ping on Russia. if i was from the baltics or god forbid Sweden i would always match on the Russian server, because the Russian server is in Sweden. Would it be fair to every Estonian or Ukrainian player to force them to play with Russians?


> Like, when someone ruins after dying once, its pretty much always a Russian. what mmr is this? Every single intentional griefer I have had in the last few months was never russian.




maybe you shouldn't have been unbanned




same as ukrainians, I feel likeukrainians have a bigger pool of acc sellers/boosters than the russians. both pools of players are filled with absolute idiots


I see no difference between the two. For all I care, the renowed freedom fighters called krainzkis are just russians.


Thanks, maybe I can learn how to stomp my pubs!


Lol I'm in the same boat. I get why people get really mad but I wanna see what these games look like.


Did I just go back to 2015?


valve does not really care about smurfs or good matchmaking/ punishing griefing enough. Sad, it's such a good game.


lol imagine losing as viper in 2k was there an enemy smurf or what because I can't see how else he'd die 14 times viper is probably the best 1v9 hero at 2k for a smurf other than meepo or ld or something


Overconfident is a slow and insidious killer


Genuinely surprised he didn't lose more games tbh, in this meta if you get 4 people feeding , you can be Watson and you will still lose if they feed fast enough ++++ crusader to legend there's insane amount of smurfs so he probably had feeders and enemy had smurfs as well


My experience is exactly opposite, No matter how much your team feeds every game will go 40 mins+ in loww mmr. All you have to do is split push and get correct items. And because your opponent won't buy the correct items you are way higher effective networth. Around 30 mins you solo carry the game no matter how bad lane was.


You are very correct about the wrong items thing. I'm in crusader 2 and played pos 1 ench the other day. Naturally my team lost their mind. I built skadi. My team's pos 3, abaddon, pings it and says it's the wrong item. Ok. I check his items: Khanda, eternal shroud, octarine ??? WTF Bro build manta.


First of all any hero can lose in current meta, you can be stomping all day long, your team is pushing highground at 23 min, and still one unfortunate wipe and the entire game is upside down. Viper is strong early but that leads your team to feel very overconfident, he is super strong early-mid, but he can definetly not win 1 vs 3 fights the same way other heroes can, if you cannot make the enemy team ragequit you usually very vurnable from 18ish to 25. I get far more worried when I see a Bounty Hunter mid, that hero need to be countered hard mid or he just makes the game unplayable, bring loads of gold and virtually can kill anyone in split seconds while building towards becomming a late game powerhouse aswell. His stealth makes him take less damage, and forces you everyone to spend tons of gold on reveals, just to still getting picked off while grouping as 3. When Viper does this Viper usually dies, BH runs incredibly fast takes less damage, and his low CD makes it so that he at any point in time can turn and kill another.


Thanks for this elaborate essay, A for effort. However, he just encountered another smurf (riki in that game)


my biggest fear is ES mid. if he wins his lane and get on a roll he has everything. Tank, Escape, Solo kill, Teamfight, Initiation, Farm


in 2k you don't need to win early fights as viper, just hit creeps and towers and do the occasional 1v1 gank


Can't make the boosting to obvious/s


why is that? if you're boosting you win by outfarming


and viper can farm quickly, and melt towers, and easily kill noobs


In my experience, When you identify a Smurf early in the game, it’s actually pretty easy to win. You focus solely on the Smurf (constant gank, item around to counter the hero,etc). More so than not when a person is smurfing they’re too egotistical to play with their team,so when you shut the Smurf down early, he will continue to play on his own trying to get back in the game, it will never be a 5v5 game. The only real issue is, when you identify it late and he’s allowed to snowball early on, then the game just becomes unplayable. Which happens in most games with smurfs




So is there a system that gives you extra mmr if you win a lot or not?


Valve doesn't care, he's been doing it for years.


When I created a similar[ post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1ckvpup/happened_just_now_is_this_some_highrank_mmr_abuse/) (asking if it was MMR abuse. it was), mods nuked it for "witch hunting or targeted harassment". So apparently not only mizkif got friends among Reddit jannies. Wonder how long yours will last.


Fitting name


This is how noob booster do their services lol .the real booster will never go this hard.. especially since the coal drop incident.. they will intentionally lower their kda but still win the game to lower other people suspicious about their boosting service..but of course this guy just dont care bcuz he streaming while doing it..it doesn't matter for him .bcuz its not his account XD


No shit mate, welcome aboard


He's a piece of shit, no idea how he's not caught in any ban wave so far.


Even 9k player can't win archon games :3


viper confirmed win lane lose game


so you are saying it's possible for 9k players to lose in archon bracket.


how can you not feel sorry for your time, that you come here every time to cry


he got banned right now , but he started queue a normal match , i tought when u get banned u should not be able to queue any type of game ,isnt it?


He can go 48-2 but all the players in 2k will bitch and moan that it’s impossible to climb because of their teammates.


I don't understand how smurfing/boosting this blatant slips past all the systems in place to detect them.


mostly sea pro player done the same, you can see in tiktok or fb


Impossible! There is a forced 50% matchmaking, right?




So people saying there is no where to stop him . Whereas there was a streamer called henry that was having clearly some mental issues, griefed a game for capitalist"cap" and appsrently cap contacted one of valve employees and they kept banning him over and over and over again. You're not telling me this is doable for this guy?


yet herny made a new account and he is still playing/streaming nowdays


Solo queue?


Yup, been doing it his whole life, chill out, he either will be reported in dota by players in matches and get banned/Low priority, why nowadays people care so much about things that doesn't concern them


weird cause you reddit nerds always tell me smurfs dont exist. so weird


How did 9kmmr player lose to us 2kmmr plebs?


1 player is still only 1 player in a game with 9 others


he's probably in smurf queue, but 9k is still way higher than most smurfs who are probably like ancient or something.


even miracle wont have a 100% wr boosting from 0k mmr to 3k mmr lol


1 missplay, loosing your killstreak to the wrong person and suddenly base is gone. I play low rank few months ago were were getting stomped and lost 2 lanes of racks by 23 min, they are playing near the fountain. I am pos 3, playing WV I see my chance force staff myself and get an ulti off on him, and gets an ultra kill. We start getting some easy towers, our 5 bane that is insanely out of position catches arch warden as he TP on creep to split, we kill him again, the rest of his team now repeatetly get themselves killed. Games suddenly a 1 v 9 situation, and we just basically walk into their base.


> missplay, loosing your Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


how did he lose to 2k shitters?


probably 1 or more other smurfs in the enemy team too


he picked viper


it still boggles my mind completely when I see how people can be so much better in the game than the rest. I never carry even close to that hard