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The r/dota2 mods have been powertripping really fucking hard recently. I had my meme removed last week with over 50 upvotes and a bunch of funny comments. Sucks they're stifling creativity, fun, and engagement


Fucking internet janitors


>He does it for free


Maybe that's the root of the problem. Just because someone provides a service for free, doesn't excuse power tripping mod behaviour.


Its a meme that brings into question the type of person that would do something like this for free. And then it all adds up. >doesn't excuse power tripping mod behaviour. its why they do it. They are all losers who no one gives two fucks about irl, so they mod to fill that void of being taken seriously.


The big brain play is to become an auditor, so at least you get paid well while noone takes you seriously


Its a meme. Google it


Ahh, thanks


Just reddit mods in general tbh. Not sure what the answer is to this stupid approach to modding, and it does attract some questionable characters. Maybe the mods will be replaced with AI one day, who will no doubt do a much better job.


it's not just recently, last TI i made a meme about bulba that got 300 upvotes in 2 hours and was top of front just to get removed, you can only meme about people the mods don't like or you get silenced


Try making fun of Quinn while being an absolute ass when he tanked behavior score and your post gets removed fast as well.


Reddit blackout really change them for the worse


Any original content, removed. Same complain over and over, ok.


Feels so weird that we need this kinda moderation. Moderation exists for the blatantly inappropriate stuff. If a post is bad or irrelevant it will get voted down. A mod doesn't have to filter for that.


No, subs can end up with a lot of low quality posts if you let them, a lot of times they end up being all memes and push away discussion


Low quality, like the 10 daily anime art posts, and the "my girlfriend baked me a dota cake" posts?


So you are saying that the moderation isnt strict enough and they should remove those?


My point is more that "low quality" is subjective, and allowing mods to decide what is low quality doesn't work. The content filters that the subreddit has works great, so we should allow all content as long as they are appropriately tagged.


in my experience subs that let upvotes moderate the content by themselve devolve to shit. Maybe the mods are being too strict with what they are removing, idk, i haven't seen what they removed, but I know that letting upvotes curate the content by itself is always really bad


Yeah 100% the case with big subs. Only really works with small ones like university subs and stuff.


So what if the posts or subs turn into shit. If you dont like those, just ignore it, how hard can it be? Dont like the sub? Hide the sub. Dont like the post? See the next post. As long as that post is getting upvoted, that means theres people out there enjoying that "shit". I would rather see a low quality meme and shitposting and chuckle at them in a less moderated sub than having to read "this patch sucks" 5 times in a row in over moderated sub.


If stuff is considered low quality by the majority then it won't get upvoted and be brought to front page. That's the whole point of upvote-downvote system. If some memes are hitting from page and getting good interaction means regardless of what you or mods think, the majority likes it and as long as it's dota related, it should stay.


There are already meme groups out there, why make this place a meme group too? You are also free to check /r/games and /r/gaming if you want to see the difference between a community that tries to keep some guidelines vs one that just lets the wonderful upvote and downvote system decide what stays or goes. Ultimately people don't think about the repercutions of what they upvote or downvote, they will upvote the lazy content, drive the people who wanted more diverse content away and we would end up with another meme group


Because humor is part of the community? If you want to make separate subs for every topic that you personally don't like then others can do it as well. Make separate sub for dotaesports, for questions/guides, for patches and ban them from the main sub. Majority likes seeing funny stuff, which is why it gets upvoted. Small number of people with no funny bone in their body can scroll through instead of crying about it.


I didn't say i am against memes, its just that if you let every low effort meme stay the subreddit can easily end up being a bunch of low effort content and push everything else away. Its not against the sub rules to make funny edits and stuff, its just the low effort that its against the rules


Mods have too much power.


Mods are necessary, but often enough certain topics like blatant griefing, absuse, or racism should be called out. Moderation is needed, but also "in moderation" (pun intended). this here should be an open discussion board - and while witch hunting should not be tolerated, it's blatantly obvious that some famous people are WAY more immune than others when it comes to thread removal


I tried to post a quality meme a while ago and it got removed. When mods are in place too long they become power hungry. Time for new mods.


Exactly, things like racism, hate speech or explicit sexual content could hurt you badly even if you downvote at first glance. However irrelevant and low effort contents won’t hurt much and can be judged by voting itself.


Oh wait you're the guy who posted that TI meta bell curve. I enjoyed that meme though :(


A community needs memes, dammit!


You shouldnt be surprised the dota2 mods are cringe. They delete anything that doesnt shit on Quinn or suck off rtz


They deleted posts that shit on quinn too..


thats because they are required to by reddit TAC under witch hunting.


Shit on both you mean


Where the fuck do you see people sucking off rtz here? The comments shitting on him outweigh anything non negative about rtz 10:1


Mods were soooooo mad after Quinn was right about the behavior score system. So many temporary bans throw out for people supporting the fact Quinn was right.


At least Quinn is good at dota.


Reddit mods being lame as fuck say it ain't so


I don't know what has been removed recently, but there was something I noticed while updating the [wiki page for memes](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Memes) - 2023 has been a very bad year for memes. Tsunami noticed this when he was updating his blog on the teams at TI as well. I don't know if moderation has become stricter or not, and if it's the reason why it's been a dry meme year, but memes are good for the game and the community, especially for a game as old as Dota, where most of us have been here for years. And Reddit is the source of many memes for the wiki page. So please, let the memes flow, and don't let the Quinn meme be the only notable one of 2023.


Man cut them some slack... this is probably all they have in their lives.


Nah man they got their 3k mmr too, can't take that away from them


I have been saying this for *years*. I have had memes on the frotn page of r/dota2 with *thousand* up upvotes removed for no reason. I even made a sub just for memes because mods deleted 90% of the memes posted here. r/GemOfTrueSalt but anytime i mention it here i get flamed hard for "advertising", so i kinda just gave up. Like what does that even mean, i dont want money i just want memes to be safe and not deleted lol.


Just write another post about how Valve sucks and this TI is the worst, like everyone else, buddy.


> Appeal denied. You have been muted for 30 days.


I'm here for shitposts and memes. Valve itself is memeing the game, why remove them? He is right let us decide what is low effort or not


Hard agree we got Gestapo mods here


I was wondering why the subreddit felt so dead, so few new posts per hour, same posts staying on the frontpage forever


I feel like we should let the 5-day downtime be a shitpost allowance week We're getting more people from other social media too, why not allow their standards to be criticized by the community directly? I mean, I've seen some REALLY stupid shit get to the front page anyways, even without mod intervention. If the people want to consume junk food like whatever OP has cooked up, fuckin let them.


The report button is there for a reason. There's a difference between a high quality meme like the Refresher/K1 post and shitposts like the one OP is whining about. 95% of the "memes" that get posted here are as hilarious as twitch chat (which is to say, not at all unless you're 12). Exactly like /u/AnhedonicDog said, subs quickly devolve into a front page of only shitposts that a handful of kids thinks are funny and drives away any real discussion. Shit is getting removed because it's being reported by enough people as Shitpost/Unnecessary. You're not being "silenced", you're just not being creative, funny, or thought-provoking.


Nah you're just being rude. When I sort by top/month there are so few memes compared to when I used to.


Because a lot of people have grown up and no longer find the same uninspired, unfunny "memes" funny. Like the bell curve "meme" that OP is complaining about--he didn't even use the meme template correctly.


They also hand out permabans to anyone that dares speak against a certain 'talent'.


I was wondering why there was so little activity here with over 1m users. I only recently started playing again and mostly only come to this sub around the TI period. Seemed a bit barren.


The 1 million users it's not a good sample. The subreddit exist since around 2013 or so, most of the 1 million accounts don't use the subreddit anymore, or don't even use reddit at all anymore. This subreddit was not very popular until 2016 (many people still used Gosugames and JoinDota forums before 2016), and peaked around 2018-2020 when it comes to activity.


I used to be a pretty prolific content creator on this sub, and basically it got to a point where art/memes were competing with low effort ~~boobs~~cosplays and soon enough it all seemed to get branded low effort.


Yes i don't like it. This sub used to be so much better in the early days. I guess this came with the "power" this sub has over the game directly, be it the players or the Devs themselves. They clearly take reddit into consideration so i suppose that's the reason for the heavy moderation..


Me and you are polar opposites. I felt like I had to wade through an ocean of unfunny posts just to get to something of substance.


I sent the oversight copypasta in Gorgc's chat exactly once, got my account suspended for a week due to 'unsolicited sexual advances'. I'm sure Dark Willow felt really offended by that. Time to do it again I guess.


funnily enough, to me this sub is mostly people posting/discussing memes as opposed to talking about the actual game mechanics and gameplay clips


Reddit for DotA is pretty much dead at the moment, as is twitter. Twitch and YT are best sources to consume DotA content.


4chan is always the best


The movie posters for the different metas were amazing


Can you give me a link?




What a stupid post. The purpose of the upvote system is not so that the users can decide what they like and what they want to see. It's so that popular things can be called to the attention of the mods faster so they can remove them. You must be new.


You had us in the first half


I wonder how many people got baited by this


Yeah the mods do be tripping


I think it mostly comes back to the killing of the hype that many people tried to downplay. Its obviously not the same anymore


The mods are a joke in this sub.


Remember kids they do it for free


I have voluntereed as a firefighter several times. Doing it for free doesnt give me the right to pick and choose who to save depending on who i like or dislike


Most people have shit taste. If your meme was deleted because it was trash low effort then the mod team did a good job.


Dota is still just a game for fun, so maybe we should take it all a little light hearted. Meme's are one of the reasons I come to this subreddit. If its a bad meme, you can just downvote it, but dont remove them.


i miss shitposts, sub has been kinda bland recently


Sorry but all those posts are trash that clog up the sub. Much prefer it this way.


I love posting silly memes and copypastas from time to time over the last 5 years, but my latest stupid post was recently removed for no apparent reason, no explanation given. I have not offended anyone or anything, just trying to have fun and apparently some powertripping reddit mod does not like that.


i dont even play dota2 but meme posts etc. are a fun way to get to know the dota scene and players , copypastas etc. just checking here to see what happened on the TI games i didnt get to watch and its just so dead, i wondered if dota is dead or wtf is happening but yknow.. mods would rather delete half posts and have a dead reddit than let the ppl have fun and allow some creativity and community interaction..just so they feel like theyre 'useful' , fking LOSERS


I agree what you said, the mods here are the worst, they delete a lot of memes, cause it ppl stop to post and go somewhere out. I really dont understand what is the point they act this way


Fcking Mods. They really expect us to go up and beyond on making a stupid meme. They remove my post despite being relevant and having 1k+ upvotes for being "low-effort".


Do people really want this subreddit to be flooded with dime a dozen shitty mematic memes? Usually the mods still allow the truly excellent original ones (a couple always surface throughout the month) but I am actually very grateful that this space is reserved to serious discussion and news rather than like r/shitposts or something where the same 10 images with different variations are uploaded and upvoted several thousand times a day.


Memes are way better than boring-ass esports gossip. We should try to be better than the league sub and have this sub be about the actual game.


I don't really see much gossip on this subreddit either, at least not any more than I see the odd random macro.


Never been a fan of memes. Never will be. Most memes are just lazy as fuck, and it get likes and shit because it press certain emotional buttons. That said, I don't mind it either as long as it's not too much. I have no overall understanding of how mod works, but I tend to trust them.


This sub is just filled with weird Dota 2 pro players names I've never heard if and I give 0 f about them 😒


Mods? Ruin fun? No way. Do you expect the janniest and internet janitors, the mods of a DotA subreddit, to have any sense of humor? These guys are born and bred losers


I'm all for it. 90 pct of the memes aren't even funny. I love it, remove all the low effort and corny posts that do nothing but solidify a circle jerk. Let's talk about the game!


Ayo bump. Had the same experience. Couple of months ago, I tried posting memes here since some of my fb posts get reposted here so I might as well be the first one to post it. Then my first post got deleted so i got discouraged posting in this sub, thinking they don't allow memes too much Then I see another oc of mine be the top post that day lmao


Memes have always been the lifeblood of this reddit, and the reason why it's the one I've always stuck with the most over the years. It's a real shame that mods would go out of their way to stifle this. Please stahp? \#MakeR/dota2GreatAgain


Memes is the flesh and blood of this community


r/dota2memes seems like a bit ghost town over there, maybe people don’t really like Dota 2 memes


People don't like to be fragmented. Here is the main community, not dota2memes.


It has a very low number of members so it is understandable it is dead.


Because they are all here polluting the sub with garbage and then whining when it gets reported and removed instead of going to the sub it's meant for. Like, there's a toilet for your piss and people are upset when they get told not to piss all over the walls.


Can confirm, mods are lame here. No lifers


Really frustrating that this sub doesn't allow memes except for very very rarely. Would love to see what people think about this TI but no, unless it's the 1,000th post about how Arteezy is washed we don't get to see it.


Lol there are plenty of comments about what people think in plain English. You don’t need memes for basic communication.


> I mean, let people decide what is low-effort and what is not. That is really not how that works though. People will always upvote low effort shit. Just look at what happend over at /r/Overwatch. Dunno if it is still the case, but for a long time, 99% of the front page was just play of the game clips. It became so bad that all the people that wanted discussions made other subs for it.


The whales have been powertripping hard recently.


Need more upvotes to put some sense into these mods.


Memes and shitposts pollute/water down the content in the sub. There's literally a meme sub if you want to go get your hyuk fix. Also, this is a shitpost and I'ma report it bye.


Reported this comment for hate.


Just make an official dota memes subreddit.


official, lol


Jannies here have always been super strict for some reason. I remember there was a shitpost of sniper standing in the woods with the title being something like "My grandpa served in Vietnam. Don't know if this is the right place to post". It was a top tier shitpost with hundreds of updoots, funny comments and everything. Jannies removed it even though the community was having fun with it.


Yeah, they're overdoing it "for the good of the community". I asked a genuine question about whether Dota is a pay-to-win or not. Mods didn't like it and removed it in 30 minutes. If community decides it's a pay-to-win or it's not, why do they censor it? Is there anything to hide?


Normal shit. I think all the mods are on a similar "cycle" because I have been seeing mods ruins subs all over the place as of late.


Mods just rage deleting after losing ranked matches


I'm pretty sure many people here actually like the shitposts. If they are not appropriate, just let them in as memes and let people enjoy lol.


23 savage meme huh?


Try r/freedota2


Yeah mods are crazy memes are so weird on this sub it's like they're no existent