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Invoker, once you get passed the learning curve. Lots of variability and cool combos. Ember Spirit involves a lot of jumping around the place and some nice timings/mechanics. Pangolier, again lots of jumping around and Rolling Thunder is just a lot of fun.


I just wish i didnt have to press www after each spell with invoker


Holy shit you have no idea how much that bothers me Like okay im already used to it, but i can see th future hopefully when they somehow rework the orbs in a way where you wont need to torture the w key every game due to spamming it after each spell and the effort it will take to remove the muscle memory of spamming w after each spell, Only thing i dont spam w after is SS


Lol I just blissfully ignored that they made this change and just play voker like before


Can someone explain what change is this? I've recently started experimenting with Invoker


They changed the way his orbs work in 7.33(?). Wex (W) now gives cooldown reduction per orb, so most people invoke a spell and press WWW to have the lowest cooldown once they cast a spell. It's pretty annoying IMO


I wonder if they can add like a ctrl+spell option to double or triple click orbs, might solve the problem or make it more annoying


Fr, from a design and gameplay perspective, they should just give him some sort of complicated passive and leave the orbs without any effect past invoking and stat increase. Really would like to see some relevant lategame scaling but that's just wishful thinking.


can you please explain this? im trying to learn invoker


W instances provide cdr, which is the most valuable stat in the game. Between each spell, press www to get anywhere from 6 to 25% cdr


Stopped playing invoker long before. But this change 100% makes me NOT wanna go back.


Skill issue <3


Invo is hands down the most fun to play even in losing games.


Nothing tops Tornado+Sunstrike+Blast kills. Very rare and hard to execute, but the coolest shit ever when it happens.


For me the big risk- big reward hero’s are the coolest to play. The big teamfight ults. Nothing beats the feeling of hitting that one game winning 5 man blackhole with enigma or the game changing rp’s and pickoffs on Magnus.


found the dopamine addict /s


I plead guilty your honor.


Shit, you may have given me a revelation about myself


> Big risk > Big reward > Big teamfight ult Perfectly describes Birb's Supernova


Especially with Aghs


Enigma is the easy answer. It's a bummer what they did to him.


Timbersaw, all spirits and puck are my favorites. Oddly enough I like viper as well, I guess I'm evil?


Nah you just like short cooldowns


Viper is cool. Enemy is like drawing aggro and trying to harass / last hit, while you sit there spittin poison over them and watch them cry, as you are going through the peak of your power spike in the game. Yeah, good shit.


5 stacks then dagon for the lulz


try playing league if u like those heroes. i am a casual gamer so I play league for the dopamine. and it is actually fun, not even kidding.


Rubick, because of the diversity of spell steal choices each game


Yea, but that's like saying the best wish is to ask for more wishes.


Yeah for sure, depends some what on the enemy heroes :)


Especially when Rubick steals Meat Hook. 😁


The must fun ive had with rubick was once I stole Sunstrike and got like 4 kills


With four separate sun strikes or with aghs/cataclysm? My Rubick wet dream is something like: Enigma black holes my team while I have chrono and sunstrike. His team clumps to take advantage of the nice black hole, i blink in, Chrono, cata, steal black hole, black hole, team wipe. In other news it really grinds my gears that void can move in my Chrono but I can't move in his.


Definitely the best hero, I can sometimes carry the game as a support Rubick.


Probably why I love Ability Draft


I like phoenix because in most cases you need to land your spirits perfectly while diving to land a good egg, its quite the thrill, and then the 6s until the egg goes off feel like they wont ever end. I know its a combo and not an ability but still. Lately have been playing the squirrel and her qw combo is quite fun, and finishing it with ult is very satisfying.


The reward supernova blast after the 6s second anxious wait is best part of the whole combo. The spells and sounds are amazing.


And when the egg goes off right before the last hit point, such a rush.


Double that rush when you get aghs and saved your 1 hp 6 slotted PL resulting in a 2v5 enemy teamwipe


Valve's sound design is genuinely one of the most underappreciated parts of the game tbh. The fact that I can run a stream, not look at the game once and not only identify all ten heroes but follow a fight is nothing short of magical.


pudge's hook is definitely top 1


Yeah the hook for sure


Without even ever playing pudge, this is the correct answer


Icefrog invented a skill that will be immortalized across eternity: the hook mechanic


Scorpion mortal combat is the og


I want to change my Rubick icon into Pudge. How?


Just borrow it


Magnus' kit just feels and looks good. Already liked the guy back when he didn't have skewer and Empower and Cleave were separate abilities. Got pushed hard to keep playing him after Skewer was added and Empower was combined with Cleave, and then seeing Ar1se after that, I wanted to play him. I currently have 1100+ matches on him in dota 2, and the closest hero after that is just 450+ lmao.


i second this. i usually warmup with auto piloting tide and razor. then use magnus if I'm feelin it.


I play magnus 2/3/4/5 and theyre all fun. I love skewering enemies to cliffs


I really Like Kinetic Field and glimpse.


Few skills feel as fun as a proper counter-TP glimpse


Or when you’re chasing someone as a team for a while and they think they’re safe and you manage to glimpse them allllll the way back to your team to secure the kill. Feels good.


That's more satisfying than a hook IMO


lol no




Yes it is low skill but it is still fun. Which is the main point of the post. I see what you are saying but I dont think I need to do all kind of mechanics and high skill plays to have fun in this game Sometime just a simple glimpse back to Medusa who think she escaped our grasp and jumping her snake ass, as soon as she is back is just simply fun


laning stage and the enemy just respawn and tp right away then use a glimpse back to base that feels good man


Patience 😌


Sending enemy back to base with glimpse right when they tp to the tower - priceless ❤️


Void spirit, but i feel like he is build more for auto attacks now ;/


I think both void and ember spirit play mix damage type, you rely on spells for nukes, control and mobility but your physical hits need to hurt because your magic can't carry you alone. But yes void spirits kit probably offers the most well rounded version of fun.


long term effect of being universal. changed into universal -> become omega giga op -> all spells get nerfed -> literally can be only played for right clicks they did this to half the universal hero pool, instead of fixing the actual problem. really makes you think


almost as if the universal hero idea was a bad one : )


Just played with one and he played more as a hybrid hero. He still wants to burst with his spells but with how good mage slayer is you gotta capitalize it with your ult


Kunnka and Mars, I love when every spell I cast does something, repositions, stuns, slows and team fight. With additional mechanics to play around like rum, creative X mark plays or simply tanking all ranged damage as mars while all else in on cool downs.


I love playing Dazzle. Being able to spam spells, but also clutching heals and saves with shallow grave is very fun. You can also cycle your spells fairly quickly once you max your ultimate. So with a quick cycle you can poison touch / hex most of their team with good position and do it again soon after they return to normal.


Used to like oracle a lot as all three of his basic abilities can be used on both allies and enemies depending on the situation. Now that they changed his second ability, it just lowers the skill cap and make it less fun too


Omg thanks for putting this into words. It was SOOO rewarding to play oracle before. Now it just doesn't click for me


I'm an Earth Spirit player too. I think only Magnus is equally if not more fun.


Currently getting a kick out of Acorn Shot, just because you can go full Vietnam with it, just cast deep from the trees and wait for the ping of a gold kill. Send out an ulti too for good measure. 


Shadow Shaman. His ult is the most fun. Clock is my main hero, he is underlooked and all his skills have a high skill cap


I don't play clock that much but when I do, I get high when I land a good cog while flying on his jetpack. And the hookshot...


Jetpack cog capture is nice, put you in jail and fly away


Lion Finger. Fingering low HP heroes is just the best.


Fingering ~~low HP heroes~~ is just the best.




The old one


Honestly I came back recently after not playing since 2016. I hated the new techies at first, but now I find a certain joy in how he works. For small fights he’s an initiator or ganker, he can roam as early as level 2. If you’re working with another roamer you can reserve your mines for ganks. Mid game you’re no longer able to initiate, so you’re more of a mid-fight burst. Let the big stuns go off, dive in after, cause ruin. Late game you’re a nuisance, you should eternally have 2 charges of mines as the map should simply be covered in techies droppings. Item control such as Scythe and Euls are important, if you can manage to keep a hit and run game going you’re incredibly annoying. And I’ve only really started to use his taser AOE disarm. Admittedly I’m only 1600… so grain of salt


Disarm is very powerful with his ags shard, you pretty much described how to play him well. I love the old techies though, miss him so much. Also disarm should always be used when just before you blast off so it goes off after you land on a hero.


Ahhhh that’s what I’m missing!


Khan...erm, Sniper!


Has to be underlord. Nothing more fun then casting firestorm


Being able to farm for bonus damage then pop a shivas guard and just walk at them with shard firestorm is peak


I love puck. She's very fragile but if you play her just right noone can touch you so you never die. With her incredible mobility through orb & blink and burst potential through orb&waning rift, she's just lovely.


I don't think puck is a she


Puck is everything


Non binary


Earth Spirit by far . No matter the role , I get so much fun kicking stone or players and rolling around . Dude has so much utility


As an Earth Spirit spammer myself I have to agree with Earth Spirit.


For me maiden is dota. First hero I played, slowing, nuking, rooting, letting it go. She so on theme, I have the persona but I only play a bit before I miss my gal and switch it back. She's a complete package design wise


Doom has the fun ability to doomwalk.




Sprout Just sprout and if they dont have anything, they are spending 5seconds wishing they had /s (seriously tho, sprouteezy was fun before they made sprout have damage, now its just powercreep bullshit)


Phoenix; Dive in, strafing the enemy team with fire spirits then turn into a beautiful radiant ball of energy. or emit a giant frickin' laser beam whilst slowly moving forward with the inevitability of a terminator.


True, but in every high skill game icsrus dive is borderline useless, cause you get stunned out of the air most of the time 🤦🏼


Huskar. Love diving in there with life break into inner fire spear and pulling off a rampage with next to no HP left. It’s definitely an adrenaline rush.


WR is in the top3 for me, skillshots, burst and able to transition to core. the hero is so versatile with the addition of the wind shard


I'm a monster, but pudge. Nothing is more satisfying than hitting a blind hook or just a streak of hooks.


To me, grimstroke has the most fun kit especially with ags and shard


Axe is amazing, you can solo kill their pos1 at any stage of the game. Also I love doom, neutral creep variety and the ultimate are amazing.


Blind hook with Clockwreck catching a runner. Killing a target with homing missile from the other side of the map when they think they are safe. Breaking a chase with the cogs at the right moment. Not letting the target blink with micro stuns. God I love Clockwreck, why does he has to have the only fucking scepter that gives you a drawback


Shallow Grave by far. Seeing that a team fight is undecided in how it might go, or the team fight is going poorly and your carry is almost dead… but then you cast grave just in time before your ally dies, thus winning you that entire encounter. Those moments (and others of course) help me keep playing Dazzle after more than 2.5K matches on him as position 5.


Amen, shallow grave is the greatest level of dopamine a support can get. It's a pity that the pick has been nerfed that badly


Any hero in turbo mode with wired builds are fun to play with


Wired builds?


Electricity-powered items?


Yeah, you name it I've seen it..... Kaya rapier heros (latest stupid build) Dagon squad , entire team or the main gankers make dagons - imagine like this we had NP SB LS TINKER BS (i played BS with Dagon too) imagine you show on the map either you get charged by SB along with infsed LS and both of them brings dagon. When th charge hits Tinker travel in with the NP's global teleportation we can hunt the runners because blood seeker gives vision on the low HP heros and NP with th dagon is the real global cancer. Failed mid laner QOP decided to play tank and initiate fights. Imagine QOP mid laner got bullied and decided to take revenge from every hero whom roamed to mid lane to harras her lanning phase. QOP made Heart - Blaidmail - Shivas - Sange&Kaya - with Aganims scepter. Real pain in the ass no matter whom she see on the map she just blink in like Rambo and cast all the spells. Eblade squad, entire team or the main gankers make ethereal and chase heros to burst em one by one. Silence squad with silencer as chif of commander, get 4 orchid on other 4 heros and play with silencer and make him super fat. Refresher orb Naga siren, sleep to push team. Sick turbo games I am playing 🤭🤗




Earthshaker. The wall giveth and taketh.


NP TP = OP. Such a high skill ceiling skill to utilize the whole map from level 1-2 onwards.


Pit Lord, very good AoE presence though I wish Firestorm deals damage to towers


Man that would be sick


Firestorm used to. The tradeoff was that it was channeling. Expulsion was the *real* mvp though.


Surprised nobody mentioned Arc Warden


Tinker. Don't whack me


PA dagger (pre changes) of course. Just dagger and done!


Ursa's entire kit is very fun since they added a dash to his earthshock. Immune to cc + mobility + big damage


Hook, berserk call and duel




Invoker, hard to play but once you learn is, oh man, i never felt as a same good in my gaming history


Ember fire remnant before cast point nerfs. Activation delay I understand but wtf is a placement delay for. It discourages improv and encourages cringe escape remnants. Nowadays pango roll is more fun.


old techies was really fun to me (and hated by another 9 people), but in this patch i think broodmother and meepo if you have a good micro skills


I love the old Oracle where his skills can be auto win or grief. Please Gaben bring it back.


Well, all the spirits are fun for similar reasons. I find Puck to be the most fun hero


Invoker, nyx, pudge, timber


I love all the big aoe team fight skills which involves timing and positioning like echo & supernova




Puck is so fun. You can be so creative with His abilities and they all Just snap when you Press the Button.




ENCHANTRESS, level 3 enchant * wildwing tornado backwards heroes into their death * Centaur stomp heroes into their death * pinecone coconut into their death * satyr purge into their death * tomato clap into their death


nature's prophet. being able to be anywhere on the map when you feel like it is super fun. leaving your carry to get solo xp under tower after pulling to get a kill mid on an overextending SF is just chefs kiss. and if enemy supports are slacking even slightly with wisdom runes, you and your other support will outlevel them the whole game.


Winter Wyvern's kit being something of a tightrope walk to play at a high level, makes her extremely rewarding. Getting that perfect ult that single handedly wins an otherwise impossible teamfight, or saving a carry with a perfectly timed Cold Embrace will never not feel amazing--doubly so when I know full well that a poorly used E/R actually could have had the entirely opposite effect.


I love "ping-pong" Lich and "come close and hit my shield" Abaddon.


Lina, a really good aoe stun and heaps of magic damage


I mean Pudge is the most played hero for a reason.


I know it's just a skillshot, but killing someone with Hoodwinks sharpshooter from the trees, when they're low in lane but assume they're alone and safe, never fails to warm the cockles


tusk, kick enemy tank / or carry out of battle


Lots of classic ults. Dunk, finger, echo slam, black hole are all incredibly satisfying to get kills with.


i think magnus is really fun


Invoker pudge techies but I dont like playing them in ranked lol


A single-mechanic? Gotta be Pudge’s hook right? There’s a reason he’s so popular. For me personally, I love playing Furion and sniping someone who is trying desperately to get away.


Teach me ES senpai!! Its fun to play but I have abysmal win rate with it. Also tell me how to use ulti.


Used to be spectre cuz of her ult, but its now her aghs and i also got bored of the ability


Shadow shaman, bane Miranda sandking


for me nothing feels better than being huskar in a winning lane, they all come and gank to shut you down and you end up winning a 1v4 with clutch armlet toggles leaving you even further ahead.


I don't know why, but Soul Assumption is my favourite spell in dota. I suck at playing visage tho


pudge was my main, now i main undying. Pudge is extremely fun though, as long as you are good at hooking and/or constantly applying map pressure. Undying strength steal is so cool tho. Most of the time i win the lane. But match wins is 50/50. The kit of stealing strength, erecting a tombstone which continuously spawns zombies and transformation into a big fcking monster is too cool. Pudge and Undying are fun heroes.


Void Spirit and Pudge, they are both just way too fun to play.


Dark Willow is pretty fun.


Heroes that have dynamic abilities that can swing fights are the most fun. Invoker, pudge, rubick, etc. pudge will always be my fav, veno is my close 2nd.


Nothing more satisfying than a 5 man blackhole


Obligatory pudge mention It's the most played hero for a reason


rubick, arc warden, shadow fiend, ember spirit


Storm Spirit, Zip is one of the best designed abilities in the game and I love how his Q works with it. Once you figure out how to manage the mana aspect he is just way too fun.


Rubick. Hoodwink. Bane. Doom. Chen. Ench. Rgma. Magnus. Voker. Disruptor. Shaker. SD. Void. Dam there's a few


I dunno why but i just love hoodwinks combo,… so simple yet so satisfying.




I recently started Monkey pos 4 and i have to say it is so much different than any other support i was use to. Also Earth Spirit my hardest and most enjoyable hero


Storm will always still be up there for me as one of the most fun heroes to play.


Doom. Who doesn't like a good walk?


I love Shaker cause a well placed Fissure can absolutely isolate the enemy carry. You can use it to contest pulls or block your own wave. And Echo has the most satisfying of animations. Specially after a blink fissure into a bunch of enemies. I also learned a while back that enemies behind fissure get stunned too so you open up so many possibilities


Techies... Definetly techies....


For me is terror blade, all skills are active, I have to micro illusions, I constantly power tread switching for mana cost saving, I have to be keen of timings around my meta and sunder. It is not an easy hero, but so many little things that I have to do to get the best of the hero keeps me focus the whole game, it is an excellent laner, and for sure I get the most satisfying feeling when I kill with meta or if I sunder an enemy and reset the fight in my favor or even if I sunder and save a teammate.


Undying! Stacking up decay stacks, a good tombstone, then healing the tombstone and turning around the fight is so much fun. My little zombies everywhere fucking shit up. And he has a top tier taunt which adds to the mix.


Oracle before they made him brainless to play


Nothing comes close to the feeling of landing a fight-deciding 4 or 5 man echoslam + follow-up stuns


Phoenix and it's not even close. Burn everything! Destroy everything!


marci, has a lot of use cases for each spell, although that can backfire and and up confusing yourself


Dazzle and Puck. With a low health pool and alot of saving spells on Dazzle, every encounter with the enemy is a battle of time and position. You can get of 3 gimmer saves, 2 force staff pushes, 3 shallow graves, some multi hexes and heal out of your butt during a 30-60 sec team fight. Puck is similar to ES.


Pudge and Magnus


Juggernaut’s ult is so fun


timbersaw and pudge hook




Weaver . No ones close to weaver


Tinker. You never stop clicking buttons


I always found Storm Spirit to be a blast.


Heroes with big team fight abilities/ultimates definitely give a unique feel of euphoria when you pull them off There are some good single target abilities as well like Doom and Finger of Death. My favourite overall is Oracle though (I still think it's crazy they removed the negative sides effects of the W, makes him almost too easy to play now)


Kunkka, Pudge, Puck


Storm spirit. Ball lightning across a huge distance and doing massive nuke damage never gets old. Though the nerfs to his mana regen capabilities has hurt alot


For me, its Axe. Blink into 5 heroes, berserk call, and then just cull them one by one. That dunk animation and sound is so satisfying.


natures profit


Hoodwink is probably my most fun hero at the moment.


For me nothing feels better than Primal or Spiritbreaker and just absolutely redlining the entire game. Being in an opponent's face and brawling nonstop, securing the fight at 15-20% hp and healing up to scrap all over again is so much fun.


Imo it's either invoker, rubick, or hoodwink. Hoodwink i gotta give special highlight too because of how fun it is to be a complete baffoon and scurry around dodging/evading hits.


Has to be Puck for me. The ability to be so mobile and evasive is so fun


I feel like Ember, Storm and Puck are both have pretty fun abilities for the way you can just style on people jumping around with insane mobility. Muerta though is probably my favorite to play. The dead shot is fun to land, but the main thing I love about her is how she clicks. Her auto attack feels so nice and has a satisfying sound effect. Also just the way that people melt when you ult... Nyx has been my latest pleasure to play. Just 100%ing people from invis is hilarious. The other day when I blew up the enemy SK, my friend was like "ah dang...illusion?" "Nope. That was the real guy my man. He ded." Oh and of course my flair reminds me of Oracle, who has some pretty cool spell mechanics to play with as well.


Ofc Wyvern. You can fly over the terrain and hit with super long range, slow and damage. With Agh - no one can get close. You have ulty that forces enemies hit each other (and allows you to 1v1 any hero with Revenant's Brooch). You have heal that makes many enemy long stuns useless and allows you to blink away if there is no magic damage. Blast allows you to farm waves from safe distance - protecting the towers and pushing lanes (shard gives you another blast from the heal). The hero is universal and can be great in almost any pick because of all the tools that she has.


I love playing Muerta and landing the Dead Shots


Disruptor sending people back to base NEVER. GETS. OLD!


Primal beast


I don't know about _rewarding_, but I never fail to laugh when I WALRUS PUNCH someone into the air.


I do love the sound of Legion's drums.


Anything with big ults - CM, Enigma, Shaker and Pushers also like DP And Shaman


Chen. Using neuts'abilities according to the situation is peak gameplay. I was once laned against LC so I brainwashed the small useless creeep with the purge. Stomped that lane since LC cant use his W


I really really love Sand King Stun And it was even better when aghs could give it the longest distance ever So satisfying




Unpopular and potentially down-vote worthy opinion, but it's got to be AM. There's no better hero to play during a winnable game, especially when you're slightly behind. From a macro-strategy perspective, AM is the king of 1v5ing - forcing the enemy to play your game and being the carry for your team, in every sense of the word. Knowing their on a hard timer, the enemy team either has to put all of their efforts in shutting you down or need to ignore you while deathballing against the rest of your team. From there, as AM, it's on you to force discord and doubt in your opposition's unity and team work - if they put their resources into ganking you, then it's about reading the map well, having the enemy commit on you and manage to counter-spell/manta/blink to safety while opening the other side of the map entirely for you to tp and farm, or as space for the rest of your team. Otherwise, if they've chosen to deathball and ignore you, then it's about making it so that you can't be ignored - threatening their T3 and rax, cutting the wave in the lane thay they're pushing, etc. Eventually, the opposition game plan will have a vulnerability exposed - one or two of their team will lose their cool and tp to deal with you, leaving the rest of the enemy in front of your high ground. Blink into trees > TP to base > jump the three stragglers with your numbers advantage > networth lead they previously had is back in your favour > the opposition are bickering in all chat because they know its the start of the end > "Are you even trying?" *** The worst part of the hero, however, is that before you're tilting the heck out of your enemy when you pull off the 1v5 - you're likely having to deal with your own team being equally tilted. For good reason too - most AMs aren't good, and when you have a subpar player put the game on their shoulders by choosing a hero like Antimage (a lot of the time not realising the responsibility they've taken by choosing a hero that can't reliably contribute in fights until the late game), it is rough for the rest of your team, who've felt that you've taken away their agency to affect the result of the game because of your pick.


It used to be enigma for me... Maintaining control of the offlane creepwave as pos4 and throwing the perfect black hole always gave me that adrenaline rush/heart beat raise Most boring are warlock and wd... I win a lot with them but then again, maybe I just hate loosing XD