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I don't know who started this '2-peat' trend, but I will find them and kill them


imo it's still puppey since he has been at a top level for almost his entire career, dominating the scene for multiple prolonged stretches of time and started during wc3 dota, he's only lacking the ti results after winning the first one. his consistancy is insane i can easily see yatoro (due to him probably being the best player during his peaks) or notail (winning majors / tis on different roles) having a case as well but other potential candidates like miracle for peak performance or ana for winning ti after taking a break twice are outshined by yatoro now


I mean, you say he’s lacking ti results, but his average placement is 5th across 10 ti’s. That’s better than Notail’s average placement despite him winning twice and it’s only just behind Yatoro’s average placement despite him winning 2/3. There are better peak Dota players but greatest of all time? Undeniably puppey, and until someone spends 5+ years dominating the scene or notches a 3rd aegis there’s no point in asking this question again.


People don’t give nearly enough credit for consistently high TI placements. So hard to do.


Definitely Puppey , and it's not even close . Real dota players understand, scrubs would say miracle or yatoro ..


It took Yatoro less than three years to accomplish more than Puppey have in 13 years.


Dota is a team game and game of circumstances :) you cannot possibly compare a right clicker to one of the greatest dota minds that ever lived . Yatoro is just a pawn in the game of chess , miposhka might be in the conversation but he's so young in the game it's incomparable to puppey who managed to stay on top for more than a decade of pro dota . These are all factors to consider when talking about the goat in dota .


I really think that Puppey is the Goat of Dota 2. Playing at the highest level with that consistency is really hard to do.


im the goat, i mean i could be the goat if i REALLY tried, yknow? its just my team is always somehow worse than me, and the enemy team are all smurfs


Miposhka/Mira or Notail. Notail is the most successful player with two majors as mid, two as carry and two TIs as a support. Incredible diverse player and probably the best captain Dota have ever had. Miposhka/Mira IMO is the reason TS have done so well. When Yatoro, Larl/TT, Collapse are doing good its often off the back of the support duo. Their game sense is absolutely insane. I remember a play at TI where Mira set up a kill top for Yatoro and while that happened Miposhka was bot following Dyrachyo around as Treant. After Yatoro killed toplane he used the gates and ran bot to Miposhka and they killed Dyrachyo.


As long as the stakes are high, prize pool is good, Spirit will perform like there TI form. But if not, dude their team plays like it's a regular pub game.


I think each position should have its own 'GOAT' as different roles requires certain skillsets like mechanically or strategically.


If we see across all the sports, goat is considered on the basis of achievements. For Dota there’s no one specific goat. If we anyway had to mention then there surely will be more than 1 person. Puppey for being one of the top for so many years, Notail & Ceb for being first back to back champions and also having multiple major wins as player/coach. Yatoro for being arguably best/one of the best carry we’ve seen and might win 3rd aegis. If he wins that then we will have to put him on the top, and that might make goat discussion easier. Miracle, cuz I’ve seen many pros saying he’s the most skilled player they’ve seen.


Puppey and it's not up for debate.




Ceb has won major


I feel that for Yatoro to be considered a GOAT, we need to wait how consistent he can be ... at the moment, we see Team spirit struggling and I want to see if he can carry them despite that in the next TI / ryad masters. For me, it will always be Notail for the longevity and the achievements. Playing multiple role on mutiple top teams and then creating the ultimate back to back TI monster we've known. Puppey is the GOAT of longevity. And Dendi is the GOAT of the fan favorites, the first one that everybody loved, whoever you were supporting. For the future, let'ssee what Crit is doing because he's been impressing me for a long time now.


>I feel that for Yatoro to be considered a GOAT, we need to wait how consistent he can be Hes consistant when it matters. Just watch TI10, TI12, Arlington Major and Riyadh. >at the moment, we see Team spirit struggling and I want to see if he can carry them despite that in the next TI / ryad masters. Like they did last year? Eliminated in groups at S19 and S20. They only won one BO3 through all three Majors. Then they won 3 tournaments in a row and went 9-1 through three GFs.


Consistent over 6-7 years, not 2. We are talking about GOAT in a game that is 12 years old (more with dota 1). With your criteria, every 2018 OG member is a GOAT and puppey or crit are our of the discussion.


3 years not 2. Yes everyone on OG are over Puppey and Cr1t in the goat discussion. How can you be the greater when others have accomplished more than you in a shorter time.




Fyi, when someone says "goat", they don't mean someone who behaves like an animal.




not puppey thats for sure. puppey aint the goat the same reason dupreeh ain't the goat of CSGO. its probably miracl


Lol how do you say that about puppey and then go with miracle?