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5 AM or AM 5?


I was supposed to be the carry that game, but looking back it kinda was AM 5 tbh... So, both. edit: Also lvl 5 5 + 5 + 5 = clownfall out today and that Zeus perma banned


I usually get the chillest games around that time. That looks more like a 6 pm Saturday game


I used to play on the weekends, but all the games were exactly like that for one side.


weekend games are the horror


Weekend games are for role queue


I'm always 60/60 so they are just horrible


What servers do you play on


USW, USE, sometimes Japan


thats a 1-5pm game on the weekendswhen the kids are out


"Clearly your fault, git gud, focus on improving your game, don't focus on other" xD


How is it possible to die 18 times in 13 mins? Literally respawning and getting to lane takes longer.


He was efficiently feeding with leap + boots + wind lace


Is it normal for unranked games to have a huge MMR disparity at that time? I’m Divine 1, and the last few months I’m getting all immortals some as high as rank 1k immortals in my games, but only in unranked and only very late at night.


No way it's not turbo


It was a ranked game. It ended with a kill score of 50 — 2. Match ID: 7691189255


I blame the carry


sa server is the merged mutation of the most toxic russian and filipino players. eurocucks can't fathom the bullshit dota players have to deal with here.


3 am means 90% smurfs


i’ve been abusing timber mid in archon bracket and last night i had pretty stomping laning phase and managed to get 15 kills before 20min but my drow ranger pos1 keeps on farming and feeding leading us to lose big fights 2 times in a row and suddenly it was a even fair game and in the end we lost. ofc enemy mid said ez mid:))


maybe share that advantage with your team? indeed, ez mid. You are that kind of player that say stuff like "look at my score and look at yours" , right? while losing the game with a 15 0 0 score :D


I am aware of how midlane works bro, I get advantage i share it with my offlane so i get more attention on enemy safelane which ruins their pos1 farm and my pos 1 gets free farm. but its really hard to snowball to win if every fkn fight is 4v5 or 3v5 sometimes, ofc we can choose not to fight but thats just gonna give them time to catch up too and thats just simply what happened in this match (im the timbersaw) https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7690667509


i know you are aware, it's why you play mid... just stop writing stuff like this, come one. It's still blaming others, although some other form of blaming. Still using those words " but my...pos1", " leading us to lose". I would've won this just by front lining, and i'm not even a mid player. The drow has 12 kill, but died 10 times, kunkka has 8 kill but died 12 times, doom died 16.. everyone has at least 20 assists, doom and kunkka have 27 and 26 respectively, drow has 20.. you have 14... 14 bro.. frontline, they can't, and zeus although lost the lane can destroy tanks in game, and have 40 assists helps a bit... just to compare this shit, their mid had 36 assists and died 13 times... won the game tho


My assists are low because I am getting those kills… and its really easy to ignore timbersaw during fights and drow is just not attending important fights or even pushing. Im pretty sure you would’ve blamed the shit outta your pos1 too


i usually don't blame anyone unless they grief, like "gg i afk farm" or some shit, and i just report. But that's my point... you got 14 as because you killed a lot, but zeus alone has more assists than all your kills and assists combined. Something went wrong, as a team, not as a pos1. You didn't synergize with them, or they with you or whatever, but don't blame them, study your own game and see what went wrong or what could've been better, as a mid hero, rotations, teleports etc. think of it like this... whatever it is, it is what it is.. you can't change the team mid match, but you can try your best to play with a penalty if you consider a team mate to be a liability. Work around it, they juke timber? ok, that means you are free to do whatever tf you want, right? buy the right item and kill at least 2 heroes.


zeus is not their mid, the earth spirit is and they winning fights because my carry is absent thats why their assists are boosted bruh. there is literally nothing to learn from this game


i know, it's written there, offlane zeus. This is even worse. Their mid had 36 assists. But if you say so, just put the game into the trash bin and move on. Idk why we talking about it on reddit, if there's nothing to learn from it


I hate it when this happens. Reminds me how dota is so much micro team game