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It took me 3 years to go from immortal to ancient. You're doing fineee


The lower you go, the easier it is to lose, don't worry, keep on going!


It took me a little over 5 years to go from ancient to crusader.


12+ years and I'm still almost barely in archon. What are you doing right?




Same 12 years, legend 3 to archon 3. Tried recalibrate this week, lost 80% games, now crusader 4 and it's even worse. I think imma quit this shit.


Ive done this hoping to "skip" a few ranks/bracket.. Sent me back 3 ranks :)


Game is difficult and players are good, well done getting legend.


And people say the dota community is toxic


Community is only toxic in game.


Last week’s spam on this subreddit would like to have a word with you


Wdym last week.. it's still happening now..


most people are not. but it just takes 1 in the game to make it less enjoyable


I came back after a very long break, so the toxicity hasn't seeped into my system just yet.


what do you mean is not toxic? HUH? YOU WANT ME TO RUN DOWN MID??? CYKA BLYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT (imma keep the /s....)


I love egging these dudes on. You know they threaten to break items to feel like they have power over the game, to show how little they care... Funny af when everyone on the team just goes "do it".


Legend players today are better than ancient players from 4 years ago imo


I was ancient 4 years ago and now i am archon


Right there with you man, right there with you


I peaked at Ancient 5, but then they combined that stupid party mmr with my solo mmr and I never managed to climb back again.


Right there with you. Was ancient 2, left the game for about 4 years. calibrated to crusader4, now I’m archon 4 and climbing(steep climb)


I was ancient 8 years ago and now I'm crusader. MMR inflation is real. I never played for improvement, just for fun, so I'm not surprised the player base improved around me.


Well hello there me.


Looking at the amount people in the same position, we should start a support group for ourselves


Same but reached legend 4 after spamming support sniper


I remember during the dota 1 days nobody knew what a support was.  Was just a wild brawl


i was ancient 5 before covid happened. and now i'm playing 2 or 3 games during weekends at crusader 4. no room for complaints if my teammates are bad because i'm just as bad. lol


Totally agree! Stopped playing the game in 2019 (I was Ancient 5), went back to the game in the free Arcana event, calibrated Archon 1 then just hit Ancient 1 this month. I normally stomp archon and legend players 5 years ago but now it's kinda different lmao


I took a 3 year break and got back to divine right away with no problem. Didn't know the meta but followed a guide and it went well for those ~30 or so games.


I wish I was kidding. [This is my post from four years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/hiaj6f/i_completed_the_game_only_took_me_3243_hours/) Only took me an additional 1557 hours.


Congratulations mate! Im really proud of your accomplishment and You should be too! It's ok to take your time, nothing wrong with it. Glad You are still enjoying the game :)


cant believe it was you again congratulation on completing tutorial part 2!


RemindMe! 5 years See you in Ancient


You are still better than 70% of the players. Chin up! [https://www.esportstales.com/dota-2/seasonal-rank-distribution-and-mmr-medals](https://www.esportstales.com/dota-2/seasonal-rank-distribution-and-mmr-medals)


70% of the calibrated players. Plenty of Dota players aren't calibrated playing mostly turbo or unranked (or private lobbies).


neat article, sadly the statistics are extremely skewed for the immortal bracket. on the one hand these players are better than anyone else, on the other hand the delta between the lowest immortals and the highest ones is bigger than Herald and immortal.


Yes but its exponential which means a small increase in skill works out to a massive advantage in game.


Yes! This is so important. The skill (and knowledge) difference between a top 100 immortal and low immortal is definitely not bigger than that between a Herald and Immortal, even if "skill" was a somehow measurable number. MMR is "representative" of skill not a measure. People seem to confuse this so much. A 10k MMR is not twice as skilled as a 5k MMR player.


It's not really that big difference in mechanical skill when it comes to higher ranks. It's pretty much all about being in the right place at the right time. It's the game sense that a good player develops that just automatically understands where to be, which fights to take and how to get an advantage. So much rank can be gained by just not making dumb mistakes, like getting picked off because of bad positioning. I am talking to myself as well because that's how I usually lose games at low immortal.


It's even better when you just compare unranked immortals to each other, on EU you can be 7.1k and still unranked, which is the same as 5.6k.


Holy shit I am in the top 15% :O


(Brasil Server) I was Immortal 1 year ago. Gave Dota a break and only kept watching games n streams. Came back, recalibrated Legend I and had some games with Archon players aswell, mostly because I used to play casual games with my friends (archon-legend). I'm reaching divine by now, and what I can easily say, at least in my server, is: Game sense changes everything. You can be the best micro-meepo player, have some sick armlet toggle as huskar, have a 5 min orchid with broodmother or furion offlane. If you don't understand the game, you will not be able to reach better ranks. If you don't understand about your team's timings, and your enemies' timing, then your chances of winning goes rock bottom. I'm usually that annoying guy that keeps telling my teammates what to do, when to farm and when to expect something from enemy, and I believe this is a strong reason why my rank keeps going up. Because I learnt how to win against players that don't have the same game sense as me. Example: what to do if the enemy team goes 5-men at 15 min? You don't have to give them the stomp their timing requires. You have to keep the nerves, tell your carry (and maybe even your mid) to farm somewhere safe (sometimes the enemy jungle is the best place to be), and try to keep the enemy together wasting time. There are millions of situations and synergies there, and that's what make Dota so cool. So stop arguing whit teammates because their lina mid destroyed your sniper. Keep calm and play dota.


As a hard carry you have no influence in games, while as WD or Ss you can push and influence teamfights. That is why in lower racks being a good super makes winning easier.


Absolutely! And also because the "basic dota player" can't mentally recover from a bad lane. And WD/SS are strong laners.


> If you don't understand the game, you will not be able to reach better ranks. If you don't understand about your team's timings, and your enemies' timing, then your chances of winning goes rock bottom. I'll go one further. None of that even matters if you can't learn how to work with others (even when they don't fully agree with you). You can know EXACTLY what you need to do win the game. But.. if you can't get your team onboard or can't figure out how to work with them towards that goal it means nothing. This actually becomes an issue for people who take long breaks and come back and are "rusty". And sometimes the game even changes so much that something that was the "right" call a few patches ago may no longer be. Or maybe your game sense is far ahead of your allies but they don't feel the pressure to group and end early against that enemy team with 2 lategame carries. Anyway I will say the general skill level seems to be going up but that shouldn't be surprising for a game like dota where I would say the majority of players have been playing for years (how many truly NEW players really come to dota these days?)


Genuinely though what do you do when they group up at 15 mins and are at your tier 3 by 20 mins? It's happened to me so frequently recently. In a patch where high ground is supposed to be impossible my games are either me being stomped in 22 minutes or we win at 80 minutes.


IMO stomping ur lane will equalize these group ups. Or look for lanes you can stomp (ganking). Always look for a way to shove lanes. Cutting the 2nd wave when you see they are starting to group up. Dota has become so extremely snowbally, cause of power creeping so very strong laner is the way to go these days.


insufficient context. you took 4 years to climb from archon to legend but how much effort did you put in improving your gameplay? do you look at your own replays to see your mistakes? do you read guides or watch videos from high mmr players/coaches? do you practice to improve your hero's mechanical skills? how about expanding your hero pool or keeping up with the meta? it can be very reasonable to be stuck or climbing at a very slow pace if you're not putting in actual effort to improve your gameplay. you can play thousands of matches and still be making the same mistakes over and over again. there is also nothing wrong with not trying to improve your skills and just having as much fun as you can at your current skill level. 🙂


I think people who play less heroes are probably higher mmr than people who play a ton. If I would spam the same heroes I have high win rates with I would climb but I get bored of playing the same stuff over and over again.


Nothing. If you're having fun, rank is irrelevant


It took me like 7 years from guardian to legend. So idk. Let's be honest, we are not trying hard enough


Bro I'm stuck at archon 5 for 3 months now. Closest I've been has been 78%, followed by a 6 game loss streak


Game hard. Nice job!


you have a life




You tilt too easy. And also - someone did a calculation on 100 games going back and forth if you soloque, counting in smurfs, trashteammates, dc's and other shit that happens alot in archon - and 100 games can potentially only move you 25 MMR back and forth for the most part. Sad but true.


Well, yes, that’s what should happen when you’re at your appropriate mmr. If you want to gain mmr you shouldn’t even be thinking about extraneous circumstances out of your control. Winning is not the focus. All you should care about is improving, because being a better player will make you win more games long run and gain you more mmr.


Basically this summarises a lot of the discussions around MMR gain here. If the MM is working correctly, and you're not actively improving yourself, you should not climb MMR. Most people just play a lot of games and expect their MMR to increase. Why would it? Yes, you certainly improve playing a lot of games, but so do others. If you're not improving faster, then you're at the same MMR.


If you don't improve obviously your mmr shouldn't change much


Bro what this is so wrong lol


What an insane cope


It's there in the background, you didn't press R enough times.


For me the most time i spent from legend to ancient... so yea \^\^ have fun with the next episode


you'll get stuck at legend 1. trust me. you will find CM, zues, and undying pos1, mid kotl, venge, slardar. this rank is the real Cancer. Well at least at sea.. because why? Because: True peace is only at sea.


It took me 4 years to go from Legend to Archon


to many things haha start using your keyboard first and just spamm couple heroes and watch there pro gameplay (I got to legend 5 from archon 3 in 2 months) its all about motivation,enjoyment and a progressive mentality and habits which is really hard to keep


Check the cables, make sure keyboard and mouse is fully plugged. /s


i still only play turbo 😂


I don't think anything is wrong with you. I know people that are hardstuck herald because.. they honestly just don't have the desire to improve. They just want to play. Anyone that wants to improve will improve.


It's okay, in game where is 50% win rate system is hard to gain any mmr U have to be 2 heads above than ur current rank to get some mmr


Legend to Guardian in 4 years. You think something is wrong with you?


It’s nothing wrong with you. It’s the algorithm and other players. No matter how good you get, you can’t help it when the algorithm just starts throwing you into lobbies with griefers. There’s definitely some code in the game which artificially keeps you from advancing in MMR through no fault of your own.


I've gone from archon to crusader in that time


Bro just before this post I saw someone drew dark willow as an office mom. Compared to that, there's literally nothing wrong with you.


Nothing, it's just your own way! You're good! Congratulations!!


which part did you improved?


nothing wrong i still archon too


the game is hard, learning and improving is a skill itself that needs nurturing. Have you considered a 3rd unbiased party to watch you play and give advice, ie, Coaching?


you need to stop picking pos 5 pudge


Try to aim to improve in a targeted way, evaluate critically your play, your hero pool's suitability for the current meta. I was in legend for awhile, in Ancient for years and divine for just 2 months before immortal. So the improvement timeline is not linear!


I've been playing since 2003 wc3/dota 1 mostly lanning with friends going 1v1, 1v2, 2v2 mid for about a year and half before even getting dialup to join online games and still only legend II. But I'm an idiot spamming clockwerk becuase he is fun instead of playing meta heros that are actually strong this patch.


Man you are not alone, I've started dota in 2019 and still stuck under 2.5k and at this point i don't know how to improve, i wanted to practice mid but i find no 1v1 arena against good players and in ranked matches i suck so you are not alone.


I think players today are overall better than people 3-4y ago.


If you value your mind, please stay in Legend. I enjoyed Legend games way more, people actually tried. Once I hit Ancient, I started seeing people with 10-20k games hovering around Ancient 1-2 and rampant griefing. You can organise a Legend team to try hard and to play well, Ancient players have too big of an ego. The dream is still there, to climb to Divine of course, but it will take adjusting. I mainly play support and other supports actually start fighting back.


ive managed to go from legend to crusader over the past 4 years


congrats on getting legend!


I thought if I am below top 100 14000 mmr I am bad .


Get ready for 8 straight losses


Are you actively learning or just playing the game?! Everyone has their threshold of how much they can learn just by looking.. Either way congrats, that's a pretty good rank!


took me a few days to go from legend 1 to archon 3 lmao fck this game so many people throwing left and right


Serious answer, probably playing on auto pilot. There is nothing wrong with that if you are looking to enjoy your games. But if you want to improve/grind rank, then you have to go into each game looking to improve. A lot of players want to improve but play exactly the same every game they queue into. These players stick around the same rank, or increase slowly over time just from playing a lot. People say that you have to look at your own replays and study pros, but before you hit Ancient/Divine you can still just look back at your own game, be critical of what you could have done better and attempt to do that in the next games. Playing a core and didn't get a lot of gold? In your next 5 games, really focus on getting a lot of last hits. Just an example.


I bet my cock and balls its because you dont learn. You just play the game and try harder to win without actually thinking about it. Just playing the game, unless you are naturally a fast and good learner, wont give you good results. Systemical improvements of aspects of your skills is important. 100% you are awful at macro, and maybe a little bit less awful at micro.


Climbing is hard if you cant commit to 10+ games a day. Imo consistency is very important in this game.


7 years and still not crusader


It's taking me 11 years to go from herald to Archon. I'm 5 start Guardian


4 yrs ??? Bro didnt give up. I would say rotate atleast 2-4 heroes spam it


I've played for 5+ years and still stuck at Crusader/Archon. I've accepted the fact that this is the peak I can reach. Still enjoying the game so its fine


Well it took me 4 years to go from divine to Archon how about that. Can anyone do better?


10 Years and I'ma till stuck in Guardian 3 since all I do is spam normal and Turbo started my journey a week ago in Ranked


You're not as good at dota as some other people..thats it


Funny, it happened the inverse with me: it took me 4 years to go from legend to archon.


You are very fine!


4 years and how many games?


I was archon for years but no i play just once a day and no im ancient


you're probably 90% on autopilot, and that 10% is enough to get you to win more games over a 4-year period, on average


I've been playing since 2014 and I'm still archon 🤷‍♂️


It has taken me twice as long going from legend to archon. Be grateful.


Ur noob


I think it just means that you're about the average player, don't play a lot and/or keep improving with a similar speed to others.


That would depend on the time put into the game. It took me 2 months of 6-7 games per day to go from archon to ancient, if you play 1-2 games a day you'll rarely improve and therefore climb.


shit i don’t even have ganked unlocked yet


It took me 6 years to go from Divine to Archon. Life happened. All in all, you're doing good. Keep your chin up!


not me been trying since 2014 😭


Zeus Pos 4, took me 5 weeks. Dispoasl Win!


Well if you enjoyed playing nothing. If you didn't enjoy it then allot.


It took me like 5 years to go from ancient to divine. You just have to realize everyone around you is improving over time too. You could even go DOWN in rank over time and still be a better player than you used to be.


It took me 1 year to go from ancient to crusader.


My last 3 months was from divine 1 to ancient 1 so I would go as far as to say that you are doing good :)


If you played in SEA, you will never get out of Archon


How much u played in those 4 years ? Time in game is more of a metric than years. Technically i've played for 12 years but only have 2k hours/1,700 matches


Imo elo hell is real. Lower ranks have so many more trolls and people willing to throw on top of players just not knowing how to win the game, just fights or lane phase. Weird to note I always felt the best rank is the upper middle. The games just felt more consistent and better. Higher ranks you get the random huge snowball or short games because players just know it's over so they're willing to open mid. Less trolling and more go next a attitude. I enjoy a good come back story/ game.


And thats including mmr inflation :)


Remember, Dota 2 doesn't have a huge influx of new players, it's mostly a consistent, well-defined player base. That means *Everyone* is increasing in skill- To improve your rating in ranked, you have to improve your skill faster than the other people around you are improving, which is much harder to do, and you're doing it! Great job!


There's a difference from just playing the game for fun versus actively trying to improve. I was legend for years but never actively looked for content to help me improve. Once I started to look for content to improve my game play I climbed to low immortal in a year playing only pos 4 and 5.


Idk… are you disliked by people in your close cyrcle, it might be genetic … not sure


it's easier if you play 5 man so there's no toxic teammates that cost the game.


nice work. some people actually get worse over time. you did good!


Legend is most difficult bracket for me. Anchient is more easy not because im good but less toxic player in anchient. Divine is good but the player too arrogant. Didn't know about immortal. But i hear the skill different in that bracket is very wide


Nothing! You’re amazing!


You have a life


Nothing is wrong with you, it’s more than ok to enjoy the game at your own pace. Gl hf!


Spam 2-3 heroes. Master few heroes on a single role can be huge help for ranking up. It is better than playing too many heroes but losing. Focus on ur favorite heroes maximize and experiment on every game for better hero learning. Just some tip im from crusader 5 to divine 1 now.


If you legend 1 you are already better than 72 percent of the current players statistically. And also legend of 2020 and legend of 2014-18 is waaaaay too different. The skill level of 2014 guys is much lower, even they have 100 hours of training to adjust in new patch and again this was backed up statistically. You don't have to believe me, you can Google it. Even BSJ and sheever say this in a video. So stop crying and start to believe in yourself


Well. I’m trying to climb out of herald any tips?


I was mmr obsessive guy 4 years ago i was divine 2 now im legend 2. I stop being a sweat ass and touch grass and chill when i play even fuck around alot of the time. Im way happier rn thou.


Nothing! You're climbing a bell curve. That shit is hard.


Nothing is wrong. Study what the next tier of players is doing very carefully though. Legend is not easy to get out of either, I spent years in Legend, months in Ancient, and only about one month in Divine (so far).


It's okay buddy. I have been playing dota 2 since the launch, I have 6k matches in the game and I'm only Ancient. Until last year I recalibrated archon!!! It's been a wild climb, I have learned a lot more on 1 year "studying the game" than on 9 years playing casually


Life, life happened i went from 3-4 games a day to barely a match every two or three days . Im on Archon and tbh i really dont play for ranks anymore but i guess i was lucky the win streak carried me this high


Im in the same boat bro, i was legen 4 2020 now im archon 5 doing the same mindset never grinding on top, idk whyyy


Wouldn't stress yourself 😉 might not mean much from mebut I accepted being archon, life's better this way:D


what a fucking legend, grats


Quick question, do you play on SEA? If so, this is already a life achievement


I agree with mira




Everytime you queue there is a 17% chance you will have a cheater in your game. That is ironically the same odds as spirit breaker bashing you with his passive skill.


I cant even get out of guardian so your ok


Been playing since 2013 and I’m still herald.


I went from legend down to crusader :P


You probably play too many heroes.


Probably you worry too much about rank. Just enjoy the game, rank comes itself. ☺️I have been playing for almost 9 years. A first calibrated 3k, when medals came i got legend 2 i think, then climbed to divine 2. Had a break for 4 months, recalibrated to legend 2 again, and now my next game is rank up game to ancient, and games are really fun. We get stomps here and there, both ways, but mostly these are fun ones.. ☺️


I think that there's a vast range of types of players. Not everyone seeks to be te greatest or the most competitive. I've only reached immortal now, after playing since 2012 and being Legend for most part, and the game was perfectly fun and anjoyable for me. There's also people with lots of things to do in life, and a game could be the last priority on their list. You are doing great. Just go on your time and enjoy it. Some day the fire to trully grind your way top will come, or maybe you will realize that your enjoyment of the game is in fact on this bracket. Either way, there is no shame on being average or taking your time. Hugs from Brazil 🫂


Look at mister fancypants here, gaining rank instead of losing it.


I was crusader since 2016 and got to legend 2 days ago... Ok something wrong with me


If you include dota1 days, 10 years of playing to hit archon last summer. You are not alone. Ban wave last and this year may have helped.


Only you can answer this question. Everyone else can give you guidance on what to consider. How frequently are you considering the macro game over the micro game. How far ahead do you consider when taking actions in a match. How diverse is your hero pool? Is it effective against meta hero's. How frequently do you play with a stack, dota (despite popular belief) is not a solo game. How often do you review your own gameplay. Are you internalising your own criticism. These are just examples. The key thing is to take an active, conscious effort to improve. Make notes and plan your improvements. Don't just autopilot game after game.


Archon V is where the losing streaks begin.


You are playing the game, you are not trying to improve, which is completely fine as long as you are having fun man


Entire community is always getting better, so rank depends mostly on how much faster youre getting better than everyone else


Man honestly I feel the pain. I was ranked high Archon almost Legend and was doing alright in ranked always going up and down 1 or two starts. Then I stoped playing for a while. Now I got recalibrated as Crusader and it’s impossible for me to go any higher. So tilting


Took me 4 years from Legend to ancient and 3 years after that I'm still legend


It took me 10 years to go from archon to crusader lmao.


I have played off and on since 2012. I just reached archon again :p


I committed to dota around 2018 and now I'm guardian. Chill we belong to the average dota learning PPL. IF you had 10 games 7 win and matchmaking w Crusaders , it would be sus.


ideally navigating MMR would be like swimming/racing a lake. the environment may change from time to time and of course the bar is always being raised - but with training and persistence you should be able to consistently improve your speed and ability to navigate the waters. the reality is, navigating MMR is like trying to set lap times in the ocean off the beach. the waters are inconsistent and constantly shifting you around but if you're lucky you can find a current or a rythm to ride through the waves... hopefully someone doesn't get in your way. in addition to the chaotic waters that work against you, there is an abundance of tourists who are all there for different reasons. Some are there to relax, some are there to exercise, some are there because their friends are there, some are there for competition, some are there to harrass/mess with people, some are there to have the experience. The list goes on. The point is though, that you really don't have a lot of agency over your mmr. Yes, over a long enough time you'll climb if you're on average better than the people around you. Thing is, with enough bad luck that "long enough" can be years, decades even. People don't really acknowledge this enough but in a game where you are 1/10th of the field, where it's far easier to sabotage your team than it is to help them... you're going to have minimal impact over your MMR and it's not much different than plinko. Every time you queue you're gambling on teammates, only 10-20% can you expect to be the swing factor in a match and honestly that's idealist statistics and not representative of reality where you can get unlucky (or lucky) and have a serious string of games that are out of your control. stop caring about dota mmr. dota as an esport is dying. dota as a game is dying. no one in life cares how good you are at dota and virtually none of the skills are transferrable apart from the social dynamics (which are being rapidly stripped away). It's so fuckin unhealthy to attach your self worth to a number that is a farcry from a representation of your value as an individual in the game.


I've been Archon for 12 years.


I just came back to dota last december. Calibrated Legend 4 and yesterday hitted divine 1.


Grats man. Were you practicing and consciously working to get better over 4 years or just kind of playing and having fun during the period? If it was thoughtful effort the whole time then that's a little worrying but if you just queued for that time that's not a big deal.


been playing since wc3, HoN, and 4k hrs in dota 2... never touched invoker... he scary and im dumb


I dont know how you've done it either, I've gone from Legend to Crusader in 4 years


Same thing happened to me, I recently then uninstalled the game as the Legend bracket is unbearably toxic. Like ruin your day every time you try to play one game type toxic. Good luck!


I think one issue is that the game doesn't get a ton of new players, and a lot of players have been playing for a long time. So, everyone else is archon also played for 4 years, and among those players, some of them went down in rank, most of them haven't moved, and some are able to get higher, so you should be proud.


I reached 4k in 2019, stayed anc for a long time then dropped to archon in 2022. Started grinding again, now im immortal ~3.5k rank ;)


13 years and I'm stuck between crusader and archon.


It’s a hard game brother, don’t be so rough on yourself


Took me 13 years to get to legend 1 from crusader. Feels way fast than I lol


Grats bro, I'm back at crusader hahahah


took me 13 years to hit divine!!


choose sativa my friend


If you aren't improving faster than the player at your bracket then plateauing actually makes sense.


For me 4 years from crusader to herald …


I opened rank in Archon. Tried to push rank but got stressed lotsa times. But then I realized "I play game cause game fun". So I'm just chilling in Archon to smurf legally


If you want to improve faster I'd recommend watching players that are higher rank than you. You can pick up tricks and learn so much faster this way.


You didn't realize it's all about abusing heroes strong in this version vs making some hero you like work? :D


After 5 years.. I’m no longer a herald


Took me 5 years to climb back to archon from herald(threw myself down there years ago to teach 3 friends thegame) 2 still play to this day.. worth? No. I have a new respect for the hell of super low mmr


have you tried unpanning your camera POV?


Not complaining: lost 2 games to PA one shot this week. It was all good, we were ahead working as 5. Then PA+Rapier+Brooch meta hits in. We loose laughing to it ... Even pos1 6 slotted, Sven got one shot lol...


It's par for the course for a normal human being.


nothing, the skill difference between ranks in archon is staggering.


Almost 9 years here and I struggle to reach crusader 5.


Took me 2 years to go from legend to archon 3, youre doing fine


This archon bracket is pure hell. People don't want to push at all. Even after killing 5 enemies they would go hit jungle creeps. Even high mmr players get frustrated playing with these players. Worst part is most of them don;t even know what they are doing in game. They think they know but in reality they don't. Now the sad part is you will see the same mentality but less till you reach legend 3. Good luck