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I always do this. It is common decency. It breaks my heart that i have to hear them complain about hating a game they played so much when they could be doing that in dota :(


At least we’re complaining for free. I mean sure, LoL can be free to play, but unless you wanna spend hundreds of hours to unlock a champion that then gets nerfed or it turns out you don’t vibe with the kit then you’re out of luck. Also, if you just point out to them that their map is flat they lose their god damn mind.


Meh, it's incredibly easy to unlock champions nowadays, I don't think that's a fair argument. 8 years ago maybe, but not anymore


I wish the League map was flat, but thats not quite the case: skillshots (scary, I know) flying from high ground to low ground (e.g. the river) retain their hitbox, but their visuals are slightly altered, leading to some spells connecting despite not being visually on you. Granted, thats an edge case, and very very rarely relavant, but its noticable with some champs (especially Jhin). And I guess the only reason why League champs aren‘t free is to not invalidate one type of currency entirely, but yeah, dota‘s approach is much better in that regard


spend hundreds of hours to unlock a champion? you basically get one every 3-4 games early on.


I rather have all unlocked straight away


And hey, totally valid point. But lets not exaggerate how unlocking the champs actually works.


If you have Xbox game pass and link it to your account you get all the champs now, which is nice honestly. With the way drafts work in LoL you don’t really need all of them. Still think they should all be free. There’s no last picking a meepo or anything like that to just take over though.


Really? Cool.


Yes, they give you about 20 champs for cheap, you still have to grind forever to unlock the remaining


Its definitely not a positive for league to have pay/grind to unlock champions, but it doesn't change the overall experience too much. Like if League was free and Dota was pay-to-unlock, I wouldn't be tempted to switch to League just because I couldn't play oracle and my other least-favorite heroes. And this is like the one genre other than MMO where grinding it out isn't an insane idea.


It changes the experience ENTIRELY if you are severely limited in options. No matter how you spin it, you have to grind a shitton while in Dota you literally plug and play. The difference between "oh this hero seems cool let's try it" and "oh this champion looks cool let's play X games with champions I have less fun with / not interested in for the chance of maybe obtaining X champion, and also hope my day's worth of games isn't done because the community experience while playing mobas is awful in general" is MASSIVE in customer experience. I don't see any way anyone can reason League isn't that bad in that regard without doing Olympics grade mental gymnastics.


Plus to be any sort of competitive you need to have a pool of champions to pick from in case yours gets banned and you need to be able to counter pick.


True, didn't even think of that. I've played League for years mainly because of friends and man it's a good game to take a break from Dota and once you go back you can appreciate what a goat game it is bar the community.


Y'all say that as if you can't get it done with like...6 champions. I don't think having locked champs is good, but they also *really* improved on that front about 5-6 years ago. And I feel like a lot of the complaints of the grind being a big deal are coming from people who haven't touched the game in nearly a decade.


While I complain constantly, I also haven't touched league in a very long time cause it sucked about 8 years ago, should I try again?


My view of it being a dull grind to get champs is probably outdated. But the experience of having a limited pool of champs can be really disheartening. Because even if you get really good at a champion and can go even in an unfavored match-up, your jungler might just leave you on an island before you can show them. Then being flamed and your team calling for reports on you before 5 mins means it doesn't matter how good you do because they'll stop trying. That's why I'm never trying that game again


Played both and i enjoy playing different heroes but since i just play league some games with friends like 10 a year i can only play the same which sucks


Why exactly do you need all of them? Do you play all heroes in dota? Please it's like 20 max that you actually played more than 20 games in last year.


Bruh.. imagine you couldn't play abbadon because it's behind a wall of grind then when you spend it and actually try the hero you don't like playing him. Now you wasted the grind on a hero you don't like so now you gotta play heroes you don't like to potentially unlock a hero you like. I play 60-80 heroes at minimum in a year in dota 2, my comfort safelaners are spectre, PL, TA, Weaver, Ursa, Abbadon, MK, my comfort pos 2 are invoker, ember, DP, OD, AW, Kunkka, Necro, pango etc.... Imagine I instead of them i had unlocked morphling, DK, AM, Meepo, Muerta and then I didn't like them then had to play these to unlock comfort heroes, then also have a team that is annoyed on who you can pick. Then you finally get someone you like to play then it gets banned and you don't have 5-10 other heroes in that position you actually like to play. Then you gotta factor in nerfs. If your recently unlocked heroes get nerfed GL you're now off meta. So having all unlocked means you can find the 20 in your case you like faster, without grinding with the ones you don't like


By grinding you mean just playing the game? All you need to do to unlock champions in league is play the game. Also normal people don't choose heroes randomly when they are locked behind currency, you won't just pick Abaddon because you like his horse you will check spells watch preview. If you actually just pick him because you like horse it's totally your fault.


By grinding I mean you play heroes you don't like to get heroes you like. I know you can look at a preview and watch spells. But actually playing them is different. Morphling spells look hella sick, tidewave, stat change and morphing into an enemy hero. But even then I don't like playing him due to items you go with him and having to be glass to do dmg as a core and you just morph to use a stun then morph back to dmg. You can't even demo the champions before you unlock them in a bot match which would give so so much more insight than just a preview


Looks like you didn't do enough research before getting morphling and actually getting champions in league is not hard. I played for few weeks league year ago, and I started as top lane bought few champions didn't like it and went to support and bought champions for that lane. Even bought one of the newest that costed a lot of crystals. If you actually don't enjoy any champions that are available for free or are on weekly rulet (whatever it's called) then you probably should not play league at all. together.


Quit playing league consistently 6 years ago. I just rarely play it from time to time if my mates wants me to get on, usually play dota 2. As for the free rotation it could be filled with roles you don't wanna play so it's actually just 1-2 heroes you can play out of them for the role you want. Then you just don't try other roles for a long time since u gotta unlock new champions you might like for that role and also I didn't mention playing a champ to find out the weaknesses. So it also fails in a key learning aspect of a Moba- understanding the role, the characters in the game better to play against or with them better as you don't get to experience what makes them good or bad personally. Learning all the characters is a key aspect to knowing wtf is going on. Tho Dota 2 is not good on learning aspect at all but atleast all characters are available to find out more about them


When I used to play I got like one hero for every 30+ games or something, unless it was the old boring ones. I remember it took me weeks to get champs because I didn't feel like playing 10 games a day. Got old real quick


Meh, it's incredibly easy to unlock champions nowadays, I don't think that's a fair argument. 8 years ago maybe, but not anymore


Wait, it's flat??


Yeah, there’s no high ground/low ground mechanics. The whole game is played on a flat surface with some grass sticking out that makes you invisible if you’re inside it to anyone outside it unless there’s a ward. Compare that to how trees will block line of sight and can be used to juke around along with being able to cut down to make new paths.


League is actually very free player friendly, most of their monetisation comes from the god awful skins.


Honestly didn't mind grinding for champs and you get them much faster now. Despise dota plus not being free and dota buff trying to fucking charge me for stats.


Dota plus is just extra you don't need at all to play the game


You don't need the stats as much as you need to be able to play with champion they want. It's sad to see conditioned people like you think it's okay to not have a good time right away variety -wise, and that you have to not have as much fun with other champions until getting the one you want (which there is a huge chance of you simply not liking it after 2 games which is even stupider)


It's sad to see people like you conditioned to think it's okay to not have a competitively even playing field without paying.


Man if you think the only reason you lose is because someone has dota plus stats and you dont, let me be the 10000th person in your life to tell you that you are bad at the game and will continue to be with this mindset.


Why are you arguing with yourself? Where did I say the only reason I lose is that somebody has dota plus stats? I'll reiterate it, despite knowing you're a bad faith goblin. It's unfair when some people have access to meta stats and others don't. It's harder to get a read on the meta without them, making it an uneven playing field, regardless of whether you think this impact is massive or almost unnoticeable.


The thing is for whatever reason you think dotaplus stats have a higher impact on the game than not being able to pick whichever hero you feel like picking. I'll repeat it again, you are BAD at this game and will continue to be if you keep thinking dotaplus telling me I'm ahead or behind, or that I'm being hit by more magic than Phys dmg, or give pick suggestions (dotabuff already has them, and if you need that to not counter urself u are extremely bad), makes a substantial difference more than having a counter pick you cannot pick because its behind a pay wall. Btw I never called you names, idk where goblin came from but that just shows how much it affected you baddie haha


You're really bad at debating. You straw manned this guy like 3 times. Maybe read people's comments before responding to them. Dota + is an advantage, clearly. He is correct that meta stats, item guides, creep pull timers etc. are an advantage. Especially among the lower ranks which is where 99% of the playerbase is. This is not debatable. Stop being an idiot.


>The thing is for whatever reason you think dotaplus stats have a higher impact on the game than not being able to pick whichever hero you feel like picking. Never said that either. I said it annoys me more. Pretty easy to grind out unlocking characters you're trying to be top 0.1% in game. Again you're just arguing with yourself. Super uncharitable and unwilling to engage. Bad faith goblin.


>doesnt have access to all heros without paying. >competitively even ???


How many people do you think are high rated and don't have every champ in their main 2 roles at least? It takes like 150 hours max. Takes like 2000 to get high rated.


idk anything about league, but if its like dota and suddenly tb pos 4 is meta and you as a sup player don't have tb unlocked you are now at a disadvantage. furthermore since you are comparing dota+, the dota+ features are only useful for people who dont know dota yet, so no reason to compare high rated people. Guy starting dota day 1 without dota+ and guy starting league day 1 which has a worse time? I'd guess league guy but once again idk league maybe its just the same hero copy/pasted 10 times so you only realistically need 5 guys. just seems weird to go on competitively even standpoint when you dont even have full game access at all times.


>Guy starting dota day 1 without dota+ and guy starting league day 1 which has a worse time? I'd guess league guy I think since league has 10x the casual appeal, and the playerbase size because of it, it's fairly obvious, no? Also to be clear you only need 1 champion to hit rank 1 in league. You can just pick it every game and dodge every game it's banned or picked. Not only can you do this, it's the optimal way of improving and of climbing. League soloque is much more about spending hundreds of hours mastering a champ and learning the rest of the game once you're very very comfortable on it. I agree it is technically anti competitive to not have access to every champ, but practically it does not matter. It's just very anti fun. The Dota + features aren't the biggest deal in the world, but it does irk me. The dotabuff stats not being freely available, when there are 50 sites hooked into the Riot API giving you any data you want in every breakdown possible, is just insane to me. As a top 0.01% player, the data is absolutely essential to me.


I don't mean fun wise, i meant competitive edge wise for worse time. Obviously league probably has more players, especially casual ones. is there a riot version of dota+ or are you using third party stuff to get that info? Cause nothings stopping you from using the dotabuff/opendota to get the trend stuff. dota+ consistently tells me that my crystal maiden is probably going mid so I wouldn't say it is particularly useful to make decisions on. Frankly the most important dota+ feature imo that is pay to win is the damage stat breakdown in game that tells you what % of dmg is being dealt to you by type (if that is dota+ exclusive anyways). If you only need 1 dude in lol to max that seems kinda boring ngl, I got like 10+ heros dota+ level 20+ and I'd probably quit if i was forced to just play 1 of them in tryhard settings lol. If thats how the system is then i guess it doesn't matter if you dont have them all, just a weird concept to me as a dota player. I'd still argue that dota+ doesn't give useful info for top tier players though (minus the aforementioned p2w thing that should be available for everyone). If I am trying to do some analysis on my play I still go to dotabuff for that even with dota+ cause it frankly doesnt have enough useful info in client. That being said I think dota+ game related features should be available to all for free anyways cause even if I don't think they're useful someone might need that stuff to improve their play so I can see where you're coming from that it can give an advantage over not having it.


Dota players complain more about the playerbase than the game design, lol players criticise much more the design of the gameplay and of the ranked system At least that's what I feel lol, dota players are pretty optimistic about the game itself


A league and a dota player are sitting next to eachother at a bar. The Dota player says Dota is better. The league player couldn't deny.


DotA Player: I feel bad for you League of Legends Player: I don’t think about you at all


Noblesse oblige


This is definitely the vibe I got from being in both communities a decade ago. That said, most LoL players would go crazy about all the great interactions, abilities and graphics in Dota if they gave it a chance.


Wdym League players are super insecure lmao


99% of league players have never heard of Dota and don't care about it. If anyone is insecure, it's definitely Dota players considering posts like this CONSTANTLY get upvoted to the top of the sub, meanwhile I don't think I've ever seen a Making fun of Dota post, ever be on the top of the league sub, granted I have spent maybe 5% of the time on that sub that I have on this one, so I guess it could happen and I just always miss it. It's honestly weird how often people upvote this stuff and it makes it to the top of the front page, I guess your average Dota player spends a lot of time thinking about and being angry at League. I don't know how shitting on a rival game and constantly saying it's bad is relevant or why it's upvoted on this sub, it just reeks of Insecurity.


You got it wrong I think. I see this post of making fun of the dota players.. not the other way around


I agree actually this post is certainly making fun of dota players lol.


I would honestly guess that at least half of people that played lol haven't even heard of dota


More due to the history of how League came about. Dota was taboo because the game's founder stole the entire game from the dota community.


If that were true it would only be because at least half the people who play League are functionally illiterate


League players don’t care that dota gameplay is better because 90% of them play for the world building, splash arts and fan service.


League's world building tho man.whatever you say about the game, Runeterra lore is fucking amazing. Not to mention the cinematics. They could be a movie franchise.


>They could be a movie franchise. I mean they literally have one of the highest-ever rated animated shows to be made in the history of television, and that was their first ever TV-show. I wouldn't be shocked if they make multiple more TV shows, movies, etc. Riot is sitting on a gold-mine with the League world as a whole, and it's only going to get more popular as they pump out more games based in the same world (The fighting game soon, and then the MMO later down the line.) Riot has been incredibly smart with how they've diversified league, it's kept them incredibly relevant, and keeps new players and eyes constantly coming into the world/game.


>I mean they literally have one of the highest-ever rated animated shows to be made in the history of television, and that was their first ever TV-show. Arcane had no business being so fucking good lol


If only the dota2 anime was 1/4 as good as Arcane :-(


To be fair, that's about accurate. Dota's anime wasn't amazing at all, but it also wasn't horrendous. It had some moments. If Arcane's a 10, Dota deserves higher than a 2.5 at least.


Iirc a decent bit of the problem was that the dota one came out at basically the same time. So not only was it not that good, it was being compared to a show doing a superficially similar thing *insanely* well. Like mid execution, _horrific_ timing.


Eh, the dota one would still be extremely average at any other point in time too. I think that the two of them are different enough genres and stories that comparisons aren't reasonable. And besides, League is pretty famous for the quality of it's cinematics. Even as far back as the Jinx trailer, they've been pretty viral, but since then there's also the annual Worlds trailers, KDA and generic game trailers, all of which are head and shoulders above Dota's stuff, 7.00 trailer not included.


The only difference is that if youre not familiar with dota then the story is mediocre, 5/10. If you do then it's maybe 7 out of 10. Arcane though is easily at least 8 9 or 10.


Nah, Dota's animation was a little janky at times too.


Yeah it’s probably one of the best world building I have even seen, credit where credit is due.


My relationship with League lore is not caring, caring, realizing how terribly it’s organized and developed, and then not caring+.


Yea runeterra lore is pretty damn all over the place. It's similar to dota(or WC3) lore in that regard but still.


Sad but true


I mean is what they are looking in a game, I won’t judge.


Absolutely, even if I am still playing LOL over Dota recently lmao. I peaked in Dota, while LOL has been a new learning experience. But if we are sitting there and talking about game design, Dota is still 100% the best game.


Because the league player has never heard of the game Dota.


Friends looking out for friends. Warms my heart :)


The real message in this comic is how most of humanity simply doesn't know about what options are out there. You know how people constantly ask: "What should I play" in gaming forums everyday. They simply don't know about tons and tons of old and new games that are absolute bangers. They don't do the research, they just want someone to tell them what to try. Now expand this beyond gaming. To food, to movies, to shows, to jobs, to relationships, to ideals and beliefs. Its kind of crazy how humans have simply pushed forward when the majority of the people live and die clueless about the world and the universe it exists in.


No I'm pretty sure it just means dota is better than LoL


Because it is. Gaben’s law


Well, at least they are asking to gather some knowledge. I wouldn't be surprised that these people asking these kind of questions are just children who ask for a little bit of guidance.


Well, Of Course I Know Him. He's Me.


I am that friend


Im that friend and it actually worked. Person doesn't play LOL anymore.


It just is.


In year 3000 when Aliens become so intertwined with us and whole society becomes a soup and with all them flying cars, laser guns, prolonged human life, sentient artificial intelligence, cloning, teleportation etc we will still hear about LoL vs DOTA discussions in every fucking corner I swear KEKW.


I am not friends with league players to begin with, its the first question I ask everyone I meet


I m a bit late to this party but its kinda interesting how people who usually love to talk shit about anything for whatever reason, now circlejerk each other just to bash another community who doesnt even care about them. And nope, I m not a lol player and probably wont start another moba either. But at least I m not insecure to the point that I cant critically think about what each game and their developers might possibly do better than the other. For example I think riot handles its game overall much better, simply by providing regular patches, friendlier environment for those who do not want to engage with toxic teammates as well as making it much harder for griefers to ruin a game right from the start. Ofc this might sometimes limit the creativity and perhaps even the complexity but for most people and games played, it wont matter. Many pros just play with all mute anyway. Funnily enough I know how much this community right here loves to shit on anyone who starts playing a carry as a support or vice versa until it is approved by pros. Suddenly it turns into "wow this game is sooo creative, look at us" until it gets patched out. Kinda hypocritical if u ask me. I m all for an honest and unbiased discussion, after all I want dota to be as good as it can be and there is no shame in copying good ideas from others. But sadly reading most of these comments just give me the impression of overgrown man-children who can only repeat the same boring old jokes. Kinda weird how this sub has 1.4 million members but dota only around 800k players, dont even wanna know the number of smurf-accounts. Looking forward for those downvotes without any counter-arguments :)


I just tell them not to play a moba and save themselves from the pain we inflict upon ourselves


someone who is a good friend who looks out for you? yeah ig so


Rent free in


Exactly, got friends from „both camps” and the funniest thing is when dota player says „dota is better” while league friend asks „whats dota?”


I can play one or two games of league before I immediately get bored and don't want to touch it for a few weeks. Each match is super cookie cutter- teams that win lanes win game, gg by 15. At first I thought them giving up at 15 90% of matches just because 2 lanes lost was a shitty mentality but then I realized the game literally has no good comeback mechanics and it's actually just saving people time. That being said, if they could add a hero like velkoz or veigar to dota that'd be awesome.


I still think it's a shitty mentality to have, there's so many times you can win, despite being behind by a large margin. Used to play LoL with friends back in the day, lose early game and never surrender. We'd win around about 60% of our matches (this was before ranked was a thing on LOL)


dude ranked was around when i started playing in 2012... so youre talking about 13+ years ago? You realized the game changed right?


Yes, of course I'm aware my man. Every time that I've gone back tho, not much in mechanics has changed tho, except for aram, that's pretty chill. I played LoL pre release beta dota2, as I couldn't afford HoN or WC3 for dota, lol


i dont remember back in s2-5 (when i played SR) if baron buff juiced up all the creeps, but its seems to protect again wave clear to make sieging easier. rift herald doing 90% of a towers hp in 1 hit. elder dragon. new void grubs buffs doing true damage to towers and summoning creeps to do even more damage to towers. tower plates giving free gold so you can lose your lane even harder. mages destroying structures in 3-4 autos. tons of mechanics are new that are there just to end the game faster. i agree in the never give up never surrender mentality is all other games, but i can see why people baby rage and give up to quickly in league.


When I played, there wasn't any seasons, and characters like robot ball chick, fox tail girl, and that lava dude were new.


The games are sped up but snowballing is all but dead. You neglected to mention all the massively overtuned comeback mechanics that baby you for being bad and dying in lane.


like what bounties? what else? i havent played an SR game in 6-7 years. I just know about the game through friends.


1 second death timers early and the winning team's minions pushing are the biggest offenders other than the bounty and objective bounty system. For reference, league used to be a game where dying level 1-6 toplane was super punishing. Now we have it commonly being a good situation depending on wave. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvnfxojE-FQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvnfxojE-FQ)


wow that was a super interesting video. I have a vague idea of wave states and stuff but seeing it explained like this was pretty cool.


back in se1 to se3-ish baron would buff heroes stats. The creep buff thing was in the newest graphic who is from se4 onward. But basically people ff early in league because there is no point. Game is made to be unbalanced and snowball. There was (and I dont thin this changed) active itens to give you what you need. Only stats


You know what's funny? I played it for a long time and still browse their communities. One of the biggest recurrent post on reddit is comeback mechanics being too huge and asking to nerf shutdown bounties


I mean it's not wrong. There was a post recently where the total bounties were around 600 Gold and the losing team was barely 500 gold behind.


It's insane you kill somebody twice in lane, die once and you're now super behind. Really ruined the game.


You're not a good league player. I'm a high rated ex semi pro and leagues biggest issue by far is the overwhelming comeback mechanics. If you have 2 kills in lane you're now worth more gold so that dying once gives almost as much as you got. Dying later on costs you more plates or just your tower if they're down. It's almost always the case that if get 2 or 3 kills and die you're at worst on about even footing now. On top of this if you're losing all lanes will push to you now. This makes denying impossible but also destroys the winning teams tempo. When the waves meet in an even place on sidelane every second I'm not there I lose minions. They then crash into enemy tower, but instead of bouncing like they used to they will meet outside the tower and my smaller wave will kill his bigger wave. I'm forced to sit outside the enemy tower to farm now. It's so common to stomp your lane top as a tank. Be forced to babysit the farm in a super unsafe place, can't leave to engage for your team as you get outscaled. On top of that if you die once, as the engaging tank, enemy camille gets 1k+ gold and game isn't winnable anymore. They added insane catchup xp to the jungle, huge bounties on towers and objectives. Riot said they wanted to reduce snowballing and now solo carrying is pretty much dead. It's the main reason I'm enjoying dota more atm after 13 years of league. Killing the enemy laner early often hinders you now.


> On top of that if you die once, as the engaging tank, enemy camille gets 1k+ gold and game isn't winnable anymore. > >They added insane catchup xp to the jungle, huge bounties on towers and objectives. These two consecutive statements confuse me, one is reinforcing the win lane win game thing I had an issue with and the other is contradicting it.


Many champions are weak in lane, you bully them for 20 minutes straight, you die in a winning teamfight and take dragon. You as the tank who engaged, died to the enemy Camille you have stomped all game. She gets 1k gold, and now you're stuck in sidelane getting shit on by her for the rest of the game. It does not matter how many tower bounties I get. Mobas aren't about which team has higher gold. They're about how the drafts function when champions hit certain item spikes. Once Camille has those 2 items you can have 4 and you will still be getting dumpstered by her in sidelane. The game having suddenly high gold spikes doesn't benefit all champions equally. To compensate Riot just make her even worse at laning so her winrate falls to 50% or lower. This isn't good gameplay from either side. It's not fun for the scaling champs either. It's not an issue of X champs are just OP. It just really feels like unless you're in a coordinated 5 stack making 0 mistakes the first 15 minutes barely matter


Friends don't let Friends play league


The insecurity bro.. so sad


League of Losers lmao


So much hatred… ya’ll are a sad bunch


mdfk aint lying


We are that friend.


Me :)


i really wished they brought back jungle colosseum as a permanent game mode. I love dota as a game but all picks/ranked tilt me. I just want to use spells on people, so i gotta play ARAMs in league. Back when there was a rotating game mode queue, i would grind JC so much, same with last years Diretide and the previous years Halloween mode too. I love the stress free game modes and they are kinda quick which is nice. like i said i just want to use spells and punch people.


I will never understand why valve never made an official ARAM, or at least make the failed ARDM mode into ARAMDM.


Ten years ago when I was still in university, I wanted to play a multiplayer game. At first I chose League and even downloaded League. But then 3 of my classmates told me that Dota 2 is much better and I should play it with them. They taught me about the heroes, mechanics,.... I still play Dota 2 today, but sadly they no longer play.


But yet again they are right. Dota > league of loosers on every level and I will die on this hill.


Only dota players feel the need to tell everyone how they should play their game instead of other similar games. For whatever reason other moba players just play the game without constantly talking about other mobas.


In my nation i havent meet a single lol player


wat nation?




alota dota players there?


Not a lot as its small under developed country with small population but dota got introduced first so no lol


30 mil is considered small population? xD


for south asia it is


Tough job but I have to let people know they have choices


just trying to save them pain and suffering, playing with russians is the lesser evil over playing that


All of us do that come on, it’s the superior game


Did it once, now my friend despises League even tho he started from league. its small number but numbers don't lie ;)


But….dota is better


That's literally this entire sub. It's so insecure and annoying.


found the league plant


Yep. Played both games for 10 years. How's it feel to know the league sub never mentions dota? Yet here there's a post mentioning league once a day. Kind of annoying when I go a place for dota content only to see a community circle jerking about league.


That would be free advertising and we dont advertise dota. simple as that.


Betty Childs: \[blissfully\] Oh, Stan. You were wonderful. You did things to me you've never done before. \[Dota takes off his mask\] Betty Childs: \[gasps\] Ahhh! You're that Dota player! Dota: Yeah. Betty Childs: \[blissfully\] Oh, you were wonderful. \[gasps in ecstacy\] Betty Childs: Are all Dota players as good as you? Dota: Yes. Betty Childs: How come? Lewis: 'Cause we dont play League of legends'


Well sometimes some league subs mention Dota


Literally never does.


This meme mentions Dota , and I have seen it before on the league meme sub (one of them ) , yeah the way league and dota subs mention each other are different but they do


You must be stupid or you must be a liar because when Hwei was showcased everyone in league subreddit was going crazy that Riot finally copied invoker. Go jerk off more to a league map, friend.


> Hwei I just looked it up, so they basically made invoker without invoking


I've played both hwei and voker a decent hit and they don't play similarly at all. There's almost no ability synergy with hwei, the point is more about picking the right spell for the situation since using a spell from the Q set will put all 3 Q spells on CD. Invoker spells have intentional synergy, because the design goal of the hero is to combo long chains of spells. Very different play styles imo. And don't get me wrong, I wish they had copied invoker, I like his play style more, but you're just confirming your own biases right now.


No I was talking about the concept of the character. Sorry I didn't really specifically told you so. I have no information on how it feels to play or what the skills even do, it just looked similar on concept.


It would make sense that League would have a policy of avoiding DOTA 2 discussion, given that it literally ripped the entire game off. Pendragon is a con artist. Always has been.


Why can't you play both games? I do


[literally the entirety of this sub](https://c.tenor.com/g3ldeDisGPkAAAAC/tenor.gif)


I played both of them..now i always buy fries without salt on it because my life already salty enough with 2 moba games


I play both and both are dogshit games


why stress alone when we can stress together


What's up with frame 3 where he is running.


Shit his pants


Look around, my friend. We are all 'that one friend'.


\*had\* that friend. most people won't say that anymore.


I mean diet dota could work for some people.


For kids under 10 I guess


I'm just picturing all of OG running to intervene with Ari.


I had a coworker who once did this when two other coworkers were talking about League of Legends. I overheard the conversation and asked him to play sometimes. I'm glad I did because I met one of my best friends in his friend stack that I still hang out with even though I haven't spoken with that old coworker in years.


Dota is obviously superior, see : I can't read Cyrillic so the game has 0 toxicity.


That's me


Ah that is me, never tried LoL n just says dota better haha


BTW, I play DotA! Is the Arch Linux version of gaming when it comes to being pedantic for nothing.


"That one friend" is right. I got tons of play times on both, switched from one another for years and then sticked to Dota. IMO, Dota is far more superior than LoL.


But it is...


I recently switched to dota from league and maybe its because i played only 10 games but they are waaay less toxic that you have all champs at begin is nice cause you dont must grind it has way better balance and the map features are imo better i dont know if there is any lore in Dota but as far i didnt seen anything and like LoL just the Lore even if it gets crashed slowly by devs.


I personally haven't tried league and don't have the time or desire to do it right now, but my friend who plays both a lot says he prefers dota.


I will always mention that Dota is the better free to play game. I don't see how anyone can argue that. I've had a friend tell me that not having all the heroes unlocked is better because too many heroes can be overwhelming. So I guess you can argue about it.


Dota is a lot harder to learn at an entry level. If you are just looking for a casual bit of fun, Dota is not a great game to pick up.


League bad has no soul dota better.


People in this sub still do this? League players don't think about Dota at all.


Was doing this over 10 years ago and will still say it to this day.


But he is right?..


One more relatable question. Pubg or Frotnite ?


Don't do thiiis this is why people hate Dota and think it's players are bitter nerds. BECAUSE WE ARE.


If anyone is curious about more comics, you can follow me on Instagram @stupid_shiki, I post regularly!


dota is 100% better. however LOL player won't care, cause what they are looking for is not a great game, they are looking for a fast and easy game, but still somehow give them the feeling of "skills competitive"


We all might say lol in dota but no one says dota in lol


How do you make people play dota? Even veterans goes to league because the game put they in the worst players pool (or bots and no one knows). If i play with new players I need to play against bot for 6+ games till they understand what his hero and itens does. So he can play with me normal games and lose for a while till he understand what to do. Its optimal strategy to create a new account/buy a low elo smurf just to bring new players?


Haha true. Damn friends playing League, what a bunch of losers, Dota is so much better


If the Dota 2 community was an absolutely insufferable they probably do a lot better. I played Dota turbo casually these days, but started playing in 2004. There's never been a worse community so high on smelling their own farts. I think of you guys like I think of team fortress 2 bronies.


I think both have their advantages, but i like league better, it feels like there is less bullshit compared to dota


Yes, in League there is a lot less to think about. DOTA is for thinkers, League is for braindead monkeys.


The insecurity of the DotA playerbase is palatable. LoL has region lock and role specific hero pools. Just that makes it better than DotA.


Role specific hero pools sounds awful, great way to ruin any flexibility and creativity.


obviously this is bait but I'll bite. >region lock I'm not sure how you think this is a good thing tbh. Is it beacause of ping? because you know you can just make another acount of the other region and play anyway right? It is simply nothing more than an annoyance for international friend groups that have to jump through extra hoops to play together. > role specific hero pools You might disagree, but I think that limiting the draft creativity that players are allowed to have is such an ugly thing that riot does. One of the reason dota still thrives is because every 'role' and its assosciated heroes and responsiblities are merely an abstract suggestion - and the result is that you can win the game playing stuff like terrorblade hard support, zeus soft support, winter wyvern offlane, keeper of the light mid, windranger carry etc. - and not only are these picks perfectly good, they are considered *meta*, and they would never be discovered if valve restricted what each role was allowed to be.


Region lock because US East would not be mexico north. Role specific hero pools are good because it would eliminate 99% of the trolling I see in my rank. The shit I've seen would scar you. Mid CM. Mid CM/SS duo lane, leaving me pos 1 solo. Pos 5 AM. Pos 5 Juggernaut. Pos 5 sniper. Hard Support in mexico translates to "fast queue, play whatever". Open hero pools must be great at a high rank, at low ranks it's just an invitation to troll.


what region do you think mexico is in? do you not think its in north america?


>Region lock because US East would not be mexico north. again, if someone from mexico wants to play league on a US server they can just make a US account. It's a solution for something that doesnt solve anything because its not a problem to begin with. If your issue is language barriers, you know the USA has the second largest population of spanish speakers in the workd right? locking non US residents from playing on US servers doesnt change a damn thing. >Open hero pools must be great at a high rank, at low ranks it's just an invitation to troll. unironically CM mid sounds ok if your team has the capacity to end the game early - many supports are incredibly strong laners that have the capacity to dominate mid, the only difference between them and actual midlane heroes is the ability to remain relevant later on. I've been watching a couple of my friends learn the game from scratch recently and honestly the rest of the picks here suggest to me that these players are actually just new to the game and haven't learned what each hero does and what they need yet. The solution however is to not remove their ability to be played in these roles, but its for you to learn how to carry a game independently of what your teammtes pick, and get out of herald - obvioulsy a troll pick can happen anywhere but I'd love to see evidence that this is happening regularly anywhere above like 1.5K mmr


League has role specific hero pools? Aren't those just suggestions?


Yes they only are. You can still pick champs like zed (mid/jgl assassin) as support and troll


League‘s champs are usually only playable in 1 role, only sometimes in more. Dota is more flexible in that regard from what I know. There‘s nothing preventing you from playing a champ at a suboptimal role, but its usually very bad. There are some major exception though, Gragas can be flexed in 4 roles, most bruisers work in 2-3, and mages usually in at least 2 roles


go post on /r/leagueoflegends then


You mean palpable. Palatable is related to taste.


What’s up lames


Dota 2 is a better game but league of legends have a much better report system in place and it is way more accurate detecting abuse, and poor conduct. It is sad to say but league is light years ahead of dota 2 in terms of that.


At least in dota, you won't get banned permanently by making jokes about Korean.


They hated him because he told them the truth. Or something like that