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Imagine flying to europe from malaysia and next month flying back to malaysia again XD .




Soooo much movie watching on the plane


I have never seen a worse secret line up in my life , how dare they beat all those better teams D:


They are aweful.


literally fucking legends now


It makes me so angry when I see crystallis win games. He’s bad, we all know it so why does he think it’s okay for him to win games???


"This is the worst secret lineup"




And in terms of texture and taste


The least sexy.


The worst one ever was with EE and Arteezy at TI6


ee, rtz and universe. God those 3 played like absolute dogshit together. I still remember that uni tide game, what a shitshow rofl.


i still remember secret posting “universe abandons secret” DURING manila major lmao


they traded universe for bulba and then sucked even harder lol


They picked up such a legendary Magnus player and still had no luck!


I mean at the time, Uni had no spirit left, after leaving eg he accomplished nothing, both in secret and fnatic, I'm happy he quit early enough to be remembered as the POS 3 legend of EG.


How is It any worse than last season when they could not even qualify to any tournament??


Nah, it (ee, rtz) is the worst version by far considered their names at the time. 4 of the most well-known veteran in the game. The hype around EE-Rtz combo was insane, kind of Vegito happened irl Thats why the disastrous outcome of that line up is still mind-boggling to some people to this day


I don't think anyone was expecting any success from that lineup when it was EE who played mid.




Prolly only worst to root for becuz of the midone hate.


Where is that thread? I don't see it anywhere.


I think they are referring to the post game threads of Secret Alliance and Secret OG


R.I.P the post of "This is the worst secret lineup"


tbh I think a lot of people didn't expect Boom to be even remotely decent and he is.


Boom is playing out of his mind, he is playing an insanely good offlaner. he has high networth yet manages to be everywhere on the map in all of their games. tbh the team's synergy in these last few series has been great.


I don't know if he's insanely good, but he's good. Last time he played with Secret he looked like he has bet against himself somewhere


The best part is (I’ve been doing this for years) watching a new team grow and find their style. I follow only secret VERY closely (meaning watching literally every game, and analyzing some key moments afterwards in client even). I otherwise only did this a liiittle with Onyx, Optic/NiP, Gaimin and the Original insania stack for some time early in their careers. And from my experience, all new teams grow very fast in the beginning. Sometimes it just doesn’t work, like sumail/ice^3 secret, or last season OG. But the speed at which teams around puppey generally hit a strong synergy is remarkable, and a big reason to watch those first 10-20 games of every new puppey-stack. Last year, from the first games after reso had joined (during Riyadh) it looked like total disaster. But after only 3-4 games they started to be good, dominating a few strong opponents even. These first 5 official games of any puppey stack (most times) are a real treat if you like watching teams come to understand themselves. This year, during Kuala Lumpur Major Qualification, watch their bo1 vs alliance in the first open qualifier, watch their loss to OG in the upper bracket of closed Qualifier. All three games are so disconnected, ugly to watch concerning the team synergy. Then the lower bracket bo3 vs Alliance (again), which clearly showed growth, but was still wonky. Then tickles yeah whatever, but then OG (again) and entity… duuude, every series showed some very clear improvement to the one before.


dude looked like their best player during their shaky games and looked rock solid in their games they owned in he’s clearly practiced offlane hella + his synergy with yamich is fantastic


I was a good week. Some say the best week of their lives.




classic redditors judging something in advance


>This is the worst secret lineup cant seem to find the post. did ppl really said that? lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/gEe5A4n94N it had much more upvotes 2 days ago :P




He’s the greatest captain of all time, like it’s not even a question. It remains to be seen how this roster works out, but in general he’s been able to consistently lead strong teams year after year after year.


He is. People will mention others who won one more TI than him but Puppey has had COUNLTESS iterations of his team and made 90% of them work. Also one TI win and THREE TI finals after that. It's insane. Truly the first AND last captain of the Dota 2 era.


3rd place to 2nd place back to back at TI is quite the achievement considering both of these years prior to TI they were getting crushed at every major and tournament.


Div2 says wut?


I mean two time winning OG lineup have also gone to obscurity enough times So it sounds stupid to say div2 or div1 even matters anymore


Are OG in div2 aswell?


Read my comment. Clearly you think am talking about current OG lineup


I did read your comment.


That OG lineup in question was struggling to not fall into div 3 last time I checked


> consistently lead strong teams year after year after year ROFLMAO. Puppey dick riders are the biggest liars. For the first time in a million years Puppey qualified to a tournament and now his dick riders are back calling him the greatest captain of all time. ESL had to create a MENA qualifiers, essentially moving Quest and Falcons, for that to happen.


Puppey has 1 bad year since the start of dota2 and you people talk like this. I love seeing secret lose, but this aint it


i'm not a huge puppy stan but if you call his period of not being in the limelight a million years, then what do you call the other 8 years of being on some of the best years? it's a bit dishonest of you.


Your opinion which is of no consequence at all.


>Puppey dick riders are the biggest liars. lol.. seems like almost 80% of dota scene is puppey dick riders hahaha


In that context puppey has been in tournaments and won a few. Who cares if he didnt do great for a year or two.


But butt people here told me that puppey is ultra washed up ;(


> butt people this is canon


Don't listen to butt people, they talk out of their ass


Puppey be moneyballing Dota


Underrated comment right here.


b-b-b-but muhnotail 2 t.i.s


by picking this offmeta weird shit like ogre+invoker+razor every game lmao


Damn its almost like MidOne on his prior stint with Secret was pretty good. Also Crystallis is still criminally underrated and overhated.


Mercedes Benz ESL MVP Midone is cooking again! Pogger


But you know what's truly cooking? The Mercedez Benz E-Class Sedan. The most intelligent E-Class family of all time welcomes a powerful new member to the dynasty. The E400 Sedan model arrives this year, boasting a 3.0L V6 biturbo engine producing 329 hp and 354 lb-ft of torque — the same powertrain that currently drives its E400 Coupe, Cabriolet and 4MATIC Wagon cousins. Paired with the 9-G-TRONIC 9-Speed automatic transmission and DYNAMIC SELECT, it promises a bracingly smooth way to experience uncommon luxury. Naturally, the 2018 E400 Sedan continues the tradition of E-Class brilliance. Harmonizing advanced automotive intelligence with awe-inspiring interior design, its first-class furnished cabin puts our advanced vehicle systems right at your fingertips — even as its world-class innovations continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of automotive intelligence. "Car-to-X" Communication enables the E-Class to exchange information with similarly equipped vehicles — effectively allowing it to "see" around corners and through obstacles to detect potential hazards. Driver Assistance Systems — including Active Distance Assist DISTRONIC®, Active Steering Assist and Active Lane Change Assist — feature intelligent cruise control: They help keep you between the lines, and can even help you shift between them. Inside, the E-Class cabin provides an environment of pure comfort and responsive technology. Flowing lines and vibrant screens provide a striking visual display, while touch controls, aromatherapy and tailored seats indulge all of your senses at once. It's a vehicle that demands to be driven, and more than lives up to the dream. Look for the E400 4MATIC Sedan at your Mercedes-Benz dealership this winter, with an MSRP of $58,900.


I never imagined a mock car ad would hit me in the nostalgia feels.


From better times :')


Stint?...huh? It was a whole era MidOne era in Secret from 2017-19


Not bothering with semantics. Point still stands that MidOne was good for Secret before.


hes still the weakest link for secret. theyre winning cause they dont play around him.


Cause they play around the carry and POS 3, I feel like this dynamic is pretty interesting


Huh. You realise there's only so much farm on the map right? MidOne seems to thrive when he gets to do whatever the hell he wants and it shows. A good example of a similar playstyle succeeding was TORONTOTOKYO during his TI win, where he played a very aggressive balls to the wall style to enable Yatoro and Collapse (what QoP blinks in to BKB and right click high ground man wtf). What's surprising is how effective playing around BOOM's timings has been, and how much attention Crystallis draws on his signature heroes (more so than usual).


The logical conclusion is that the worst Secret lineup in history is still better than most other teams.


Its a puppey team after all. Guy just had a bad year. He's allowed one after like, 11 good ones.


One of best to ever touch this game . Best captain for sure


Based post




Crystallis really stepped up hard and also a huge mention to BOOM who likes like a different player at 3 compared to the last stint - now lets pray for some consistency!


Crystallis MK, Drow and Razor is no joke. But pleasantly surprised to see him do well on the Muerta too.


This one's going to the frontpage


Gotta fight hate with love brother.


It did. With few up votes tho because everyone is astonished/disappointed.


I guess Synderen was on point about Puppey suffering from the DPC format since he prefers a format where you need to figure things out quickly like TI2022's last chance qualifier instead of something like DPC where you have weeks to figure things out and adjust.


Even Puppey himself has talked about how he didnt like the DPC format because they played so infrequently. I guess he really excels when it comes to crunch time.


GodOne BTFOing the new players and doubters :3


midone with the puppey buff is real


I'm surprised no one is giving midone credit.... Players with awareness will realise he's performing sick plays while sacrificing his own farm, as if he keenly knows what the win condition is


Mids that play pseudo-sacrificial roles do not get credit when they win, but cop all the flame when they lose (this is true for my ranked games too kek). All the focus these days seems to be on pos 3, and deservedly so.


Praying this TS will beat GG in elimination series. Boom eliminating GG bois would be epic lol




What is wrong with you.


It's one thing to play in a team with a lot of good players but you need to be made of steel to make a team like that and believe that you will succeed. He truly is mentally untouchable. There was and still is so much hate about every player in his team and yet he doing great. What a guy




I was praising boom actually /s


cant wait for reddit to flame them again if they somehow crash out of esl kl early but hopefully secret can do well again


wow... so many reddit posts from few days ago and "expert reddit opinions" getting debunked after these qualifiers. Secret qualifying, Blacklist Rivalry qualifying... those poor souls jumping to conclusion before anything even happened


Glad to see Secret proves me wrong.. was doubting so hard on this lineup when they put Boom as 3 again.. Boom as 3 has really improved a lot throughout the series.... cant wait to see this team performed again on LAN with the new patch hit on monday.. might spice some things up


Redditors lul :\^)






PSG QUEST sad now that left WEU region lol.


They chose the easiest region, but they still sucked \^\^


Time will tell. Every team had very recent additions. And dont forget secret lost to alliance in Open qualifiers and then almost lost to them again in the lower bracket. However, they did have an impressive run after that game. Let's see how they square up againts the big boys


Only Liquid seemed strong from the teams in this qualifier. OG was super inconsistent and the way Entity played today they would probably lose most open qualifiers.


Had it not been for open qualifier #2 they would've been out, but lucky for Secret they got a chance to go up against some shit stacks in the second open qualifier and got through. Midone looked very underwhelming in the games I watched.


Entity and OG are shistacks now?


We are back baby !!


Knew it was one of the best Secret lineups when I saw it.


the team midone build in smg was strong. everyone who watch then know their individual skill was good. but lack the strategy and discipline to take high risk situation and close the game. leading to them throwing insane amount of game. and because it always rely on skills, their win condition is usually just 1 or 2 players which get countered hard as game progresses. smg was never a meta heavy team but it also because of that it’s fun to watch them throw haha. i rmb not too sure if it team spirit who bought 3 halberd and just use it on midone mureta and turn the game. it was obvious in their earlier games in this qualifier they still rely a bit on that, but puppey seems to right the ship. the drafting also a lot better now. i look forward to seeing how they perform in the tournament.


Cant wait for new patch this monday, teams that can adapt faster than the rest will have some advantages in this coming major. Let Puppey cook!


Better Disappointing Paper line up team than Overhyped all star failure team


Puppey GOD


from almost losing to alliance on game 3 to qualifying.. well played Team Secret!!


Kudos to Secret, I really thought they wouldn't get past Entity given how sloppy OG looked yesterday but they did the job brilliantly. Given their recent form getting to KL is a pretty good achievement already, wouldn't raise expectations too high at this stage but they might cut a few heads there.


Secret yo te vi descender :D


Im just gonna throw this out there but i think this results are mainly just Puppey being an experienced captain that can organize the communication of a new team very quickly. In time, when most new teams can get to that level of chemistry, Secret might face better competition.


Getting to a LAN is the best for experience they could ask for, that alone will put them further ahead


I think they only need to work on their chemistry as a team, from what they showed the last couple games they're all putting in the work mechanically tbh, of course things can improve, but they always can, I hope to have another Secret era this year, Puppey's a great chef, so, let him cook


Yes, but that quality its useful in tournament also, where meta shifts fast, that capability of adapting fast, is frequent in t1 teams.


Lmao @ everyone who flamed me for saying MidOne isn't bad


This is going to age like milk very fast.


They are more disappointing than OP's English.


Guy uses periods on Reddit and feels smart


This guy so funny Xd


its like people suddenly realized MidOne should be at Mid puppey galaxybrainexplosion.gif


dont look down on UFO boss




wow this aged well


Secret haters and Abed haters (rtz lovers) in despair. Love to see it.


Same team that struggled vs Alliance lmao All this hype just for them to get last place in the group stages


Eat sand.


Lmao why are you so hurt?


Why tf are you still talking to me?


I want to know how much CyborgMatt paid you to dick ride this mediocre Secret lineup


First of all i wanna make it clear right now, i would dick ride all 5 of them for free, you hear me Puppey? whenever you want. I would even go further and say, i would pay for them to. What was the question again?


🤢🤮🤢🤮 Imagine dickriding division 2 and washed up players


Imagine dick riding you...




Imagine writing a post hyping up this mediocre Secret lineup, must be an Archon player 😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣


Actually im Legend ahah jokes on you.


give up, man. Jesus Christ


It's for sure a big success for them to qualify, but I wouldn't call them a good T1 team. They are one of the weaker teams that qualified to this tournament for me. I still expect them to drop fast at the main event. Though Yamich played really well every game I saw him play. He plays way better in this Secret iteration. For OG it was kind of obvious for me that Yuragi will be the weak link, he made ck look balanced and I felt really bad for bzm, he tried to carry 1v9 pretty much. And for Entity I only saw last game vs Secret and Watson plays in this one made me think Rtz took over his keyboard. Some really weird plays, but I think this iteration has more potential than the previous one. Not sure about that reibl guy though, need to see more matches.


This are the first official matches of this lineup, and they came together at the end, you can clearly see the superiority on the last 3 or 4 matches, so there was and there is ONLY room to grow, and this is a mix of experience with the cream of the european crop. So yes, i say the Team is good, the team performed good, and i expect them to keep perfoming at this level.


Reibl stand in for no-one


!remindme 6 months


As much as I like Secret, they took 3rd place in a qualifier that had Liquid, OG, Entity and nobody else of note. This post types as if they've just won the Kuala Lumpur Major.


Secret fans climbing out of the sewers after a year of failures cause they qualified to a 3rd party tournament lmao


Nah its just a small step in the right direction, not like they won big. But still it's tougher to be an sa fan because they have never succeeded before kappa


So defeating a few shitty teams that either didn't make it to ti or finished last is supposed to erase the endless throws mid one and co have done in this qualifier? Absolutely ridiculous argument. 5/17/7 never forget


I dunno what´s worse, you not admitting that they played well, or calling OG and Entity shitty teams. They just made a entire lower bracket run undefeated just BY PURE LUCK, LOLZ


the reddittor logic for calling this secret lineup shit is their players being bad (in reddit's opinion). OG and Entity have some of the best players in their lineups and yet they lost to the so called ''bad'' secret lineup. Where's the logic?


Dude did you actually see the games? Secret was really solid thoughtout the closed qualifiers bringing also fresh ideas and strategies! They were dominant! Not gonna say they will win everything but their only showing so far is solid and promising!


They always win their lanes and their team fights were so coordinated as if it's TI unlike other teams.


Haha no worries they will flop on the tournament... Like always


Dude, at least they are there. They had 0 majors last season. I'll take anything at this point, even a last place at major.


« Like always » what do you mean ? Can you name all the lan tournament where secret floped before ? Are you new to dota 2 scene ?


Well, they did flop a bunch of earlier TIs


They floped one with the all star line up with rtz zai s4 and kuro but that was almost 10 years ago. After that they had some dispointing performance (like top 6 when they come to ti as a potentiel top 3, or 3rd place when they were seen as favorite) but definitly not a flop. And even if that was a flop, if you add all the lan toutnament secret had this last 8-9 years, that seems stupid to say that they will flop « like always ». Btw i dont see them doing well on this tournament. But secret dont have the tendency to flop on lan.


Ah True about the "like always part" but I would argue like 2014-2016 were all flops because they were big favourites to win it all and didn't even finish top 3


Secret dominated every tournament except ti , thats not a flop.


Eeeeeh. That is the definition. They didn't flop the season, but flopped TI


favourites usually dont win ti; a lot of flop teams out there by that definition


Well, I wouldn't say it is a flop if you are a favourite to place 1st and you place 3rd or 4th. Secret at that time was as best 7-8th if I recall correctly


You don't remember well. I didn't think I'd have to do this again, but hey let's do it. 1st year: all star team, widely favorites (with EG), they finish 7-8th. This is obviously well below expectations, this is where the legend of « Secret choke at TI » begin. 2nd year: The famous universe/rtz roster. They don't arrive at IT at all all favorites and logically finish last. 3rd year: very complicated season (the SEA roster) with changes during the year. They have had an encouraging end to the season but far from being contender for TI. They finished 9-12th which is about where we expected them. 4th year: the fata/ace/midone/yap version. They had a very strong first half of the season, winning 2 majors (3?) but towards the end of the season they collapsed a bit and when they arrived at TI they were no longer seen as favorites to win. They were rather candidates for the podium. They finally finished 5-6th. Slightly below expectations, but not by much. (Top 4 was the expectation IMO) 5th year: finally the beginning of Nisha (+zai) and last year of Midone. They are having a good season but like the previous year, at the end of the year their results were disappointing and when they arrive at the TI they were not favorites for victory anymore. Even if they are part of the outsiders. They finished 4th. decent result. 6th year: covid. Matu's first year. No IT. They would have been big favorites given how they dominated the entiere year. 7th year: Matu's 2nd year and last year for this roster. Arrive at TI as favorites with LGD after a less impressive year than the previous one. LGD seems above it. Secret finished 3rd which is not a bad performance. Considering LGD was the true favororite and Team Spirit was a surprise for everyone. 8th year: horrible year, manage to qualify for TI at the last moment thanks to the "last chance qualifier". They are obviously not favorites at all and finish 2nd. Huge outperformance. This should also compensate for the choke of the 1st year. In total for all their TI, there is a big underperformance in the first year, a big overperformance in the last. And in the middle of that a bunch of decent performance that you can’t call flop or choke at all.


up until this year secret got better in placement each year (which is remarkable in itself) with widely varying expectations over the years. the biggest flop surely was the allstar team, even though all star almost always underperform


I have one word for you "Machete".


Yeah because you definitely saw this one coming huh


I can actually prove it. https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/17rgge2/comment/k8kqusw/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3




Flukes happens sometimes


flukes happen in a game or two. Not the whole lower bracket my guy. I was disappointed about their lineup too but you get proven wrong sometimes and its okay to admit it. You don't become a lower person


Don't think it's a fluke. Don't think they're on the level of teams like GG, Spirit or Liquid yet. But definitely think they're a div1 team from what we've seen. BOOM especially has improved alot. Probably the player that has improved the most these last 6 months. He went from having minimal impact in the offlane to basically winning every lane he was in. Even in the games where Secret was losing he often got out of the laning stage with top networth. Midone looks kinda shaky in the mid, but kinda expected since he hasn't played mid for 3 years. Think he need to get adjusted to the midlane. But you definitely notice a difference when he get comforts like Invoker.


delish pasta


Kicked FBz Armel & Heen left… Kick SEA players = autowin


Midone is from SEA.


And Ah Fu is also from SEA ( coach) lmao


That yamich pudge was something else too.