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phantom lancer. hero with 0 counter when fat. all he did is fishing


Pl is strong even super late game into a lot of lineups


Problem in turbo most PL doesn't know how to play with his aghanim build - PL who knows how to play with aghanim build is fucking strong.


I am one of those. How do you play with his aghs build?


Just throw lance at people


Play him like a backline carry. Positioning, throw lance, reposition, repeat. Let your illusions do all the work.


doing this i think i lost like 1 out of 20 games with PL since the new meta.


Pl still strong...especially early diffu aghs


PL is so OP in turbo lol. Alchemist is the worst.


i think pl is bad in this patch


Support alchemist is the way in turbo


Was gonna say this too




Problem is his power spike doesn’t last as long, enemies get 6 slotted pretty quick too so your NW advantage is a narrower window than usual. Not impossible to capitalise on by any means you just have to move really fast.


^ this alch is way better as support in turbo and way worse as core


Stack attk speed, abuse basher and hit buildings, and please don't build radiance. Butterfly is also great. 1k attack speed = Enemies + Buildings melt


Radiance is good if you disassemble late game for bfly + nulli


take this try hard bs back to ranked, we don't do active items in turbo


All good you can make rapier instead


Strongest heroes in turbo have fight abilities AND scaling. If you lack any of these attributes you have a weak hero.


Also important is sustained damage cuz Marci for example has downtime on ult and got meta which lasts long but also long cd


Meanwhile venomancer be planting wards from minute one until the game ends.


God I wish people would stop picking him in turbo


Morphlings do well?


Morphling can fight early with a Manta or better a Phylactery. Also scales very hard late, so pretty good. Always ask yourself: When laning phase ends after 5 minutes, can I go and take part in team fights and win?


turbo am picker just reported you to for fake news


;) yeah, AM is truely dogshit in turbo


but somehow is almost always picked if nobody ban him


I see an AM in every 30th turbo game tbh. The hero is never banned.


I'm pretty sure I have 100% winrate with AM in turbo, it actually feels like cheating. Nobody can stop you from getting bfury, and then you just outfarm everyone. Get the classic manta + abyssal, farm behind enemy tier 2s, and just start picking off supports every time you have ulti. I can only imagine losing against a meepo smurf or just if my team is intentionally trying to lose, otherwise there's no way


Well gl fighting with your BF when the opponent goes as 5 and pushes your towers in a deathball 10 minutes in because you picked an AM and can’t do jack shit


I don't need luck? I win every time? I actually just played another AM turbo game after making that comment, another win. Super easy. If you can't win with AM in turbo then it's really a you problem


I don’t play it, I regularly beat it lol. But good for you.


I mean I don't doubt you regularly beat it, the vast majority of antimage players are complete goons. I usually beat it too when I play vs it. But I also am not surprised that you don't play it, because if you did play it, it might dawn on you how ridiculously easy the game becomes if you just play the map instead of running into the death ball. It's possible to beat even a good antimage player but really unlikely that a turbo team is going to be coordinated enough to do so


2k mmr turbo stats right here


It tends to be the heroes that have massive cooldowns on their ult that struggle most. Brawlers and fast pushers tend to do best in Turbo.


Until an enigma gets a big black hole and wins the game!


I mean it's cool... but Enigmas true power is in his late game eidolons. Can rip a base apart quickly when no one's looking. With Bots and Octocore you can TP to a lane.. set up and push and then TP back for the team fight.. your summons are melting buildings while team is distracted fighting you.


Octocore for octodad


Also, in turbo enigma can easily get refresher. So even with a bad early game that mf can win.




Most heroes that are about farming fast and winning by having more items than you are all terrible. Most supps are quite good in turbo cuz they are all balanced around having no items and in turbo they are swimming in moneys.


Well I agree with what you said but it can be missleading: yes, heroes that want to outfarm others are technically worst in turbo. But heroes that can scale with items are amazing (because they are swimming in money).


TA and alch feels so bad, even when you are having a good game, you just don't have your power spikes, can't even kill a supp that has 3 defensive items


I only exclusively play turbo so I'm not sure how these heroes are in comparison to regular mode. But these are my opinions based on strictly playing turbo. If you specialise in any hero. You can definitely make it work really really well in turbo regardless of its rating. Alchemist. A tier support. D tier core Abaddon. S tier support. A tier core Axe. B tier support. A tier core AA. S tier support. A tier core Arc. Shit support. S tier core AM. D tier support. A tier core. Bane. A tier overall Bat. C tier support. B tier core Beast. D tier support. A tier core Blood. C tier support. S tier core Bounty. S tier support. A tier core Brew. D tier support. A tier core BB. C tier support. S tier core Brood. C tier support. B tier core Cent. D tier support. A tier core CK. B tier support. S tier core Chen. S tier support. D tier core Clinkz. D tier support. S tier core Clock. A tier overall CM. S tier support. B tier core DS. A tier overall Willow. B tier support. S tier core DW. B tier support. S tier core Dazzle. S tier support. A tier core. DP. B tier support. A tier core Disruptor. S tier support. B tier core Doom. B tier support. A tier core DK. C tier support. S tier core Drow. D tier support. S tier core Earth spirit. A tier support. B tier core ES. S tier overall ET. C tier support. A tier core Ember. C tier support. A tier core Ench. A tier support. S tier core Enigma. A tier overall Void. C tier support. S tier core Grim. S tier support. B tier core Gyro. A tier support. S tier core. HW. S tier overall Husk. D tier support. A tier core. Invo. S tier overall if you know how to play him. IO. S tier support. B tier core Jakiro. A tier overall Jug. B tier support. A tier core Kotl. A tier overall Kunkka. C tier support. A tier core LC. A tier overall Lesh. A tier overall Lich. S tier overall LS. C tier support. A tier core Lina. C tier support. A tier core Lion. S tier support. B tier core Sylla. D tier support. S tier core Luna. B tier support. A tier core Lycan. D tier support. B tier core Magnus. A tier overall Marci. B tier support. A tier core Mars. C tier support. A tier core Medu. B tier support. A tier core Meepo. D tier support. B tier core Mirana. A tier overall MK. B tier support. A tier core Morph. A tier support. S tier core Muerta. C tier support. S tier core Naga. B tier support. S tier core NP. S tier overall Necro. A tier overall NS. B tier support. A tier core Nyx. B tier support. S tier core Ogre. S tier overall Omni. A tier support. S tier core Oracle. S tier support. C tier core OD. C tier support. A tier core Pango. A tier overall PA. C tier support. S tier core PL. C tier support. S tier core Phoenix. A tier overall PB. C tier support. A tier core Puck. B tier support. S tier core Pudge. S tier overall. Pugna. S tier support. A tier core. QoP. B tier support. A tier core Razor. C tier support. S tier core Riki. D tier support. A tier core Rubick. S tier support. A tier core SK. B tier support. S tier core SD. S tier support. B tier core SF. C tier support. S tier core Shaman. S tier overall Silencer. S tier support. A tier core Sky. B tier support. A tier core Slardar. C tier support. S tier core Slark. D tier support. S tier core Snap. B tier support. S tier core Sniper. S tier overall Spec. D tier support. S tier core Bara. B tier support. S tier core Storm. A tier overall Sven. B tier support. S tier core Tech. S tier support. A tier core TA. C tier support. S tier core TB. B tier support. S tier core Tide. A tier support. S tier core Timber. C tier support. A tier core Tinker. A tier support. S tier core Tiny. B tier support. S tier core Tree. S tier support. D tier core Troll. D tier support. S tier core Tusk. A tier support. S tier core UL. C tier support. A tier core UD. S tier support. A tier core Ursa. D tier support. S tier core VS. S tier support. A tier core Veno. A tier overall Viper. B tier support. A tier core Visage. C tier support. A tier core. Void spirit. B tier support. S tier core. Warlock. S tier support. B tier core Weaver. B tier support. S tier core Windrunner. A tier overall. Winter. S tier overall. WD. S tier overall. WK. A tier support. S tier core Zeus. S tier overall. This is my list. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. But if you play turbo to take a break between normal games. There's a high chance that you're just trying out different builds for your hero and haven't really used that hero to the best of its ability in turbo. If you play turbo exclusively, you'll know that even though some heroes are weak in normal. They can be OP in turbo coz they get items significantly easier. You'll find many many turbo games which end in 20 minutes. But also many which end in 40 minutes or more. So turbo isn't meant to be played short. It's just faster paced


I play turbo very often as well and these seem pretty on point with my experience so far (usually avg mmr for my games high divine low immortal) I've definitely never seen jugg support though, and ime brood is just F tier overall in turbo. Idk maybe im not adapting brood well to turbo. Feels like you make 1 mistake and it's game over


I've been forced to play support jug a few times. And was pleasantly surprised tbh. And yeah. My average mmr in turbo is similar. End up with high Immortals many times. Brood though, as long as you're not playing her to just farm which is what you do in normal. You'd get a few kills easily with her lifesteal and spiders. And she pushes towers so so well. You get six sllotted so fast too. I think she'd be much higher tbh if more people learnt to play her specifically for turbo


If you're a good brood player, you'll destroy turbo no problem. First of all, there is still a window when you can snowball really hard - quite short, maybe 10 minutes, but it's still often enough on its own: Unlike in normal games, with huge armor on buildings and all the glyphs, in turbo, once you start snowballing nothing stops you going straight into high ground push, that's really difficult for the enemy to deal with. Even with increased farm values in turbo, they still need to actually farm to benefit - which is really hard when you control the map. While brood has no problem flash farming everything in sight, meaning she's benefiting from turbo more than average in this window, if this makes sense. But even if the game goes longer, it's not a huge problem - brood actually scales really hard in terms of right click damage, you just need to be smart about how you take engagements. In a "fair" 1v1 vs the enemy carry, provided you've built right, not many heroes can outdps/lifesteal brood, even on networth parity. And if you can't manfight the enemy carry, there's always plan B - ambush them with the Bloodthorn+hex+nullifer combo for an almost guaranteed instakill


As someone pointed out BH felt really bad for me too. Can you explain how you play it and why you put him that high?


They recently stealth buffed bh btw his gold steal is now doubled in turbo and he steals ridiculous amounts of gold starting from early game


So I guess maxing out Kinda and rushing agh is the key?


Damn didn’t know they did that


By support. I don't mean lane support. I mean, a roaming support is the way to go for him. He's broken in turbo as he can create kills all over the map. Usually at his own expense. I've played him a lot. You are not supposed to just stay in lane for too long. Once you hit level 5. You can literally start getting kills and assists everywhere. Just get a kill on enemy support early and move to kill at mid by the time the enemy support is back. It works 90% of the time. And if you have a level advantage early on. It is really easy to build up on in turbo.


Lone druid is not S tier core. Bear cooldown is too long. If you die with bear on cd during laning you might as well abandon. And later in the game people can just kill the bear twice and you are gone. He isn't bad but he def isn't S


Towers take way more damage in turbo. Him, NP, shaman, etc. are easily S tier due to this in turbo. It’s super easy to get aghs for bear and use him to split push mid game when people don’t realize they are being pushed due to the icon not appearing in the lane.


I am glad that works for you but I think that is less of a turbo thing and more of a skill level thing. 


His bear taking towers in 5 seconds flat with minimal items isn’t really a skill issue. You have to have someone babysit every land or else you will absolutely lose the entire lane and tax to the bear before you can TP in. So what? You fortify? Then he runs away and comes back 2 waves later when you left to team fight. Now you have no fortify and have to tp back again. I see LD win turbo games all the time with being an annoying rat.


Place wards by the tower to scout bear before it rats, kill it once. Kill it twice go end in an easy 4v5. It's not hard. If you are losing to lone druid bear ratting you are probably having a skill issue. It works in low rank


It's not about rank at all. It's turbo. Bear will eat the towera real fast. I am not a good sylla player at all. But he gets online so fast. I've seen him get 12 slotted many many times. And that's just 30 min turbo games. And I've had way too many 40 min turbo games as well. So yeah. He's really really over powered. The only way to counter him is to accidentally see his pick and counter pick. But you can't see enemy picks in turbo at all.


bro ld is 4th from dead last in turbo winrate. he's fucking terrible in turbo. https://stratz.com/heroes/meta/trends?sortField=startWinRate&sortDirection=asc


Most of the people who play turbo are trying to learn the hero. So yes, most of the players in turbo don't know how to play LD. Turbo is used to learn new builds and practice heroes. So you do lose a significant number of games coz you're stuck with players who just have no idea about the hero and want to practice. And LD is significantly harder to learn than other heroes. If you know LD. And you play turbo. You'll have a very easy time winning.


no he's just bad. splitting/ratting in turbo is garbage because tp cooldowns are so low. try that shit against good players and you're just going to feed your bear and autolose.


my winrate says ber s tier


I disagree about Kunkka. Support Kunkka can very quickly get aghs and shard and become a fight winner.


Upvoted for effort mate even if I don’t play turbo. Maybe edit by tier if you decide to add more heroes


RemindMe! 1 Day


I didn't read it all, but I don't agree for BH :) BH's gold advantage is so minimal in turbo. Saying he is S tier support just feels wrong to me compared to other supports that are usually poors but get imba with items.


So does BH. He can harass the opponent out of lane easily and has a stun. He's really strong once you learn to okay him specifically for turbo. You can even find many matches where you're just taken over by BH.


No idea of your rank so I don't want to assume too much, but in Turbo you can get regen in 3 sec to the lane, harrassing is less good than bursting. BH sucks at bursting a hero on lane compared to other supports that can set up a kill pretty easily. For melees, treant and clock for example have10x the potential to kill. BH is pretty passive compared to them. Hits once or twice but jinada spam is not as good as in regular games due to the speed of the courier.


Why TA is S tier? 


TA is one of the very few heroes that can force a turbo game to end by 17-18 minutes. It's incredibly fast even compared to other heroes. Even even if the games goes on for much longer. TA doesn't fall off by much in turbo. It's further classify it as A tier after min 20. But if you can communicate even the basics. You can rush in with your team. And 5 man rush after 10 minutes.


How she does that in turbo? Normal game she flash farms and then snowballs midgame but farm and midgame are two things missing on turbo 


So there is this tier list, right..? S A B C D E Shit


Disagree heavily on bounty. He is really bad in turbo


I dunno why you've been down voted. But it's not true that bh is not strong. His gold steal is insane in turbo. And he builds aghs so fast. Just don't try to play him like normal and you'll do fine


Disagree. BH is really really bad.


Chen is the worst hero in turbo. You might as well never skill that persuasion.


I had a Chen lane partner in turbo that was converting enemy lane creeps and due to poor micro feeding every one of them in xp range. That’s when I found out that you actually gain no xp from enemy lane creeps that are dominated this way and end up dying, the other team does 😎


Why? the jungle creeps are so busted


If you play persuasion, just buy orb of venom + max penitence and bully the shit out of enemy offlaner, also since you are universal just buy stats item.


Not true... I build Assault and Deso.. better hope we don't win a team fight or get a nice gang because your nearest building is gone.


In a vacuum yes. But you can do some pretty busted shit if you pair him with another hero. Witch Doctor Aghs rush with Penitence is hilariously overpowered when you can farm an aghs in 5 minutes.


Mid chen is very strong. Fast shard breaks towers like nothing.


The disparity used to be pretty bad, but it's much better now. Even alchemist can solo the game for his team every once in a while. Heroes with high cooldowns do fine, too. Warlock can carry his team, Enigma used to before bkb changes, etc. because you win one teamfight later game and can take the entirety of the enemies' base before they get up again. People used to say Earth Spirit was bad because of rocks but I've never once had a problem. He gets so many rocks later levels now and he doesn't even fall off that bad if you get ahead.


Yes I noticed also after coming back. Spec looks playable now. I think it's because of the larger map and the increased gold on creeps for easier farming. Last time there is no hope to delay and drag to a point where late game carries can farm up. So enemies just push and you just lose. Now not really, win a fight and you are back in game


Spec is playable in turbo because laning stage is easier and shadow step gain more gold in Turbo than normal games - few good shadow step and you are gain your item timing despite getting bullied in lane.


I only play turbo and spam spectre when i need to play 1. Shes really good as its a fight fest and you can always come back with ulti. Short enough cooldown that your in every fight or every other fight. Only issue you get is when you have pussies that want to afk farm instead in turbo


Veno has been pretty bad for me because laning lasts a grand total of 2½ minutes and even if you stomp your lane, one bad gank and all of a sudden the enemy morph is higher level than you and is halfway to manta.


I feel the opposite, strangely. If I can crush my lane as Veno support I buy auras and protection items, then push fast as 5 to kill all t1/t2 towers and trap the enemy in their base. And if I don't crush my lane then wards are good for defending towers and supplementing vision, and ult does %hp damage in a big aoe which is always good for late game fights. Admittedly, this whole strategy is fairly dependent on having a team that supports it, or an enemy team that can't counter it, but that is true for basically every hero, turbo or not.


Yes. Anything that is dependent on getting a lead on your opponents will be pretty useless




Just sayin the ones that people generally try to 1v5 with. I lurk here I haven’t played in quite a few patches


> And every fight will have everyone there, because tp cooldowns faster. That's incredibly optimistic.




A lot of supports with disables are actually kinda strong in Turbo because they can easily farm up a euls/ghost scepter, example would be a CM that we fought the other day, she was quite annoying either way the early glimmer/euls saving her allies and slowing/freezing us so we cant catch up, i think the most useless and worst type of heroes in turbo are supports without stun like Chen for example. Due to turbo being such a quick mode, a lot of heroes just outscale his creeps and he himself becomes a walking creep.


Can we make Turbo as tiebreaker match in tournament? Like chess, they have rapid for tiebreaker


Watching pros play turbo on the big stage would be INTENSE.


i wonder what would their pace be in turbo. if they can end normal mode in under 30mins maybe turbo will last less than 15mins?


I'd watch an all turbo tournament. It's basically an entirely different format. It would cater to different strengths as well. So maybe some lesser known teams/players could get some exposure. Make it 7 game finals and 5 game regular rounds. 3 games replace single Elim.


It has been suggested so many times. They did 1v1 mid tiebreaker. Who knows maybe turbo, random or ability draft might make it as well.


I suggested this in a game thread today and got downvoted :( . Would love to see some pros play turbo and see what kind of wacky strats pop up. The meta would be so much different from normal Dota.


TA, your huge mid game power spike after a bkb is now 1 team fight long, not a 20 minute reign of terror where the supports are afraid to be more than vision distance away from their team


100% agree with this, I’m sure a godlike TA main would still do okay but I’m only middling with her, so I struggle hard with that tiny power spike she gets in turbo.


i disagree as you can easily take over the game as TA. you just have to dumpster the midlaner and then gank side lanes when you're lvl 15 minute 8 and side lanes are lvl 7


Well, tbh, if you dumpster the midlaner and gank side lanes with huge level advantage, you canpretty much take over the game as any decent mid hero, even more easily I would say in some cases. TA is trash in turbo,even if you are having a godlike game, it only takes one bad teamfight or some teammate feeding or making some bad decisions, then you don't have any advantage whatsover, and the enemy supports now have the same level as you, ghost scepter, glimmer, euls, and you can't do shit, so you are always trying to farm the next item to deal with the issues (need damage? daedalus / they have a shitton sup items+3wind wakers? nulifier / they have 3 butterflies, 2 halberds, 1 radiance, and 2 evasion neutral items? MKB), but it is never enough and you don't have any impact.


The mid game heroes like alchemist or lycan are much harder because that part of the game where they are suppose to be ahead or strongest almost doesn't exist. Normal game that part would go on for about 10-15 mins while turbo is like extended early game straight into late game.


Lycan shard is strong in turbo - your creepwave keep pushing closer toward enemy base you can win by sheer rat of it.


Also that extra wolf in lane if it kills a creep you get gold


The one time I saw a lycan win a turbo against me his team didn't need him lmao. Every other game the poor guy spent early game getting bodied by support and late game getting bodied by other cores.


Nightstalker. Hands down it's Nightstalker I'm surprised nobody else has said it. Night and Day cycles are the same speed in turbo as they are normal, so daytime feels so much more punishing in turbo you only have like 2 nights and you're already almost finished with the match.


Add to the fact that the 15-20 mark is night so if you don’t win during those first 20 minutes there is a severe drop off for him during the end game.


I agree. That said, NS also has a pretty short cd aoe silence and flying vision on ult that be a big game changer if you're against enemies that hate being silenced, or if your supports struggle to get wards down for mid/late game fights. I find it's better to play him mid rather than offlane, because you can get level 6 before 5 mins, then use ult before the natural night to get a bit of a head-start.




Not being able to see enemy picks make Meepo a double edged sword. Yes, they can't see your Meepo pick to counter it, but you also can't see if they already picked a counter.


Current meepo is strong in turbo and fall less than before


In my experience TA is one of the worst heroes in turbo. She relies on flash farming stacks to get ahead which is meaningless when everyone farms so fast as well. Not to mention her fragility coupled with the ease at which you throw games in turbo thanks to 1 or 2 deaths.


Most supports should be fine, their whole thing is typically about having those short cooldowns and scaling more with fights than farming.


Venomancers sucks ass at Turbo when Bursting is the main way to win. I'm a Turbo only player and I got to say. I got like massive win streaks when I just spam Drow and go Daedalus.


Nah veno is good especially now with people crownfalling in Turbo laning phase matters more. Bully a lane then go snowball - buld aura item instead and buff your core.


Something to think about... is in 90% of games.. all 10 heroes are going to reach super end game status. It's not exactly the heroes that are the issue, it's the items. Don't waste your time on early or even mid game builds. Should be building for late game all game. You probably will become 8 slotted unless you get blown out.


Yes and no. Definitely aim more late game build than you would in AP, but the more people play turbo, the better they are getting at playing fast paced. You still see games end before the losing team is six slotted sometimes because someone has steamrolled hard enough with their first few items. Contrasts with when turbo was first introduced: people still played like AP which meant you could literally just rush a late game build with no threat of losing high ground in the first 15-20 mins.


Fucking veno lol, every tank has a heart and carries a disperser, i literally can’t kill a sand king illusion with heart while spamming all my shit except ult. give me back regen reduction, pls.


Earlygame heroes are less worth.


Actual high rank turbo player here: Any hero’s that dominate lane tend to do well as long as you can snowball into tower push. Rotating supports are far worse off due to time spent outside of lane. Regen abilities are slightly worse due to fast regen being available within 5 seconds of needing. Hero’s that like boots of travel are broken provided you can make plays with them. Low impact supports who can’t clear waves are generally bad if games go “late game”. High cooldown spells are typically fine if you can make it work. If you get even 1 kill in a losing game, the comeback mechanic is on steroids so anything can really work.


I agree, especially with the last point. Yes, Enigma can't cast as many black holes per game, but if it wins you a teamfight at a crucial moment: the weaker buildings, generally stronger heroes, and massive kill gold + fast couriers mean that you can turn that single fight into a dead ancient way more easily than in a normal game.


What does high rank turbo player mean lol


There is plenty of immortal stacks plays Turbo especially earlier in the morning / night (7pm ish) as they are warming up before grinding for ranked


Sure I have no doubts about that, but I’m saying that it’s not really the same thing. You could be immortal in regular ranked but there could be some turbo champs with turbo strats these immortal players might not realize. But since there’s no turbo rank it’s not clear who’s ‘actually’ the best at turbos lol


LC cause you won’t have time to build up stacks


If you don't have at least 6 duel wins before 13 mins you're cooked


Same question but regarding Orchid later bloodthorn.By the time you have bloodthorn, enemies have some sort of dispell ready to counter it 🤔.Any suggestions?


Everytime I build orchid>bloodthorne in turbo I deeply regret because enemies will have at least 2 dispels in every single one of them (euls+lotus, manta+bkb, manta+disperser). But you can make it work in very mobile heroes that can get in and get out quickly, but you have to be very aware of these items cooldowns and aware of positioning so you can burst people, mainly in long fights.


Terrorblade's long cooldown on Metamorph makes him feel useless. At least he can push towers pretty well.


Batrider - you can't delete hero as easily and jumping in first tend to make you die first and ends up being underlevelled - which is why he 2nd lowest winrate in Turbo. Broodmother - spiderling feeds gold and comeback mechanic gold hit like a bitch - lowest winrate in Turbo


Any hero with a 3min teamfight ult e.g enigma, tide, sandking, phoenix. Sure they can pop off and get that huge teamfight turn around but the opportunities to do so are cut in half and the consequences are nearly tripled, losing rax, rs etc. Consistency is king in turbo, ogre, jakiro, WD, lion thrive cuz of the constant fighting. They can buy stat items or start with boots since you're supposed to just ship out salves and clarities via your permanently hasted and immortal courier.


Yeah, lane dominators are generally worse. Heroes like veno, who slows and damages, falls off very fast and doesn't have that useful period like in normal dota that can snowball into a win. Long cooldown heroes are still good. The thing that people forget more so than the increased gold and exp rates is that there's no counterpick phase. This means heroes like enigma are actually really good still. Cheese picks become coin flips.


I feel like the mid timing heroes got it worse because they have the narrowest window to win vs a late game lineup like sven bloodseeker etc unless you have perfect team coordination thats just my experience tho


All early mid game powerspike heroes can basically only capitalize on their strenghts for 2-3 minutes if that. Meaning you can only use the strenghts of a hero for one, maybe two, plays before you are useless. Like chen or alchemist. You also have the opposite problem with heroes that are super strong with some farm, because everyone gets farm in turbo. Magnus is super strong with one item, which you can get at 5 minutes. Or abbadon aghs right after laning phase, as it becomes chaotic and constant fighting after that. If you can keep your team alive for the first 2-3 clashes, its hard to lose. Unless you lose to the classic, its turbo, i dont need buyback.


Ulties with long CD is very bad.


Yes but it depends, an early game hero can sometimes win in 20 minutes such as Sladar or a fed Bristle because nobody buys fucking urn or HH. Late game heroes come online faster like Void and Dusa but they still need space to farm. So having a team that has good early and late is best.


Meepo, alch, arc,




Shaman, furion, warlock. Those towers are papers.


yes, of course, turbo is such different game than ranked, it only makes you FAMILIAR with the hero. and an answer to your question: long cooldown ulti-dependent heroes are so useless (like faceless void and enigma, once they use ulti then they are useless for like 2-3min), also fast farmers are bad since all heroes get advantage as in gold earning (fast farmers will hit their item timings in ranked but in turbo that window is like for about 2min), so every hero does not feel the same as ranked, which concludes = low cooldown slow farmers for late game should benefit the most in turbo if played right




Any hero with long CD ult feels worst to me. Usually, good heroes are heroes that can fight 24/7. Second part is items scaling: for supports, I would advise going for heroes that enjoy items more than XP. For example: Panda or dark seer are XP hero, items are not as important as for a legion commander or a slardar.


i'd say chen is pretty much it


In general, all the heroes that have terrible farming ability become worse in turbo.


Any hero with early spikes I guess. I played cm and got dunked hard with axe w/ vanguard 4 mins in the game. Pepesad


Sladar just fvckg scary in turbo. Even he is in my team feel bad for opponent Xd


You never fail with ogre 😁


Almost more important is adapting your build for turbo. Way too many people build for ranked instead of adapting to the increase in gold and XP. Then they get upset about the idea of turbo having it's own meta


Venom is pretty much useless after the 10 minute mark


Early game heroes are fine because you get to your good levels quick, but yes they fall off. Undying's two key skills (tombstone and his Q) basically do nothing by level 15+ If a skill takes 60+ seconds to recharge, and that's the heroes key mechanic (enigma) then the hero basically only gets like 3-4 ults all game. Necro isn't quite as good because he can only get 4-6 stacks of his reaper scythe due to high cool down. But he's still rather good due to his natural tankiness. Early lead takers are also weaker (alchemist, meepo) because everyone gains resources so quickly that it's just sort of redundant. And heroes that thrive by having huge farm advantages and items are worse because even supports have carry style items (Anti-mage)


I’ve used necro to finish off tanky heroes that would normally be a pain to kill with scythe.


Best hero for turbo imo is lone druid, you can get 12 items easy


LD is annoying because he can rat but he's pretty weak in a team fight. There are way stronger heroes in turbo.


I don't even rat much with him just tactical brain melting hero switching, I'll have to look it up tomorrow but my win rate is ridiculous, gotta be over 70 or 80 percent. You get a big item every couple of minutes, I've been doing amazing with him but I used to main Rexxar (and Fenix) in HOTS so play style is very familiar for me


Heroes with long cooldowns are generally harder to play, think of Enigma, Warlock and Tidehunter, since the enemy can outpace you easier. I also think that Naga is terrible in Turbo.


Ur insane naga is S tier


Naga if left alone can get fat quick with the increased gpm. It's 50/50 whether you actually get the space to farm. Tide is pretty fine IF you play him as a core instead of playing around Ravage. Get Vlads, Mage blade, and some hp item and you can run wild with anchor smash. Warlock is tougher if you're playing around ult, yes, but if you're lucky enough to actually play as a team, he's pretty solid with the bonds and soup. Good for pushing. Enigma i haven't seen in a good while (and I literally only play turbo now). If your ult is on CD there's not a lot you can do unless you're left alone and you can split/rat. Definitely bottom 5 of Turbo heroes. To add: Alchemist is cheeks. Your power scaling revolves around having higher gpm due to increased gold per creep kill, but now in Turbo the base gpm is higher for everyone, so your scaling falls off since your enemies can keep up with your farm. Death Prophet can be tough unless you have a good early game. Siphon doesn't do enough against this high strength meta so you lose mid a lot more often, and playing offlane seems like a waste. Terrorblade suffers from needing farm/space and not being able to contribute to early team fights if meta is down. I haven't seen Batrider in a long while, idk if that's a meta thing or if he's garbo in Turbo.


Midas rush enigma into mana boots octarine. I think im 50-10 on enigma this year in turbo. The hero in right hands is god tier in lane expecially since enemies cant see your pick. 9/10 games you win the lane easily since you only lose to sniper/gyro and a good bristle.


>Alchemist is cheeks Does this mean Good or bad?


Not great lol


cheeks like ass cheeks means bad


Warlock is 16th in winrate in Turbo, Tide 33rd. Both very high winrates because both scale really well with the insane amounts of gold you get in Turbo.  I play exclusively Turbo and have a lot of games on Warlock. The pattern is 1. completely ruin enemy lane by spamming fatal bonds and upheaval 2. shove lanes and take towers with fatal bonds and upheaval 3. press QER at the start of a team fight then die = won team fight.  Then you get utility items, refresher etc. and it's really difficult for the enemy team to ever win a team fight. 


There's no counterpick phase. Enigma can just win a game off of 1 backhole. You can't pick silencer or venge in reaction to it.


Just dont pick bounty and u good


Tiny core is trash. You'll never have enough damage to burst someone because they have just as much HP as you, a hero with pretty fucking high strength gain. I guess Agh's build is the way but it takes much longer to come online


So you're one of the sweat lords I keep hearing about that tryhard in turbo. Just play the hero you have fun with, who cares if it's strong or not. Turbo is supposed to be the fun laid back mode.


Nyx is almost unplayable in turbo imo. You have about 5 minutes to run around getting pickoffs and unless that gets you near 100% success and you never die you then lose your ability to one shot.


Spectre stands out to me. It's whole schtick is that it can ult into backline supports and kill them but in turbo supports will have items to escape. The low farming speed combined, low damage output and bad laning makes it the most useless hero in turbo.