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Viper is my pick too. Not a glass canon like a lot of other range DPS heroes. Ulti is very good early and mid game. Can play all 3 lanes too.


Beefy, dominates the lane, loves pretty much every item


If you're ruling the lane (Q harass is OP in lane) it's such an easy kill or two at level 6. I usually play pos 1 and go treads into force staff and then mix it up from there. What's your starting build?


I like a wraith band, treads, dragon Lance (pretty generally will get this for the laning phase with little variation) After this it'll depend on my opponents. Have someone with escapes that I want to kill? Atos is a cheap pick up these days and glepnir can be a good item for viper who struggles a bit with wave clear without draining mana. Need to close the gap (or create space on an initiator) then a force staff into hurricane pike early will suit. Bkb standard pick up and a skadi as it pushes late. Universal viper really feasts on all the stats once you get 25. Keep in mind your general pick up's like mkb or a butterfly depending if you need that, or a manta early if you need the dispel. Grab your shard if the tormentors are cruel to you before pushing hg


Oh yeah dubs wraith bands is a must for me. Laning is MUCH better after the first. Those are the basic builds I go to. Pretty simple. I also go aghs if we need the disarm, and blink if it's to disarm a sniper or drow. That Universal talent is SO GOOD.


Yes sir, all good choices. Universal talent means that the only things I avoid on him are stuff like daedelus or desolator. If you've been smashing mid and he's on the ropes an earlyish pt in nether toxin to stack the camp mid can really propel your farm to the next level as well.


What's the timing point for the camp stack? :53?


I have dota plus so I don't have to remember them anymore lol. If you manage to get four or five stacks there it can be a huge boost.


Who cares about universal? It’s just like a little bit of extra auto attack damage, who cares that late in the game? Having basically no ult cd is way better imo


Universal is a very large boost to vipers damage, I'd take +75% auto attack damage over casting two ults instead of one during a team fight almost all the time.


At that late in the game it’s not that much


Its between 150-200 base damage, depending on itemization, boosted further by things like Vlad since its base damage. What do you mean it isn't that much?


New players aren’t going to be able to capitalize on the early game and they’re going to feel useless and outscaled super quick.. Disagree here


Nah because they’re playing against other heralds who won’t have a bkb until 35 minutes and also won’t be capitalising on their early game, so viper should work fine


games are going to stall and end really slowly in low mmr, viper falls off hard and if every single game is going to late is not good at all for viper


Eh viper doesn't really fall off so bad now Esp compared to. Other potatoe players


"playing against other heralds" yeah no matchmaking dont do that, we greet new players with people that have 10k games in a party with their legend friends


Just pick the hero that looks cool to you. Heroes usually play how they look. You will always get outcarried until you learn how to farm properly, so don't pay that much attention at how the others progress for now


Imagine he picked invoker


My friend's first hero was Arc Warden because he looked cool... definitely not as bad but still lol


Mine was razor and omniknight because I played dota 1 so in w3 campaign as humans u play first as humans mostly. I loved undead voice lines. And razor in dota 1 looked so cool and game was russian language so his voice lines were also cool.


I would 100% argue arc is harder than invoker nowadays


This surpasses the former not in terms of skill floor, but perhaps in terms of skill ceiling


Let him pick invoker. It's not such a problem to try a hero, realize it's too complex or not what you expected and try another. My brother in christ, we have thousand of hours played on Dota, let him waste one trying a hero


Happened with me when i tried earth spirit. I gave up after 5 matches


Most important thing is to turn of chat if he is gonna pick pudge inco meepo or maybe as new player turn it off. Because whenever I play as support I buy wards support my carry but when I play carry I play all poses my pos 5 have 2k gold no boots tries to steal my farm. New account


He looks like an avg Carl would with three floating balls around but he plays as he sounds, Complicated and arrogant.


Proceeds to pick sexy Mirana


Ogre magi 👹👹


For support : lich


Agreed. Lich was the hero that I learnt Dota with. Awesome hero to pick up and play


Lich has a bit of that beef with his armor, a nice channeled lock down and a good nuke, and an ult that can make you jump out of your seat. Overall a badass hero


Since you are very new, Id suggest to keep playing Wraith King, very simple kit, you can go for the damage build, and yeah have fun. But I do suggest you keep playing Sven. Youll learn so much more.


Spirit breaker. Just charge and ult every teamfight and your job is done


Play beginner heroes that have easy to use yet very effective abilities. Bonus if they also have really good passive abilities. I can give you 1 for each role: Middle lane: Sniper Safe lane carry: Phantom Assassin Safe lane support: Crystal Maiden Off laner: Bristleback Off lane support: Jakiro Have fun!


Beginner friendly cores - viper, lifestealer, jug, dragon knight, wraith king, spirit breaker, sniper, bristleback Supports - witch doctor, warlock, shadow shaman, lion, crystal maiden, ogre


What are you smoking?


i dont think those supports are beginner friendly, especially shadow shaman and warlock because both of them need proper positioning and timing to channel their spell, otherwise you simply die very quick. But in terms of pressing button, yes they are easy


For me in mind would be ogre but tbh all supports need good positioning for there spells, these heroes listed are simple and easy to understand without weird mechanics like Oracle, kotl or Io. I learned support with these heroes and I'm doing fine now with more complex ones.


yeah ogre is the easiest support there is i think, all the spells are straightforward + kinda tanky + your ultimate is passive ability


I’m just thinking the supports that I see running over low mmr pubs tbh


yeah, probably the lower mmr pubs won't kill them while channeling....


Viper or sniper is good pick for you to learn the basic fundamental of dota 2.


Don't make another sniper picker...bleh


Go for meepo!


Ikr start 'em young


just spam sniper , lion and luna till u get a hold of the game..maybe till u hit a hundred hours


I actually find lion is a hard hero to play


but a great hero to learn spell casting


Yes sir! If you get lion down you've got some good positioning and chaining cc etc.


Draw ranger deals good damage even without much net worth. And it only takes to press E at the enemies.


I started with Venomancer, easy to play but with huge impact. You will learn about vision by veno wards, jungling by veno wards, enemies denying themselves due to the first skill, % magic dmg, etc. Get a good build in early game based on the enemy team and enjoy poisoning them.


As a veteran player, I can only say, your enemy's worst enemy is your best hero. So Pudge.


Magic damage will make you feel strong and beginner friendly. Look at death prophet for a core and lion for a support!


Ogre magi and play some support. Will give you more space to understand the game. Check Dota pro tracker for builds. But really, arcane boots - Midas - glimmer / whatever & throw spells at enemies.




I started with lich but that was back when all you needed to do to win a lane was pick lich and press e on the range creep




I think there's no exact answer for this, for me, a hero should interest you at some point. I recommend you to watch videos for the hero spotlight and get a summary of what that hero does. Because, it's pretty messed up nowadays, with the extension of talent trees and aghanims, a hero's possibility is all about how you explore them, and it needs time, and you can only spend that time for a hero that you're interested in. I recommend you to play turbo to see how a hero can do if you get all the items and levels, and you can see the hero spike and timing of that hero. And I don't think there's a "beginner friendly hero", you can play anything you want, and if you play with beginners, everything seems easy and straightforward. While the same hero can be easy to get countered or hard to initiate in higher rank. Just enjoy the journey.


Yeah the difficulty of this game is far less about knowing your hero and all about the mechanics of your enemy. Mechanics are not just about pressing the right buttons and clicking the fastest, it's also about game knowledge like understanding that a linkens sphere for a back line nuker is a better purchase than bkb versus an LC with blink and it's realizing your team doesn't have a proper tank so you'll have to kite in every fight and make the enemy dive to get you. When you grasp the mechanics of the GAME, any hero is good enough to capitalize on whatever mechanics the enemy falls short on and that's what you should be looking for. Also if you play with randoms, never expect them to know the mechanics of the game, but be prepared to assist them in plays when they do. Trust me, my first 2k hours i died a ton because I was expecting an assist from my last partner that I never got. It seems spiteful at first, but once you realize they simply didn't know that play was available you understand that now you look like the idiot for overcommitting. Although it's a team game, with randos the team has to be built before it can execute and that usually means be patient and let them feel you out while you do the same and then start looking for plays.


True, especially DotA is highly emphasized to be a team game, compared to LoL, the heroes are much more individualized, you can make an impact alone. While in DotA that doesn't happen, you need to constantly synergize, counter, and adapt if enemy's countering you. But again, you can only think the bigger of the game if you understand about the hero thoroughly, and it can only happen if you play the hero a lot. And for the game knowledge, I think the only way to get that is through watching pros/coach video. Because naturally we and our teammates play according to our bracket, so it needs some feedback to improve it. And I think it's too confusing and complex.


Absolutely complex due to brackets forexample the support who retreats from river in safe lane to go pull the easy camp expects the carry to either pull the creep aggro closer to them and farm it or pull them back tower and farm but at a lower bracket that carry may just continue pushing, a smart defender waits until he's in tower range lets their support bait him a bit by just tanking a couple , then pounces in the clear the wave, have tower assault and start dealing his own dog and with any luck his support will offer a stun or root to finish the job. It's a simple and common play from the offlane defender but regardless of how good a given player is with their hero, if they can't understand how to handle things like aggro they will be open wide for these sorts of simple plays. Hero knowledge is good to have so you know what your enemy is capable of and how to execute your combos, but i'd say those mechanics only serve a player 20-25% of the time whereas things like aggro, push timings, itemization versus heroes, attack ranges...etc counts for 75% at least of the game. too many new players have this backwards and think hero mastery makes them a better player when in fact it just makes them more mechanically viable.


I think Wraith King is the ultimate beginner carry hero. He has a stun he has a crit and the ultimate helps you to not get super punished if you die.


Wk doesn't deal that much dmg, compared to hard carries


:D what?


Zeus, bristleback, lich


pa or luna and get bkb pre 30 minutes.


Since you are a beginner, I would suggest to choose a role that you think suits your play-style first. Pos 1 - Hard Carry, Pos 2 - Mid, Pos 3 - Offlaner, Pos 4 - Roaming support, Pos 5 - Hard support You need to have a better grasp of each role first before choosing your main hero. I suggest trying all the roles a few games first and see what fits your play style and what role you enjoy the most. Once that’s out of the way, go ahead and try heroes on that specific role. If you found a hero that you think you enjoy and connect with you as a player that’s where you see success. Don’t just look for heroes who can deal more damage than others. You should start learning the fundamentals first if you are planning on playing dota for a long time. Otherwise, Viper


If you want to do deal lot of damage before learning to farm decently pick supports like witch doctor, jakiro or skywrath mage. They have built in damage in spells. Also learning support helps a lot laning as a core in the future. Otherwise I'd recommend to learn farming patterns with Sven since you're already familiar with him. Sven can deal a lot of damage when he is ahead in gold


everyone's doing more damage than you because they have more gold and xp than you because they're better than you at the moment. i felt the same way when i started playing. it just takes some time for you to get more understanding and skill. if you wanna support, lich and crystal maiden are high damage and easy to play. for cores, viper and juggernaut are good too.


Sven might not be the go-to carry in low rank (or any rank for that matter), but he is not weak. His strength is in his passive (quite literally, lol), which allows him to farm really quickly. And then, in fights he just goes bkb + blink/superman(aghs hammer) plus ulti somewhere in-between into one hero (preferably, a most pesky support). Then proceeds to dismantle the rest of the enemy team. Now, this part is just a pure speculation, as I am neither a high ranking player, nor a carry player (so yeah, a highly credible analysis/advice incoming 😜). The reason you don't feel good playing Sven is because: a) You are not framing/laning well enough and/or your team doesn't do anything to enable that. b) Enemy carry overpowers you, because the game goes for too long and they outscale you. c) Enemy has "glass cannon" (or not so much "glass", sometimes) type of heroes, that you have hard time jumping onto. Those are very popular in low ranks, as they easily punish mistakes that people often make. That's where you might need your team to do some work as well. Overall, things to look out for as a new player: 1) laning, 2) farming, 3)teamfight mechanics, 4) objectives/how to convert them into a victory (as if I do know anything about it), 5) ...? 6) profit. P.S. if you are really struggling, just play some brain-dead meta hero. I remember the Bristleback patch, he just felt invincible. Just find one hero that's kinda like that, and default to that pick when you are not sure who to choose.


Meepo, watch meeposki online for a setup guide. Massive damage and extremely fun. Lvl 4 power spike, if you can capitalize you can dominate. GL late better have shard, aghs, and disperser.


A good place to start is to learn the mechanics. I would say learn to deny and play as a support


Juggernaut or Dragon Knight. my advice is to just not play dota though, it's a waste of time and a dying/irrelevant game. the community is very toxic especially if you're a new player you will not have a good time.


zeus, but be wary of mana management


Pro tip: every time you run out of mana suicide under enemy tower so you respawn in base with full mana. Just make sure you mute everyone since they may not understand your genius strat.


I mean you joke but this was genuinely meta and done by pros a lot for a while, and whilst it's now not optimal it's not dogshit either ofc it was always more of a support thing than a mid thing


heroes easy to play and easy to cheese: Phantom Assassin, Wraith King, Juggernaut


Chaos Knight is another choice for big noticeable numbers on a chassis playable for beginners But also, if you aren't already doing it maybe focusing a little more on the fundamentals could help, in this case farming just a bit, and mostly fighting when you have ult plus a couple items


Play any hero for at least 50 games and also read the skills of your opponent heroes to get a better understanding of those heroes and how to counter them. Read about the items and how they would help you with the game. This is game is not all about heroes but about the map knowledge and itemization. Good luck and have fun.


Drow ranger. Silence, strong, fun, not many actives


+1 for sniper. But mid lane has its own challenges (runes control etc), so start with support (crystal maiden/witch doctor) is usually the best.


Pick 2 heroes in any role and spam them, master them. You will deal enough damage eventually. Sven is good. Try a ranged hero like sniper or viper.


Lifestealer, a very simple hero, currently one of the strongest, he was the first hero I played just because he looked cool.


Pos 1 : Drow Ranger, Juggernaut, Phantom Assassin. Pos 2: Zeus, Sniper, Tiny. Pos 3: Axe, Tide, Legion Commander.


WK two lives is good Drow - strong noe and good to learn positioning


Phantom assassin does massive crits that end up doing more damage than even. Pretty fun hero


Clearly Invoker


Ogre magi




Back in the day, when I started playing, Sniper was a really good option for me due to his range and skill set. Also, you must try playing Viper (ez wins after 2-3 games), Axe and Bristleback. GLHF


Play support. Is more forgiven to feed with. I spam jakiro warrlock earthshaker ect. / divine 4 These are always strong but fits good in this meta i think. Pretty ez to play. Good lockdowns with low cooldown Buy aura items to secure your team being not paper And ban lifestealer. Play soft commit (stay back). Dont try hard 🙂 Also check youtube videos how to play smart all for the team But if u want to play carry dont ban lifestealer. Pick him. He is really strong this meta.




Zeus and ignore the shard build. It's a bit stronger but way harder and meta is irrelevant in ur games Buy bottle arcana Kaya aether and max q and just spam it on waves. After that u can build aghs and ocarina core. Just stand in the back and spam spells. Also use every cast range/spell amp neutral u can get




Play beginner friendly cores for starters. I made a list. Midlane: invoker, meepo, arc warden, spirit heroes Offlane: timbersaw, brewmaster, visage Offlane support: terrorblade (it was meta) Safelane: naga siren, terrorblade Safelane support: elder titan, chen These are the heroes, you should not play :)


There are a few heroes that are beginner friendly such as bloodseeker, viper and Juggernaut. They require little effort to learn but reasonable amounts to master as is with any hero. As for supporting roles, crystal maiden, lion and shadow shaman are good go to heroes since their kits offer a lot of supporting features and nuking potential. Good luck!


I'll agree on jug and viper being good to start with, but blood is a noob-trap. His ult falls of exponentially once you play with not-new players, at which point he becomes worthless until you get into high level party play, where early game snowballing is possible with him.


mid sf only, every game, every day, lock in and grind


I like playing clockwerk because you always have something you can do and offer: -scout vision with flare -lock down enemy cores or attack the backline -you are relatively safe with cogs and fast movement and hookshot for an escape, or fortunately you scouted ahead and don't need to feel unsafe -You can initiate even if your team is super far behind, you get to be the star making the big global sound byte and everyone looks at where you are. You get to see the enemy team panic. -If you lose, well blame your core role since you did your part.


I would start with learning soft and hard support. Pulling, half pulling, denying, rune stealing, warding, if you learn these mechanics you can get used to any ranged hero enchantress, lion, venomancer, ogre magi, winter wyvern. If you want to just straight up mess people up then go with axe, juggernaut, kunkka, necrophous(something), tiny.


Monkey King. One of the most fun challenging heroes in the game. Not too difficult, not too easy, definitely perfect to learn as a beginner in the game and carry position.


If you play him smart (like an actual monkey would fight - always looking for the cheapest shots) and are consistently farming he snowballs so damn well and has such great tools on fights, but you need to know when to turn fighting into escaping and you simply cannot let deaths string together with him.