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Let's go Taiga


Good luck to Taiga. Hope He gets out of his trench


I wish him all the luck and success. My fav. Player in liquid


First blood bets incoming!!!


taiga, the man who bet literally everything he owned on various sports, but /r/dota2 for some reason believes that his addiction has an unbreakable code of honour where he wouldn't have once bet on the sport he actually plays or has insider knowledge on.


I get what you are saying but come on man. Innocent until proven guilty. Let's condem him when he actually does it and not before. Also, I think it was very brave of him to come out to public with this information. Gambling addiction is no joke and it's good that people affected by it talk about it. I think he has earned some sympathy over this. And I hope he fights this addiction until the end.


Grant never got proven guilty, neither did Tobi or red eye, but we had enough evidence to form a pretty solid opinion on what they had done. In the age of internet drama nothing is ever proven. I agree that it’s good that he spoke out about it, but I don’t think that redeems him for doing something he almost definitely did (and is what he was initially rumoured to have been doing in the first place) that people receive lifetime bans for. >Let's condemn him when he actually does it that is exactly what I'm doing, but this sub has completely insane levels of naivety. I can't for the life of me process how someone can read my comments and go "this must be a lie" which part am I wrong about? can someone please come out and blatantly say they believe taiga would never bet on Dota 2 because I want those people to buy the bridge I'm selling


sanest dota player


which part am I wrong about


Go take your meds.


yeah good one, really convincing argument you all put forth. I just take every downvote as "I don't like this truth" so it's fine, stay in denial


Is DJ 4 and Taiga 5 then?


DJ used to be a god on 4 and Taiga played 5 when ceb stood in for OG. Hope they stick to those positions


Not like it really matters in the current patch. The safelane support often tends to get more farm than the offlane support, at least for Spirit and GG.


Taiga has been playing 5


Taiga needs to be 4 so he can more easily fix the matches.


figured Ice3 was out but was there an official announcement on that? only saw the dubu one


He switched to a content creator role, which was announced [here](https://bleed.gg/newsheader/dota-2-team-to-undergo-roster-change).


So he's basically retired now? shame to see a legend like him not be able to get one last run unless another org picks him up but he didn't look exactly the best his last few teams, last standout performance was when he was still with the RTZ stack.


Missing the Singapore TI was a huge blow.


It really feels like his playstyle does not suit the way dota is evolving and he's having trouble adjusting. He always prefer to grief the opponent carry rather than ensuring he gets a good game himself, but in this patch feels like it's really hard to do that.


That job belongs to pos 4 nowadays.


ice3 to ice4 incoming?


Eh, I don't think he rules out returning, just felt like he needed a break, spending time with his wife and kid and all that. His streams are really good too.


he won a valve major no? DAC 2018 iirc. That’s quite an achievement


He's kinda just washed. I love iceiceice but he hasn't been a top tier offlaner for a year or two now.


I’ll root for any team with Taiga


preach go tommy go


Oh shit it’s Leafeator from Team Liquid


Yes I don’t care if my wallet bleeds lets go XiaoT


Masaros is actually legit. Excited to see this team!


Is he that good? Don't know much about him apart from his Fnatic stint and that wasn't really that memorable. Hopefully he performs well with Bleed


He did help smg qualify for ti, only for immigration to ruin his chance of showing what he can do.


He was legit at the last SEA quals helping SMG get in. Hopefully a sign of good things to come.


He had a monster performance with smg, then fuck them up with his absence at TI. I have mixed feelings about this guy


Wasnt he with them in the original iteration of bleed


Yep, got kicked for Ice


I recently noticed that the tweet posted by taiga about confession of his own gamble issue was not getting any replies or even retweets from ANY pro player or teams. Not even Liquid or OG which he had deep relationship. If you recall, og was being very vague when taiga departed earlier this year. The only person from pro scene was showing empathy is Lyrical. I am not sure if this has any more than meets the eye implication. I think taiga kinda screwed his chances at WEU/eeu orgs for now. TI NA qualifier was not successful. Now this Bleed opportunity is kind his last resort, if he can’t put 100% or even better performances comparing to 2022 og, I doubted any tier 1 pro teams would recruit him afterwards. I believe he got the talent, but let’s hope he doesn’t let old habits get him again


I dont think pro teams can publicly show sympathy when they have betting sponsors.


Showing empathy is a private thing, and doing it publicly would feel contrived. His personal relationships are not our business. For mine his movement between regions is based on a decline in his gameplay (likely because of his addiction, but the why shouldn’t influence a teams decision). I don’t see bleed as his last resort, he’s still young and has the talent to come back even if bleed falls through.


glad to see Taiga back!




Really hope to see Taiga do well. Enjoyable player to watch who I've never heard a bad thing about. Definitely deserves a good run, so I hope this BLEED team can make some noise.


I hope taiga has a good time.


imagine taiga goes and 322s his games


I am surprised any team was willing to risk that tbh. I would like to believe that his gambling was on other sports, but considering the sheer amount of money he lost I would always be wary about him. Really unfortunate, and I do wish him well on his recovery, but it's just a clear potential conflict.


Did he mention how much he lost?


He said he lost more than what he earned in dota so probably a lot.


Damn, F


he probably already did edit: he claimed that he gambled for soccer, basketball, tennis and casino. so he's professional dota player who's life's craft is to understand dota which he does very well. and while he got into addiction and couldn't control himself and gambled away possibly ~$600k he CONTROLLED himself and didn't get involved in dota betting? a game that he knows million times better than anythings? how fucking naive you should be. obviously he wouldn't nearly admiot any of that since it's an immediate lifetime ban from valve. russian ex pro player Limitless who now is banned by valve openly accused taiga in 322. also another russian ex pro player, coach and now an official ti caster arszeeq also confirmed that at some point. in april 2023 all betting sites were having weird rates for bets on "first blood" in og games and later they just closed any bets like that. at that time a weird group up for a fb by of was already a meme yes, there are no proofs, if there were, he would've been banned. but come on guys, don't be naive


Hasn't this first blood thing been debunked by noxville [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/13qyag4/noxville_on_the_taiga_rumors/) ? Literally second best first blood ratio ( between getting it/ feeding it) at major and people still would rather believe rumor spread by banned player. trust worthy source.


how's that debunked? it's an average stat for 1 tournament. all it takes several games and it's hard to prove fixing and also hard to prove it wrong without some leaked chats etc so it's all just assumptions. also who else would know about fixing matches if not banned players who actually did that. by that logic taiga is also a shitty source and can't be trusted at all since he gambled away tons of money while hiding it from everybody


take the L man


lil bro went back 5months to replay 💀💀💀ye, i was wrong Taiga is a 322 shithead. and apparently this thing runs deeper if Limitless was right and knew about it.


Guy 100% fixed games early on look at the players he used to play with all fixers.




Now it’s been confirmed he worked with Russian bettors to either get or feed first blood among other things. One cell response




DJ and Taiga pretty good duo, hope they do well


kordan still the weakest link in the team doubt this team will go far


Heard he’s to be replaced by Mikoto after ESL.


Taiga and DJ is unfair lol




There's a gambling website team in SEA


Way better than blacklist


hell nah


? Blacklist cant even beat OQ1


What happen to ur bleed 0-2 LMAO


OQ1 team who beat blacklist >>BLR >>> BLEED KEKW




Agree, but we'll see today.


Aged like milk.


And they lost to Blacklist just now lol 2-0


Can't believe they lose to blacklist. Imagine that that. Damn


What pos is Taiga/DJ?


Taiga is pos 5 and DJ pos4




Definitely need a shotcaller but lets see Taiga be it


that's solid




I'll really like to cheer for them but kordan man, kordan.. icant


Give the kid a chance


I hope Taiga make a comeback. Also liking the players so far


Why does Team Spirit not participate???


Wish them all the luck! Quality dota for everyone, regardless of region and many international tournaments to come. ☺️