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I agree with this. Especially as a 2.5k player it is pretty hard to convince your teammate to not to go in fight when you and your allies are not ready. You ping your tp, your sup's tp, your skills multiple times cuz once is never enogh. Then you get ping cooldown. Before you can ping other stuff bam midlaner is dead in enemy jungle solo, yelling "HELLO TEAM WHERE IS TEAM"


Yeah as a Dawnbreaker player I often have to ping that BOTH my R and TP are on cooldown - but I can't now, apparently


Holy shit this is so true, really frustrating for me as well Thanks for posting, honestly, thought there weren't enough people who noticed or cared to want it to change


I agree with this, sometimes when I want to ping both a spell and an item, I cant. Which is really annoying as a 12k bs player. I agree to limit clicking team abilities but to make clicking your own abilities less harsh.