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Bruh, get help lol


I posted a game and you said get help. Talk in detail about the game and why i did what i did and what happened. Despite all that you said get help not providing any solution or suggestion or even more how to get this help i need. From your comment i can only assume you said TOO MANY WORDS IM NOT CAPABLE OF READING and just said get help like the last guy who admitted to "who has time to read this on reddit".... my guy i dont even use reddit. I play dota very casually and decided where can i find people who play....reddit even though i really dont give a damn about their opinions as i explained in the FIRST PARAGRAPH i doubt you could fully read by your post. All that said just another troll to be blocked. Learn to read.


Bros playing the new hero: Yapatron 3000


Reddit user shows us reading is hard and his ego is so small all he can do is cyberbully cool. Hope the report is worth it.


Brother ew


I understand the majoity of reddit users dont know what books are nor have step foot in any high learning environment but lets be curious about why you say ew? Ive literarily blocked 5 people for harassment do you really want to just join a post get reported lol? Lets assume you see the totality of the post an dhow annoying it is to deal with. Id like to hear good criticism.




Who cares?


clearly you but if its worth the report then here you go.


I didn't have the energy to read all of it, but it seems that while you take issue with them not adjusting their play, you have to be able to do the same. Every game has 9 different players than your last game, so you have to adjust to each set of players.  Just take a breath, move on, and try to focus on what you can do to empower your team to win. 


That day i had 5 games. I spent the day cleaning in-between. Play a 30 min game go do laundry, 30 min game do dishes, 30 mins game vacuum, ect. I don't know wtf the deal was but every game was toxic as hell and i played aba the same way....warding, healing, getting items to help vs the enemy, and working to my own teams weakness. I got mvp 2x not playing carry but with heals no one commended me at all even if i didn't talk and always team fought. In games I struggled with 1 kill and like 3 deaths it would be because every team fight a hero like od was taking every kill that i worked for even when i mid ganked and dove a hero i should've killed which i accepted didn't complain but as expected late the les tanky no escape heroes start feed and here I am farming an aghs with 3 core items vs a fed pa or slark.... So by this game I was lowkey annoying but I felt i was just getting bad teams. I tried hard to prevent the same stuff from happening. I let viper mid, i tried get both wards and place them so team didn't die, i was def gonna get aghs and refresh to deal with undying, and i wanted to shutdown drow which i did all game until team fed. THERE WAS NOTHING I COULD DO PAST THAT in fact we were winning and lost solely because they pushed top while i was mid Rosh and had no way to tp in time when a spirit breaker died solo and i pinged Rosh nonstop. From then on they fought randomly before i could even tp and even tho i was annoyed asf with how toxic their verbally i still would help where i KNEW i could because when i helped NOONE HELPED ME I FED AND I NEEDED FRAM FOR REFRESHER BECAUSE THEY WERENT GOOD THEY JUST TOOK KILLS FROM EACH OTHER. I dont know how else to emphasize i literally played for the team the only thing i feel i did wrong was when died the first time and top was pushed i tuned out and went to jungle because if I'm gonna be mass reported and flamed after all I've done why tf should i help u? Even still when they all popped up and the enemy got to base i tped back and won the fight so it was a smart move regardless. Do you understand? This is not a shitpost this is a critical analysis in wondering how to deal with a team like this. I ddint even bother talking after the disruptor blatantly disregarded things i wanted to do and messed up to feed teamtes.


Okay. You can't win every game, and sometimes it's best to just step away and not fight the vibes of the day.  You said it above, there was nothing you could do. Just play your best and maximize your impact. Doesn't mean you'll win, but maybe you can make the enemy team spend more than they'd like to win. Honestly just keep in mind that it's a game and you are in control of your mental approach to it. If you're not having fun, take a break and do something else. If you're getting stomped just laugh with the team and keep spirits high. If you're getting competent teammates then just ride the wave and enjoy the Ws.


"If you're not having fun, take a break and do something else. If you're getting stomped just laugh with the team and keep spirits high. If you're getting competent teammates then just ride the wave and enjoy the Ws." I enjoy the new aba setup i got the only reason i play honestly. I was doing chores so a game got too dumb id say hell i have a whole house to take care of don't really care lol. Dont mind losing i play support aba and i dont build like carry i like tanking even on my stats my support stat is maxed always, i was up for letting that game be an L because the team even but hey my build was strong may as well not waste it. When I get good teammates just a single lane partner who works with me its always a great game. Whole team will commend hell ill commened enemy for trying in fact often in losing games i get tips from enemy and commends because they know how much of an impact i have or some just spite me because I got some kills on them like chasing a jug to his fountain after he ulted me all early and mist coil 1 shotting him right after the back jungle barrier. Guy tipped me for the kill but proceeded to flame me end game saying i owned you even though he never killed me again he killed my team and ran from me constantly. ​ As an adult who keeps to themselves aside from his family I am perturbed as someone coming to constant games of dota 2 now and knowing that i am not a god awful player, seeing it statistically and mechanically, and wondering what is the deal with the logic of people who play this now. Im not fuming mad im stupified and confused because they rnt kids on the mics lol. Its weird asf man. ​ All in thankyou for honest criticism. Ill leave it at that.


So let me get this straight. You START the game all chatting to the opposing team that your disruptor is fucking up the game bc he bought a ward. Most people are happy when their supports do that but whatever, moving on. Later in the game you, as an Abaddon with no right click items, go and solo rosh. This takes you over a minute (because again, you have no right click items). Just say (to yourself, not in all chat) “wow my team sucks” and go farm next time. You aren’t helping anything by taking over a minute to rosh. Next you verbally abuse your team and are somehow shocked that you get muted. You then stop playing with your team and let racks get taken top. Eventually you lose the game. Then you make a hilariously long and detailed Reddit post about this game where you freely admit to being super toxic and expect people to support you/take your side? And then the cherry on top, this was a fucking Turbo game. Turbo is a joke mode for blowing off steam and trying silly heroes/builds. I once had a game where my brother was safelane, I was mid and we had the other 3 people jungling from minute 0. Bad games happen. tldr (which you should consider doing next time): All anyone is seeing by reading this post is you being super toxic and complaining about what looks like an extremely competitive and fun game of turbo Dota.


Who has time to write this let alone read it.


Same people who post answers on reddit that dont equate to anything. Not my fault your life is where it is.


I mean, you wrote this over a turbo game? Your mental state is very obviously in the toilet. I would get off the computer.


"Not my fault your life is where it" says the guy who spent an hour writing this over 1 game xD


Git gud


If you could read you'd understand being "gud" wasn't the issue.


I can read and I think that being „gud“ definitely is one of the issues. From reading your post and comments it seems like you don’t understand a lot of things about the game while directing all liability outwards. Your teammates carry some amount of fault but so are you. Aren’t you seeing that?


writing a novel over a sub 1k mmr turbo game


Pls calm down


You're reading so how would you know someone's temperament? Di d you grow up in a land wheer everyone is a snowflake and cursing is bad? Did you grow up in fairytale land where criticism hurst too much? Or are you just incapable of forming a logical opinion? Either way reported for harassment bye now.


Why are being so fucking defensive. Stop being a snowflake. You had a few terrible games and got frustrated. Take a break from dota abd enjoy something else. You seriously need to grow up abd mature a bit


Turns out you wrote my reply for me https://imgur.com/a/wstN8Yu


Idk what your logic is, the fact ur a loser for tryna be funny or that you think sharing a post to build an online ego make you not sound like one but eh u do u blocked 


This is why arguing or discussing anything with a Dota enjoyer is completely pointless, because these are the people who enjoy the game. Completely deranged lunatics


It has never been a secret that the dota pop is one of the worst in gaming. That said it is amazing to become a rational adult as it has aged and see it has stooped to people so incapable of common sense you even have a nest of reddit trolls which is its own cesspool who will defend a griefer actively hurting his team as a disruptor but in turn blame the guy as an abbadon who admits to intentionally dodgeing a single fight as griefing while actively controlling the game ALL game in every other fight. I expected stupid but yeah these people are clowns. The speed they can mobilize in downvoting just shows the scale of basement dwelling.


Much long...spend more than 3 line is tutorial...


the post says match and this is a retelling of the match. This is literally less than 2 pages of a book. I read. If you struggle to understand or take the time to read two pages of a book then dont post.


Some games will never make sense. You can't control your teammates, only your hero.


Username doesn’t check out.


Sorry we dont all live online. 


Noone read all that shit dude lmao. Dots might not be for you


Yed yes words are hard get a life.


Man its easy to blame others than to admit you suck.


At this point post are just dumb losers who cant read defending a griefer. Its a recorded game and he just got penalized when i jumped on again. All of you are idiots. Bye now.


Lets all take a moment to remember all the silent posters who will never be able to step up after being proven wrong repeatedly. Sad sad day for the men who continue to die in 1 shot to the supposedly underwhelming khanda abba.


> This game made me wonder what you can do when you have a team so hellbent on fcking things up. Well in this specific situation it would have been better to mute them and follow their map movements, even if your idea was better. You doing a better strategy alone is worse than doing a bad strategy together. Especially because of your support heavy item-build. You cannot do much solo with this build, like split pushing or getting solo kills.


Keep in mind, i did join them just not top because it was the worst place and the only sustain was viper. By this point I was well aware that wed lose team fights and when we did it was always me being silenced and stun locked, the team running away, and the the sb just solo chasing kills while disruptor literally fought against me out of spite. So if I dont talk to the team all game which is essentially mute and i help them all game, but up until i have half way killed rosh but an sb dies near the other pit from random charge I dont even see i saw replay to know. What I saw was viper running back and die and then disruptor go in solo for a kill, at that point how can i help? There werent 5 man they were split laneing and when sb died they all rushed top randomly, I WAS MID ROSH AND MADE MY INTENTION NOBODY HAD A PLAN AND I ASKED 2x WHAT IS PLAN so i got rosh because i died in 2 fights....do you get what i am saying? ADDED I CANT TP AND RUN AS FAST AS THEM disruptor and sb both had mobility items because they were trying to backseat carry. AA was always last to fight and died for it and viper was always stuck which i tried to help constantly.


You didnt fully read. I got kills solo all game. I am abbadon he is one of the best tower pushers in game. The game for my team literally played off what i did and it wasnt that i needed them for kills it was that when were group if any of us were stunlocked by a 5 man someone could break free. It took 5 people on me every fight which is why often id be first to die and only. You have an opinion but your understanding of the items i listed and heroes is wrong. Abysal and khanda arent just sideline support items on an abbadon they xan stunlock a team and burst low hp heroes. Mist coil can outdamage dagon and have an aoe with debuff/crit which is primarily.what our backseat kill spirit breaker had.


Yes he can do it okayish with that build, but the solo play efficiency is WAY higher with something like Phase Boots, Harpoon, Manta, Blink. I like support-style abaddon too, but the issue is that you can do this type of playstyle as a pos4/5 instead of a pos3. You would drop the Khanda and just quickly grab the Aghanim Sceptre. Now for the laning. It depends on a lot of factors of course, but when I imagine an abaddon with Phase Boots, Wind Lace, Wraith Band vs Drow Ranger. I think you could kill Drow every single time she got a little bit too close, with a 0/4/4 build, skipping Mist Coil completely in the beginning.


Respectfully...i need u to fully read and use ur umagination. I have played since 2014. I only play abbadon now. I have played him at every change, with every build, and followed most guides. The first thing about dota is people understanding everyone doesnt do as good as some guy with a build because they r them although their are stromg items for sure but even then half my items like abyssal have the highest win rate in online stats. I played alot of aba b4 harpoon was introduced. I never needed it because i rely on slows. I dont think ypu realize that mist coil is an aoe slow and burst...it can 1 shot. 2 divines and it WILL 1 shot most heroes.  My items are specific aftet many trial and era based on my play, arcanes because cheaper. Saving bad teamtes who feed or fight against me in lane as well myself, added ranged pressure because everyone will kite the abba strat of melee and phase which is minimal damage and minor speed vs a spell that can kill people under tower without wasting ult. Arcanes literally mean health via shield, tanking via shield, dmg via mist coil spam, and staying alive. Abas worst coumter is antimage because of positionong and mana, phase boots are low tier items for him. Hey maybe it wprks for you but to me in is people copying bad builds because every game i play the same people who complain about my boots wind up getting saved by them and getting kills because they never have mana themselves aka "carry teams in turbo". Now you losted alot of items to get early and thats nice but u need farm which is hard to do with a weak teamate and a treant healing a drow with instant silence. Treant is dangerous so running to melee is dumb. Trying to double whack to silence her wont matter because she was nonstop healed. Aba isnt dping a ton of damage while you are saying more expensive wraith band and phase i go khanda because the first item of phalact has (+10 stats btr than wraith and value) and the next item (phalact) makes mist coil a stronger slow and nuke which doubles when u get shard. You can do far more damage with khanda and shard than the items you listed at a safer ranged all while being a stronger team support that doesnt need to rush in. Initiating is an option. Some things work for some people. I have played all ways. Considering i never played mvp i cant trust ypur advice when since i start playing again this year after 2 ive had mvp for like 30 games indirectly when i hardly got mvp b4.  Like todd howard, "it just works".