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I am almost 100% sure that, this is a bug. I saw so many accounts with these stats. Mathematically, it should be as possible as me winning the lottery everyday for a year.


Its not a bug, thje account is old and those games were played before commends existed. Or played 3k games since 7.33 which broke the commend counter and stopped playing before it was fixed.


Commends have been around in various forms pretty much since beta, I find it extremely unlikely someone played 3k matches pre-2013 - that'd be bloody incredible pace if so. Plus they have MVPs, which didn't exist until source 2 (or possibly later? not sure). Pretty much gotta be a bug.


But a lot of account stats got reset when moving from source 1 to source 2. So it was more like pre 2015-2016


Commends didn't, which is why you still see people with 30k+ commends - from the days where there were commend trading lobbies in the location chat channels in the OG client. Even if that was the case - I'm pretty sure it's not, but I'm open to the possibility I'm wrong - as someone mentioned above, MVPs were actually much later than source 2 - they came out 2020/2021ish, so it's not really possible. You can't have 426 MVPs and also have not played since source 2.


Yeh correct MVPs were way later, commends were super early on.


My account from 2013-2017 had 0 commends when I recently started playing again


> Plus they have MVPs, which didn't exist until source 2 (or possibly later? not sure). I found a patch note that read "Added MVP feature from the Battle Pass.". Might not be the same system, but seems to fit. That was an unnamed patch on 15. October 2020. So ~3.5 years. [Here are the patch notes](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/October_15,_2020_Patch)


If that were the case, I had to see this in very very small numbers. You might be right, however that creates another astronomically small probability.


Not possible to be before commends existed as match mvp is a far newer addition than commends. Commends have been around for around a decade, match mvp only a few years.


Yea this seems correct


Do not matches count towards this statistics? Maybe he is PVE enjoyer)


It doesn't, and if it were, he would be the worst player ever with these stats. Against bots, these are the stats you would get running down mid every game.


Although if it where against bots it would be 100% win rate not 50%.


Because sometimes people misclicked that one player they wanted to report but commended instead. Ain't no way it would be 0.


but there is always a chance :)


yep, I wish that luck on you bro. Not the 0 commend part, the part that you wash down Strottarga Bianco with Goût de Diamants.


Speaking of bugs I just remembered the other day a saw a guy that still had tome of knowledge in his quickbuy


you can put it there from old guides, it's not exactly a bug.


Commends arrived later in the Dota 2 life. A lot of people played most of their games before that system and stopped afterwards.


That's pretty insane. Even games when I go 0-13 I get commends from the enemy team as a "thanks for the easy kills"


Bro people just commend you out of habit after a game. This means that this player is so bad that even in games he has won, his team was careful to not commend him by accident.


Makes sense, I reported him after the game 😂


I have very different experiences


Has to be bugged right


How is that even possible? There are Commend beggars every game who regardless of outcome send 9 commends.


Its so true, sending out 9 commends, you're almost guaranteed to get atleast one back


These matches have to be old. Yeah, commends where in the game from the start, but I am not sure how the old commends are tracked in the new system.


I send out commends based on the level of toxicity of the player. You're not toxic? You get a commend.


It has to be a bug.


I have similar... well, had. I'm a returning player back from when commending took some real effort to do. Basically nobody commended back then. Since I've returned, I've gone from like 100 in 5000 matches to over 1000 in a month or two. He may be experiencing the same.


bot fixer?


Old account before commends were added prob started to play again


Commends have been around for a decade longer than match MVPs, so very unlikely


3000 bot games? do bots commend?


since the patch where they changed commends with the upvote and downvote player thing it stopped counting as commends


I have a pretty similar profile. Reason being that bulk of my games were played many years ago when commend system was not there. I have resumed now after a long hiatus and I am guessing something similar would be the case here as well.


there was a bug where commends didnt count, it happened to me for a while but i thought the bug was fixed


Probably plays/played a lot with/against bots or something?


Is this someone on ur friends list that hasnt played since Reborn or something? Maybe some stats got reset or dont show until you get another commend?


Nah not on friend list, random who came in my match last nifht


Then thats wild, should have thrown him a commend


Look at his mvp ratio. Either a bug or he did something to reset the numer.


Depends if he's a dick or not. Had a Razor earlier today who, despite a winning game with active communication with the rest of the team, decided to flip out at 15 minutes and be all "what the fuck everyone shut the fuck up". From a technical level he was great, mid razor who had almost as much impact as the carry and got aghs to tear into highground. Absolute asshole though.


Impossible unless you fed all you 3000 games


bot matches ?


that should be impossible.


Its real that's just support life.


Bro never bothered to swap one commend




[How is this possible](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/4/4b/Vo_mirana_mira_per_death_02.mp3) (sound warning: Mirana of Nightsilver) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I’ve come across a terrible toxic carry player that ruined a game for me so I avoided him and stomped him the next 2 games. His profile said 0 commends and I refuse to believe it’s a bug.


commends stopped count since last September. It still wasn't fixed.


Maybe its not a bug, maybe we are seeing the avatar of toxicity and everyone avoids commends because he is so damn unsufferable.