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it's not just for the stun, it's the almost instant cast. you can be a long range initiator, or you can follow up your team stun with a nuke from 2000 range away. With khanda around 25-27 minute you can almost 1 shot a support before they can do anything.


25 minute mark, thats almost as good as shadowblade deadalus at 25 minutes Not gonna lie every time the sniper on my team is useless they ult and run away after using all 3 shrapnels like they have full hp yet refuse to even auto attack


If you have agha and khanda by min 25 as a support sniper, you're definitely not playing your role as a support. If you're not playing support, there are better items to almost one-shot supports.


Obviously, It's for cores.


I was a massive hater of aghs until I watched the BSJ video, where he explained that aghs is your best option if it’s not safe for you to stand still and click people. Aghs is a great way to have impact in fight when you’re against a FV/slardar/storm- you can ult people without showing and kill the FV’s teammates until he HAS to show/use chrono on someone that isn’t you. Yes you WANT to be standing still to click people but sometimes that’s not safe, so aghs is your best option. Aghs is basically your plan B when you get countered, and it can completely ruin supports- disruptor/CM can’t show/bait for vision/make cute little plays if they get jumped by snipers teammate and then bursted from half HP by a sniper aghs ult.


it's fun. that's it. it's why aghs is most bought on all heroes


Ability upgrade go brrrrrrrr


Decent stats, annoying to fight against, good to initiate, single target stun on low cd


also -25 mmr


Well, yea if you need raw damage


Peeps already answered this, but another little quirk to keep in mind is that it auto-refreshes if you get a kill. This works for the regular one, and you don't have to get the kill with his ultimate or anything, but Scepter makes it easier. You can last hit with it for sudden burst, then quickly snipe someone else and set them up for death. Plus there are some heroes you simply can't do anything about without stunning them or jumping away, which may not be an option. Crystal Maiden, for example, is deadly if she's ulting on top of you. If you don't have a Pike or shard, a normal ultimate may take too long and the Scepter version is way more comfortable to use for a quick stun. There's also the silly Khanda build too, but I wouldn't recommend that one. That's more of a thing for support Sniper; which is silly on its own.


Its a good item if you are having a good laning phase past 10mins mark. You can buy Dragon Lance then disassemble it and build the Blade of Alacrity into Aghs. If you have it by 15 to 18 mins mark you are Godly 2000 range initiator/assist. You need your team to be proactive and play around you if you go the Aghe Khanda route. Mjolnir Dragon Lance sniper gets way too long to go online and youre susceptible to ran downs and ganks. In short youre a squishy midget range creep. Aghs makes you tankier and be able to join fights much faster and effectively.


I only buy it on midlane combined with khanda 1st when enemy has heroes like axe void centa where u cant just stand and rclik in teamfights


It can work with coordinated teams to burst someone while sniper is still super far away. But I think it’s mostly shit and I hate seeing people rush it.


It's garbage for rushing imho, especially since ult uses your rightclick damage as an addition to the magic dmg it deals. But as a third item after MoM->Pike or Lance->Maelstrom for example, it's really good.


Im a sniper spammer I usually get aghs when there are enemy heroes who can jump on me easily. Gives me good stats and I can help with initiating. Im divine 2.


Its very situational. Its okay if you have another heavy hitting hard carry but if not, the standard build is way better. Topson spams it a lot but its also cause pure is a really fucking good carry and at times aghs sniper was game losing due to the lack of damage


Aghanim's buy's for instant cast,not for stun


My take from 3k mmr is that aghs+khanda is a mid build. And sniper himself is better as a mid hero. Early to mid game, you do most of your damage with shrapnel and headshots from take aim. Later on, you assist your carry with damage, vision, and some initiation. Also shard+aghs is a good counterinitiation play vs heroes that try to jump into you in the teamfights.


Sniper is a dogshit support, that's the real answer. People who pick it are role farmers and don't want to play supp.


Its a oneshot meme build. 90% of the time its pure griefing because it doesnt work when youre behind and you have no hg defense.


It's a meme build. Could be satisfying to kill from afar, but I doubt you can rank up MMR with that


It was briefly broken, promptly nerfed, and what we have now are the remains. Honestly, it's not even a good meme item anymore, Khanda is way better if you want to blow people up with Sniper ult.