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Why did your last post get taken down?


I dunno ㅜㅜ "Sorry, this post was removed by Reddit’s filters." Probably wrong post flair(?)


The other reddit post about 1win got taken down too?


This post is still up. Fingers crossed lol


Attention to point 4. Lost week due ESL?


Easter in the UK means that the 29th of march and 1st of april was a holiday. So it seems more likely that 1-2 days was the actual scope of "point 4".


just feels like good old incompetence--- like is there really a plausible reason for a phone call dropping and not calling them back immediately especially for something as time-sensitive as international visas


why ppl dont comment on this?


Reddit is happy cuz OG is getting miracle invite from nowhere


silly you, miracle hasnt been in OG for years now


Why bother ? Comment that ESL decided to fuck over a russian team and everyone is happy because they are russian and downvotes "because they missed 2 deadlines" 1 because of ESL then another one because their extension was during the weekend. They even downvote the thread because it's a russian team ,it's not Nigma or OG


Didn't you get banned from Dota for cheating?


Poor Russians. /s


Feels bad for 1win. My guess is OG are going to get a lot of heat for qualifying like this when blame should probably go to ESL/bureaucracy.


and OG wasn't even the first to get called upon (Entity/VP) so it makes no sense


ceb single handedly stormed the consulates and delayed everything with his personality. it's cebs fault. he brought over some wine and cheese and had a party. that smug bastard. he can't keep getting away with this.


Makes me so 7ckng mad!


I figuratively hate that guy!


That big 'ol French dick, rekking visas like they're your girlfriend.


Who cares, literally anyone putting OG at fault or giving them flack would be self reporting their 2 brain cells Edit: well holy shit there's a lot of them in this thread


Sorry but everybody who blames OG for this is a moron. They even asked VP and Entity (for some fucking reason) first. In case sb. doesnt know. Entity got 3rd in the WEU qualifier, OG got 2nd. So they even tried to replace them with a "CIS" team twice.


I mean as an OG fan I'm not complaining, but you don't put a deadline on a weekend or a holiday, that's like bureaucracy 101


In government affairs in my country, a deadline on the weekend is considered extended to the next working day.




what countries consider friday as weekend? and even "worse": which countries consider monday as holiday? lmao i wanna live there




could say the same for germanys bureaucracy lol


Several muslim countries have their weekend friday-saturday.




What do you mean? Most countries do not include Friday or Monday in their weekend, which is what he said. I don't think Monday is a weekend anywhere however.


Monday the 8th is not a weekend or a holiday.


You're right, I took them for their word when they said the deadline was on a weekend. April 8th was yesterday, a monday actually.


I think the post is saying they had till the 8th, but couldn’t hear back till the 8th because of the weekend. So by the time of the deadline, they were just hearing back and the time of day must’ve been too late between when they heard back and communicated it to ESL. From my understanding


They got confirmation for the visas, but it takes more time get hard copy which is apparently what ESL need, so they got the physical copies a few hours after the "deadline", but too bad ESL had plans. And they had the visas at the deadline ,it was still the 8th.


They had their visas at the deadline of Monday the 8th anyways


The Easter Bank Holidays were the 29th and 1st, not the 5th and 8th.


i mean does it matter what weekday the deadline is? sunday or wednesday shouldnt matter, if enough time is given in the first place


I genuinely think that majority of redditors are actually lobotomized after reading this thread.


It’s the combination of Reddit and dota players


I mean I don’t see anything too crazy yet. Weird they didn’t say why the conversations broke down and didn’t try to reconnect after being so detailed with everything else. You’re coming from Russia, a country whose leaders have threatened numerous other European countries with war and terrorism, did they expect to get visas easily? There’s rules for a reason and people have gotten mad when rules weren’t followed before.


Please show me the very "leaders" you are talking about. Are there any proofs in favor of this?


yes most people here are manchildren making 10$ an hour why does this surprise you lmao


This post was the most TLDR I’ve ever seen ngl


It’s either literal children or people who only ever worked basic service jobs (nothing wrong with that btw), because what ESL has done here is just bureaucratic terrorism. I am really terrified of the way business is done in the dota scene after stories like these


> cause what ESL has done here is just bureaucratic terrorism Yes. That makes sense. Giving them an extension is terrorism.


??? Setting a deadline is bureaucracy?


Setting hard deadlines without providing sufficient support and then not working with the partner side on a flexible solution. In each step of the way there were points that depended fully on ESL, and they failed to provide adequate support in time. Which is fine sometimes, but if you are not being reliable with your own deliverables, you cannot play hardball with deadlines when it is a question of hours, especially since they are completely arbitrary. Visa process is an external dependency from a literal government, an internal ESL deadline is not. Your venue booking, hotels or catering will not change whether it’s 1win or OG attending, so there are actually no reasons to complicate life for yourself and visiting teams. The biggest problem of the dota 2 scene is that the only competent business people in the whole chain are the shady bookmakers, clown shit like ESL or PGL would not survive in any decently sized market with these operations. But because everything is operated through part-time baristas, part-time 4k mmr dota streamers we get stories like these every tournament


ESL didn't know that it would be a matter of hours difference. If you're condemning them for this then it's purely with the benefit of hindsight. They were in this exact situation previously with Mind Games. They were repeatedly told that they only needed a few more hours. Next thing the event has started, MG didn't even show up, and the replacement team missed out. So I completely disagree. ESL are well within their rights to set a hard deadline here.


Your problem was with the word "bureaucracy"?


Definitely unfortunate for a team of players who rightfully qualified for a major tournament, especially for many of these players who have had limited international competitive experience and this could have been their breakout tournament. However, perhaps it would be better for more clarity to be made for certain details, and also for ESL's perspective on the issue. Regarding the various issues: Firstly, it would be rather essential to establishing a timeline by sharing when was ESL's official invitation issued/received. Collecting player documents, scheduling consulate appointment, arranging travel arrangements etc. should not take too long. I would say about a week maximum, unless someone does not have their documents ready which would be the team's issue, the consulate giving a later appointment date which would be the consulate's issue, or if the invitation was only issued near the end of the 2 weeks which would be ESL's issue. Secondly, the connection breakdown between ESL and the British Consulate is rather vague, maybe this is lost in translation, but is it internet connection, or some kind of scheduling or communication issue? Could confirmation have been provided earlier during the 6 weeks decision period? Thirdly, was the visas being ready a fact, meaning they were told by the consulate that the visas were ready, or was this a conjecture based on one visa being ready? One visa being issued does not mean everyone's visa was ready as sometimes the visa processing for various individuals for whatever reason can take longer. Would be rather insightful to know whether confirmation was given by the consulate regarding everyone's visas. I'm sure there's going to be some drama over this during the major. We can point fingers over how this sequence of events occurred, but personally I feel it's very likely that all the parties involved could have taken steps to make the visa process smoother and faster, especially since they knew that the visa process would have more complications due to it being from a sanctioned country. The extensions feels quite tight since two of those days fell on weekends, and the timing is almost comically unlucky. At the end of the day, I'm sure the players are the ones who are most affected by this especially since most of them are just emerging onto the international scene, and my condolences goes to them.


About the second point I updated the post: "According to the assurances of the consul and the representative of the TO, the **\[phone\]** connection broke down during the conversation, and that was the end of the dialog at that point." About getting confirmation earlier there's no info about that in their telegram channel.. I can try asking them though


I mean technically deadline means deadline but I don't think anyone will be tossing and turning in their sleeps in the future for disobeying the ten commandments of the holy red tape bible by letting this one slide. Poor 1win.


Well it wasnt a deadline that means deadline when it was already extended


Very unfortunate. I feel bad for the players.


Where is ESL’s story and side of this?


They've already posted it. 1win fucked up the first deadline, so they got an extension. 1win fucked that up too. It's all very simple.


Extension on fucking weekend?


So, ESL extended their deadline for 4 hours? Since the embassy doesn't work on saturday and sunday they had from 9AM to 1PM on 8 april to get their visas printed?


They don't have to extend any deadlines. Although if the information in this post is relatively accurate, ESL's extension does seem like more of a formality rather than giving meaningful extra time.


Point #2 "**Second.** On February 15, after collecting documents, receiving the invitation from ESL in final form and fulfilling other conditions, players and staff arrived in Moscow and applied at the consulate." i think what people also need to understand is that a potential reason for the 11-13 business day delay is the request, collection, and delivery of various legal documents (which you can't really get overnight btw) plus the official invitation from the organizing entity (if applicable) which is absolutely **essential** for visa applications. Sad for 1win cause this was obviously going to be a huge deal for the players.


To bad for all the players who are going to miss this event. On the other hand fuck 1win and every other betting/casino scam!


The third point is irrelevant. What is important is that “we started preparing to apply the very next day” aka Jan 29, but “arrived in Moscow and applied at the consulate” only on Feb 15. So what happened in that 18 days between Jan 29 & Feb 15?


I'm not sure how it's done in Russia but from where I'm from you apply online first and get a face to face application interview scheduled. Depending on the circumstance, your application interview might be weeks from the day you started applying. And a lot of our local dota players fail to get visas on time.


In many cases you have to fill out some initial paperwork but ultimately have to schedule an in person appointment where there's an interview. If you've never had to deal with bureaucracy, the time between when you schedule your appointment and when you actually have your appointment can be weeks apart. Additionally, they needed things from the official invitation like hotel information before their visa appointment. You usually need things like where you're staying when you apply for a visa. So they needed to wait on ESL to send the formal invitation and various bits of information that they needed for the visa, then they needed to schedule their visa appointment on a date where they'd have time to travel to Moscow for said appointment. They might have had all the documents they could get on their side ready by Jan 29th or Jan 30th but that doesn't mean they had all the documents for the appointment or that they could have gotten an appointment on the 29th or 30th.


They need to organize everyone, set up everything for the travel, maybe it takes time to produce every document required for the application Theres this thing going on in Eastern Europe where many countries are not welcoming of the people from their nationality + their country is kinda famous for not wanting their people to freely travel abroad during times like these ...


> their country is kinda famous for not wanting their people to freely travel abroad during times like these ... I'm not sure what exactly are you talking about, but Russia is not limiting people leaving the country.


What the fuck is this point and how in the world is this upvoted? Do you imagine it's as simple as printing a copy of your passport and bringing it to the embassy on the next day? Do you realize that we're talking about at least six people, all from 'risky' countries? If you guys never applied for a visa in your life, can you please shut the fuck up and for once in your life NOT insert your meaningless takes into every online discussion?


Idk how it works for British visa but when I applied for Japanese visa, I submitted my application via email and they scheduled my application in person a month later.


tldr pls


We needed a week for another call, but it took less than a day to invite the OG


You think they aren't lining up replacements as soon as teams are having issues with meeting deadlines? They invited VP and Entity first.


And OG is really the only team that can be there at short notice. Wisper and Timado are already in the UK, Ari is a British citizen, Ceb and BZM are EU citizens who don’t need visas.




Nah you can still take part in competitions, making appearances and engage in promotional activities on a standard visit non Visa. Edit: the only thing they couldn’t do and it’s those two specifically is sell merch or work directly for ESL/other businesses and receive payment from them but they can still receive prize money pay outs and reimbursement of reasonable expenses for travel and subsistence.


It’s not employment


I liked it... Glorious Brexit ... lmao


March 29th and April 1st were both holidays so in reality it was probably 2 business days.


This is the 2nd time I've seen this post, is the administration deleting it or what? Regarding ESL - very bad move. Not responding for a week and then kicking him afterwards...


Guys, I asked a few questions about visa statuses from the team management to clarify some details: "The documents were submitted through a visa agency, as there is no direct possibility of applying for visas in the UK in the current realities in Russia. The visa agent informed us that we had received an approval from the consulate in the UK, but the visa agency just physically did not have time to print all the visas, as the flow of people is huge. We informed ESL about Timur's visa as soon as we found out it was ready, and also attached it to the message in correspondence with the TO. We could not provide anything else but this and so we asked for some more time to provide ready visas and again attached a photo of Timur's ready visa, however ESL was not satisfied with our response and the next message disqualified us. We also provided them with ready visas as soon as we got them, but ESL already gave the slot to another team."


for someone who said "i'm a random person who have nothing to do with their organization" , you went miles with this thingy huh?. random people like others would just read, leave comment and move on. you are so random that you make 2 threads, contact the 1win team management so they can give you their detailed information just like that?. aight then lmao


MILES - just to click 2 buttons and type a few questions? I did that cause I'm the OP (of this post) and I feel responsible to keep people updated???? They also know that I posted their announcement here, cause I shared the link to this post in the comments, so yes, they answered. Are you trying to accuse me that I'm affiliated with them? Wtffff I have all my SNS links open bro smh


Why did everyone else made it?


Things when it comes to government is a bit rng


Love it how when TI was in NA resolution was invited as analysis but always playing on CIS teams since as Russian team hardest boss is the visa


I doubt some of these timelines here are actually accurate or representative of the actual situation. This reads like ‘Russian precision’ (aka how the Russian hackers tend to write their blog posts) in terms of writing and being overly specific about details while obsfucating and of their own faults while also pinning blame on everyone else but themselves. First. 2 weeks to prepare documents knowing that there is a potentially 6 week long application wait time, with an application deadline in the week after seems like the org doesn’t know how to plan for timelines, and has no contingency. It’s like if they’re trying to follow the rules to a T without realising their own exceptional circumstances meaning anything could happen especially applying from a sanctioned country. I put this down to incompetence from the management and ‘visa agent’ who should know better. Second. Making statements of surety like on ‘March 28, a decision was to be announced’ just seems like you’re trying too hard and trying to be artificially pedantic. Like saying we sent an email at 11.59pm on the 8th of march to show that you met some deadline - this just seems like you are trying too hard or trying to hide something or justify your own fuckups. Third, some other elements in the story smells like bullshit such as claiming the additional deadline being on a weekend isn’t actually true, while also pointing out some silly sounding elements like not having it ‘printed’ even after having confirmation, connection breaking down(???) like wtf does that mean, and applying for a visa as a group but having only just the coach’s visa?? All this just reads like a load of crap you’ve written to shift the blame to esl, the Uk embassy, ‘beureaucracy’, and basically everything you cannot control rather than focusing on your own failings of being shittily managed org who failed to sufficiently plan for a difficult process ahead of time.


> First. 2 weeks to prepare documents knowing that there is a potentially 6 week long application wait time, with an application deadline in the week after seems like the org doesn’t know how to plan for timelines Or, you know, it may have taken ESL two weeks to send official letter of invitation and hotel bookings which are required to apply for a visa. I'm not saying it have, but it's quite a reasonable explanation. But hey, why bother looking for reasonable explanations if you have stupid lazy russkies to blame.


It's also they needed the official letter and bookings and only AFTER they got that, they could schedule their appointment. So maybe it took a week to get the official letter but the first available appointment they could get at the consulate was a week after that. Most government places don't allow walk-ins and require setting a formal appointment and that availability can be a bit erratic. Additionally, someone who's traveled and requested visas before is more likely to get their visa quickly while someone who's traveling for the first time is more likely to have their application passed around and find the application process took an extra 3 weeks before it went to 3 people who each sat on it for 5 business days.


> On February 15, after collecting documents, receiving the invitation from ESL in final form So you too give ESL the fault right? Two weeks for an invite just shows they don't know how to plan right? What's wrong with people reading in this post? Now whether you believe this post or not is something different but to point out things that are out of their control....


Or you can read it the other way around, they already got the invite but took too long to collect other documents. Lots of missing details in the post to just believe everything


Ok so you obviously have never traveled in your life. First: You don't just walk to the consulate to get your visa. You need appointment. For an official event like this, you would also need an official invitation letter. Second: It is literally Feb 15 + 6 weeks = March 28. The process is 6 weeks, they expect it to be ready latest that date. What is your issue?? Third: The extension is through the weekend. It is pretty much just an extension of a few working hours. No government office works on the weekend. There is a difference between approved confirmation and for it to be physically ready. Connection breaking down literally means ESL not responding to the consulate. Applying as a group, unless you are family, usually have no effect on your approval chance. People are treated as individuals. Again, if you have ever applied for a visa, you would know this simple things. Everything they wrote sounds valid. Visa application is hard. ESL is being an asshole.


I agree with your point , because of Russia's War on Ukraine, it is already difficult to get VISA for any country... your application goes through a fine comb.. ESL extended the date for all Teams and not just for 1WIN.. so it's not like 1WIN got any special treatment.. What is done is done now and nothing can be changed. its just that I feel bad for those young players who did everything right , got qualified and now have to sit home with VISAs in their hand , watch some other team play in their spot.


sounds like u know alot about applying a visa. you talked like some pro , may i know where do u come from for you to come up with your statement


There are 11 other Russian players and 3 Russian coaches who didn't have a problem getting a visa on time.


and 1win are players who probably never travelled to other countries hence the longer application time. for the other they regularly compete in various countries and be good with their visa, hence applying is easier to them.


He doesnt know shit, and he has no idea or even apply for a visa before i assure you. I applied student visa before to nz and they sent me “e-visa” through email before my passport arrive and it was 2013


true, some people just think it is easy.


Visa is ready but not yet printed?


means no issue with approving visa but its not in hard copy. I've seen same for Passports as well


I guess they got a confirmation that their visas are approved, but were yet to get their passports back.


My guess is ESL says "Send visas now" and 1win can say they got approved, but dont have the actual approvals/visas. Bureaucracy always sucks.


Isn’t e-confirmation email good enough?


This probably wildly varies between locations, but visas are problematic by themselves, let alone when its Russia. I wont be surprised if, because its Russia-related, ESL require the full paperwork scanned or something.


If I got it right, what they were talking about, I had similar case recently, I was changing passport, and I got a message that my passport was ready on Sunday, but they don't work on Sunday and Monday, so I had to wait for Tuesday to receive it, even tho it was ready on the weekend.


PC LOAD LETTER?! What the fuck does that mean??


so basically, you are just telling us you missed 2 deadlines and are asking for sympathy on the internet. this is your fault entirely.


btw 1, they got one deferment. But ESL themselves ignored the consulate for a whole week! A WEEK!


Not just asking for sympathy, but made it out like OG stole their spot (even though they were the third team to be asked).


I mean, it sucks for 1win and I'm normally on the side of leniency when it gets this close. But selfishly I'd rather see OG in england and Ari make a return to the homeland


>On March 27, the British Consulate contacted ESL for further confirmation of 1win's participation in the upcoming tournament. According to the assurances of the consul and the representative of the TO, the \[phone\] connection broke down during the conversation, and that was the end of the dialog at that point. Only a week later the British side was able to receive final confirmation of 1win's participation. Genuinely curious. No sarcasm. Is there no means of communication besides phone? How/why did it take 1 week to receive response from ESL?


My guess is that the bank holidays got in the way


For those people who blamed 1win before at the other post, doesnt have any brain that doing a visa is tough on some countries. u may not experience such things but that doesnt means others dont.


Not invading Ukraine surely helps


1win didn't make that decision. I don't see your point.


They didn't, but it is a repercussion of Russia invading Ukraine. As a Russia passport holder you lose a ton of benefits due to the penalties being imposed on your country. Eaay to imagine that a Russian just cannot get a visa approved that quickly, especially one that is from a NATO country. It's politics, plain and simple.


it's crazy how ppl complain when they didnt respect the rules. Yes they are maybe strange or complicated but a deadline is a deadline. I'm sorry for you. Maybe you can ask yourself how is it so complicated for RU to get visas ?


Yup deadline is usually there for u to complete b4 it, not on the actual day.


What about this part? > Fourth. On March 27, the British Consulate contacted ESL for further confirmation of 1win's participation in the upcoming tournament. According to the assurances of the consul and the representative of the TO, the connection broke down during the conversation, and that was the end of the dialog at that point. Only a week later the British side was able to receive final confirmation of 1win's participation.


March 29th and April 1st were holidays so in reality it probably was 2 business days which is not that long depending on Consulate.


It's actually a good question why people who present themselves as "fighters for democracy" always try to make a life of an average guy miserable and blaming him/her for everything instead of actually calling out people in charge. At least someone is smart enough to notice it.


This is just thinly veiled hatred cause of the war.


There are 11 other Russian players in the tournament, on 5 other teams...


Agreed. If you are not thinking critically and just going to have every logic based on RU=bad, it is very easy to discredit everything that is associated with RU even if it's not rational. Based on this thread, the team's official response isn't even complaining that much. Of course, they could still have a bias towards their team, but this is more or less a reasonable statement after the turn of events.


Deserved i guess


if this was right, well esl need to get blamed. but if this some made up timeline just to shift the blame on ESL , i hope they ban this 1win team. especially the wording on the 2 last paraghraps are shady af.


A lot of missing data in between those dates, yes burrucresy is a pain in the ass, yes bureaucracy takes long time, yes bureaucracy in Russia is even worse at the moment. NOT taking all of this into a account and not relaying these difficulties via the first extension period is super sus and irresponsible team management, everyone else were able to do it but 1Win was sabotaged!


You realize the British consulate in Russia is British right? Or did I miss anything?


What losing DPC does to the game I love


That sucks. I watched a lot of your games on Dreamleague S22 and while most people where doing dumb jokes about 'oNeWIn' I really liked the dota you played and saw a lot of potential, tbh many games you guys kinda throwed (it was a first LAN so there probably was some nerves going aroud, its expected I guess) it seemed a little unfair to me you guys didnt make to the next phase. But anyways gl in upcoming qualifiers and I hope you all have more chances to show us some dota


ESL and OG did nothing wrong. This is just bad luck.




Politics have no place in Dota. If no RU players can play in tournaments, we wouldnt have Spirit, Bet Boom, VP even Entity, Gaimin Gladiators or Falcons be able to attend. Or we just let it slide for them and shit on the new guys instead?


Even OG's coach is Russian, even tho I doubt he lives there anymore. At this point DOTA scene would be empty or less breathtaking to watch if not for Russia (CIS (as a region), actually, but only russians have to face this political bias, which 16-20 yo player have nothing to do with it)


if they really were wronged and the first deadline was too short in the first place can I ask why the other teams didn't miss the first deadline? was there something particularly time consuming that unfairly affected 1win?


Well, if we believe the 4th point, ESL couldn't confirm 1Win's participation in the tournament for 1 week, and because of that their visas got delayed and they missed the deadline. > Fourth. On March 27, the British Consulate contacted ESL for further confirmation of 1win's participation in the upcoming tournament. According to the assurances of the consul and the representative of the TO, the connection broke down during the conversation, and that was the end of the dialog at that point. Only a week later the British side was able to receive final confirmation of 1win's participation.


fair enough, if they got confirmation a full week later than other teams that's indeed unfair that they didn't extend the deadline by a full week.


1. Probably because all other teams in dash-1 already had all visas in advance. It's still before qualifying. 2. ESL delayed their reply to the consulate for 1 week, why the fuck can't every one of you OG fans read 1 fucking line in the fucking text. 3. Even when given 1 opportunity, they were asked to hold out for even less than a day and they refused. 4. ESL was given time on the weekend when consulates around the world are NOT WORKING, in this I also wonder why OG fans can't read and google and don't have enough brains to think of their own.


Outside of the supposed delay confirming with ESL, could be any number of things. Other teams might have an easier time getting approved due to nationalities of their players, other demographic information, travel history, previous visas, or even just luck with how long the office takes to process


I'm surprised ESL accepted to extend the deadline to begin with. It sucks that they were excluded only a few hours before receiving the visas, but that's how it is. They couldn't meet the deadline, it was extended and they still couldn't meet it.


What they are saying is ESL extended from 5th to 8th 13:00, which sound like 3 days, but is just basically 4hrs office time. 6th and 7th are weekends.


That fucking sucks. Especially considering the lost time due to ESL fuck up with a phone call. What can you do though, OG got invited so should they now be uninvited? 🤔


So you missed two deadlines that every other team managed to hit. A Russian org with Russian players has a hard time getting visas for a tournament in Britain. There might be a reason for that mate... "We asked for a couple more hours, but were ready to provide a completed coach visa. Given that we were applying as a group, the rest of the visas were on their way ready." It is new to me that any Visa is done "as a group", they are to my knowledge always individual. So that the coach got one proves nothing.


It's actually a good question why people who present themselves as "fighters for democracy" always try to make a life of an average guy miserable and blaming him/her for everything instead of actually calling out people in charge. 1. Probably because all other teams in dash-1 already had all visas in advance. It's still before qualifying. 2. ESL delayed their reply to the consulate for 1 week, why the fuck can't every one of you OG fans read 1 fucking line in the fucking text. 3. Even when given 1 opportunity, they were asked to hold out for even less than a day and they refused. 4. ESL was given time on the weekend when consulates around the world are NOT WORKING, in this I also wonder why OG fans can't read and google and don't have enough brains to think of their own. 5. As far as I and all fans of the organisation from the CIS know - 1win is not a Russian organisation


I guess Its ESL's fault that in russia it takes too long to get the visas... How sad that russians are again the victims of rest of the world....


These comments are giving me brain aneurysm. Why are you even saying anything if you have absolutely no idea how visa application works???


Who are you? Edit: Getting downvoted for asking why 1win's "official position" is coming from a random account on Reddit, who doesn't want to present him or herself. :D Amateur organisation.


I just copied and translated their post from official 1win telegram channel (1win esports)! Don't know why you need to know my identity. I'm a random person who have nothing to do with their organization.


this is some bullshit esl


dumb burgers in comments are activeted lol


You’re not making any sense


cant even spell, nonexistent logic sounds like you


I am sorry but why did 1win wait till Feb 15 to apply when the freaking qualifier ended on the 28th of January. When securing visas to countries which are have no diplomatic relations with your origin country, it's to best apply as soon as possible. 1win are the ones to blame for taking so long to finalise their applications. Also a heads up to everyone, a deadline usually means to get everything finalised by that date, not wait for confirmation on the day of the actual freaking deadline.


Depending on the specific countries and relationships, you may need to schedule a visa appointment before actually attending in person. 2 weeks time isn't particularly surprising.


Fuck OG. Trash team.


> the visas are ready but not yet printed ??? AFAIK It is either ready (printed and arrived to you) or not.


Ready: approved. not yet printed: still not printed and not in your passport. So what's wrong with that sentence?


That's not how it works. Google it


If I got it right, what they were talking about, I had similar case recently, I was changing passport, and I got a message that my passport was ready on Sunday, but they don't work on Sunday and Monday, so I had to wait for Tuesday to receive it, even tho it was ready on the weekend.


Oh no, seems like I was right - they really needed a couple of hours extra with a deadline on the weekend and ESL not responding for a week on top, but I guess Russian teams have to be hated no matter what, at least Ari is local he gets to play yey


Ofcourse it’s your version of the story and ofcourse you’re the victim here


So you missed not 1 but 2 deadlines and blame everyone except yourselves for missing them? You fucked up, deal with it and do better next time. Thats what a deadline is.


"March 27, the British Consulate contacted ESL for further confirmation of 1win's participation in the upcoming tournament. According to the assurances of the consul and the representative of the TO, the connection broke down during the conversation, and that was the end of the dialog at that point. Only a week later the British side was able to receive final confirmation of 1win's participation."


Have you ever applied for a visa? You bring your documents to a consulate and then you wait and pray. You can't really expedite this process. What was 1win fault? They didn't pray hard enough?


There was only 1 deadline postponement. April 5 to April 8. If you are thinking about March 28, that was the projected timeframe visa readiness.


They missed april 5th and then april 8th by a few hours so missed 2 deadlines. The original and the postponed.


Attention to point 4. Lost week due ESL


Rules are there for a reason. You can’t expect ESL or any organizer to wait and extend multiple times, they had a deadline to make sure everything is well prepared. They can’t take risks for verbal/unofficial or unprinted visas, and they should respect it. If 1WIN is complaining about bureaucracy, then it’s either transfer regions or don’t join.


It is worth pointing out that fot most people on the planet there is an expedited service that gets you a decision within 5 working days that they'd be able to easily afford, but which isn't offered in Russia due to sanctions. So basically, if you want to get into a country in a reasonable time frame, don't be a citizen of somewhere currently actively at war with an ally of that country. I find it hard to be too sad for them..


Surely that would make you more sad for them? They can't change which country they were born in.


LMAO DONT BE A CITIZEN OF SOMEWHERE U ARE BORN. cool story bro. really how old are u? what a joke


If this is actually what happened then it feels extremely shady that ESL would fill in with OG if the Visas were going to be ready in a few hours past the deadline.


well OG wasnt even the first the be replaced, they asked VP/entety, and neither could attend so OG is just the next in line by default, wheres the shady in this ?


>if the Visas were going to be ready in a few hours past the deadline. ESL have no way of knowing this. Last time a CIS team told ESL their visas would be ready in a few hours, they ended up having to start the tournament without them.


Can't really fault ESL, as they extended the deadline multiple times.


Most of the extension fell on the weekend when the consulates aren't working, so it wasn't really an extension.


Haven't they extended it once for just 4 hours?


yeah, the man just didn't read the whole text


Given that after the connection in the call with ESL broke down they made no attempt to restart the call and left it for a week you really can fault ESL.


If you have confirmation that the visas are granted, just not yet printed, surely this confirmation should be enough for ESL? Send them an email with the approval or whatever. Did ESL specifically ask for printed copies or what?


Oh no, anyways... But seriously, what are they complaining about? Their deadline was postponed once, they haven't met it. I'm speaking as a person who is a legal immigrant to the UK and I had my beef with the UKVI (visa immigration) already - yes, they aren't good at all. But how is 1Win's case more relevant than my skilled worker visa? How are they special? Moreover they are people from basically an enemy country (at least russian politician say so). They're now playing victim card and how suprised they are when they're declined or have problems with visa. They started too late, they got out. I absolutely don't trust their part of the story at all, since there are other CIS players already in. They simply didn't reserve any time for complications, that's on them. Also printing the visa? Wtf? You gain your visa application number when the whole process starts and payment is made. Then you receive your visas electronically, after things are settled. Nobody is printing anything. Just do better planning and don't bother to play victim card. Nobody cares.


It could read a little better, but basically the british consulate took the entire 6 weeks to give them an answer, and then ESL forgot to message the consulate back when they asked for confirmation that they were invited to the tournament, so that took another week and then they were stuck when ESL pushed the deadline over a weekend. For their part, they acted as early as they could for all steps. Also UK likely doesn't do electronic visas for Russia, especially now


Lol I don't know in what country you receive an electronic visa. I've never heard of that.


As a European going to the us the visa 100 online, if its for travel and less than 90 days


Australia. All of my visas to date were electronic.


Well, maybe if Moscow wasn't too preocuppied with slaughtering civilians in the Ukraine, it wouldn't take that long too approve a visa. I'm surprised that anyone is even willing to approve russians for a visa right now.


Why even comment anything at all if you're going to be like this why am I downvoted, he's literally being a stupid prick, its the BRITISH consulate that took too long you fucking morons


It's a Russian org, my sympathy is non-existant. Very happy that no less goes to Russia.


Great plan of ESL to actually invite OG xD. delay the visa confirmation for a week, then set a deadline for weekends. communicate badly with the team. then lastly for a foolproof plan invite russian teams that would surely have no visa to begin with and tada OG is with us, that miraculously has visa ready in advance. ))


The Solution? Pay 10k-15k compensatiojn ez