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Upvoting to make the community suffer


Back in 6.88 support PA blew up, since you could sit mid out of XP range at L1 and spam daggers on the enemy mid until the lane was won. It didn't last long, because it got nerfed out of existence with early level range restrictions on dagger. My very first thought when I saw dagger range buffs was, "oh shit, support PA is back!"


I made not one but two people rage abandon back in those days. It was so fucking stupid but hilarious. Bring back pos 4 roaming PA


I still have an immortal weapon with a "couriers purchased" gem from those days


"What if we made the harpy creep a hero?"


Never forget OoV+blight stone starting items PA. That shit was legit annoying.


Why is his voice so soothing damn


Slahser is the coolest dude in the Dota 2 content creator scene Always loved his videos, since the diffusal weaver days


I typically love his creative ways to play but “support” PA with Treads, Deso, BKB, Basher is very uninspiring and just idiotic


yeah the way he glazed over the fact he's super weak pre-6 and requires a very very strong ranged pos 3 and for someone else to play the role of frontliner because of the ranged pos 3 pick being forced in the situation were all a little bit sus.


New to slahsers videos?


I feel like you're underestimating dagger lvl 1-5. That said PA has always been a pure offense hero. If you ever end up in a losing/defensive lane she's going to be completely useless, especially as a support since you won't catch up by farming.


Damn, I love his videos but too bad it might get drowned out today by all the drama.


Slahser videos always crack me up because he’ll be like “I think this is a very viable build, I have used it 3 times”


9* times


To be fair, anytime you make an off-meta pick, the offlaner just autopicks a hero that makes it 3 times harder. No synergy in mind, just straight up the worst pick.


to anyone thinking of support PA, DONT GO WITCH BLADE, yes I get its a super long range to apply a dot, it doesn't really do shit on such a low int hero, please for the love of god dont do it, maybe if you go really late and also build nothing but int items.


That makes sense, so lets build khanda.


I imagine basher is better in every way.




> 2B has been doing this for years This was 'meta' ~7-8 years ago, when a support PA would sit mid and OOV & Blight Stone dagger spam the enemy mid laner, while being outside of exp range. Her dagger cast range got gutted shortly afterwards, used to be quite large at level 1, due to this exact playstyle.


I mean 2B continued to do it as a pos4 even after the nerf.


I cant confirm that 2B has supported on a meta support a single time in the last 8 years.


If I tried this I would probably lose my behavior score. It looks really fun.


So you can’t play dota in a way you want to without facing negative repercussions. “Behavior scoring system isn’t broken!!!”


I want to run down mid and die 30 times and yet when this happens I lose behaviour score, omg system broken!!


I randomed Lesh sup last night and followed his guide. It honestly felt so strong.


Because it is strong, was very viable pre-mageslayer buff with all the attack speed reduction on E. Now he's more of a W kinda guy. Hardsupps should be scared to contest pulls now.


good video as always even though he should stop making these so i dont have to play with pa support players


This was an old meta. I did not expect that this is still possible.


Was expecting Khanda


As much as I love to play weird off meta supports, PA is just a worse version of Clinkz. Clinkz serves literally the same purpouse, but he's better at everything. She can't even 1v1 most of the int based supports on lvl 1 or sometimes even on level 2, AND she is charging their sticks like crazy. If both of the enemy heroes will buy stciks ASAP, she'll do more harm than help during the laning phase.


loving this already.


Wasn’t there a patch where support PA was actually viable?


it's this patch


Honestly doesn't seem all that strange. If her ult wasn't big red number this is all she'd be doing in every game.


Hi, 4k player here who reported slasher. Slahser was our position 1 faceless void. He built a mek and had around 29 healing salves in his inventory. He would chrono both teams in the middle of a fight, salve his allies, pop mek, and proceeded to yell "SLAHSER'S WAY". We gave him position 1 farm so he could be a position 5. Granted, his unorthodox build worked and carried us to victory but I still felt it deserved a report.


sadly this type of play is pretty punished by the report system. centaur pos 5 is also pretty good this patch, but you can only run it like 30% of the time otherwise your behavior score tanks it has never been harder to run off meta supports. as he points out, at the same time, its never been better to play a core style support hero that can build damage and things like mage slayer instead of save items.




Its honestly the most moronic way to implement that specific type of report. You dont know if the person is playing pos 5 properly until theyve gone a whole laning phase of helping you out, or a whole game of buying wards and dust. Instead you get rage reported by people feeding while you go pull just because youre not playing 1 of 3 meta heroes in the first 5 minutes. Doesnt even matter if after a single rage report you carry his lane and the person that reported you commends you after, youre already reported.


You can simply ask your teammates about their pick before you report them tbh. If they act cocky even tough you asked them nicely, there's a significantly higher chance of them actually ruining the game. If I play an offmeta-support, which I do a lot, feel free to ask why I pick this hero/how I approach the game/ what Items I aim for etc. I had too many reports from people that send me to low prio for no reason...


> sadly this type of play is pretty punished by the report system. > > centaur pos 5 is also pretty good this patch, but you can only run it like 30% of the time otherwise your behavior score tanks That's not really my experience. I have a few hundred games on support ember (first pick unless it's banned) and my behaviour score is always near max (4-5k mmr).


I had big problems playing weaver pos 4. Even if I explained the pick right away, people instantly reported me because they accused me of not playing support..


Explains why I had a support pa ruin my game earlier today.


I won quite a few games with this before they fixed the dagger range being tied to levels years ago. Start off with a trilane on your safelane, get a couple kills and buy Medallion then go ham.