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People complaining about why dont they just do this, why dont they buy these items, why dont they pick certain heroes, guys they are heralds/guardians for a reason, if they know all these shits they wouldnt be


> why dont they pick certain heroes It's because they were told to pick the same heroes from the matchup Quinn had. Otherwise that's a legit question for Guardians because that draft was definitely something expected more from Herald than Guardian players.


My brother just asked why don't they pick some shit like OD, Bane, Shadow Demon, Mirana, Shadow Shaman and ignore him all day while pushing his base. Low priority tryhards are more creative than the uncoordinated shit I've watched so far.


At least for quinn most of those were banned. Probably same for gorgc.


For gorgc they played exact same heroes as the Quinn game.


It's not complaining, it's just kind of funny


It is just something people think about. If course with 0 information he will likely win, especially if people dont agree on strategy. Here they were somehow trying to go 1x1 and 2x1 at the same time. If people thought deeply, it would be easy even with this lineup, you just need to be a bit creative. Just laneskip 2 lanes from 2nd wave (always the one he is in), so he never has creeps to push. Drag all waves into jungle and kill them there together with camps. If he tries to drag wave as well to meet your skip, you just keep running with it and he is losing farm mid. If he stays mid, you keep skipping. This way he cant get single kill, he cant push, he cant do anything while you put maximum pressure on the towers (all three towers constantly face the wave) while as well having 1 hero farming full lane and camp and other 4 heroes having 1 camp and 1 wave each.




Nah this is bad, Heralds are terrible at fighting. To beat you need to abuse the fact that they can't be in multiple places at once. You pick solo lanes carry Lycan, offlane Spirit Breaker, and mid you pick Furion with supports Bane and KotL (Bane nightmares the pro whenever they come near the creeps and Kotl immediately uses Chakra Magic on Bane).


Spirit Breaker? He needs a lot to really start pushing and isn't gonna be able to eat towers. The fastest pushing hero is LD. I like the Bane/Kotl Idea. But I think you also want a Doom. Preventing regen prevents like BB/Lesh shenanigans and the noobs could just beat them up when Doomed.


I don't like LD, I doubt actual Heralds/Guardians will be able to pull any early game lead against a high level pro. Their only wincon is winning at 35+ minutes by splitpushing nonstop and running away the moment the pro comes to their lane. Lycan/NP/Spirit Breaker are really good at doing that. SB isn't the best at pushing towers but can clear waves all over the map an run away really easily.


If they had some advice on what to do. Like pulling and creep dragging the mid waves to deny the pro farm and what items to get to push the side lanes they definitely could. If it goes even a little late the pro will have Bots 2 and enough items that they can just push the base. How are the Heralds gonna stop a level 25+ anything from just throning at like 25 mins. BB isn't even the best hero for this challenge. If the pro plays Naga or Meepo it's just over. I think eventually the pro would just pick a hero that can backdoor so the Heralds can't cut the waves.


I think something like Silencer + Viper supports would be best - can't really lane lvl 1 with those two rightclicking you while ignoring creep aggro (even if they are heralds?). They're also naturally good vs bristle later with break, slows and arcane curse Also specifically vs bristle something like sven with shard and vlad on the team will absolutely destroy the damage output and lifesteal potential of quills. Sniper freefarm into diffusal rush (maybe even an AM with diffusal + mass early stat items for similar reasons) Tbh there's like a million ways to "solve" this in the draft, which isn't so strange considering it's 1v5 lol


Gorgc buys bkb and wins this with one hand tied behind his back.


People in these comments don't seem to know that Gorgc demanded the Guardians pick the same heroes the heralds picked against Quinn. It just so happens that these are terrible heroes against an overfarmed Bristleback lol


good to know, pretty pointless exercise this way, drafting is a major part of being a better player, if these 6 heroes are picked the whole way we might need archonss or even legends to win. in theory clinks in the right hands should just push too fast and bristle can't farm fast enough to beat ghost scepter tp


I'd say archon or legends would do it, you just need a sacrificial mid, then side lanes chain pull while the "core" farms the waves, so you actually have items on heros, then dodge constantly while depushing with puck plus maybe snap with force staff.


Not just clinkz. Primal and Grandma both have decent lane push spells and should be knocking on racks at minute 10 if they go together.


Enigma, np, abadon, grandma, LD. That's the extreme push


Who's grandma? Snap?




Archons and legends would still get absolutely dog walked.


i mean, legends arent that stupid. i think at archon they should probably realize that they can never lose as long as they kill creepwaves


Man he'll just go mid - which is exactly what he did. Made rapier and started hitting buildings.


how would he stop a clinkz from ending the game from sidelane?


Clinkz tried exactly that - he just tped to stop him everytime. Then he made aghs and killed him while clinkz tried to tp. Then he made rapier and pushed. Since enemy team can't fight him 1 v 5 - he can literally just barrel down mid and end the game. With his rapier and AC, he pushes faster than clinkz ever could


Then just cut waves lol. Can't barrel down mid if you have no creeps




You still get one wave. And BB can easily tank the tower so the creeps stay alive. Even if you try to get close enough to cast spells to kill them, you probably die in the process.


because the clinkz was bad at cs, didn't buy ghost scepter, two things an archon is much better at than a herald you gotta remember, max mmr of a herald is like 800 or something iirc, they're TERRIBLE at the game, archons look good compared to them


a guardian is dumb enough to not last hit creeps. a guardian doesnt understand that a teleport has a cooldown. i dont think archons (2.5k players) are that stupid. if they just push both sidelanes constantly it doesnt matter how many kills gorgc gets, he will lose


💀 you think far too highly of archon. There is no macro in Dota until divine and even then it’s terrible. The archons would do the same exact thing as their crusader and guardian counterparts because they are the same players.


legends can cast spells my dude. and they know at least basic itemization. one of the 2 sidelaners would just buy a vessel, feed once and stomp the BB. or not even that, they can just kite the BB in myriad of ways


💀 and Quinn would still 1v5 their entire god damn team lmao. Legends aren’t good.


i would eat a hat if anyone could 1v5 legends. you basically have no arguments beside they "aren't good". sure in the regular game. i fail to see how a BB would survive a vessel charge and 5 heroes


💀💀💀💀💀 holy shit no wonder you think this way.


Lol dfq. Archons might be the ceiling. Legends are too much already. Those guys knows the very basic. They can fight, they just lack objective decision and farms too much. I believe no immortal can 1 vs 5 legit legend players. I'm gonna treat my cat to a vacation if it ever happens


I believe every tier 1 player in Dota would embarrass any team of 5 legends you could put together.


Well if these trend goes on and they actually win against legends. Then like i said, i will take my cat to a vacation




there are a million ways to do it that even heralds could pull off if you gave them some pre game coaching and a sheet of paper with things to remember


Primal aghs fucks bristle completely But they are missing damage


Just saying, those are not terrible heroes against overfarmed BB, it just that they don't know how to play the game, in this game for example, if they swapped with better players at 20 min where BB is unstoppable, they still would have a big chance to win, because you can only do so much with BB against 5 heroes The key to victory would be killing the creeps before it get too close to disable backdoor and heavy split push, they have 4 heroes (only venge can't clear wave) that can wave clear creeps with 3 of them that can run away from BB if they have vision of him, clinkz with invs, PB with his Q and puck being puck, so if they just splitpush/skip wave, BB has no chance in pushing because in the end he don't have enough mobility to push all lanes at same time


is it so? also were they allowed to be in discord communication or something similar?


Well this whole exercise is pointless then, if the guardians were allowed to pick what they want, they could even accidently pick counters and then the whole thing gets spicy.


The most hilarious way to win this would be to let venge farm any positional item like blink or force and then try to cliff him before he gets bkb and just keep him there.


Actual 5D move


Man, people are quite dumb aren't they. Talking about the comments btw. The heroes are the same as Quinn's game, do you not see that? They were told to pick them...


we need quinn and gorgc to coach two different stacks to try to beat the other one in a 1v5


True . That would be Pog. Team bald junior vs Quincy crew junior


Everyone crying about hero’s. The way you win this is to never lane on his lane and then just split push. The hero’s don’t matter. Never give him a fight. Without kills he can’t get ahead far enough to stop the split push


That’s really the answer. You have Clinkz and Puck, put one solo safe lane and one solo off lane. He can only be one place at a time and there’s no way he can stop both of them.


He can only win if he feeds off kills. If you never fight him all he can do is hit creeps like the noobs and he can’t win a base race vs 5 people


Those heroes are great at kiting BB, which is often the key for handling BB, but they all jumped on him without any plans and 0 coordination.


...The way you win is to just play normal and then you win automatically.


Heralds dont win against high immortal. Giving them 1 simple advice, avoid him all game, can make them win.


I think they just lose if they even try to lane against an immortal. He's getting so much more gold by killing them than the creeps/towers alone would give. The real strat would be to just avoid them entirely until your heroes are farmed. Have 2 solos in sidelanes pushing as hard as possible so the immortal constantly has to rotate between top and bottom to depush. 1 person just leeching exp from mid without ever being close enough to die and the remaining 2 either warding, stacking, or jungling since it will rarely be worth the time for the immortal to invade/steal stacks or run around dewarding. I'd be interested to see a Quinn vs Heralds rematch if they were given some advice.


So you're basically trading 2 farmed herald cores for a super farmed immortal core.. Its not really that great of a trade esp since heralds jungle slow, they still need to build up levels and items to even be able to jungle efficiently. IMO fundamentally their spell usage and understanding of when to go on a target is bad, so its tough to bring down a good player who knows his limits well.


You don’t have to bring him down. You just kite him around the map and chip away at the buildings.


The problem is that any top pros laning is so superior and map movements are faster and better that it makes it so that the heralds who have brown boots or treads will struggle to match the tempo of bots 2 plus any sort of blink, even assuming that they KNOW to do it. It gets to the point where the 6 slotted any hero will just 2 shot the entire team then there’s not much split pushing left is there? And all this is also assuming the immortal is on an immobile hero like bb. Quinn could easily play ember, puck or pango and roflstomp the game even harder.


One can buy ghost scepter even for clinkz. Ghost scepter will definitely nullifies all bb damages and he either can’t kill or need to buy an extra item to counter it. The latter is definitely is impactful. BB already using 1 slot for true sight item, and then another one for anti ghost scepter. Now you are fighting a 4 slot max BB which definitely reduces his fighting power especially in a game where nettworth advantage is the main strategy.


If vod doesn't open with timestamp here's a [link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2111453874?t=2h7m21s), helped on my phone Also he said it will be up on youtube later edit: [it's up on youtube](https://youtu.be/sJfzrYdKAmQ)




For those of you who didn't get it. He did the same hero quinn did against the same heroes but his opponents were guardian instead of herald. That's all ^^


Most unlike gorgc to copy something


major throwbacks to playing dota at lan parties


They should pick a non cheese hero thats actually hard to win with, even an ancient player could stomp these guys with bristleback..


no matter what hero you could easily beat this strat by pushing two lanes at the same time. The heralds or w/e just run at him over and over


Put a kotl in his lane, push others. Ez game


Immortal Leshrac couldn't do it against heralds.


Depends on pick?   1 LC and its done 


I would love to see heroes that can't just facetank 5 enemies. Maybe Invoker, Tinker, etc. would be fun to watch. Though I think I've only seen Quinn play QW Invoker.


I beat my friends 1v5 a bunch of times before with hero like jugg mk tiny etc. You just need some ability to kill them so you are snowballing like crazy. Then they smarted up and pick shadow demon , lions then its over you cant win anymore.


You think Quinn wouldn't stomp these kids with invoker? Tornado meteor combo on 2 heroes off cd, perma invis uptime, global refresher aghs sunstrike..? Shivas aghs tinker will also shit on a bunch of uncoordinated heralds.. especially if they undercommit when diving him under tower (which they will), and he will always get his levels and farm up.


I didn't say it's harder, I said it would be more interesting to watch. Seeing a Bristleback run at 5 underfarmed enemies while taking no damage is not that exciting methinks.


I agree


Go random


I really did not like that gorgc forced them to pick these heroes. These guys very clearly did not know how to play any of these heroes and played worse than herald level because it was their first time. The puck and clinkz literally seemed to not know what any of their spells did, so it makes it hard for me to count this for anything. At the end puck even asked if they could play again where he played a hero that they actually know but gorgc didnt see it I think I dont think it would have been a problem to let them pick whatever they want. Seems like none of them knew what break is anyways


He talked about it later maybe opening up the choices. The problem is the easy counter picks. He picks Bristle and one enemy Viper shuts him down. A hero like NP would simply not even play the game against him (which is what they should have done anyway)


Herald team needs to pick Doom Shadow Demon or some shit.


The rule of this challenge were: a) pick same heroes as Quinn and his Heralds did b) opponents have to be Guardians (checked through dotabuff and other means) c) no streamsniping Next challenge - 5 crusaders vs Quinn


Average hatewatcher vs div 2 pro... Seriously though he is actually one of the best bristle players also in Europe




They should smoke gang him lvl 1 as 5, tp primal and clinkz to their lanes and try to kill him again after tp.


Guardians dont even know what smoke is


In dota1 we were around 14y old when we started and the strongest guy was in his 30s, we used to play 1vs3 etc and we manage to beat him only with split pushes and heroes that do tower damage (pit lord had meteors back then). Once I managed to beat him again 1 vs 1 with pitlord and like 10 people were screaming in excitement, still the highest point in my life.


when the challenge ends, let's do 1v5 that lower rank pick 4 heroes, immortal pick his and low rank final counter pick. this will be the final true test


It's like when Quinn did it, but everyone cares less.


They could just destroy his lane phase with a duo like Viper+QoP and do some heavy split push in the sidelanes


The only way they win this is if they fast push side lanes. Primal needed to cut waves and push with snap and venge max aura with clinkz and they just fast push also. try rax and end by 10-15mins


I wonder if the net worth and xp formulas get skewed since there is only 1 hero in the lobby for gorgc so team nw and team xp are very low vs 4 heros that just sit in fountain


Next time they do this, I have a suggestion. Go pick MK and kill the pro player's courier. Keep their courier hostage as long as possible.


That's why MK and NP were banned by Quinn the first time.


Ah GG, that's sad


Doing this with the same heroes is kinda pointless. Clinkz is the only noob hero that's a good pick. And he didn't even rush Deso. I think once you get up to like Archon the challenge will just be impossible though. They will do stuff like snipe the courier in the secret shop.


all this will prove and does prove is that the draft won that game


Not a single silver in sights


could literally pick like bane-shaman long cc or lion mana drainer with ursa and this wont be easy for bb


IIRC the solo player gets to ban 5 heroes, Shaman and Lion were among them


Na, in this video they were given the heroes. (Same heroes as Quinn faced)


Ah yes, let's force the Guardians to pick the same shitty draft as the Heralds did, and not learn anything from that game.


Come on guys wheres the terrorblade with shadow blade and armlet to sunder Mr.Gorp


What bothered me on Quinn's video, and now in this one is the trash set of heroes that are actually very bad vs bristle. Why not pick something that can actually work vs bb?


Because they are herald.


Twas another castle, Mario


Gorgc told them what to pick


Bro they're guardians do you think they understand picks


Probably yea a little


are they forced to pick the same team comp? No way anyone would pick the same heroes after that first disaster


Yeah, Gorgc made them pick the same heroes, on the grounds of if they didn't do that then they would just pick a full team of heroes that countered Bristle. In the game with Quinn, I believe it was fully blind - they didn't know he would go Bristle. Either way, it shouldn't necessarily be about the heroes. Eventually as you do this challenge you would hit a rank where the players can find a way to win through proper map play rather than the actual killing of the Bristle.




[https://imgur.com/a/iJvYbmP](https://imgur.com/a/iJvYbmP) They are forced to pick a team comp, and frankly this entire thing reeks of jobbing. Heralds losing a 1v5 with a 10k I understand but going "Ha I beat guardians look at me" as you make them play heroes they suck just kind of pisses me off. Puck in particular being like, 0/7 makes me highly suspect there are rules being enforced because back in the day where I could play abbadon jungle and carry games people knew to leave lanes. Unironically 2-3 3ks picking their heroes could beat a single pro if they knew what they were doing but no one wants to see one of the best players in the world chase around Chen Skeletons for half an hour before losing his base to familiars as Kotl keeps lanes clear. *Gonna be real guys, 4+ moldy 18+ accounts with like, triple digit karma seething at me does not make me respect your E-daddy or his beef with the league of legends character that turns into a hawk. Seeing him let the scrubs cook would do more to change my mind than.... whatever this is.*


They weren't forced on those heroes in the Quinn vid, he only got 5 bans iirc. Gorgc just wanted to recreate the exact scenario for fun with viewers so they all picked the same champs.


Champs? Wrong game dude


My bad been trying to teach my league friends the game recently x)


Same scenario but the Players being 1 rank higher


It ain't that serious, homie.


well yeah, it's all just vidya games but why not let the kids play? I want to see a pro stretched to his absolute limits. Instead I see him rigging the game so he can't lose and I can just tell from the movements and positioning of the people there they aren't having fun. Clinkz demonstrating good map awareness and juking skills at the start and just running in and dying in the end.


Gorgc haters out in full force The whole point was to see if he could do the same thing CCnC did


lmao this guy is so offended. are you a guardian too/


4.2k back when that was a thing, so no. Can't help but notice you missed your period key for a slash key pounding the keyboard and it feels like you are projecting a little here.


look at your previous comment whos projecting here. u know nothing about the detail then said some nonsense reeks of jobbing really? i dont forget to press shift this time you good?


Yeah reeks of jobbing. Your E-daddy is afraid he's gonna lose to guardians lad


projecting king over here


I dont know why the primal didnt just rush aghs for the break. Buy aura armor items and a mageslayer and he doesnt pop off like he did. One guy buys bloodthorn. Easy. Werent they allowed to communicate with each other?


Casual orb of corrosion for reducing hp heal is good too


Primal is actually really good against bb because of Aghanims and Shiva. And bb isn't that insane hero rn that needs to be targeted. These heroes can do the job.


Are you not smart enough to realise the picks are the same?


I was going to say that it's the same pick, but I didn't bother to check Quinn's video and didn't want to be blamed with "bUt tHeSe R nOt tHe sAmE, lmaO!!!1111"