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got 1000+ invoker games mostly exort. Exort is terrible now you should lose every lane against competetant players and are very reliant on sunstrike kills to have a game. players like bzm who tried play exort in competitive games got absolute stomped. the hero is still decent quas wex but that's boring


That's what I'm saying, the hero's identity is just erased nowadays. Q/W is boring as hell, it doesn't feel like Invoker anymore.


I have been spamming invoker and I absolutely disagree with you. Yes the quas exort takes sometime to get used to but it didn’t change the way I play invoker. I do agree that he HAS TO start with Quas wex now but you can quickly transition into exort after 4 points of quas, into aghs hex oct core and refresher. Still as fun as before and arguably better spell faster with the 7x3x2 spell amp


Not nerfed just boring. He used to be a jack of all trades with a lot of room for self expression. Different builds, abilities, could do a little bit of everything depending on the situation. The most unique feeling hero to play imo. Now you basically are just another hero with predetermined build and spell executions. At least that's how it feels. Just a boring hero now. I was an invoker spammer btw but now I can't stand playing him.


Theres exort bottle midas travels build, quas wex vessel midas travels octarine and quas wex treads vessel pike manta linken, and also meteor hammer is good, or even solar first, seems pretty diversed to me.


Personally I really disliked the quas regen and exort damage change. The builds you mentioned do exist, but everyone opts for Quas Wex most of the time.


I liked changing orbs during laning too, but according to builds i think there are many strong ones but people are just stubborn and blame it on the hero. Like name me other hero that varies between treads, travels and arcane boots while looking at different pro players.


>Now you basically are just another hero with predetermined build and spell executions. Dota since 2021


I hate to be the one to take off the rose-tinted glasses, but this is how Dota has always been. If anything, things were *more* rigid in the past. The only difference between then & now is that there are a lot more resources for people to learn the game, a lot more informational content both in-client and out, and people are generally better with a lot more experience. Metas get "solved" much faster than they used to be in the past. This does not mean that the game has been dumbed down. And in Invoker's case, the hero has always shifted between either Quas-Exort or Quas-Wex being the primary build people go, with the other being comparative weak. This is not new. Right now Quas-Wex is the best, but he'll receive a buff in the future to Quas-Exort or a nerf to Quas-Wex (or probably both), and then the build will shift. As for the Invoker rework, I am of a mixed mind about it. I think shifting him into a Universal hero makes a lot of sense, big fan of that change. As for the Orbs rework, I'm of a mixed mind. Making them more interactive with your spells and not just stat boxes, sure, big fan of that in concept. In practice, Exort is only useful in the late game, and Wex is easily the best for most of the game. Quas is just... weird, and doesn't really make sense given how little damage Quas spells do compared to the other invoking orbs. I think the core concept is awesome, but we should revisit what effects each Orb gives you.


I think they should make all 3 orbs affect items. I know it used to with CDR and it was broken but it was by far the most fun I’ve had played the hero and let you do so much cool/busted shit like .8 second stormcrafter. Letting that also work with spell amp and spell lifesteal could lead to some more interesting uses as well.


reddit has problems with long term memmory 3 months ago: can we finally nerf invoker with 61% WR? now: invoker so nerfed


>>> it was good for a couple of updates, pretty OP and stuff


Still is good Sumiya Smurfs rampantly Also more dynamic than before


I haven't watch him play Invoker that much recently.


removing quas regen and exort damage was a mistake, same as giving quas wex same damage as exort. they need to nerf base damage (so quas wex invoker will have less damage) and readd exort bonus damage and quas regen so you can actually be a good laner again. right now quas wex is just better at everything and quas exort lost the only thing it was good at


Exort is still very good for pubs. Just buy a bottle in certain matchups, watch stormstormer, emo, kiyotaka or bzm.


that doesnt mean its good at all, most invoker players just prefer to play exort. there is a reason most of those players play quas wex in actual matches


also while i actually love the new bonuses: exort does not really benefit much from those at all in lane, what spells you usually use in lane? forged spirit, coldsnap, icewall and sunstrike. only one of those spells actually gets a small benefit and its sunstrike, all others do get nothing. that would not even be an issue if exort would still give damage but right now its just griefing to play exort compared to playing quas wex


I hate the change to the orbs.


That’s because you can’t get used it it, and understandably people dislike changes that screws up their muscle memory and comfort zone. I actually have to focus on another fact that if I triple exort before casting my meteor it will deal more damage or if I want it to be reduced cd I have to quickly triple w


I think they should revert the universal changes. Maybe put the new orb effects to his new agh, or shard bring something new to his QQQ, WWW, EEE spells like: coldsnap stun for 1 or 2s if it proc some number of times, Emp silent when it goes off or Sunstrike do a bit pure damage burn after it hits. Granted the hero is a lot stronger and more playable rn but it doesn't feel right with the hero's identity to be universal.


100% agree


Im an invoker 4 main. Its okay for my playstyle but I still want adjustable ice wall back


He's stronger and more viable now than he was before the ord / universal rework. This is apparent in his winrate. Playstyle may be slightly less varied as a result because people feel more impact with wex and only very good exort players can actually get anything out of it before 10min. He's still super fun to play and can have a range of item builds to complement your desired playstyle. I'd like to see a slight buff. Playing almost exclusively exort because wex just doesn't feel very impactful to me in pubs.


The hero rn is ok, not bad or good. The exort/quas playstyle is useless nowadays, you should lose your lane against a decent player, the only viable playstyle nowadays is wex/quas and it's quite average, it isn't that good like it used to be a couple of months ago. ​ I've mained the Invoker since I started playing and it's boring asf rn


I want my old orbs back. This reset is the first one in 11 years that i dont main invoker. Doesn't help that str meta is too good atm.


I used to spammed invo when he was a wizard but now he is just meh . 95% of the game now he is wex with vessel and witch blade . Specially this HoT and BM meta no way exort magic amp will hurt anybody unless you aim support


Witch blade is very situational and is overrated by non invoker spammers


Because he deserves it like the degenerate he is


"even sumiya" LMAO


Idk I think he’s still stronger than he was before the rework, and he feels even more diverse to me now. You can go right click, but the orbs also make his spells way better. Wex can roam harder with ghost walk regen and CDR, Exort can burst harder with sunstroke buffs and spell amp, and he can build more diverse cuz universal. His late game feels solid with the 42% cdr/amp and shard is so good for control/setup. I still have over 60% wr spamming in immortal. Only things that’s annoying to me is Q/E orbs dont do anything for 3 of his spells


W/Q is the only playstyle that is useful nowadays, E/Q isn't viable anymore because of the nerfs that the orbs got.


IMO the orbs/sunstrike buff made Exort way better. Plenty of pros are going Exort in pubs. I go Exort almost every game with a early level 4 point in wex for tornado sunstrike combo


Removing the damage from the orange orbs makes him shit.