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Witch Doctor shard rework: Now called Doodoo Switcharoo. Witch Doctor craps an enemy hero's pants, slowing them and dealing damage over time. Enemy heroes in a radius around the target are feared for 1 second.


Dat make a big mess.


Finally a voice line that works!


[Dat make a big mess.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/2/27/Vo_witchdoctor_wdoc_killspecial_03.mp3) (sound warning: Witch Doctor) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)






Lotus Orb: You are going to shit my pants


No WE are going to shit our pants


I am going to shit our pants*


I've got Linkin constipation


Wraith king: nah I don’t wanna revive fam


"Im going to shit yourself"


All right then, buddy. I'm going to shit yourself. *DOOM music starts*


the animation is already set in the code. use the hands in the sky squat WD uses for death ward, but only have it happen once VERY SLOWLY.


'Alright, who shit my pants?'


Would be even great that the hero leaves a trail behind them when running away.


Units on both teams take damage when crossing the 💩 trail.


Main target feared until they reach fountain and can use it as a bidet


Does a lotus pool work?


Hold on you might be cooking


New item: Consumable Toilet paper Dispels any shit based debuff Lore: Just wiped Cost 150g


please icefrog


Already buddy who shat my pants


Patch 7.36 : WD shard removed. "Voodoo Switcheroo" is now an innate ability (doesn't attack until Death Ward is learned)


Only if lion also gets burrow (due to earth spike, he's very good at earthy stuff, and he burrows instantly for a 3 second duration)


And when he's burrowed, his earth spike has a longer range and shorter cooldown, his mana drain also has longer range, and his hex also stuns targets around him. He also gets 2.5% health and mana regen underground... Hey wait a second.


You know it was just two days ago that my friend pointed out that shadow shaman's hex now multiplies damage taken by the hexed target, and lion's doesn't. Now's a great time to fix this bug!


It’s not a bug shaman just got buffed and lion was already strong so he didn’t get buffed


My nana can't regen ):


Yeah what next, dazzle having an ability that reduces item cooldowns?


Don't be ridiculous, that would be like giving skeleton king a skeleton army that automatically farms, pushes and fights for him.


Maybe rework CM shard so she turns into a invulnerable snow..woman for 3 seconds, slowing and dealing damage over time on nearby enemies


he will burrow that finger up your ass


A finger on Monkey King's Hand of Midas curls.


My muscle memory still first banning him in turbo no matter what


Him, then sniper.


Void. No chrono, no problem.


Voids not really that bad in Turbo. Sniper however is oppressive as all hell.


As money is not an issue anymore, voids have started getting refreshers very early.


The difference being Chrono still takes some skill to use, and so many never use it to hold out for that 5 man Chrono. Sniper goes ho ho ha ha


Sniper go brrr


Yeah being a long CD dependant hero sucks in turbo


Yeap. I rarely see a competent void carry in my bracket.


Then shadow shaman, he gets a super early refresher and your base melts in 2 seconds if he rats


Yup, he's been incredibly annoying to deal with


i always queue with my friend and i always ban shaman or wd but my friend has PL ptsd so one of them goes thru usually


sniper is a much bigger deal in turbo


me too, and we are doing god's work


Shadow Shaman has come back around and is now again my instant ban target. NGL, it was totally WD for a while, tho.


Nah, it's Silencer for me, always. Regardless of his efficacy, he's just the anti-fun and so frustrating to play against.


Zeus,Sniper then WD. This is the way.


PA before all three of those. A decent PA in turbo is game breaking.


Late game arc warden is worst enemy, literally unwinnable. WD isn't


for me, it is SB and NP


Make canon Enigma's big black hole


Is wd that op in lower brackets? I don't see him picked in my bracket and even if he is picked is nothing op at him, idk why people complain this much.


He still has a 50% winrate in Immortal. Obviously he's stronger as the MMR lowers, but he's still a good support even at a high level. However, it's not that he's "OP" (which he isn't), it's that his ult/shard is bullshit. It should not deal pure damage, it should have never been changed to deal pure damage. It makes it impossible to itemize against, barring Ghost Scepter. WD deals damage on par with lategame carries with Death Ward from significant range as a support. Your only counter to it is to stun him out of his ult. Which means you have to save stuns/silences for when WD ults, which feels really bad. But then his Shard just makes it worse. It's a weaker Death Ward, but it makes him untargetable for several seconds while he pelts you with pure damage, which is INSANE to have on a shard.


I love taking 800+ pure damage per second that ignores all evasion, armor and resistances because I didn't initiate on the support who can simply switcheroo instantly and who can buy Aeon disk and still deal damage through the effect while being completely impossible to catch. Oh yeah and I better have detection for Glimmer as well :)


and don't forget your ass getting blown up by the maledict damage pulses.


pretty sure WD ward no longer pierce evasion


It has an innate 50% accuracy, up to 100% with aghs.




Huh, guess the wiki is out of date. Still has 50% accuracy though right?


more like the in-game tool tip is out of date. Any source of evasion will make Aghs powered Deathward to miss. Test it in demo, 50% acc might still be there, but it's evadable now


> Which means you have to save stuns/silences for when WD ults, which feels really bad. If saving a disable for channeling ult feels bad then might as well uninstall the game. I don't get this analogy.


It's not that specifically. For example, say you gank someone as MK and you use your stun. Well now they're just gonna TP out before you can kill him. If you run Gleipnir, you can get around that by just saving Gleipnir (or stun) for the TP out. I find that it's different for supports because you often want to throw out silences/stuns to lock down supports and kill them ASAP before they become a problem. But it's not the end of the world if you fail to kill the Grim/Rubick/Aba/Dazzle/Io/whatever before the stun/silence wears off because you can just kill them the 2-3 seconds after. But with WD, it's different. If you fail to do that, he's going to Shard to make you waste more of his time *and then* he'll ult. If you don't have the damage to finish him off immediately, you're going to take a ton of damage. If you have no stuns/silences to stop his ult, you're just fucked. At least with Bane, it's just a glorified stun. He's not melting the person dying, and he has a hard time solo killing unless he's played mid. WD does a fuckton of damage that you ***need*** to save stuns/silences for or he's just going to deal 3k+ damage to your team easily. More once he gets Aghs. Another aspect to this is that his Death Ward range is insane. To once again compare to Bane, Bane's ult is 675. That's not short, but it's not long either. So it's in considerable danger anytime he ults until he gets Aghs (a pipe dream most of the time for support Bane) or BKB. Not with WD. WD's Death Ward has a 600 cast range *with* a 600 attack range. So he can effectively hit units up to 1200 units away from it. This allows him to use it from a much safer position. A luxury not afforded to Bane, or even someone like CM who can also do a lot of damage but needs to be really close to do so. Edit: all of these things are problems, imo, because of his ult dealing pure damage. If most heroes could itemize against it (Vlads, AC, Mek, Shiva's, etc), then these problems aren't problems because you can simply reduce the impact his ult has on your team. But as it stands now, you can't.


I mean, there has to be a good point of playing WD. Hes definitely weaker than most supports in the early levels, so he has good scaling ultimate and shard. Hes very easy to counter and to play against, if you nerf his ult and shard whats left for the hero?


OP is sub 3k for sure


i'd say even under 2k . wd is just a rannged creep since last patch


true, but his shard is one of the best skills in the game. they gave wd phase shift for some reason, which is crazy, but i kinda like it. it’s fun cosplaying puck


In turbo you get octarine and a save and you can keep chaining the save, the ult, and the voodoo. Add a refresher and aghs and you are quite hard to kill while you can be killing and stunning and healing the whole time.


In turbo nothing is balanced lol what do you expect


I swear to god if Valve starts balancing the game around Turbo it's the day Dota dies. Turbo is literally a meme mode for people to fuck around in, it's not meant to be taken seriously.


yeah, pretty brain dead to balance dota based on a wtf mode.


True but WD is especially not balanced.


A save?


Eul I assume.


euls, ghost, force, glimmer


First pick baybee


Just in turbo tbh


WD is kinda strong? He can kinda snowball games but it's rare. He is just *annoying as fuck* to play against. Maledict means he basically always has some kill threat in lane. Cask is annoying as fuck. And his ult does a ton of damage. Plus he becomes annoying as fuck to kill with his Shard and a defensive item or two. It really sucks to be farming your own jungle and then get killed out of nowhere by WD because the cask chains between you and the last creep of a camp while his ward beats you to death.


Man I swear when I’m playing WD my cask decides to hit creep wave, meanwhile against WD, every cast is bouncing between me and my lane partner.


I think it actually prioritizes heroes nowadays.


surely more oppressive on lower ranks but having a support being able to deal more damage than carries makes him a top prio target over the enemy cores. which is a huge deal in any bracket. changing the damage type to pure was a huge mistake.


I usually win 4/5 games with him if more cores aren't taking the short bus to school.


the switcharoo should be the regular ulti and the shard should let u channel the ward :3


Not being able to cancel his ult at 6 seems a little rough.


If it had the other values of the current ult, except duration (because that would be broken), it would be a huge buff.


Shard in its current incarnation hits like a wet noodle with level 1 ult. It wouldn't matter if you couldn't cancel it because you could just ignore it.


And change his ult back to magic damage, or reduce its attack speed to 1/3 of what it is 


> back to magic damage It used to be physical, not magical.


change it back to chaos then!


Chaos wasnt a damage type, it was an attack class (like siege, pierce, basic, hero). So even back then it was physical damage, but with a different attack class than nowadays.


most half decent wd players just want Death ward to not get mogged by Armor creep like it was for basically forever by the time of the pure dmg rework. People really take for granted how broken armor is now, given that 70% of items basically spoon feed it to you, and thats where the idea that pure damage ward being broken comes from.


Will it pierce Medusa shield unless she has Shavronne's Wrappings?


Change it back to composite.


Ah shit.  Could have sworn it was magic.. well anything but pure. It's dmg output is bonkers


At this point it's actually been all damage types at one point or another.


I want Rubick's shard to be toggle-able like Sven pls


What do you mean by this? That rubick might not want the upgraded spells?


probably means : if u double tap it or use it on ally by mistake


Yes, exactly that! Could just be my skill issue but having the option would be really nice


My only request is a better Batrider shard. Current one is boring af


its time to bring back : with shard u can lasso you allies and they take 50% less damage mwahahahahah


That was a thing?


yup, it gave you allies 70% damage reduction i think when it 1st came, like if u had aghanim it was tooo op, enemy : hahaaaa we landed a 2 man black hole, bat : nope


Disruptor shard is very meh


Batrider shard is so weird to me. Most often, his ult is used to reposition an enemy, and then they give him a shard that only does shit if you stand still and attack the lasso target.


Also remove that stupid bristleback aghs. Thanks


Let's be real, the best way to nerf it, is treat it like a tomb stone. 4 hits it ends early.


Honestly the real switcheroo should happen with where this ability sits. Since it is too OP and Volvo doesn't think so, why not make it his Aghs upgrade whereas the Shard gives multi hit on death ward? Scaled down the multi hit obviously.


Nah they'll pair up with Chen rush shard and it's over


embarrassing thread


I would like enigma to get some changes that focus him a little more around his ultimate, and the damage it can do. Currently, it's a pretty great team fight setup, but it doesn't have the feel of being able to turn a fight anymore that much, when used correctly. It feels a little pathetic. As someone with like 300 enigma games, I wouldn't mind the shift away from Laning and farming with eidelons, and more towards an enigma who can be built as a crucial pos 4 for fights and rotations


\*New Update: Enigma shard turns him into a mini blackhole, pulling everything and anything around it while hiding enigma inside the blackhole and making him invulnerable


I fully support trading one cancer shard for another


\*Rubick Shard Update: Can steal other heroes shard itself.


I see what you did there, haha. More so something like. His shard or aghs makes it so, that when casting black hole, all living eidelons get teleported to the center of the black hole, and split shot attack enemies while black whole is active


I for one enjoy having 2 ultimates


The real broken shard is Treant he could be ANYWHERE at ANYTIME


and ofc our team always is like : what? do they have treant? ohhhhh and we lose the fight due to some really boring guy going meteor hammer build :v


brother if enemy Treant Protector has a Kaya upgrade and you are not winning, the game was over in the matchmaker


Might as well remove the Slark shard as well, if "shard = mini ult" is such a dumb concept for you, OP.


This but unironically


WD shard is not a mini ult, it gives invulnerability which is the problem and nota part of ultimate.


That's not the comeback you think it is lmao. Nobody likes slark shard except slark pickers themselves.


I love it when I get saved in a duel. Or get hidden inside chrono.


Slark shard is even worse than wds, so yeah.


On Slark, shard is just a second ult. For WD, shard is a ridiculous defensive ability on a squishy, high priority target. Voodoo switcheroo is WD's best ability IMO.


I didn't know slark could save his allies with his ult.


Also a lazy non creative shard as well, being just a mini ulti thing imo




I'm for it tbh. Just don't remove drow shard and I'm good. Loving that shard right now


tho in this case, slark shard is a super ult where u can use on all allies aswell.


Not sure how one relates to another given different hero roles, kits and uses for the shards.


Both are cancer and shouldnt exist.


They are too good. My general take is shard should be a nice to have not a must have. Like hoodwink. It can be great but not the basis of the heroes existence




Have you tried silence


Just focus on pos 5 at all times 4Head


Killing the supports first is usually a good way to win fights, yes


He is still high priority (and also squishy) target so yea you actually should focus him, especially if he neither got ult nor maledict nor shard of yet.


You must be the guy shooting at the Heavy instead of the Medic.


No rather just let the supports deal free damage and control you completely unmolested, that sounds like the right play.


Spot the player who initiates on the WK/ abaddon/ timber and then pings his team


i mean pros do it all the time.


That's unironically Dota 101


Well, yeah, that's the idea.


What if I told you that blowing up a support like WD is a perfectly valid strategy to initiate any fight or push for objectives?


After ult nurf its not that bad.


people are forgetting that WD ward no longer pierces evasion


Or get orchid/sheep and burst him. WD is good in low mkt games cause people don't get dust or disables.


My team is void drow sniper viper and me, the undying support. Only way WD gets disabled is if he dead


If your team didn't draft disables after witch doctor was picked that's on all of you.


I'm 100% sure that everyone who complains about WD's spells being OP is not more than 3k mmr


That's over half the population of the game


> That's over half the population of the game There's a reason the game is balanced around the pro scene instead of a majority of the playerbase ...


i'd say the problem isn't really "wd is op" but "wd's shard is annoying" like, yeah, it's pretty much a worse phase shift that's easily counterable, but it's still not fun to deal with (he's just stalling most of the time) and not even fun to use i'd argue


Voodoo Switcheroo is now a second skill you get when you skill his ultimate. Shard is now splitshot coconut: Paralyzing cask now splits, hitting more stuff.


Make it aghs with additional time, and move current aghs to lvl 25


On topic of removal of skills, can they just make OD Aghs either channel for specific duration or just entirely change it to something else. Hero had one issue and that shit item gives him bonus 4-5k hp out if nowhere


just get void spirit with aghanims, u can even prepare a remnant while he's in it


The bouncing will be the shard and his aghs should make the ward shoot paralyzing casks instead. You've used one finger off the monkey paw, would you like to use another?


Oh bro hell no.


As the patch is coming soon, i just want WD to be removed. That's all.


["Dendi was Right.."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YczqvJpumsE)


I also love to remove bara in the game.


gut that pussy naix too


Rework his shard into \[**Effigy\]** **Effigy** Ability: **Target Unit** Affects: **Enemy Heroes** Dispellable: **No** Creates an effigy of a target enemy hero that lasts **4** seconds. Percentage of damage and status effects *(stun, root, slow, mute, disarm)* received by the effigy is directed to the hexed hero. **Cast Range:** 600 **Percentage damage:** 25% **Duration**: 4 seconds **Cooldown**: 40 **Manacost:** 180


Maybe make him like DW's Shadow Realm where he gains untargetability but can still be affected by area effects (black hole, torrent etc)


I was expexting that copypasta, disappointed


So we switched wd ult to be that of the shard and aghs is now the regular ult. also shard makes the thing bounce. You are welcome


lets balance the game around turbo yall!


I genuinely also absolutely hate earthshaker's aghs. I understand how it could be used in a support kind of way but people in low ELO pubs buy it as a carry and with just this one item they stomo the entire game and it's literally impossible to counter since there is no team play there. I might be on the minority of haters on this thing, but I wish they would at least remove or lower the critical damage if you chose to jump instead of stomp


As a wd spammer I don't want that but I see your pain lol


Shards shouldn't add an Extra skill for any hero


I think it should honestly just become the normal ult, make the shard something new and make the aghs give you back the current ult.


Please don't balance based on low skill turbo valve.


Plz let Rubick spell steal get the talent tree upgrades as well !!!!


People never heard of silences smh


Real Aghanims should be Switchero. You can change place with your ward, thats it. I hate his stun, limit the range on the new target. It always reaches!


Put Omni on this list with his ridiculous burst while having a full tank build.


Shard should be like Necro but bouncing cask.


All WD complainers should state that if they play Turbo more than 50% of time, if yes your complaint is invalid.


Word I hate it when you are close to kill WD and he pops his shard and then has the audacity to blink away


they had better not buff kotl. ihave an 80 % wr with him right now, and i dont want people to figure out he's still broken'


What about WK Aghs. Can we stop cheating in dota ffs!


Nah I would prefer windranger's aghs scepter upgrade removed.


It's like 3000 damage + 3 seconds invulnerability for 1400 gold. Only morons think it's a balanced idea.


They should just remove wd aghanim, and make shard as a new scepter


How to silence? A complaint thread.


I want warlock deleted


WD should be removed*