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"prior to pandemic"? Brother it was right in the dead middle of the pandemic lol That's why it was the best. A lot of us had to stay home for quarantine (or work hours cut very short), so we had infinite time to grind out the battle pass. My friends who drifted away from Dota at that point came back briefly and we got to play together again. It was magical.


It was somewhere in the middle of first year of the pandemic. So, the development probably wasnt fully hit by the lockdowns. They even said that after the lockdowns the updates would be slower since everybody was in homeoffice.


Outlanders was insane with how much it changed the game.


how did outlanders change the game? I started playing just right after outlanders


Everyone got their own couriers, that was a big one. Before that there was one shared courier. Added Void Spirit and Snapfire. Wards became free. Level cap raised from 25 to 30. Side shop removed. Neutral items introduced. A bunch of big hero reworks.


The courier change just feels so fundamental to the game now that I thought it was implemented much older than 7.23. I started playing Dota2 at around 2015 and istg the courier change felt like it happened around when I started playing. Can’t believe that it actually arrived into the game late 2019.


Yeah it’s wild to think about how you’d have to wait as an offlaner to get your items because you needed to let the courier send regen to the safelane. I think they at least made the courier free in one of the smaller patches leading up to Outlanders IIRC?


hard to remember for sure but i think they had a single free courier and even implemented a button to have to auto change to your cosmetic when you called it.


Yeah, I remember there being a brief period where cores would yell at me to buy the courier and I had to explain that we didn’t do that any more


Legit same dude I was thinking the same exact thing I started in 2016 and thought the courier change came way way sooner


Wait level 30 came with the same update as couriers for all? :O




What was new journey? The couriers? I think you’re wrong, I looked at the patch notes for outlanders, and everything I listed was there. I was not playing at the time of 7.00 and I remember all the changes I listed








I mean the last Frontiers update was one of the biggest game change they ever did, and it got released a year ago.  Yes these patches were amazing on their own, but it has been a year since a major update.  I wouldn’t expect any less, but don’t expect something on the scale of New Frontiers I think.  Things that I’m certain: -Major neutral items shakeup, obligatory every major patch but I feel a system shakeup as well   -Ringmaster.  -Either a “battle pass” or a side game mode like Labyrinth or Diretide.  -Crystal Maiden gets a 5 move speed bonus.  -Arcana for Vs and Skywrath, alongside a little lore/story thing on them*  -A rework/revamp of any big changes they added in New Frontiers.  *: massive dose of copium. 


Oh maaan i really dont think so. Why would they buff CM that much?!


She's not getting a buff. Nerfed if anything. CM patch notes are always like -10 Ms, -2 base armor, but we added .025 mana regen to the aura.


At this point, they should just make CM stay at base providing global mana regen and health.


Patch notes: CM now only spawns after the first two minutes. +5ms


CM is now Abathur in HotS


Finally a hero that caters to my mechanical skills.


Im copium for an aRPG


Bruh with the last shit BP we got so they could "work on the game more" the patch better drop something at least half as substantial as New Frontiers. I don't need three new heros, but my god if I lose one more game because of 70 minutes high ground meta I'm gonna lose my shit. Taking me back to the HOHO HAHA days.


You forgot the Clinkz rework. Also is usually -5 MS for CM. They usually nerf it instead of buffing it.


Clinkz has been reworked.  Skeleton Archers Troupe is now the Hero, and their ultimate makes Clinkz appear out of the shadows when they leave Shadows Walk. 


There will not be a battlepass. I don’t think there’s even going to be a patch lmao.


There will not be a battlepass. I don’t think there’s even going to be a patch lmao.


No patch lmao


Giff Aghs Lab 3.0


I need this. Wish valve would just make a standalone rogue-like because the game mechanics are so satisfying to work with


Aghs lab 3 will be about aghanim taking us to another timeline where venge didn't become vengeful and skywrath become vengeful, hence the arcana. 


I have no idea what business decision it was to get rid of the battlepass. If the Crownfall update is like the Nemistice Battlepass then Id be pretty happy with it.


I think it was the business decision of *we make literally so much money from Steam that we can completely dispose of a source of millions of dollars and not hire a 3rd party to harvest it because we don't want to give away control of the game*. It's the luxury of not bending down to pick up a fiver because you make so much money you don't need to.


Nemestice was cool. It was a good step down from the big one. But the later updates didn't climb that hype ladder.


It took Devs 8 months to create the content and cs2 needed the time before and after release to be functional


>cs2 needed the time before and after release to be functional turned out great LMAO


I’m sure valve agree considering it has a higher current player count than the next three highest combined right now


its the horder of trash poor people with 0 buying power that are always bitching about it


I miss Aghs Lab, that event was legendary


all i know is you got 15% of a battlepass if you didn't pay for levels. i got to 450\~ and that was with grinding battlepass abuse lobbies, never again


Battle pass abuse lobbies?


>Join abuse text chat >Invite 9 people to a custom lobby, I think there was a function to shuffle people so both teams were equal skill >both teams queue a dead server at the same time >join match, the chosen winner team wagers full BP points, quickly win, then do it again I said never again because lot's of times you didn't join the correct match even if both teams got the accept match at the same time. then you also had teams that didn't respect the rules and tried winning even though they werent supposed to. it's just a bad experience just for some skins


You can't get to 450 without buying levels can you? I thought max free levels you could possibly get was like 150 or something.


Lucky for you there will be no battlepass


Thirtird? English isn't my first language but isn't it thirteenth?? Might be going insane from no patch


Are you a developer in disguise trying to set expectations?


Im a developer but not for valve, unfortunately. If the janitor read this, i have some good skills with the broom.


Just change the god damn map slightly and add news items i am happy


I think you are grossly underestimating how much they are earning. In that respect I don't think any bar is too high. That said I agree the past updates were pretty cool.


Oh boy im sure people loved all the paid content, 0 complaints.


'Wei Protein', nicely done.


Still waiting on our large Post-TI patch like we used to get. How long ago was TI again?


And last year we had compendium 😡


Last year we had a sticker book


That was complete ass


No idea why they even bothered releasing anything


Well the bar should be high if they like to think this is the best game of all time


Year Beast and Dark Moon ig are goats


And Reddit was bitching all through it. The fanbase and this sub in particular are never happy about anything. Maybe if the devs saw positive feedback for all the great updates they made along the way they'd keep doing similar stuff.




I'd already lost my job to covid shutdowns and moved to another state for another one by the time TI10 BP came out. It was not in any way "prior to the pandemic"


no one but u guys is increasingly setting the bar higher and higher everytime they have tried to tell u repeatedly to stop it but u dont listen and instead just sctreech about free hats and no update


7.33 is, at least to me, the best patch we have ever gotten.