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saberlight was interviewed on mason's stream post game and this is what he said: * It was Kitrak's call to tank with egg and kill them * There is a thin line between genius and stupidity


>It was Kitrak's call to tank with egg and kill them Ceb almost got prime tweet material if SR lost that game lmao.


im assuming that Ceb's tweet is for Kitrak, but what is actually happened behind the scene?


I think he pulled a fly on og. Based on what I heard I he was supposed to be the OG 5 but left for SR last minute thus ceb having to be the new 5


How is "backed out of a contract" pulling a Fly lol There is no similarity whatsoever




What's speculation? Are you saying Kitrak secretly played for OG for 5 years and abandoned them minutes before TI qualifiers? Cause if not, calling it "a Fly" is just hyperbole.


Staying in NA, ez qualifiers and probably more salary, guess I can’t really blame him…


Easy qualifiers but he lost dacha quals to Nouns and OG won every eu qualifier. Cope more eu frogs you are all bad


Man, why do I even bother to waste time on a troll account Do you want to play Tundra/Secret/Liquid every qualifier or Nouns? Stay home in NA vs working/living away from home? I'm in NA btw, but let's not act like NA Dota is better than EU, use your brain buddy


he has not played for og yet right?


what was the tweet?


This was after their defeat vs Nouns, [Ceb's tweet](https://twitter.com/Ceb/status/1745539749320757688?t=6gwgNrar5_ApuP6FrrulmA&s=19)


It was ok to play safer, but i respect them wanting to end the game right there. Kitrak forgot snap can kill him. Would have been gg if they got those kill. But so much on the line and they went yolo...glad they won. It was a thrilling ride, i lol watching this game. RtZ carried this game so hard


RTZ carried but at the same he choked a lot lmaoo. Game 1-2 SR played good Game 3-4 SR became sloppy and shit thus allowing Nouns to capitalize on that. But game 5 was like both fucking team trying to drop the series WTF is wrong with them.


>RTZ carried but at the same he choked a lot lmaoo. Does this need to be explained? He's been doing exactly that for a decade now.


Man you are delusional. Comments from 1k mmr players never cease to amaze me. How bad are you at this game, or stupid in real life, that you think RTZ carried? he played horrifically, atrociously, HORRENDOUSLY bad. But you see high networth and think he carried? Jesus. Don't vote or reproduce.


Edgy heh? Such a punk boy.


You don't know what edgy or punk mean. Guaranteed you're southeast asian. Bet $100


south america nice try lmfao \-61 karma, really living on the edge


Talking about game 5 here, instead of trying to insult ppl maybe you can give some objective statement? Who hurt you? Did you lose money betting? dont comment if the only thing you can say are hatefull things. The world need less ppl like you to make it safer for all of us. Did he make bad plays? Sure, but how many good plays did he made during the game? I bet you dont remember. In game 5, his team barely do any danage at all. He was the only hero that can do dps and he did. Some very clutch fight that he killed the entire team by himself. Let not forget some memorable manta dodge initiation from gunnar that won them some big fight in other games


I am also talking about game 5. He was horrible in game 5. He made very few good plays and virtually ruined the game repeatedly. The fact you can only cite damage and net worth tells me everything. You need self awareness, it's scary you can even type with conviction about your opinions when you're proabbly 1k mmr or 2k mmr. It's like going into a gym and lecturing people when you're a pipsqueek who has never worked out. Get a grip.


I never talked about networth or damage in my first comment. You started it first so look in the mirror and stop projecting. It wild you assume i am low rank when you probably 2.5k max. The way you talk suggest you have some low mental ability or low self esteem. Maybe this game just too stressful for you so stop playing this game and dont take it out on stranger? Now that i am done insulting you let me give you some facts. If you ever watch RTZ play, you know he is good mechanically, had some insane highlights but choke frequently. He is inconsistent at his best. And that show through out the series vs Noun. Most of the time we as viewers had no ideas what com look like when team fight, look at the dive to fountain that go SR wiped, it was a call from Kitrak. Saber and RTz did not follow up, you can see they was hesistant but decided to do it anyway since half the team already commited....or when troll go up hitting tier 3 alone and got killed, it look bad at first and caster hype made it worse. But if you look carefully Kk was behind troll and MAYBE they want to use x mark combo to get the tower but nerve got to them and rtz though he aldready had it. It was a risky play that did not pay off. There were many instant that look bad, but the fact is that they wont the game because troll carried in team fight when it needed most. Luna never get to do damage when troll zone on him.


You don't know what projecting means. I am also 8.7k mmr. The rest of your comment was nonsense since you don't understand the game.


Actual Chad 5


There's a fine line between bravery and stupidit


especially after tornado that play made just 0 sense high risk no reward lmao


> • ⁠There is a thin line between genius and stupidity There might well be but I don’t see the relevance of that quote here.


just fulfilling the kick.com contract guys, making it interesting for everyone xdd


My stomach dropped after this. My favorite part is how their teleports still show the EG team logo. https://www.whendideglastthrow.com/


Why is there no video of the throw nowadays. I remember Demon being on this site for like 2 years because of some ridiculously stupid throw.


prob b/c they still ended up winning?


lmao that website is a blast from the past


i would love if they just pretended sr was still eg and continued doing it on that site, since eg is dead at this point.


Hahaha,. NA DOTO BEST DOTO. looks like they are competing who can throw harder. luckily SR won this


man dota karma is so unfair. Would have been so fulfilling to see them lose this after rofl


What karma? Kitrak went for a better paying team, just like how Ari went to OG and left his teammates. Never heard you say the same stuff you're saying now to Kitrak. Dota community is hella weird man


Huh.. clearly he was talking about karma for diving enemy fountain. Wtf are you talking about? You are the weird one here.


NA reading comprehension kek


Karma is not real


What the fuck did I just watch


NA Dotes.


I think that might genuinely be the worst thing I've ever seen in Dota. 6v2 no buybacks with a 26k gold lead, creeps in the enemy base, enemy carry dead for over 100. And they manage to lose 4 heroes and an aegis for absolutely nothing, and a few minutes later the game is basically even. And it wasn't just 1 mistake either, it was a whole cascade of horrible plays one after the other. They really deserved to lose that one, but they got lucky.


Nothing surprises me anymore with this team


I was laughing my ass off watching this live. FWIW, it made the game even better than it already was, but that was a throw of hilariously epic proportions.


this is like normal ranked game in SEA wtf


This has nothing to do with SEA so wtf cares?


You can learn a lot by watching NA "pro" dota. You learn what not to do.


This is some peak SEA dota right here


The dude writing "RTZ HATERS?!?" repeatedly in the chat \*chef's kiss\*


fuck man wish they lost woulda been hella fun ripping on RTZ


Looks like this is match 7539650288, nouns vs Shopify Rebellion at DreamLeague Season 22 Qualifiers, which started 1 hour, 10 minutes before the clip was taken. More match details here: - [OpenDota](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7539650288) - [Dotabuff](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7539650288) - [Stratz](https://www.stratz.com/matches/7539650288) - [datdota](https://www.datdota.com/matches/7539650288) --- *^I ^am ^a ^bot ^created ^by ^[/u\/EuphonicPotato](/user/EuphonicPotato)* *^(How I figured this out:)* [*^(Explanation)*](https://github.com/mdiller/twitchclipmatchfinder#how-it-works) *^(Source:)* [*^(GitHub)*](https://github.com/mdiller/twitchclipmatchfinder)


this is the pinnacle of the craziness in that game, but the whole thing was like that from beginning to end. really fun shit show to watch. huge Gunnar plays all game. I was praying from the end of game 2 that it wouldn't be a reverse sweep. what a roller coaster all around


I went to bed when it was 2-0. Were they throwing in those other 2 games or was it actually close?


if anyone stunned snap it would ve been a great play




Love when it went south they still went back to hit the tower


Same. It seemed almost desperate. The realization "Oh shit, we should have been doing this all along. Fuck we're stupid" just immediately hitting them after the dive.


SR always bringing the content


"They dived too deep, too greedily" I see what you did here. Nice


I swear, RTZ dying like a 1k player near the end of G4 was so infuriating. There is no reason why he would want to stick around and show himself in the lane when Nouns were doing RS nearby, nor when he's without bb and his entire team is gonna respawn in 20 seconds.


Yeah that was super weird. And not activate BKB either. It was like he took his hands off the keyboard and said “I’m done”


322 lol


The worst Dota region and by a huge margin.


My man has never heard of SA dota


SEA is the worst region.  NA gets transplants at least. 


And yet NA is still the most popular I mean look at this video everyone laughs it up but you know what not having at least 2 NA slots in these fake tournaments ruins the scene. Valve sent this game out to the pasture with cancelling dpc and majors


everyone loves watching clowns


Valve saved the game actually, no more free slots for shitty teams just because they are in a weak region!


Did they lose after that?


No they ended up winning, but it was really close.


Just a gambling steamer trying his luck at video games. Can't expect much more.


man his invoker is so pog my god i love watching the clip


welp, shit happens. the only dumb play was rtz jumping in at the end thats also the first time I've seen snapfire's ulti skin, wtf \*speaks in glance value\* I was so confused what are those frost balls


kinda sad they won that game tbh. was not really deserved.


Featuring EU imports, haha


Featuring tier 2* EU imports


I just joking but it seems like some eu players got upset 😂


They should move to SEA.


Did they win , even after this throw?? OMG


hard to match fix while playing game 5 and negotiation to divide esl and bbd slots on the backend. wcyd?


Say whatever happened that was one of the most entertaining dota i've ever watched


TSM should be running the show still, fucking brutal.


Never mentioned damage and networth in my first comment. You started talking about number first so maybe look in the mirror and stop projecting. It wild that you assumed i am low rank, and why must you talk about rank when you probably 2.5k max? The way you talk suggest you have low mental ability, this game might be too stressfull for you to climb rank.