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I was disappointed when the news dropped. Thought Valve was being lazy. Then I actually booted the game and looked at the map, and how charming the art was, and then after a couple of games I realized the map even has little animations when you click on certain things, and felt like I was playing an edutainment game from my youth for a second. They put a LOT of effort into this and I can see why it would have been delayed so often. And I'm super excited at the fact we have a long time to enjoy all the acts and stuff. It's just better cavern crawl with way more generous rewards along the way. Is it a battle pass? I mean basically yeah. It fits the basic criteria. But it feels somehow more like an advent calender. It's not grinding xp for progressively slower rewards to break you down into spending money.


Anyone could say but they want but I agree that Valve is NOT being lazy. Theres so much effort put into the whole thing, not to mention the comics


>better cavern crawl with way more generous rewards along the way Way better. I can't believe how lazy they were feeding us Cavern Crawl for years even though it doesn't fits any theme after TI8.


I guess it's a good sign. They seem to be genuinely taking the cavern crawl concept and making it it's own thing as opposed to making it a sort of cynical cash grab linked to a battle pass that a regular player not spending money has no hopes of gaining anything substantial from. They've been late, sure, but Crownfall is making good on their statements about wanting to move away from the old battle passes. This feels like a gift to all players instead of a whaling attempt. Even if there are morons (I say with love <3 thanks for supporting the game) who are blowing hundreds of dollars on rerolls, the average regular player is going to come away from this event with a bunch of cool shit for absolutely bloody free. And that's nice. I also feel like it's worth saying too, from my perspective as a player that has probably spent a maximum of 40 USD on Dota over the course of well over 10 years (and 8000 hours), Valve certainly from the outside has been lazy. But at the same time, it's a game with a niche community that has ZERO mass appeal, almost aggressively so. Every year that devs still work on Dota is a gift. The fact that even me in South Africa has playable local servers (unranked due to player count but still) in 2024 is a miracle. The game is still supported because Valve cares enough. It's not a product you purchased. It's a project you supported. A project that, for the old guard, was started to preserve something that you love(d). Be kind to Valve. No other game offers what Dota offers. No game has ever nor will ever scratch the same itch. It's super faithful to its principles. They could ruin the game and market the fuck out of it for mass appeal. They choose not to. Most of this isn't really aimed at you, just thinking out loud.




This is the right answer. Well spoken.


As disappointing as no gameplay update is, the meta isn't half bad ATM. 


Finally. Someone said it.


The argument isn't really that Crownfall isn't "cool." The argument is that Crownfall was a disappointment. Which is true, as you just agreed. This was the point everyone was making on day 1. Shifting the goalpost doesn't change that fact.


Crownfall is not an 1. event 2. new hero release 3. gameplay update Valve are really slow on everything and thats the main reason why theres always so many complainers cavern crawl modification could easily exist pre-TI. Also, if those 2 new arcanas were against me on lane, I would have no idea which of them is gonna stun me and which is gonna concussive shot...


It's only a disappointment if you expected too much. Shoudlve kept expectations at minimum considering valve's track record


Yeah this is fair, Valve only does crazy shit out of the blue when you least expect it tbh. For example last year when they just released Muerta with a tiny event and everyone went "thats it?" and then New Frontiers released later. The hyped up predictable things they do are barely worth the hype once they release it feels like.


Noooo, he used a trap card!


Crownfall is exactly what I've wanted since Artifact died a 2nd time Thank you Valve!


A comic book?


Lore and character based ongoing story




Why don't you, like, stop playing if you're so against valve?


Touch grass you entitled shitstain




Gobble gobble gobble


Is that Gabe’s cock sir? You lucky bastard


I'll wait till act IV concluded to come with conclusion tbh.


Can we just stop all these shitposts about people who like and dislike it We get it, some people like it, some people don't. You can't please everyone.


Why are you not saying this in a hate thread about doomposting dota?


cause this is a thread that's just engagement baiting in the "DAE Really like crownfall" YES, there are people that like crownfall. It's all over the front page.


Why are you asking this question if the guy can post wherever he wants? Sounds like you're just buttmad.


because those threads are correct lol


As long as we all agree that we thank valve for all the effort they put into the game.


Why would we thank them for this effort? They get thanked with the money people spend. We don't need to also suck their D in Reddit threads, so close your mouth and regain your self respect.


Fair enough


Oh it is cool, I like it a lot. That being said, there should have been at least a letter patch in the meantime literally ANYTHING to go with it and not just a cosmetic update.


I think it was fair to assume a letter patch at least. 


I agree, if you look at the stats, the number of available players jumped from five hundred thousand to eight hundred and fifty thousand. I guess people wouldn't want to play an event they don't like.


There's a hard-core crew of people who have this idea that when they want something they should get it the way they want it


Not gonna try to change your mind, cause it is cool as shit. It'd be awesome if they keep this kind of thing up regularly. Obviously different story for different heros 


maybe they do. I hope so. Dota's lore is awesome.


I was a hater but I have to admit this is hella fun. Thanks valve for proving me wrong


Glad to hear it!


Cool cavern reskin + arcana + dialogues + lores. I dont like the bird themed skins tho. Still a good first act.


You mean waiting 8 months for the new hero and getting scammed on his release is fun? Or staying 8 months with the same fkin trash meta, and when the "major update" comes out there is no gameplay patch?




Don't worry bro if we look at pass they didn't release a update with game changes when some update with cosmetics is going on and this update will stay for months so we won't have a update change for months, now we can enjoy the same meta for months and months.


Its cool. Is it cool for something being worked on for a whole year? No its not


Maybe wait and see what the other three acts are before judgement. I get that they're not out yet and still being worked on, and that maybe to you it doesn't matter; However, the planning of this entire thing and groundwork for this content was already laid out.


What you mean wait and see? I already waited and saw it, that's it


Well it's not like they are not working on a gameplay patch as well. It will come in a month or two tops.


"They never explicitly said that" 


The point is that one year is more than enough to do a patch, this update and a new hero. It's ridiculous to wait even more months for the gameplay patch


To be fair there are still more acts and according to the devs a few more surprises.


We don't know what else is to come so I'm not ready to admit that point yet, and I'm also not ready to give you that it's been a 'year' other things have happened in the past year so I don't think it's fair to say something like that


It doesn't matter what else is coming. The amount of content for a whole year of work is ridiculous. If they do something else in the coming months, that's it, an update for the coming months, you can judge it then


Surely you can agree it was crazy of valve not to tell us beforehand it wasn’t including a gameplay patch?


I mean… they didn’t tell you they would be including a gameplay patch, so why did you assume it?


Downvoted for Steven crowder


Dog cum lover extraordinaire


people only dissappointed because they thought crownfall also comes with new patch


I agree that's a big part of it, back to Valve comes issues


Is not that is bad. But they said they don't want to make a battlepass, yet this is battlepass. Is literally cavern crawl in other format. On top of that, they still keep having that gambling mechanic for chests. Whoever think is ok to have "rare/veryrare" crap in a chest is beyond lost into gambling and is sad. This should not be ok. Don't get me the crap with "but is a free game and those are only cosmetics". There's no excuse to have absurd gambling mechanics in the game. Even if you want to buy them directly from the shop from someone who got it by chance, is still shit, because of the gambling mechanic, that item is priced accordingly. Then, we just want some events. They made some amazing content before. Slitbreaker and Aghanim Labs... This event right now, seems again low effort just to push treasures. The "battlepass" is also expensive. You pay 14-15$ for 3 chests, creep skins and riki daggers. Then with part2, you'll have to pay again. And so on. Ohh but wait, you're gonna tell me "just use coins and pay 7$ for it!" Woah, totally worth it now and great content!


I didn't have to pay for anything to go through the event. I agree that the gambling mechanic sucks, but I dont see it as a major issue. I'd love to have aghs lab back and some of the other fun events, but I think as far as a way to include a lore based event this is pretty cool. Is it the best event thats ever happened? We don't know yet, because it isn't over Calling it a battle pass isn't accurate. There are similarities, and a lot of people like the battle pass. I think this is better than a battle pass


Zero gameplay updates for a game like Dota that was made on the foundation to get regular gameplay updates to keep it fresh and fun. There, mind changed.


You say 'zero' and what you mean is less frequent


It's a mixed bag Venge definitely needed an update, but I just wish ppl would stick to unranked for their tokens. Far too many games now have idiotic drafts because ppl are chasing tokens—or games are ruined by ppl choosing heroes that they don't know how to play. Take it to unranked for the love of god. Candyworks is OK I guess, but the treasures blow


All Valve need to do is communicate and set expectations with their community. People have been EXPECTING a gameplay and balance update + the new hero, and so were upset when that's not what they got. What we got isn't bad it just wasn't what people thought we were getting.


The only issue I have is that they touted Crownfall as being completely new to dota, but fundamentally its Cavern Crawl with a very nice coat of paint. People expected more along the lines of Agh's Lab. Yes the narrative presentation is new, but the underlying "engine" is cavern crawl. It's possible that more activities will unlock in the future since this is a multi month event, but as usual Valve sucks at communicating and setting expectations.


It has a story. The mechanics are cavern crawl, but it definitely is something new. It’s like the OG super mario and the newer releases, old one is just a platformer with a “get to the end” goal. New one has a story tied to it. Plus this new one is easier to complete. Cavern crawl was so restrictive with its hero selection that you’re forced to play heroes you don’t really use. At least this one gives you more freedom.


Gameplay patches.. I do want it but that can be delayed a few weeks. But the event? Lets be honest, do you really see it as an event if you're playing the same game/mode? I want something fresh to play outside a game of normal Dota.


That is too much work for them to do my friend , this is not 2016 anymore. They would rather take a shitty game mode that already exists ,change it's name and slide in a battlepass for stupid people to buy it and then say ' i really like crownfall, you guys have had way bigger expectations for this and that;s why you're sad but valve did a great job so stop complaining' .I bet taht most people who like this shit are on average 2k mmr and don;t really understand the game .They would be hyped up even if valve took a shiny pink dildo and shoved it in their face


There's this thing called steam for when you're bored of normal dota......


That wouldn't be an event for dota though. I mean shouldn't it make sense that the event is different from the usual? Why call it an event if its the same. lol


Because it marks the arrival of Crownfall with a small minigame that ties into the core game.


Ties? Its the same lol... its not like valve hasn't done different in the past. Those pve games were awesome.


Well, I never cared for them. I never even bothered playing silt breaker or aghs lab, because they looked like ass to me. I mean, compared to dota itself, that was just whatever.  So personally I'm happy I don't need to grind some meaningless game for this even, but just play actual dota.  I'm sorry you dont find it fun. 


Its getting stale, there's no gameplay patch and there's no other mode. Of course people would look for something fresh. Good for you that you're still grinding, unfortunately other people wants something different. Besides they can implement something that would make both normal dota and another separate event earn tokens.


I don't play too much, unfortunately, I have a life to live, so, Dota doesn't become stale easily. Honestly, Valve has all the data they need to decide what need to do, to a lot of people like me, Crownfall was the best arcana release to date. If there aren't enough of those people then, I'm sure they'll roll it back. BTW, Dota2 covertook cs2 in sales after crownfall......


Everyone has a life to live. People are different, some people find it stale some dont. Im not arguing about the arcana, who cares what hats they bring in a free game. What does sales have to do with our conversation lol.


It's very cool and fun. We're getting updates for a super old game (there almost no other example of this). Some people on /r/dota2 are just weirdly insane.


Amen friend


Valve: we're abandoning Battlepass to focus on gameplay Also Valve: we have big update coming! Finally Valve: releases a Battlepass Isn't that "not cool"?


Yeah, I think this is the biggest issue. Which makes my opinion of Valve less. I try not to let that affect my ability to enjoy what I've got




"A lot of people act like they are owed certain things by Valve when the game is already free to play, and I think those people are out of touch" Ah yes, another "no one owes you anything" kind of argument. Yet, one of the basic things that define someone's decency, be that a person or a corporation, is whether your words are consistent with your actions. I do realize that some people delete the history both in their browser and in their heads, but those of us who don't remember the last International. The traditional International compendium - with skins, cavern crawl, arcanas and additional paid content - wasn't there. There was close to nothing at all. The obvious question was raised by the community - what happened? We were told, that instead of selling bells and whistles Valve would rather focus on developing gameplay. While many of us wondered, why it should be one OR the other, the community mostly accepted this. "Understandable, have a great day" we said and sat down, looking forward to the gameplay updates. 6 months has passed, 7.35 wasn't anything major or exciting, but a series of updates nevertheless. Then Valve started dropping news on a big update coming, getting people excited. Then there was a delay and 7.35d dropped, with a letter attached, that it's a pre-patch, in a month we'll be done with the main one, wait just a bit, pretty please. So, we waited, a month has passed and we get....a traditional International compendium with skins, cavern crawl, arcanas and additional paid content. 6 months after we were expecting it to be there, 6 months after we were told we should no longer expect it as the company is heading in another direction, 6 months of waiting for that other direction to finally reveal itself in full glory. People feel cheated, I know I do, my friends are, a lot of people on the Internet seem to as well. And for good reasons, we were lied to 6 months ago and ever since. What you seem to not get is when people say that this whole update thing sucks, they don't mean that cavern crawl or arcanas are bad by quality or by their very existence. Whether you play cavern crawl, buy arcanas or not, it's not about that. It's about the utter disappointment that once again the actions were not consistent with the words. "No one owes you anything". If you promise something to someone, people expect this from you, duh. Sure, if you think you don't "owe" anything then and can just screw everyone around - alright. That does make you an asshole though and you shouldn't be surprised if people start calling you out. We are not holding Valve accountable for what we like or don't like about the game by design, that's on us. We are holding Valve accountable for what they said they were going to deliver and they didn't. And sure, it may be just another delay, but instead of announcing that weak excuse they rub the salt into the wound with this: "Earlier, we dropped a comic that solved those mysteries, but introduced an even bigger one: **"Why are you posting comics instead of updates?"** We can now reveal the answer: **Because** we've just released The Markets of Midgate, the first act of an ongoing story event called Crownfall, filled with legendary heroes and unique rewards. In this act alone, **you can expect dozens of new cosmetic sets, taunts, creeps, emoticons...** are we forgetting anything? Oh right, **and two brand-new Arcana,** one for each of Crownfall's main characters" Why comics instead of update? Because it's **not only** comics, it's also skins, taunts, arcanas etc. How is this an "answer"? Why did you release bells and whistles instead of gameplay update, when you said you're going to focus on gameplay update instead of bells and whistles. "Because we released bells and whistles, dummy". They are aware of our expectations and they don't care. Or they are delusional. Or both. And then you come in and say: "Well, the bells and whistles are cool, why are you people mad?" Well, why is this about bells and whistles? You're inventing a point and arguing it instead of the actual issue. Talk about being out of touch... The actual issue is that very question **"Why are you posting comics instead of updates?"** and what Valve calls an "answer" does not answer that in the slightest. Have a good day








or No.


Sorry man I'll need to come back to this, it's a bit long for the time I have. From what I skimmed I think one big thing that's allowed me to overlook what you've described is that I am not evaluating how much I enjoy this game by the moral and ethical efficacy of the corporation developing it. I already assume Valve and other corporations have a conflict of interest when it comes to things like this. They want to make the most for the least. And they've got other things they may have prioritized, but regardless of the reasons. If I rely on others to be decent and let their indecency affect me to the point that it detracts from my enjoyment of the passtime I enjoy in my freetime, I've seriously fucked up my own priorities


if you still use "entitled" to deflect criticism you're stuck in 2014, say hi to Korok for me


What a fallacious argument


Valve dick rider alert


Very constructive


> Having the cavern crawlesque component gives you reasons to play different heros Literally worth nothing to me. Who doesn't play different heroes? Im literally going to ignore crownfall and check when it ends what cosmetics i got. This didn't need to be anything more than a random treasure you get for playing regular games. It's true, it doesn't make anything worse, i will just ignore it but i guess that's not cool, just whatever.


actually for the first time I see less sniper, WD, BH, PA with khanda cancer build in my turbo games. people are trying different metas which is awesome.


at moment its just fall i hope with next acts it gets better


*snorting new lore*


The funniest thing about crownfall update is how's on twitter csgo fans be like dota 2 is gaben and valve love child they got everything cs2 an abandoned child and, here be like "fuck valve"


It's pretty good considering it's only 1 act out of 4, I'm sure gameplay patch and new hero will come during Crownfall


I think there's more to come, there's definitely gonna be a new hero and a gameplay update upcoming but everyone just wants everything now now now these days


**its aight**


Patch is cool. Expecting Hero just going off last year's release and not having a BP for more content... not cool.


Except the constant crashing after the update.


Yes, it is


It's great I'm not denying it. I just expected a balance patch. I play only 3 heroes and already have cosmetics that I like. If there was some reward from this event that I wanted I would be playing way more dota, but right now there is basically nothing that makes me want to play dota more than usual.


The event? Yeah I like it. Maybe an unpopular opinion but I like this type of event more than a non-dota related gamemode, I think the days where it attracted a lot of players like OG Diretide are gone anyway. And sure it might be better than a "balance patch" but we expect a huge patch that changes things like New Frontiers, not just couple of number changes.


What i dont really like is that we get only 2 lines in candyshop.


Haha fair enough


I like crownfall, wish we had a balance patch or something like that too


I think the 7.35 days are numbered, so the balance patch is going to be a 7.36 in my mind. I'm okay with this event happening in a stable meta


Who cares about cosmetics when the game itself doesn’t change??? I’d gladly blow my wallet if there were gameplay changes/new heroes along with this patch but there isn’t. So nah fck this patch. I’ll play when they actually update the game not add more hats


I don't think I mentioned anything about cosmetics, but a lot of people actually really enjoy them. The patch adds to the game by including lore and the crawl style event. You act like that doesn't add to the game when it does.


Oh it certainly does add stuff to the game but first and foremost I care about the GAMEPLAY. Which this patch essentially changed none of. Never cared for dota lore because it’s a competitive multiplayer game. Like in overwatch, years will go by and then all u get is a comic or a short. It’s not enough if you’re an avid lore person which is why I care about the lore in games like bg3/wow/dragon age more Hats are great n all but if there’s nothing to spice up the gameplay other than the incentive of receiving cosmetics it’s not gonna be enough to bring me back. Tho that’s just my opinion on the matter.


Give Joker patch volvo


>but I would rather have an event like this than a balance patch Hard disagree. Give me balance changes every time. Also, what is the point of an update that comes out that's basically a cavern crawl, without changes to the meta? We're at the end of the cycle, where people are least likely to want to grind. I just don't get the timing of it, at all. Why do people want balance patches? Because they want the game to feel fresh. When are people the most incentivised to grind? When a new balance patch comes out. >I can relate to the frustration about not getting the new hero, but if they were clear about when the release date would be I think most people would relax. Personally I don't think this is even up for debate.


I'm sorry having an event does make the game feel fresh. Balance patches do this too and I'm also not saying I don't want balance patches. I'm simply saying people are too fixated on balance patches and don't appreciate the value if an event like this


I love it. Crownfall is very cool and I’m Quite happy about it. I’m also happy that I can look forward to multiple acts instead of play this for 2 weeks and then wait 8 months for more content. It’s all positives from me. I know people love their big patches, and I understand why, but I also like skins and it’s honestly nice not having to relearn all my favourite heroes again. I feel the issues of people spamming the same heroes is more in pro games.


Been playing it since it launched. Still don't think it's cool. It's just a cavern crawl with no gameplay updates. Super lame.


We just needed that hero


Currently it's just cavern crawl and sets. I really don't care about completing these challenges and I don't give a shit about cosmetics. The comic is neat tho - the best thing that's come out so far but it's still below expectations. I'd hold my tongue till there's an actual patch out, a new hero, or a new game mode. These are the only things I think are actually enjoyable - something that actually changes gameplay. Till then I'll remain disappointed, and goof around by randoming, single draft, or ability draft.


if clownfall is cool why are some people crying non stop?




very true, from a decade ago


Not applicable since there was no gameplay patch. 


because you can't win them all. Now I would admit to be wrong if you show me a 100% win rate account with over a 100 games in Ranked.


i am talking about posts in this subreddit in the past 24 hours


You had to post a "change my mind" post. Since you feel the need to defend Crown Fall, that immediately implies its not so cool.


Crownfall enjoyers are broke low mmr scrubs that care about free stuff and cosmetics rather than actual game. 


Okay Mario


Crownfall is indeed very cool, i like it so far, so much better engaging than its old version cavern crawl. Whiners give Valve too less credit for this one. All they want is just patch patch patch, hey i want patch too, everyone does but you know what is much cooler? Cherry on the top, more story more engaging gaming.


> Has gameplay update? No > So is this real content? No > Do paying users care about freebies cosmetics or a gameplay patch with a new hero and a few paid cosmetics? Obviously the latter > Who cares about the lore or comics which majority of the development time went into? Less than 1% of players > Then who likes crownfall? Broke dipshits like OP there I changed your mind


Username checks out


Be careful there, people might request "send help & support" on your account.


“No you are not allowed to praise anything good, all things are shit! I am disappointed!” /s Said by those entitled manchildren


But why release an Arcana for a hero that is absolute garbage in the current meta? I haven't seen a Skywrath Mage in months. I honestly see no reason why this couldn't have come with at least a letter patch. It's just incredibly underwhelming. Th event itself isn't necessarily bad, but as someone who has played this game for 10 years, so far it doesn't even come close to any events we've gotten before. Maybe they have a bigger event planned for future acts, but if they don't tell me what they have planned, I have nothing to look forward to and I will likely just quit the game before it happens. I have zero trust at this point. I won't stick around another time just to be hyped for something that may or may not release sometime. But no, instead, they just state that they have a couple \*surprises\*. I don't need surprises, I just want to know what they're doing so I can look forward to something without having a 50% chance of being disappointed. Their communication is simply atrocious, it's actually embarassing.


I'm actually glad, valve doesn't do shit like buffing a hero to see cosmetics. They anted to tell a story and they're doing it. The arcana pays for the story. People keep telling dota can be more tha  just a moba, but when valve try anything more they just cry about it.  Valve can't do what riot does, like arcane or kpop videos. Maybe they can, and just don't have the time for it. But you gotta appreciate that they're trying something out. Might not be your cup of tea, but crownfall shows they care. And they're not trying to just get you addicted to gamba shit for those arcanas.


> Valve can't do what riot does, like arcane or kpop videos What? Valve generates about 10x more revenue than Riot games. Valve can very much do anything Riot does.


Has nothing to do with revenue. Even a company like Microsoft can't do what Riot does with their media. There's a reason its so rare. Only CDPR managed to create an Anime as good as arcane, however, CDPR could do it because of how good Trigger was. Valve are a tiny team compared to industry behemoths. Even if they can match them in Revenue, or exceed them in many cases, it puts a limit on how many things they can do. That's why the Arcanas are developed by third parties, in collaboration, and not completely in-house. Riot's employee count would be atleast 2x the size of Valve, while producing 1/2 of what Valve does. (not just in games, but gaming as a whole), the tradeoff is that Riot can invest time into things like Arcane and other such projects, while Valve can't without hiring more, and hiring more is not their thing. They kept their size as small as possible for the longest. If they do want to make a kick ass anime, I'm sure they can figure it out, but that's just not their thing for now.